
Professor Espinoza
Spring 2012
Person and Work of the Holy Spirit
Two Views on the Holy Spirit, Weeks 1 & 2
[100 points each week]
Directions: In 2-3 pages, summarize the two views represented in chapters 1 and 2 of
Grudem’s, Are Miraculous Gifts for Today? Four Views. After outlining each point of
view, summarize the critiques of each view as discussed in the book. Next week, do the
same for chapters 3 and 4.
Holy Spirit in the Bible, Weeks 2-4
[100 points each week]
Directions: The following list of biblical passages contains some of the most prominent Biblical
discussion of the Holy Spirit or Spiritual Gifts. In about 2-3 pages per week, discuss the context
and content of the weekly assigned passages. Limit your focus to just the assigned passages,
letting each book of the Bible speak for itself. We will synthesize the material later on in the
class; for now, the point is for you to try and understand each book of the Bible on its own.
For example, the discussion for Week 2 should have four sections: Ezekiel, Joel, Psalms, Isaiah.
In Ezekiel, discuss what role the Holy Spirit fulfills, but also put it in context of the historical
events to which Ezekiel belongs. Do the same for Joel, Psalm, and Isaiah.
Your discussion might begin with a word about the:
1. Title of book, approximate date of composition,
2. Author, audience
3. Writing situation (is it a message to Judah after the Babylonian Exile? Is it a biography
of Jesus? Is it a letter written to a Roman city in Asia Minor?)
4. Purpose/role/function of the Holy Spirit in the passage.
While you might need to do some basic research to remind you what was happening when
each book of the Bible was written, do not approach this as a full-blown exegesis paper. Get
just enough information to situate each book and each passage in context. You can rely entirely
on your source for the context of the passage, but your observations on the text should be
based largely on your own interaction with the primary texts.
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Professor Espinoza
Spring 2012
Text for Week 2
Ezekiel 36, esp. 36:24-32; 39, esp 39:25-29.
Joel 2
Ps 51
Is 10:20-11:16; 63
Texts for Week 3
1. John 1:29-34; 14-16; Matt 3:11; Mark 1:8
2. Luke 3:16; 11:13; 24:9
3. Acts 1:4-8; 2; 4:7-8, 31; 5; 8:14-20; 9:17-19; 10:44-48; 11:15-16; 13:2-9; 15:28; 16:6-10;
19:1-7; 21:4
Texts for Week 4
Romans 12
Ephesians 4
1 Corinthians 12-14
1 Peter 4:7-12
Spiritual Gifts
[100 points]
Read chapters 1-14 in Berding’s What are Spiritual Gifts? In 2-3 pages, discuss the
“Special Abilities” versus “Spiritual Ministries” views of the Spiritual Gifts. Also discuss
how the Pauline contexts of the specific words and lists affects how one understands
the Spiritual Gift Lists in Ephesians, Romans, and 1 Corinthians.
Internalizing the Spiritual Gifts
[100 points]
Read chapters 15-22- in Berding’s What are Spiritual Gifts? In 2-3 pages, discuss the broader
themes in Paul’s letters that have relevance to understanding Spiritual Gifts. Also discuss
potential implications and applications of a responsible understanding of Spiritual Gifts.
Holy Spirit and Christian Origins
[100 points]
1) Write an abstract for each of the following articles from The Holy Spirit and Christian Origins:
a. “Unity and Diversity in New Testament Talk of the Spirit”
b. “The Breath of Life: John 20:22-23 Once More”
c. “Rome’s Victory and God’s Honour: The Jerusalem Temple and the Spirit of God
in Lukan Theodicy”
d. “The Spirit and Salvation in Luke-Acts”
e. “Pauline Pneumatology and Pauline Theology”
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Professor Espinoza
Spring 2012
f. “The Holy Spirit in 1 Corinthians: Exegesis and Reception History in the Patristic
g. “The Spirit of God in Us Loathes Envy: James 4:5”
h. “ ‘Test the Spirits’: God, Love, and Critical Discernment in 1 John 4”
2) You will be assigned a specific article or articles for which you will give a presentation in class.
In your presentation, be prepared to summarize and then interact with the contents of the
article/s. In your interaction, be prepared to discuss the potential ramifications of the article for
contemporary spirituality.
Term Paper
[200 points]
Write a 10-15 page paper that compares and contrasts the opinions expressed in the Berding, the
Grudem, and the Palma textbooks. Use the following outline as the outline of your paper:
A. Introduction
Introduce the purpose and outline of the term paper. What are you going to say
and how are you going to say it ?
B. Grudem
What are the four points of view represented in the book? What is Gruden’s
assessment of the points of view at the end of the book? What final two questions
does Gruden pose, and how does he answer them?
C. Berding
What is the conventional view, and what is his view?
How does Berding compare to the points of view represented in Grudem?
D. Palma
What is the Pentecostal Perspective on the Holy Spirit?
How does Palma’s perspective compare to Berding and to the points of view
represented in Grudem?
E. Synthesis
A church-goer asks you to explain the Holy Spirit to them. How might you
F. Conclusion
Summarize the main ideas from the term paper. Suggest where one might go for
further discussion of the Holy Spirit & contemporary Christianity.
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