Andrew Hensley, Destiny McCartney, Femi Awomewe, Juniett

Andrew Hensley, Destiny McCartney, Femi Awomewe, Juniett Gonzalez
Dual Enrollment English 1101- 3A
Mrs. Rosenbaum
September 4, 2012
Additional Questions: 1-3
Chapter 1.
1. Why is the first sentence strange? What does it set up?
○ To people of the time when the book was written, it would seem strange that
Huxley said “only thirty-four stories”. Implying that in this “modern” society
thirty-four stories was not so tall and quite common. Which also implies that in
1932 . It sets the stage for the location where this part of the book is taking place.
2. What is the meaning of the World State’s motto “COMMUNITY, IDENTITY,
○ It basically means that everyone is individually makes a difference in the whole
community. Identity I think is just to make the people thing they are unique and
stability their constant purchasing is essential to world stability.
3. Why does the fertilizing room look so cold, when it is actually hot inside? What goes on
○ I think it’s a psychological thing. Humans associate heat with love and nurture,
but that is not something the D.H.C wants to project to the people. Making it
appear cold emphasizes the fact that the process of making a child is technical and
not natural. What they do in the fertilizing room is that they fertilize the eggs and
do all the fun stuff like deciding castes and such.
4. Why do particulars “make for virtue and happiness,” while generalities “are intellectually
necessary evils?”
○ Everything done at the D.H.C with conditioning very specific. Humans are raised
with only the knowledge they so later on, they won’t question anything. When
things are made general, it allows minds to wander and question to find a
reasoning which is exactly what Mustapha Mond does not want.
5. How do people know who they are in this society?
○ they are raised to be quite self aware. Each caste is also developed differently to
have a different appearance.
6. Why use the Bokanovsky process at all? How is it an instrument “of social stability?”
○ The Bokanovsky process is used by the government to control the population and
the abilities of that population. It also allows the more wealthy to create smarter
or more advanced spawn than lower classes
7. Why don’t the Epsilons “need human intelligence?”
○ From birth, the epsilons advance artificially until a young age and after that, they
are raised to believe that their only purpose belongs to their jobs or function and
therefore are in no need for further education
Chapter 2.
1. What work does the conditioning do? Who gets conditioned? How does hypnopaedia
○ Individuals of lower castes are conditioned to be obedient and to perform their
certain task. Much of this conditioning is done through hypnopaedia, which is
sleep teaching. It is almost like brain washing.
2. Why condition the Deltas to hate nature but love outdoor sports?
○ Deltas are conditioned to hate nature because if one were to be entertained by it
then he or she would have no need to buy products to enjoy it and so it is a ploy to
increase profits and consumption
3. How does time work in this book? History? Why does Ford say “History is Bunk?”
○ Time is calculated by the amount of years after the first model T car was made.
History is thought of merely as the past and nothing more. Society is now taught
not to focus on the past but instead on innovation to increase consumption and
profit. The making of the model T car is the inspiration for the "History is bunk"
4. What are the various castes like, and why?
○ Each caste is separated into group, using the Greek alphabet, by a child’s
intelligent and social skills (Alpha, Beta, Gamma, Delta, and Epsilon). The
smartest children are known to be Alphas. They are the type of people who are
usually chosen to be leaders in the world. Under Alpha is Beta, who are just as
smart as alpha. He main difference is Beta have a unique artist feel in their life
and are more flexible. Under Betas are Gammas, who are the average people in
life. People who are Gamma have office jobs. Under Gamma is Delta. Children
who are Deltas are somewhat intelligent and do the grunt work no one else wants
to do. Under Delta is the lowest caste, Epsilon. Children in that caste are the least
intelligent. Epsilons do all the dirty work and manual labor jobs in society. The
castes are setup like that to keep everyone in there caste.
5. How do the students demonstrate their own conditioning?
○ The children quote things fed to them by hypnopaedia about soma and other
things in Chapter 2. Later in the chapter, Lenina expresses some reservations
about promiscuity but then remembers "everyone belongs to everyone else.
Chapter 3.
1. How do the children play together? What is childhood like?
○ They play naked with each other and ball games.
2. How is our world depicted? How do we get from here to there?
○ Our world in the book is savage to them. How we live is not normal they are used
to all the technology and the way things work they could never survive in our
world. We get there by expecting more from people give them all the answers,
basically give them what they want.
3. Why must games be so complex in this society?
○ Games are only put out if the children gain something from it. They want people
to do something they haven’t the same games gets boring the more complex the
4. Why are strong emotions dangerous? Family relationships? Romance? Religion? Art?
○ It all leads to thinking and unhappiness which is a big no in this society
5. How is sexuality used in this novel? Do you see any problems with it?
○ It is taught to be normal and not weird like in our society. In our society it’s kept
as a secret while there's another hobby. No problems for their society because
they are brought up on it. In ours that is looked down upon.
