The southwest

By: Evan C.
 Major Cities: Phoenix, El Paso, and Las Vegas.
 Major Land Form : Grand Canyon.
 Latitude and Longitude of largest city in region: 33
degrees N 112 Degrees W
 Many people would like to live here because it doesn’t
 Main ethnic groups and religions: Christian, Atheist,
Jewish, Muslim.
 The Major resources and Landforms are deserts,
canyons, and rivers.
 The main weather pattern is dry and hot.
 People who have settled there are effected by the
weather and have to stay in cooler areas.
 A detailed description of the economy in the
southwest: Texas has gained 2% in jobs and the other
states are making a slow comeback.
 People have invented air conditioning to stay cool and
not overheat.
 Pollution has affected the people in the major cities
with asthma
 People live in this area because the weather isn’t cold
and is very scenic.
 How are goods transported to, within and out of
region?: by foot, plane, train, and car.
 Are there any interesting traditions or customs present
in region?: Yes, there are cowboys, accents, and
 What might happen if one or more of the major
transportation routes within the region were
interrupted?: People would have to deliver information
by foot.
 The main tourist attraction is the four corners
 Unique characteristics: Texas is the second biggest
 What economic impact does the region have on the
U.S. economy?: There is oil in Texas.
 "Brown Cloud - Phoenix Air Pollution - Bad Air in Phoenix." Phoenix - Phoenix
AZ - City of Phoenix - Phoenix Arizona - Metro Phoenix - Greater Phoenix., n.d. Web. 8 Feb. 2012.
 Combs, Susan. "Texas Ahead: Tracking the Texas Economy." Texas Ahead. Texas
Ahead, n.d. Web. 8 Feb. 2012.
 "Southwestern United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia." Wikipedia,
the free encyclopedia., n.d. Web. 8 Feb. 2012.
 "Arizona's Economy : Economic and Business Research Center : Eller College of
Management : The University of Arizona." Arizona's Economy : Economic and
Business Research Center : Eller College of Management : The University of
Arizona. N.p., n.d. Web. 8 Feb. 2012. <>.