1 SAN DIEGO MESA COLLEGE PHIL 102B CRNS: 48693, 48687, 46596 SPRING 2015 INSTRUCTOR: PROF. NINA ROSENSTAND INTRODUCTION TO PHILOSOPHY: VALUES STUDY GUIDE, 2nd MIDTERM Tentative test dates: MW classes Apr.15, TTh class Apr.16 Prof. Rosenstand’s office: SB311P Office hours: MTWTh 11:15-12:30 and by appointment Messages to Prof. Rosenstand: (619) 388-2407 E-mail: nrosenst@sdccd.edu (e-mails will be answered during Prof. Rosenstand’s office hours.) Website: http://classroom.sdmesa.edu/nrosenst STAY INFORMED ABOUT POSSIBLE CHANGES TO THE READINGS AND TEST DATES. CHANGES, IF ANY, WILL BE POSTED ON THE WEBSITE. Consult the website slide show for advice on taking essay tests! FORMAT OF 2ND MIDTERM: There will be two essay topics, each a combination of two of the questions below. Choose one of the topics (= one of the sets of questions). Min. 3 pages in a small blue book, max. 6 pages. Max. 100 points. PLEASE WRITE THE NUMBER OF THE TOPIC YOU HAVE CHOSEN ON THE COVER OF YOUR BLUE BOOK. PLEASE WRITE ON ONLY 1 SIDE OF THE PAGE. IF YOU WRITE ON BOTH SIDES YOU’LL LOSE 1 POINT. DO NOT SKIP LINES. NO PENCILS, NO RED OR GREEN PENS. IF YOU USE A PENCIL YOU WILL LOSE 2 POINTS. PLAGIARISM POLICY: USING UNAUTHORIZED BOOKS, NOTES OR ELECTRONIC DEVICES, OR CONSULTING WITH OTHER STUDENTS, WILL RESULT IN AN F ON THE TEST, AND WILL BE REPORTED. POSSIBLE QUESTIONS FOR ESSAY TEST The questions you’ll see on the test will be similar to these, if not completely identical. Some related questions may be combined. Questions about your own opinion may be added. Rosenstand, The Moral of the Story 7TH edition Ch.3, “Ethical Relativism” pp.141-145 1. What is the “problem of induction”? Give an example, and explain its relevance as a critique of ethical relativism. 2. Explain Rachels’s theory of the three universal values. Do you agree with him? Why or why not? 2 3. How does Rachels’s theory defeat ethical relativism, in his view? Is he right? Why or why not? Ch.4, “Myself or Others?” 171-209 Primary Readings: Plato pp.210-213 Narratives: Friends episode. (“The One Where Phoebe Hates PBS”) 220-222 1. Define psychological egoism and ethical egoism, with examples. What is the difference between the two theories? 2. Define psychological egoism, and give an example of the theory. 3. Tell the story of the Ring of Gyges; how does Glaucon use it as a theory of human nature? 4. What do Glaucon’s and Hobbes’s arguments concerning human selfishness have in common? Be specific. 5. Explain the three reasons for the modern popularity of psychological egoism. 6. Explain one of the three shortcomings of psychological egoism, with an example. 7. Why is saying that “Falsification is not possible” a criticism of psychological egoism? Explain. 8. Explain and comment on the story of Abraham Lincoln and the pigs; was Lincoln speaking as a psychological or an ethical egoist? Explain both types. What is the point of the story? 9. Explain the fallacy of the suppressed correlative and its relevance for a critique of psychological egoism 10. Explain the theory of the Selfish Gene. What is Richard Dawkins’ point, and how does Mary Midgley respond? Who is more correct, in your view? 11. Comment on the Friends episode: Describe the debate between Joey and Phoebe; how does Phoebe attempt to prove Joey wrong? Who wins the debate, and why? Who is right, in your view? 12. Identify the theory of ethical egoism. What does ethical egoism have to do with the Golden Rule? 13. Analyze one argument against ethical egoism. Do you agree? Why or why not? 3 14. How does Socrates argue against ethical egoism in Plato’s Republic? (Your answer should include a reference to “the three parts of the soul”) 15. Define ideal (extreme) and reciprocal (moderate, limited) altruism. Your answer should include references to the theories of Emmanuel Levinas and Peter Singer. 16. Explain and comment on Peter Singer’s example with the hunters and the saber tooth cat. What is Singer’s point? 17. Explain Frans de Waal’s support for the idea that animals can have morals. In your opinion, is he right that animals can have morals? Why or why not? SAMPLE QUESTIONS 1. PSYCHOLOGICAL EGOISM: answer both parts of this topic in the proper order. Explain and comment on the story of Abraham Lincoln and the pigs; was Lincoln speaking as a psychological or an ethical egoist? Explain both types. Comment on the Friends episode: Describe the debate between Joey and Phoebe; how does Phoebe attempt to prove Joey wrong? Who wins the debate, and why? Who is right, in your view? —OR— 2. ALTRUISM: answer both parts of this topic in the proper order. Define ideal (extreme) and limited (moderate, reciprocal) altruism. Your answer should include references to the theories of Emmanuel Levinas and Peter Singer. Explain and comment on Singer’s example with the hunters and the saber tooth cat. What is Singer’s point?