Position Title - Salvation Army Australia

The Salvation Army Australia Southern Territory
Position Title
Registered Nurse
Employee Name
James Barker House
Organisational Unit /
Nov 2014
Adult Services, Melbourne Central Division
The Salvation Army, an international movement, is an evangelical part of the universal Christian Church. Its message is based on the Bible. Its ministry is
motivated by the love of God. Its mission is to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ and to meet human need in His name without discrimination.
The mission of The Salvation Army Australia Southern Territory is
The values of The Salvation Army Australia Southern Territory are:
Transforming Lives: working for personal renewal through Jesus Christ,
that touches and integrates the whole person.
Human Dignity: respecting the sanctity of human life as being made in
image of God. We affirm the worth and capacity of all people.
Caring for People: engaging with others in need, without discrimination
Making Disciples: patterning lives on Jesus
Justice: acting with integrity and fairness, without discrimination, and being
an advocate for the disadvantaged; managing all resources responsibly as
stewards. We promote healthy and whole relationships, and good society.
Reforming Society: acting on the structures of society to restore justice
Hope: sharing the gospel of Jesus as a gracious invitation to wholeness.
We work for reconciliation, healing and transformation for all people and
Compassion: engaging with others in the Spirit of Jesus. We feel
compelled to stand with and do something about another’s suffering.
Community: owning our common humanity as we engage with people,
working and journeying together, for mutual capacity building. We build
community and meet with God in our encounter with others.
All employees in non-ministry positions in The Salvation Army are expected to work in accordance with the Australia Southern Territory’s mission and values and
comply with Official Minutes, policies and procedures.
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Position reports to
Clinical Care Manager
Position Purpose
The management of nursing and complex care for residents
Registered Nurse (current registration with Nursing & Midwifery Board)
Experience in a clinical management role within an ageing in place environment
Current satisfactory police check
Registered psychiatric nurse
Computer literacy in MS Office; Word and Excel
Qualifications or further study in gerontology or Alcohol and other drugs
Membership/participation in relevant professional organisations e.g. Royal College of Nursing Australia
Award (if applicable)
Resource Management
Direct Reports
EENs, Clinical Team leaders, PCA staff
Employees must have a current (not more than 3 years old) Police Certificate and Commonwealth Statutory Declaration
which has been assessed against the requirements of the Aged Care Act and Salvation Army policy to determine the
person’s suitability to working in aged care
Current Victorian Drivers Licence
RN Grade Commensurate with qualifications
According to the EBA TITLE and or Contract
and experience of candidate
of Employment
Total staff
management (EFT)
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Personal Competencies Required
Job Competencies Required
 Willingness to work in accordance with The Salvation Army’s mission
and values, and comply with Oofficial Minutes, policies and procedures
 Demonstrated understanding of the specialised needs of JBH
residents including drug and alcohol issues
 Commitment to the principles of Social Justice and to working with an
extremely disadvantaged client group
 Excellent interpersonal and communication skills. This includes the
ability to provide clinical direction
 Ability to provide technical nursing advice, manage complex care and
problem solve
 Experience in accreditation and compliance requirements
 Ability to provide clinical documentation to meet ACFI and
accreditation requirements
 Demonstrated ability to organise care team and manage own
 Commitment to lifelong learning and continuous improvement in
resident care
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Key Result
Key Accountabilities
Understand and uphold the Charter of Resident’s Rights
and Responsibilities
Demonstrate an understanding of the unique needs of each
resident including cultural; model an empathetic approach
and positive attitude
Consult with residents / representatives to ensure the
delivery of resident focused care. Involve
residents/representatives in decisions about their care and
Review all comments, compliments and complaints as these
relate to care. Communicate and follow up actions to
initiator and document
Investigate and resolve issues of complaint regarding care
and document resident level of satisfaction
Assist the manager in the use of resident contracts where
residents may be non-compliant (e.g. JBH smoking and
alcohol programs) to discharge duty of care to all residents /
Oversee care each shift and ensure continuity of care from
previous shift. This includes checking the clinical roster and
ensuring appropriate allocations i.e. delegation of care
Ensure handovers provide effective and timely
communication of care issues e.g. falls
Undertake resident observations each shift (vital signs)
Assess, plan, implement and evaluate care to accreditation
Standard Measures
Timely access to information/advocacy on rights e.g.
completion of resident orientation checklist, access to
current resident handbook/advocate/meetings
Evidence of empathy for residents and ability to provide
flexible care in accordance with residents needs and
Evidence of timely care consultation with
residents/representatives e.g. signed consultations on care
plan/resident living agreement
Develop individualised care plans and resident living
agreements that are person centred
Resident/representative satisfaction with care & outcomes
e.g. comments, complaints, survey
Timely action and resolution of complaints, includes
reporting of serious complaints to manager within 24 hours
and actions to address
Evidence of positive outcomes for residents as per
residents’ goals
Implementation of resident contracts and follow-up of
actions in the event of ongoing non-compliance.