6. What does Mustapha Mond do? What is his relationship to history?
○ Mustapha talks to the children about the past (which was made illegal by him)
Mond is the only person in the world who understands pre-Fordian and Fordian.
Hence why, Mond knowledge is very vast.
7. Is there anything unusual about Lenina Crowne? Bernard Marx? What? Why?
○ Lenina seems to understand almost everything around her. Deep down she does
not truly want to "belong to everyone else". She is attracted to Bernard partly
because of his size (since he is small) and his uniqueness. Bernard thinks he is
inferior. He truly is smart yet he acts differently to the point he needed to be recondition. Even the lower castes intimidate him.
8. How does Huxley use the cinematic technique toward the end of this chapter?
○ Huxley switches between several different conversations swiftly and they started
to become one sentence then he switches to a different character speaking. It gave
a very powerful, but it can be very confusing to keep up with.
9. What is soma? What are its uses?
○ Soma is a type of drug that is highly need in the castes’ society. Soma is used to
manipulate people at a very early age, help increase profit and demand of soma,
and to hind the darkness of reality by giving the user positive hallucinations.
10. How do people age in society?
○ They don’t really age in their society they all die young but they take some kind
of medicine or pill to keep them from aging.
Crazy Occurrences:
● In-vetro fertilization/ test tube babies
● Society's obsession with consumption; buying countless material things
● Soma; an addictive drug much like the drugs people are addicted to today.
● "Feelys", movies that involve senses other than vision are like the virtual reality rides
people go on in theme parks nowadays.
Fancy Quotes!
Chapter 1:
"and that', put in the director sententiously, 'that is the secret of happiness and virtue- liking what
you've got to do"
● This quote had an impact on me mainly because of how it was able to capture what this
society believes makes a person happy.
"Bokanovsky's process is one of the major instruments of social stability!"
● I found this to be significant because it shows how it is no one's realization that stability
can never really be obtained and that it is not the key to making a better society.
"Embryos are like photograph film."
● The people in this quote-unquote utopia have been raised to virtually eliminate all human
nature from society or common belief. This short quote embodies this belief; the director
describes this living thing as an inanimate object.
Chapter 2:
Chapter 3:
“You all remember, I suppose, that beautiful and inspired saying of Our Ford’s: History is bunk.”
● This is significant because it shows that the people were brought up knowing that the
history of life is not good it’s the past we cannot go back. The past is not important in
their world.
“Ending is better than mending. The more stitches, the less riches”
● This is significant because in the book they constantly keep their image to a high standard
and value they look. It shapes everyone’s perspective on others.
“Wheels must turn steadily, but cannot turn untended. There must be men to tend them, men as
steady as the wheels upon their axles, sane men, obedient men, stable in contentment”
● This I think is significant because it shows everything needs to be attend to the highest
quality in their life.
Kelsey Gunthorp
Period 3A
Ms. Rosenbaum
Dual Enrollment English 1101
Chapter 4
1. The elevator operator acts oddly in a hyper sort of way, yelling things and sporadically
lowering and raising the elevator. I think he has been created to be this way and has a
very dull life focused on elevators and Soma.
2. They treat him unequally
3. Lenina plays obstacle golf
4. She is repulsed by their style and belittles them in general.
5. Because of a shortage of hormones. He wants to be physically bigger so he can feel like
“Alpha Material”
6. He is more advanced than his fellow Alphas, and wants to be treated as such. And he is
too superior for the alphas while Bernard is too inferior.
Brittney Goodman
Due: 9/6/12
Chapter 5 Answers
Lenina and Henry talk about the slough crematorium on their way home. The
crematorium is where people are cremated into ashes. They drain 98% of the phosphorus from
circulation and use it for plant growth.
The stars are depressing is met to be sad. You do not see the sky signs when you can see
the night; they are known to be maybe even turned off.
The solitary services worship materialism. They ingest soma in the appearance of
strawberry ice-cream soma. Bernard goes along with it cause he wants to fit in and be like
everyone else.
The five things that shocked/amazed/ and humored me was phosphorus removed from burning
bodies as fertilizer, Bernard exile to Iceland, Bernard leaving his scent tap on while at the
reservation and it costing a lot of money
Dalton Helvey
Mrs. Rosenbaum
DE ENC 1101- 3A
September 6, 2012
Brave New World Questions and Quotes
Chapter 7:
1. The shape of the mesa resembles a ship in that the walls are slanted like the bull and the
stories on the top get smaller the higher they are stacked.
2. Lenina does not like the Indian guide because he was very hostile, sullenly contemptuous
and smelled bad.
