Bible 10 – Exegetical Paper Rubric Support Mechanics Structure Format 5 Perfect use of MLA format. Correct placement of heading, header, and title. Paper is typed in 12 point Times New Roman, doublespaced, with 1 inch margins. The paper is structured perfectly: there are introductory, body, and conclusion paragraphs; the introductory paragraph contains a strong thesis; the body paragraphs contain topic sentences and ample support; and a conclusion wraps up the paper. Strong transitions between thoughts are used. The paper is written perfectly. Academic English is used throughout; there are no spelling errors, few (if any) grammar errors, and the paper is easy to understand. Student demonstrates a mature use of sentence structure. Paper contains effective and strong support that demonstrates an extensive understanding of the material. The development of the support is substantial, specific, relevant, and concrete. 4.5 4 3.5 3 2.5 2 1 0 Use of MLA is almost perfect. There may be one or two minor flaws in formatting. Use of MLA is strong, but flawed. There are more than one or two minor errors and/or a severe error (e.g. heading on wrong side, incorrect font or font size) Weak use of MLA. Several errors and/or omissions. Little to no evidence that the conventions of MLA were followed. Paper is not typed. The structure of the paper is very good. There may be one or two minor flaws throughout the organization and composition of the paper; however, there are a thesis, topic sentences, support, and a concluding sentence. Paragraphs are arranged in a logical manner, and transitions are present. The paper’s structure begins to undermine the reader’s ease and understanding. There may be many minor flaws or one serious flaw; however, a thesis and some support are present. Transitions are present. The paper’s structure is weak. There is a lack of organization, and the paper is partially missing several of the following: thesis, topic sentences, support, or concluding sentences. Transitions are poorly selected or sparse. The paper’s structure is weak. There is a lack of organization, and the paper is completely missing several of the following: thesis, topic sentences, support, or concluding sentences. Transitions are poorly selected or sparse. No evidence of structure and organization is present. The paper is written extremely well. Academic English is used; there are few spelling errors, few grammar errors, and the paper is easy to understand. Sentence structure is strong and free from major sentence errors. Paper contains strong support that demonstrates a thorough understanding of the material. The support is developed through ample use of specific details and examples. Errors in spelling, mechanics, or the use of academic English have begun to detract from the ability to easily read and understand the paper. The paper is written well overall with appropriate sentence structure mostly free from major sentence errors. Paper contains support that demonstrates an understanding of much of the material. The support is consistently developed, but it may lack specificity. Erratic spelling, grammar, and a poor use of academic English have made the paper difficult to comprehend. Sentence structure is weak and contains several major sentence errors. The conventions of written academic English have been mostly ignored. The paper is almost impossible to understand as a result. N/A Paper contains little support and demonstrates only a basic understanding of the material. The support may not always stay on topic and/or is considered weak or superficial, consisting of generalizations. Paper contains an attempt to include support, although the support does not stay on topic, nor does it validate the material. Paper contains no support and demonstrates a lack of understanding of the material. Bible 10 – Exegetical Paper Rubric Application Interpretation Exegesis Outline 5 4.5 4 3.5 3 2.5 2 1 0 Perfectly breaks the entire text down to individual clauses, with correct labels. Concise and accurate descriptions. Outline formatting consistent and correct. Breaks the entire text down to individual clauses, with mostly correct labels and accurate descriptions. Outline formatting consistent and correct. Breaks nearly the entire text down to individual clauses, with many correct labels and descriptions. Outline formatting is understandable. Clauses in the text are missing, and labels are not present. There are very few accurate descriptions. Outline formatting is difficult to understand. Many clauses in the text are missing, and labels are not present. Descriptions are inaccurate and outline formatting is unintelligible. Outline is missing. Historical and textual background are thoroughly investigated and explained. Extraction recaps the entire passage and perfectly applies the information gained in the background sections. Perfectly synthesizes the information gleaned from the exegesis and outline of the text to perceptively discover what the text meant to the original audience. Interpretation stays focused on the original audience. Paper meaningfully contemporizes and applies the text to the author’s life. There is a clear connection between the knowledge gained in the research and the application. Historical and textual background are well investigated and explained. Extraction recaps the entire passage and applies the information gained in the background sections. Historical and textual background are present but lack depth in investigation and explanation. Extraction recaps most of the passage and refers to the information in the background sections. Uses information gleaned from the exegesis and outline of the text to discover what the text meant to the original audience. Interpretation sometimes strays into opinion or premature application. Paper contemporizes and applies the text to the author’s life. The application, however, is disjointed and/or disconnected from the rest of the sections of the paper. Either historical or textual background are missing and there is a lack of depth in investigation and explanation. Extraction recaps some of the passage and ignores the information in the background sections. Hardly uses information gleaned from the exegesis and outline of the text and mostly fails to address what the text meant to the original audience. Interpretation is unfocused and is mostly opinion or application. Paper lacks contemporization or any real application of the text to the author’s life. The application is completely isolated from the rest of the paper and seems irrelevant to the text. Either historical or textual background are missing and information is superficial. Extraction fails to recap the passage and ignores the information in the background sections. Exegesis components missing. Does not use any information gleaned from the exegesis or outline of the text and completely fails to address what the text meant to the original audience. Interpretation components missing. Paper lacks contemporization and real application of the text to the author’s life. The application is completely irrelevant to the text. Application components missing. Synthesizes the information gleaned from the exegesis and outline of the text to discover what the text meant to the original audience. Interpretation stays focused on the original audience. Paper contemporizes and applies the text to the author’s life well. There is a connection between the knowledge gained in the research and the application. +___________ 40