Documentation in the progress notes
Evidence of appropriate allocations/delegations each shift
e.g. sick residents are allocated to more experienced staff
Current, accurate handover sheet; review daily
Evidence of effective handover/communication processes
between RNs each shift
Documentation of observations and follow up as required
Evidence of appropriate clinical care e.g. current
assessment and care-planning documentation, timely care
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Key Result
Key Accountabilities
Standard Measures
and professional nursing standards
Undertake specialised nursing assessments e.g. Cornell,
plan review & evaluations, progress notes
Monitor and manage SNC/complex care e.g. BGLs,
complex pain and complex wound management
All high care residents have care-plans signed off at least
monthly & updated as care needs change. All complex
health care is signed off by RN
Liaise with doctor/allied health staff and ensure care
changes are documented, communicated and implemented
Specialised nursing care in progress notes, care plans and
tracking via SNC register and timely referrals
Ensure residents receive appropriate clinical care; ensure
care for “resident of the day” (ROD) is delivered and
Monthly resident of the day documentation; signed by RN
and evidence of relevant follow up
Evidence of effective monitoring and management of clinical
issues / changing healthcare needs, accidents and incidents
e.g. falls / violence aggression, unintended weight loss /
Evidence of the identification / reporting of clinical risk and
the prioritisation of clinical care
Evidence of timely referral to medical officer, transfer to
Evidence of monitoring of pathology and timely reports to
medical officer e.g. INR, Epilim levels, LFTs, FBE, Hb1Ac,
As part of ROD process – evaluate care and document.
This includes timely referral to other health providers e.g.
G.P., physiotherapist, dietician, podiatrist, speech
pathologist, APATT
Timely follow up of clinical issues and identification of
clinical risk e.g. falls, wounds, infections, agitation, violence,
absconders, pain, and adverse change in resident condition
Timely reporting of clinical issues to medical officer / care
manager/relevant multidisciplinary team member
Monitor the smoking and alcohol programs, provide timely
advice to care manager / doctor in the event of noncompliance or evidence of Delerium Tremens (medical
Effective liaison with lifestyle staff/care interface with
lifestyle program
Residents have terminal wishes/advanced directives
Safe administration of medication and monitoring of
complex medication management
Timely and accurate completion of risk assessments e.g.
smoking, falls
Respect residents’ right to refuse care and treatment,
document in progress notes and update care plans as may
be required
Timely completion of dietary change form
Timely referral to dietician/speech pathologist
Monitor and manage any high risk resident behaviour e.g.
smoking and alcohol
Communicate with the kitchen to ensure residents needs
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Key Result
Key Accountabilities
Standard Measures
and preferences are met e.g. appropriate food and textures
Management /
Supervise meal services; monitor resident intake and any
deterioration in swallowing or ability to feed and take
corrective action as may be required
Provide clinical leadership and supervision to care staff
Facilitate effective teamwork
Ensure clinical competency of care staff; provide direction
as may be required and report any skill gaps and actions
taken or plans to remedy to manager
Evidence of effective clinical leadership (e.g. achievement of
team goals, workplace harmony)
Effective delegation and monitoring of care staff
Evidence of clinical supervision and teaching (e.g. input at
handover, coaching sessions)
Delegate appropriate care duties to team leaders. Provide
daily supervision
Timely reporting of staffing issues to care manager
New care staff receive orientation and checklists signed off
Participate in relevant committees/staff meetings as may be
Care staff attend mandatory training/evidence of follow up
when non-compliant
Assist care manager to review resident care needs on a
daily basis and manage care roster is responsive to
according to resident dependency
Evidence of management support for the transfer of learning
to the workplace after training
Support care staff to attend mandatory training e.g.
