Create a DBQ Sample Packet

Create a DBQ Sample Packet
Goal: provide you with an example of each of the required steps in this project to use as a model.
Most steps will be worth 20 daily points on the day that they are due but will be worth test/project
points once you turn in the whole project (which should be a revised version of the original step).
Step 1: Determine a TOPIC for your DBQ
Due _________________
Step 2: Develop your DBQ ESSAY QUESTION
Women & Movement/
Minorities Geography
Impact of
on women
Impact of
Due _________________
 A good question should be one where there is disagreement or ambiguity.
 Good starters for a question are: Analyze, Discuss changes, Why, To what extent, Compare
and contrast, Evaluate the truth of, Describe & explain, or How
 Ex. To what extent did the natural environment shape the development of the West beyond
the Mississippi and the lives of those who lived there from 1840 to 1890?
Step 3: Compile a list of DBQ OUTSIDE INFORMATION
Due _________________
This list should be at least one page single spaced and categorized.
Economic developments:
 Merchant class/middle class
 Mercantile elite influence
 Puritan work ethic
 Joint-stock companies
 Virginia company of Plymouth
 Massachusetts Bay Company
 Town/village development
 General Assembly/Court
 Property/Church requirement to vote
 Dropped after 1690s
 Puritans
 Massachusetts Economy
 Mercantile
 Fishing
 Shipbuilding
 Lumbering
 Fur
 Small farms
 Triangular Trade
Economic Developments
 Indentured servants
 Slaves
 Plantation economy/plantations
 Gold
 “Starving Time”
 Headright system
 John Rolfe (tobacco)
 John Smith
 Jamestown
 Joint Stock Company: Virignia Company of
 Cash Crops
 Tobacco
 John Winthrop
 “City on a Hill”
 Town meeting/General court
 Plymouth
 William Bradford
 Mayflower Compact
 Theocracy
 Church leaders/membership
 Salem 1792
 New England Confederation (1743)
 Revocation of Mass Bay Charter (1784)
 Dominion of New England (1696)
 Edmund Andros, Governor
 Elite rule
 Oligarchy/aristocracy
 House of Burgesses
 Bacon’s Rebellion 1676
 William Berkeley
 County government
 Revocation of Virginia charter (1624)
Common for both colonies
 Mercantilism
 Navigation Acts
 Wool Act 1699
 Hat Act 1732
 Molasses Act (1733)
 Tariffs
 Iron Act, 1750
 Elite rule
 Property ownership made white men
eligible to vote
 Indians
 Expansion caused a clash with Indians
Step 4: Develop 2 OUTLINES for your essay
Due ________________
These outlines should that answer your DBQ Question. This can be pro/con, same/different, one
factor dominates versus a second factor, etc. Each outline should be 1-2 pages long.
Outline Aggressive: In the 19th century America was consistently aggressive in its foreign policy, as
demonstrated by its actions the War of 1812, various Native American conflicts, and late nineteenth century
Body Paragraph #1
1. The US was at fault in the War of 1812 because it was so aggressive
a. Maritime:
i. US trade decrees pushed Britain & France (Macon’s Bill, Non intercourse, Embargo Acts)
ii. Leopard Incident
b. Land Hunger:
i. Public believes claims that British are buying scalps and inciting the frontier without
much evidence
ii. Fueled by racism against Native Americans (Tecumseh & Prophet)
iii. Western War Hawks most excited about war (so green not maritime issues primary
iv. Desire for Canada
v. Why not declare war on France (no gain!)
c. Nationalism & Haste
i. Overreaction generally
ii. Hasty declaration of war – let selves be tricked
Body Paragraph #2
2. The US was the more aggressive party during Indian wars of the 19th century due to both legislative
and military actions.
a. Legislative
i. Removal:
1. Jackson & Trail of Tears /Indian Removal Act
ii. Assimilation (aggressive destruction of culture) Policies
1. Christianization, Americanization, forced adoption of private property, killing of
2. Multiple acts meant to limit powers of Indians: Burke Act , Fort Laramie Treaties,
Dawes Act
b. Military
i. Multiple wars often caused by US treaty violations:
ii. War of 1812, Black Hawk War, Dakota Conflict
iii. Plains Indians military actions:
1. Repeated betrayals by individual commanders
2. Many instances of aggression: against Chief Joseph, Custer & Little Big Horn,
Sitting Bull
3. Ghost Dance Movement
4. Massacres: Wounded Knee, Sand Creek, etc
Body Paragraph #3
3. In the late 20th century the US adopted a very aggressive imperialist policy towards both small
countries and major powers.
a. Military Aggression:
i. Spanish American War, Cuba & Philippines
1. Failure to listen to Spain when they wanted peace
2. Taking Philippines for no real reason other than TR wanted them
3. Overreaction to Maine explosion, due to yellow journalism
b. Economic Aggression:
i. Commodore Perry and the opening of Japan to the East: through examples of force and
invoking fear Commodore Perry was able to make the Japanese open trading ports
ii. High Tariffs: greatly hurt the trading powers of other countries by increasing tax rates on
iii. Forced takeovers of Caribbean nations “dollar diplomacy” to safeguard US corporations
c. Political Aggression:
i. Hawaii: American planters initiated a revolt for US takeover
ii. Panama Canal: instead of working out a deal on prices, used force by bringing ships to
start a revolt against Colombia
Step 5: Gather DOCUMENTS
Due _________________
Be certain that you balance the documents so that they can be included in multiple sub-sections of
your Outline (#4). Include at least:
 1 cartoon
 1 photograph
 4 written documents or transcribed speeches. Edit the documents so that they are an
appropriate length (ex. Don’t include the entire Constitution, only applicable sections).
Document D
Source: On his return from Mecca, Malcolm X (March, 1964)
"I don't speak against the sincere, well-meaning, good white people. I have learned that there
are some. I have learned that not all white people are racists. I am speaking against and my
fight is against the white racists. I believe that Negroes have the right to fight against these
racists, by any means that are necessary.
I am for violence if non-violence means we continue postponing a solution to the American
black man's problem - just to avoid violence. I don't go for non-violence if it also means a
delayed solution. To me a delayed solution is a non-solution. Or I'll say it another way. If it
must take violence to get the black man his human rights in this country, I'm for violence..."
Due _______________
For each of the Documents list “DOCUMENT INFORMATION” and “INFERENCES” Note: please
use the correct bibliographic reference for each of your sources. If in doubt, consult
Inferences would be educated guesses that the reader might make, relating the information in the
document to larger trends or interpreting the document’s meaning.
Document E: United Indian Nations, Speech at Confederate Council, 1786
Brethren of the United States of America. It is now more than three years since peace was made between the King of Great Britain
and you, but we the Indians, were disappointed, finding ourselves not included in that peace … for we thought that its conclusion
would have promoted a friendship between the United States and the Indians … You kindled your council fires where you thought
proper, without consulting us, at which you held separate treaties and have entirely neglected our plan of having a
general conference with the different nations of the confederacy.
Document Information:
 Expresses disappointment at not being included in the peace treaty
 Observes that the conclusion of the war would have promoted friendship
 Expresses displeasure at separate treaties with different nations
 Complains of neglect of a general council with the different nations
 Native Americans were not included in the making of the Treaty of Paris
 The United States was pursuing a divisive policy of separate treaties with individual trives
 Native Americans were apprehensive about relations with the US