3. The city was very lively as the air comes to life and the drumbeat pulses. The people
were very unified and devoted to the culture as they are fully dressed in bones and beads.
Lenina did not like being in Malpais at all. She constantly told Bernard to get her out of
4. The idle that emerged from the ground were the snakes that the dancers rushed to pick up
after the boy collapsed to the ground.
Chapter 7:
1. “Suddenly it was as though the whole air had come alive and were pulsing, pulsing with
the indefatigable movement of blood” (Page 108). The quote sets the emotion of how
unique but eerie Malpais feels.
2. “A few drops fell, and suddenly the drums broke out again into a panic of hurrying notes;
there was a great shout” (Page 115). The quote shows that the drums were the life and
fire to the people and the ceremony.
3. “’But the Director’s old; lots of people are old; they’re not like that’” (Page 110). This
quote shows how people actually age and grow old and it is odd to Lenina from the New
Chapter 8:
1. “He hated them all-all the men who came to see Linda” (Page 125). This quote shows
what type of person Linda was. She was one that had many men come to “visit” her and
was not the best mother at times.
2. “Often she forgot to wash him, and there was nothing to eat except cold tortillas” (Page
127). The quote expresses in more detail how Linda was not a very good mother figure to
3. “He paid no attention to her calling, but ran on, away, away, anywhere to be by himself”
(Page 135). The quote demonstrates the low amount of respect John had for Linda due to
how she treated him.
Chapter 9:
1. “Lenina felt herself entitled, after this day of queerness and horror, to a complete and
absolute holiday” (Page 140). The quote is significant due to the fact that what we
consider a holiday today is not quite the holiday referred to in the Brave New World.
2. “The first thing he saw was a green suit-case, with the initials L.C. painted on the lid. Joy
flared up like fire within him” (Page 142). The quote is special in that it shows Bernard’s
excitement when he realizes the suit-case is Lenina’s.
3. Very slowly, with the hesitating gesture of one who reaches forward to stroke a shy and
possibly rather dangerous bird, he put out his hand” (Page 144). The quote is significant
in the way the author uses the special metaphor to paint the action in the readers’ heads.
Aericka Davis
Chapter 7
6. John is different because he was born at the reservation and has different features then
everyone else. He is mortified to be in the presence of Lenina because of his looks.
7. Linda was taken to the reservation by the director but was left there accidentally. After
spending time at the reservation she had John which is unlike the civilization Linda grew up in.
Chapter 8
1. John’s upbringing was different from his mothers, Lenina’s, or Bernard’s because he
was raised at the reservation. His relationship with Linda was very important to him because she
was his mother and they spent a lot of time together. John had a good education because he
attended school and Linda taught him to read.
2. Linda doesn’t like to be called a mother because she was taught growing up that babies
could only be born in the hatchery.
Five Events
A very humorous event was when Lenina and Bernard walked to Malpais to find Indians
wrapped in snakes, dancing, and dirty. She was upset because she isn’t used to seeing people or
things dirty.
An event that was important was at the reservation Bernard and Lenina watch a ceremony in
which the community played the drums and a young boy danced with snakes. It reminded her of
something she has seen before.
A shocking event was definitely when a long blacked haired man drug John out of his room in
the middle of the night to be with Linda. It was shocking because it was expected for Linda to
allow this to happen.
An event that was amazing was when Linda kept drinking the stuff the Pope brought her. It was
amazing because she is used to caring for John but she is now being able to take something that
is equivalent to soma and she feels at home again.
A shocking event was when Linda began to teach John to read. It is very closely related to how
people are taught to read in the world of today.
Cale Payne
Ms. Rosenbaum
Dual Enrollment 3a
Ch. 8
John and Bernard are both common because they are sort of interested to see what is out
there in different coltures. Also to see what it is like in one anothers society and see what they
believe in. As John said “ the brave new world.”
Bernard wants to take John back to London to show him what is is really like there. Also
to show John what it is like where his mother came from and how it is different how he was
brought up compared to his mother. John also wanted to show off this so called savage to the
other people and use him to become popular.
Ch. 9
Mustapha Mond agreed to the plan because he wanted to see how the savage would act.
He thought that it was going to be very interesting.
When John was watching Lenina sleep it was almost as if he was enchanted by her
He then began to play with a zipper on her velveteen shorts and kissed her handkerchief. I think
that he was feeling like he liked her and was sort of aroused by her sleeping.