orientation, fire-safety, CPR, “No lift”, hand washing
Assist the care manager in the employment and
management of care staff; recruit, select, orientate,
supervise and manage care staff in accordance with
employment laws/SCH policies
Timely and accurate completion of resident incident forms
Timely and accurate completion of staff incident form
Workplace safety
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Key Result
Key Accountabilities
Compliance /
including any first aid/follow up actions
Promote a safe environment for residents and a safe
workplace for staff
Ensure the implementation of the “No lift” policy; provide
guidance to staff. Report any non-compliance to the care
Timely and accurate completion of hazard alert reports and
corrective actions
Evidence of incident investigation and risk management
approach to reduce further incident e.g. removal of hazard
in the workplace
Compliance with TSA policies and procedures/laws
Follow up and investigate care staff incidents and ensure a
risk management approach to prevent any further incidents
Ensure standards of health and safety for all residents, staff
and visitors that comply with OH&S laws
Monitor the workplace for evidence of bullying and act in
accordance with policies and procedures
Operate according to TSA policies and procedures,
professional code of conduct and legislative requirements
Comply with expected outcomes (especially Standards 2
and 3) as relevant to the RN role
Accreditation compliance in care outcomes relevant to
Evidence of timely resolution of non-compliance
Complete clinical audits and make timely corrective actions
Provide timely advice to care manager in the event of
serious non-compliance or inability to correct noncompliance
Assist care manager in TSA annual internal audit
Timely completion of clinical audits
Monitor care staff for compliance with clinical policies and
procedures. Take corrective actions as may be required
Timely exception reporting of risk to care manager
Ensure staff are provided with timely advice and directions
when laws (or clinical policies and procedures change) e.g.
medication management
Able to demonstrate competency in fire and emergency
Able to demonstrate competency in manual handling
Timely reporting and management of notifiable issues to
manager e.g. missing resident, elder abuse, gastro and
influenza outbreak, key risks to the organisation
Able to demonstrate competency in relevant clinical areas
e.g. medication management
Able to demonstrate competency in CPR
Standard Measures
Promote compliance awareness within care team
Assist the care manager with ACSAA audits or any external
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Key Result
Key Accountabilities
Standard Measures
complaints to minimise risks of non-compliance/breaches
Business /
Contribution to the maximisation of ACFI income;
Maximise ACFI income according to resident diagnoses.
Timely and accurate clinical assessments to support ACFI/
ensure accurate income can be claimed
Complete and accurate ACFI records
Oversee care documentation; ensure ACFI claiming reflects
resident diagnoses.
Review of any loss of income following a DoHA ACFI review
visit and provide advice to care manager
Effective/efficient use of care staffing
Evidence of adequacy of supplies, and their effective use –
also staff satisfaction with availability of supplies
Monitor and manage clinical resources;
Monitor clinical supplies and usage e.g. dressings
Ensure high care residents receive specified care and
services (see Chapter 12 Residential Care Manual)
Evidence that high care residents receive care and supplies
they require e.g. podiatry, continence
Assist the care manager in monitoring service contracts e.g.
pharmacy, food, allied health
Advice to manager on effectiveness of contractors to meet
service needs/resident satisfaction e.g. pharmacy
Evidence/use of IT systems e.g. data bases, etc
Use information technology to manage clinical data and
ensure that relevant records are available/accessible
e.g. documentation that may be required for accreditation
Participate in improving clinical care for this special needs
Ongoing improvement in clinical documentation e.g. tailored
resident focused care plans, refining clinical policies
Monitor care trends and act upon areas for improvement
Contribute to the clinical component of the CI plan; review
and regularly evaluate
Develop specialist knowledge e.g. drug/alcohol, related
diseases e.g. ARBI, chronic medical illnesses
Evidence of quality care practice e.g. audits, preventative
falls management, incident and accident management and
monitoring, contribution via a portfolio role/sharing of clinical
Advice to care manager re human resource needs e.g.
adjust roster as ACFI increases/decreases which may
require a corresponding change in staffing (up or down)
Encourage initiative from care staff. Provide them with
positive feedback on their ideas and achievements
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Key Result
Key Accountabilities
Standard Measures
Maintain knowledge and skills relevant to the position and
as an RN e.g. attain minimum 20 hours continuing
professional development each year in relevant areas e.g.
CPR, infection control, complex healthcare, mandatory
Improvement logs (e.g. related to care); evidence of
Evidence of continuous improvement across relevant
outcomes (especially in Standards 2 and 3) over 12 month
Encouragement of care staff ideas and implementation into
Attendance at mandatory training/satisfactory staff
development records (minimum 20 hours of CPD per
Evidence of personal/professional improvement e.g.
participation in seminars, peer review
Practice in accordance with ANMC RN competencies
Employee’s Signature:
Print Name:
Manager’s Signature:
Print Name:
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