WHAT DO YOU KNOW ABOUT THE CIVIL WAR? The NORTH was known as the __________________________ and wore _____________ colored uniforms. The SOUTH was known as the___________________________ and wore _____________ colored uniforms. ____________________________________________________ PRE-READING WEB QUEST: Start by visiting www.civilwar.com Check out the Interactive Battle Map. Find Virginia. Find Manassas 1. ~ What other name was the first battle of Manassas called? ~ What date did this battle occur? ~ Which side won? Click on “Overview” on the top menu. Under “Causes,” the root causes of the Civil War can be broken down into ___________________________________, ______________________________, _____________________________ and ___________________________________. Click on “Weapons of the Civil War Soldiers.” What two non-injuring uses did a bayonet have? _______________________________ and ______________________________ Why were the bullets made of soft lead so dangerous? ___________________________________________________________________ Click on “Sickness and Disease in the Civil War.” What odd nickname did doctors in the infirmary have? Why do you think they got this nickname? SOLDIER’S HEART VOCABULARY – CONTEXT CLUES & AFFIXES INSTRUCTIONS: Throughout this novel, you are to define words by using context clues, prefixes, root words, and suffixes. EXAMPLE: FOREWORD, page xiii. “War is always, in all ways, appalling. Lives are stopped in youth, worlds are ended, and even for those who survive – and the vast majority of soldiers who go to war do survive – the mental damage done is often permanent.” PAGE xiii WORD appalling DEFINITION To cause a terrible feeling or dismay CLUES TO THE MEANING Lives stopped, worlds ended, mental damage done EXAMPLE: FOREWARD, page xiii “What they have seen and been forced to do is frequently so horrific and devastating that it simply cannot be tolerated by the human psyche.” PAGE xiii WORD horrific DEFINITION Causing horror CLUES TO THE MEANING Horror is the root word of horrific EXAMPLE: FOREWARD, page xiii “It is called post-traumatic stress disorder by those who try to cure it.” PAGE xiii WORD post-traumatic DEFINITION To happen after something painful CLUES TO THE MEANING The prefix post- means after. Traumatic has the root word trauma, which means a wound. EXAMPLE: FOREWARD, page xiv “They give it a technical name in the attempt to make something almost incomprehensible understandable, in the hope that, by doing this, they will make it curable.” PAGE xiv WORD incomprehensible DEFINITION Not understandable CLUES TO THE MEANING The opposite meaning of understandable is placed right next to it in the sentence. Soldier's Heart is based on a true story about a fifteen-year-old boy in Minnesota named Charley Goddard who lies about his age to join the First Volunteers of Minnesota to fight in the Civil War. Some of the events and time sequences are not completely factual, but the essential elements of the book's story are true FOREWARD READING: List the similar terms from reading the context of the novel’s Foreward section. Modern Term WWII Term WWI Term Civil War Term Post-traumatic stress disorder CHAPTER 1 TIME PLACE SETTING & CHARACTER: MAIN CHARACTER NAME & DESCRIPTION INITIAL CONFLICT VOCABULARY PAGE 1 WORD hullabaloo 3 regiment 6 slogans DEFINITION CLUES TO THE MEANING CHAPTER 2 TIME PLACE SETTING & CHARACTER: WHAT’S IT LIKE TO BE A SOLDIER? CONFLICT / PROBLEMS VOCABULARY PAGE 7 WORD stout 10 expend 12 formation DEFINITION CLUES TO THE MEANING CHAPTER 3 TIME PLACE SETTING & CHARACTER: DESCRIBE THE PEOPLE HE IS ENCOUNTERING CONFLICT / PROBLEMS VOCABULARY PAGE 15 WORD initially 17 sympathizers 18 conscious 19 profanity 20 infect DEFINITION CLUES TO THE MEANING CHAPTER 4 TIME PLACE SETTING & CHARACTER: WAIT. WHAT JUST HAPPENED? CONFLICT / PROBLEMS VOCABULARY PAGE 22 WORD grade 26 amid DEFINITION CLUES TO THE MEANING CHAPTER 5 TIME PLACE SETTING & CHARACTER: WHY WERE THEY LIED TO? CONFLICT / PROBLEMS VOCABULARY PAGE 30 WORD ravenously 36 measured DEFINITION CLUES TO THE MEANING CHAPTER 6 TIME PLACE SETTING & CHARACTER: WHY EAT A WHOLE PIE? CONFLICT / PROBLEMS VOCABULARY PAGE 41 WORD expired 43 inevitability 43 prosperous 44 forage 44 dysentery DEFINITION CLUES TO THE MEANING CHAPTER 7 TIME PLACE SETTING & CHARACTER: WHY IS WAR “STUPID”? CONFLICT / PROBLEMS VOCABULARY PAGE 60 WORD morale 60 latrines 61 doled 62 dire 63 adept DEFINITION CLUES TO THE MEANING CHAPTER 8 TIME PLACE SETTING & CHARACTER: NEIGH! EXPLAIN: CONFLICT / PROBLEMS VOCABULARY PAGE 71 WORD DEFINITION commandeered 73 impending 75 dappled 76 foliage 76 din 79 canter CLUES TO THE MEANING CHAPTER 9 TIME PLACE SETTING & CHARACTER: EXPLAIN “AT LAST HE WAS RIGHT?” CONFLICT / PROBLEMS VOCABULARY PAGE 92 WORD batteries 92 barrage 93 tableau DEFINITION CLUES TO THE MEANING CHAPTER 10 TIME PLACE SETTING & CHARACTER: IS 21 “TOO OLD?” CONFLICT / PROBLEMS VOCABULARY PAGE 101 WORD corrosion DEFINITION CLUES TO THE MEANING This chapter begins and ends with Charlie thinking of “all the pretty things”. Why? _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ Explain one of the themes of this story: _____________________________________________________________________________________ How does Charlie’s character drive the theme of this story? _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________