Sarah Richardson
Ms. Rosenbaum
Dual Enrollment English- Period 3A
September 6, 2012
Chapter 8
3. What social positions do Linda and John hold in Malpais? They are outcasts.
4. What does John want in his life? He wants to visit the Other Place.
5. What does Linda tell him about the Other Place? She continuously tells him how great it is.
6. What does he learn from Shakespeare? How does he relate to Hamlet? The Tempest? He was
able to relate to characters in Shakespeare and understand himself better. He quotes Hamlet
before trying to kill Pope. He also quotes the Tempest when John asks him to go to London with
7. What does it mean to discover “Time and Death and God?” John is finally able to understand
his place and purpose in life.
Chapters 7-9
Chapter 7 starts out with what seems like some sort of celebration. Lenina and Bernard
meet John for the first time. John explains how he and his mother live on the island and his
mother was from the Other Place. John goes on to tell them that his father is also from the Other
Place. Bernard realizes that John’s father is Thomas, the director. Lenina and Bernard then meet
John’s mother Linda. The majority of chapter 8 consists of a flashback of John’s l ife. This
flashback shows what John’s life was like during his years as a child. It shows him being an
outcast due to his mother’s promiscuity. John begins reading Shakespeare in this chapter.
Towards the very end of the chapter Bernard asks John to return to London with him. Chapter 9
shows Lenina passed out from a large dose of soma. It also follows Bernard as he goes to
London and gets permission to bring John back with him. John goes and finds Lenina passed out
and wrestles with his feeling of wanting to touch her. At the end Bernard returns from London.
Richard Chapmen, Christina Gourley, Olivia Hitt, Amaia Unanue
Ms. Rosenbaum
Dual Enrollment English-3A
Brave New World Review of Chapters 10-12
Chapters Summary
In chapter 10, the Director of the hatchery is introduced to Linda and John. After nearly
sending Bernard away to Iceland, because of his supposed “unorthodox behavior” and view on
different things, like soma. The Director attempts to make an example of Bernard, but instead
discovers that he gave Linda a son. The son, John, then cries out “My father!” to the Director in
front of the entire hatchery. The Director then out of shame exits the room.
In chapter 11, the Director of the hatchery quits his job out of shame, after finding out he
has a son. The "savage", John, is put under the guardian ship of Bernard, who is becoming
extremely popular with the people. However, John also starts losing his friends. John also starts
to worry Mustapha Mond because of his unorthodox behavior that Bernard believes is justified
by his popularity. John also begins to become more and more disgusted with the world as he
learns more about it, like how they make children in a factory.
In chapter 12, John decides he will no longer continue to put on a show for the world by
refusing to attend an event Bernard set up. As a result, Bernard's popularity with the world starts
to disappear. Meanwhile, Bernard and Helmholtz become friends again and Bernard feels
grateful to Helmholtz for forgiving him, but also feels guilty because of the way he treated
Helmholtz. Helmholtz is also in trouble because of a rhyme he read to his class that could be
labeled unorthodox and dangerous to the people's conditioning. Bernard introduces John to
Helmholtz, but is envious of their new friendship. Later, Helmholtz listens to John read Romeo
and Juliet and compliments its emotional engineering, but insults it by laughing.
Chapter 10
Bernard lets Linda in from the passage to be reunited with the Director and the Director’s
reaction was awful. “‘What’s the mean of this monstrous…monstrous practical joke’”.
This was very significant because I would think that he would remember after all of the
awful things he did to her. Then he denies it and it gets very confusing.
The Director has just called Bernard to a meeting with him and Mr. Foster. “’Consider
the matter dispassionately, Mr. Foster, and you will see that no offense is so heinous as
unorthodoxy of behavior. Murder kills only the individual…Unorthodoxy threatens more
than the life of a mere individual; it strikes society itself.’” This is significant because it is
not necessarily all true. Murder does not affect only the one person; it affects the persons’
family and friends as well. I do not agree with this quote.
“Laughter broke out, enormous almost hysterical, peal after peal, as though it would
never stop.” This is significant to me because I really have no clue why the spectators
think that this is funny. I guess maybe because no one in this society is a real father of
anyone that the name “father” has become humiliating.
Chapter 11
“Every soma-holiday is a bit of what our ancestors call eternity” –Dr. Shaw He means
that people who discovered Soma thought it was a magical substance that increased your
life time.
“That young man will come to a bad end.” The people said this about Bernard because he
was becoming too big-headed by his success.
“To say one was a mother- that was past a joke: it was an obscenity”. In the society
which they lived in they did not give birth to babies. It was disgusting to think of the old
human ways.
Chapter 12
The Savage said to Bernard, “Well, I’d rather be unhappy than have the sort of false,
lying, happiness you were having here.” Bernard was depressed again because he wasn’t
well –liked anymore. I think it’s significant because happiness won’t come from others it
has to come from within you first.
Helmholtz recited a poem to his class, one he wrote himself on being alone. Bernard had
said, “It’s flatly against all their sleep-teaching. Remember, they’ve had at least a quarter
of a million warnings about solitude.” I find this situation significant because solitude is a
good thing! In some cases. I think it’s ironic how they take it so badly.
Bernard was feeling jealous of Johns and Helmholtz’s new friendship; “He was ashamed
of his jealousy and alternately made efforts of will and took soma to keep himself from
feeling it.” This quote is significant to me because it really makes me think that everyone
was dysfunctional. They think their society is perfect when in all reality everyone has
their share of problems.
I was shocked to see how advanced the “feelies” were being described in this book.
Especially since it was written so long ago. It described how you had to grab a knob to
feel the sensations the people were undergoing in the film. (p128)
I was shocked because Dr. Shaw kept giving Linda soma, and really did not care if she
died or not. He even said, “You can’t allow people to go popping off into eternity if
they’ve got any serious work to do. But as she hasn’t got any work…”
The one thing that really got my blood to boil in chapter 10 was when Bernard came and
introduced Linda back to the Director. Linda tried to get the Director to remember who
she was but he refused to prove that he knows her. Either she was so screwed up that he
really could not remember or he pretended to not know her because she was embarrassed.
Mustapha Mond reads Bernard’s reports about ‘the savage’ and is angered and annoyed
by his ignorance.
John and Lenina watched a film which they could also sense. Lenina thought it was
wonderful but John thought it was horrible.
Chapter 10
1.) How and why was the DHC planning to make an example out of Bernard?
Bernard is a lot smarter than he looks and the director realizes that. The director is afraid that
Bernard will corrupt the people with his beliefs.
2.) Why is unorthodoxy worse than murder?
Unorthodoxy does not only affect the individual person. It affects the whole society.
3.) How does Linda act in the hatchery? How does the DHC react? The Spectators?
Linda acts like the Director still remembers her from years ago. She acts desperate for his
affection for her. The DHC acts as if he does not know Linda and this really upsets her. The
spectators thought it was a joke and laughed at them the entire time.
Chapter 11
1.) Why does john become popular, but not Linda?
Linda does not become popular because they do not wish to see her appearance. They had no
interest in her because she was not born from a mother as John (the savage) was. When they
looked at Linda, it made them sick. They want to see John because he was born and raised in
an old-timed civilization and they were curious to see him and meet him.
2.) How does Bernard’s life change? How does he react? What does Helmholtz think?
Bernard’s life changes when he introduces Linda and John to his society. People stop
spreading rumors about alcohol in his blood surrogate because Bernard was like John’s
accredited guardian since he brought him to London. Success definitely went to his head fast
and he enjoyed being known, respected, and having as many girls as he wanted. Bernard
believes Helmholtz is envious, but Helmholtz is just rather sad and disapproving.
3.) How does Linda spend her time?
Linda spent her time lying in bed in Bernard’s apartment, taking soma; holiday after holiday.
4.) How does Bernard talk in public?
In public, Bernard talks “lighter than air”. He speaks as if he were a visiting “world
5.) What does Mustapha Mond think of Bernard’s reports?
Mustapha Mond was very offended by Bernard’s report about John. First, Bernard did not
write out the word “mother” and Mustapha Mond was offended because he though Bernard
thought he was too squeamish to see the whole word. Secondly, Mustapha Mond was
offended when Bernard lectured him about the social order. He was so mad! O.o
6.) What does John think of the caste system? Of the clones? How does he use The Tempest
John was extremely curious about the clones and was interested in seeing them. He disagreed
with the caste system and at the same time was curious and wanted to learn about this whole
new different world he was never aware of.
7.) What do we learn about the reservations at Eton? What does John think?
John thinks that the reservations at Eton were disturbing and he was not impressed at all. In
my opinion, he was not impressed because as he grew up he was raised to believe in gods.
8.) How do the children respond to dying? Why?
It is a part of the children’s conditioning and they find it interesting. Other than that they
have no sympathy for the dying.
9.) How does Lenina feel about John?
Lenina wants him desperately, he wants her too, but he wants love. Lenina isn’t capable of
loving just one person. He actually has morals and high respect for her. He does not want any
bad temptations.
10.) What does John think about the feelies? Why?
He believes that the feelies were horrible, base, and ignoble. (p 130)
Chapter 12
1.) Why does John decide not to come to Bernard’s party? What does this mean for Bernard?
John was tired of Bernard using him for popularity points. John didn’t even know he was
supposed to be anywhere until Bernard just suddenly told him. This means public
embarrassment for Bernard.
2.) How does Lenina feel at the party? Why does she feel this way?
Lenina was feeling a strong feeling of anxious exultation. She wanted to see and talk to John.
3.) How does John feel? Why is he reading Romeo and Juliet?
He has the same emotions as Romeo. He also sees Lenina as Juliet and him as Romeo.
4.) What does it mean that Lenina likes looking at the moon now?
She might be trying to look upon what the savage see’s and his point of view.
5.) What role does Mustapha Mond play as a censor? Why does he do it? What does he
censor? What does he really want?
Mustapha Mond is a world controller and censor, and he believes in preserving the peace
even if that means sacrificing freedoms. He does this by keeping to the belief of
“Community, Identity, Stability.”
6.) How does Bernard’s position change? How do John and Helmholtz respond to Bernard
Bernard becomes more interested in showing off John to the world that he was earlier
beginning to question, and it starts weakening his friendship with John and Helmholtz.
7.) Why is Helmholtz in trouble with the authorities? What has he done that is dangerous,
and why is it dangerous? Why did he do it? What does he want?
Helmholtz is in trouble because of a rhyme he wrote and shared with the class he teaches, it
is considered dangerous because of what effect it might have on each persons’ conditioning.
(P. 183)
8.) What does Helmholtz think of Shakespeare? Romeo and Juliet?
While hearing Romeo and Juliet he begins laughing, and also complements the book by
saying "what a superb piece of emotional engineering!" (P. 187-188)
9.) What does Helmholtz think is necessary for good writing?
Helmholtz believes you need ridiculous and mad situations to write very well. (P. 188)
Breanna Huggins
Juliet Perez
Stella Maldanado
Davis Stephens
Chris Hawthorne
Ms. Rosenbaum
Duel Enrollment English-3A
Thursday, September 6, 2012
Group Review Activity-Brave New World
Summary of chapters 13, 14, and 15Lenina becomes overly depressed when she does not receive the attention she wants from
John. Lenina then decides to pop a few soma and bring herself to Johns house. She then proceeds
to throw herself at John. John’s reaction surprises Lenina because he became angry and did not
even want to look at her. He becomes infuriated and it frightens Lenina to the point that she
hides in the bathroom because John becomes even more aggressive. A few moments later John
gets a call that his mom is sick and he rushes to the hospital to see her. When he gets there the
nurse looks at him in an odd way as he asks to see his mother. He eventually gets to see her and
learns that Linda, his mother only has a few minutes left to live. While he tries to console his
mom in her time of need little kids are being death conditioned and are constantly in his face
which enrages John even more. Then he watches as the soma is being distributed and this really
infuriates him. John goes insane and starts yelling to them about how terrible soma is, and
throwing it and just acting crazy. Bernard and Helmholtz are there and Helmholtz engages in the
activity with John while Bernard just watches. Eventually the police show up and get involved.
John believes that the people are way too dependent on soma. After the police start to get
involved that is when Helmholtz and Bernard find him, John and Helmholtz joins in while
Bernard watches, eventually the police bring them to Mustopha Mond’s office.
Chapter 13: “‘You don’t seem very glad to see me, John,’ she said at last. ‘Not glad?’
The savage looked at her reproachfully; then suddenly fell on his knees before her and, taking
Lenina’s hand, reverently kissed it.” Pg. 189
Lenina, with the help of Soma, got the courage to visit John and was about to find out how he
really felt about her.
“The savage retreated in terror, flapping his arms at her as though he were trying to scare
away some intruding and dangerous animal.” Pg. 193
John believes in marriage and was shocked to have Lenina act how she did. It changed his view
of her; she was not like the woman Shakespeare talked about.
“He did what she suggested and returned to his uneasy pacing of the room…Abruptly the
tramping ceased. She heard the voice of the savage parleying with silence.” Pg. 196
If John had not received a call, what would have happened to Lenina? This temporary distraction
allowed her to escape from John’s verbal rampage.
Chapter 14:
“He felt the hot tears welling up behind his eyelids as he recalled the words and
Linda’s voice as she repeated them” Pg. 201
This is significant because it shows the true feeling that are experienced by the death of his
mother, and how strange this reaction was to the others at the hospital.
“Twin after twin, twin after twin, twin after twin, they came--- nightmare.” Pg. 201
The significance of this quote is that the savage’s view on the children and that he sees them as a
“Undoing all their wholesome death conditioning with this disgusting outcry- as though
death were something terrible…” Pg. 206
This is significant because this reflects the views on death that are experienced by the people of
this time period.
Chapter 15:
“The savage stood looking on. ‘O brave new world, O brave new world…’ In his
mind the singing words seemed to change their tone.”
The significance to this quote is the way he uses the title but his mood was changed because he
does not feel the happiness that he once felt about this new world.
“‘Listen, I beg of you,’ cried the Savage earnestly. ‘Lend me your ears…’ He had never
spoken in public before, and found it very difficult to express what he wanted to say. ‘Don’t take
that horrible stuff. It’s poison, it’s poison.’”
The significance in this quote is how desperate he is to talk to the people and explain how he
feels about their lifestyle. The gap in language is hard and he cannot fully express how he feels.
“‘Good-bye. My dearest, dearest friends, Ford keep you! Good-bye, my dearest, dearest
friends, Ford keep you. Good-bye my dearest, dearest…’”
This quote expresses how he is done. He expressed how he felt and there is no more he can do.
He is done.
Occurrences that shocked/amazed/humored us:
1) When John the savage was throwing the Soma out the windows and telling the people to
be free.
2) The children were running around the hospital going through death conditioning.
3) How the nurse questioned John about going to visit his mother while she was laying on
her death bed.
4) The way John attacked Lenina when she came on to him.
5) Bernard not wanting to take the blame for anything and trying to sneak out and pointed
his finger towards John and Helm Holtz.
QuestionsChapter 13:
1) What are the consequences of Lenina’s emotions? What is happening?
Lenina is upset that she cannot be pleased by other men because she only wants John, the
savage. She is obsessing over one man, and was suggested to a violent passion surrogate.
2) How does she feel for John? What does she do to get what she wants?
Lenina likes John and wants to sleep with him. She decides to take some soma and pay
him a visit with the intentions of enticing him.
3) How does John feel for Lenina? What does he want to do to prove it?
John adores Lenina and drops to his knees as he expressed how he feels. He quotes
Shakespeare and hopes to prove it through marriage.
4) How does John react to Lenina’s actions? Why does he respond this way? What did he
want from her?
Lenina made a pass at John, in which he slaps her and pushes her away. He was horrified
and gets angry at Lenina. To him, she was going against his beliefs and against the
pictures of a chaste woman he read about in Shakespeare’s novels. He wanted her to get
away from him.
Chapter 14:
1) What is the hospital for the dying like? What are the dying like?
The hospital for the dying is very peaceful and laid back. It is almost like a tour. The
dying were at peace and relaxed.
2) Note the television. Recall TV did not exist as we know it in 1932.
The television was in a hologram form. The television was there to teach rather than for
entertainment. There was no sound to the television.
3) Why is Linda dying?
Linda is dying off an overdose of soma. Her body is not use to it anymore and she keeps
taking an over excessive amount of soma and drifting off into deep long period of time
soma vacations.
4) What memories flood over john as he stands before his mother? Why these particular
memories? What are his memories of the “other place”? What role does memory play in
Memories of them back at the hut in the reservation when she would be drunk and not
claim him as her son. These memories because they are all that each other has in the
world and even though she was not that good of a mom she was his mother rather she
calmed him at points or not. Memory plays a key role in civilization it defines how you
see the past and interpret the future.
5) Why are the Delta children at the hospital? What does John think of this?
They are there to learn to expect and entertain the idea of death. That it is a natural part of
life and they are trying to condition the children to not fear death. Mr. Savage sees this as
almost insulting, when he is having his final moments with his dying mother.
6) Why isn’t death terrible for those in the civilized world? What does this mean for the
Death is no longer feared in this time period, it is seen as part of life nothing special.
They are treated special and well this means that the individual is happy and is
welcoming to the idea of this, since there has been no fear of it previously.
Chapter 15:
1) The title phrase recurs here. How is it used differently than before? What does it mean
When the title phrase is used here it feels as if John is saying “brave new world” as it is a
curse. It is not everything that he imagined. When he uses it this time it is in pity of this
place everyone finds so perfect.
2) Why does John decide to interfere with the soma distribution? Why does he say it is
It makes him sick to see that after a daily shift of work these people must take soma. It is
an everyday thing and it makes them just leave reality which is not healthy. He wants to
warn the people and express how he feels about soma. He calls it poison because it takes
hold of the person and changes them. It is a poison.
3) What is John’s conception of slavery and freedom? Manhood? Liberty?
He feels that the soma has the people captured; they are like slaves to the soma. Without
the soma they have to feel real emotions and they cannot handle their real emotions.
Freedom is being able to be you and not be controlled or tied down by a drug. With the
soma a person cold not feel anything but delusional.
4) What does he think of the Delta’s to whom he delivers his speech?
He thinks that they are simple minded people who believe in perfection and he wants
them to know that there is more to life than just taking soma and pretending everything is
perfect by escaping from reality. He thinks down upon the deltas.
5) What roles do Bernard and Helmholtz play here? What does this tell us about their
Helmholtz jumps right in and joins the speech and helps John throw soma out of
windows. Bernard wants to help but cares too much about what people think. Eventually
he feels that he needs to help and does because the deltas were going to attack John and
Helmholtz. This tells us that Helmholtz will stand up for what he believes in and Bernard
is terrified of standing up for what he believes in. They both are helpful and care about
what they believe in.
6) How does the soma riot end? What does it mean to be happy and good?
In the end of the soma riot the police show up and that makes a big scene. Bernard, John,
and Helmholtz must go to Mustapha Mond’s office in the end. To be happy and good is
to not be blinded it is when you have a clear realization of life and what makes you
happy. You are clear to live life the way you want.
Carmen Rivera
Ms. Rosenbaum
Dual Enrollment English-3A
6 September 2012
John, Bernard, and Helmholtz go before Mustapha Mond after John threw soma out the window
causing people to get outraged. When first entering the room, Mustapha says to John, “So you
don’t much like civilization, Mr. Savage.” John responds by saying no, which begins a
discussion on the ways of society and how certain things no longer fit there, like Shakespeare.
He then goes to tell them that they will be sent to an island which causes Bernard to freak out;
even though it is not a punishment even Mustapha said he is envious of them.
After Bernard is dragged away and Helmholtz leaves the room, John and Mustapha have a
conversation on religion. Mustapha pulls out a series of books about God, which he uses some of
the quotes to establish his point on why society cannot have God. John disagrees claiming that,
“… you wouldn’t allow yourselves to be degraded by pleasant vices. You’d have a reason for
bearing things patiently, for doing things with courage.” Still Mustapha argues that society has to
give all these things in order to live comfortably. John goes onto say that he does not want to live
comfortably, he wants poetry, freedom, real danger, etc, even if that means being unhappy.
Later Bernard and Helmholtz leave for the island, John asks to join them, but is turned down so
he leaves civilization and instead stays in a lighthouse. There he tries to purify himself by
planting and whipping himself until one day he is caught which draws a crowd. Lenina shows up
causing John to whip her and a whole scene to erupt. When he wakes up the next morning, he is
disgusted by what he did and hangs himself.
Chapter 17 Questions
1. John Knows all about Shakespeare and God so Mustapha finds that he can talk to him
more easily than the others. They get into a discussion about religion and God.
2. The significance of their discussion is that it shows the different aspects of religion and
how it works in society. John believes that if only society knew about God then they
would they would not be degraded by pleasant vices and have courage. Mustapha argues
that in the society they live there is no need for these things since where these things are
so is war and divided allegiances.
3. To Mustapha the role of God is to take its cue from man. He shows that in John’s society
God will be a just one who punishes while in his society he is absent. We are the ones
that make the rules for God.
4. When you are absolutely alone people cannot help, but look to God. They want to feel as
if they are not alone. John is an example, he was never accepted into his tribe so he put
himself on rock in the shape of a cross all day just to feel close to God.
5. John argues that pleasant vices has degraded the civilized man. Be degraded from a man
with courage to a man that sins.
6. The roles play an important factor in our lives since everyone tries to achieve to have
nobility and heroism while chastity is more of a rocky subject in our society. Mond
would scoff at the ideas casting them saying they will only bring bad things.
7. Soma helps to control the people if they ever feel angry or alone. Soma is an opiate of the
masses since it makes people go along with something religion would also be another
8. It means to deal with unpleasant misfortunes thrown a person’s way. Opposing them
would be trying to stop the sling and arrows.
9. He means that everything comes to easily. No one has to work to get everything instead it
is given.
10. By saying no to civilization John is saying yes to unhappiness. Yeah I would say the
same thing because I like overcoming the hard parts in life, it only makes the happier
parts better.
Alyssa Vice
Ms. Rosenbaum
Duel Enrollment English 1- 3A
September 6, 2012
Chapter 18:
1. John purifies himself by drinking mustard and warm water.
2. John leaves and goes to the lighthouse to inhabit.
3. This does represent a healthy alternative from society because it gets him away and
gives him some solitude. Although it allows him to be alone, it is also quite unhealthy
because they still show up at the lighthouse and cause him troubles, which leads him
to a dreadful decision.
4. John self-flagellates in order to purge himself of the contamination of civilization.
5. He thought about her naked and tangible
6. His behavior is strange and they find his rage amusing.
7. She wants to talk to him and puts her arms out reaching for him. He also thinks she is
making fun of him.
8. They mock him and make a joke out of him; they find him entertaining.
9. John hanged himself because of the horror and terror of the previous day. Although
there were other alternatives, he ultimately could not get away from the society and
the people. He tried to escape by going to the lighthouse hoping to find solitude, but
they followed him and made life even worse for him.
Five occurrences:
1. Johns mother died
2. Lenina tried to seduce him
3. John moved to the lighthouse
4. They made a movie out of his life
5. John hanged himself