Interactive Media Design Outline Notes for Computing (FT) & IT Management (FT/PT) Stephen Howell 1 Contents 1. User Interface Design 03 2. Data Visualisation 34 3. E-Learning Design 62 4. Game Design 80 5. Processing 99 2 User Interface Design 3 User Interface Design Effective Interfaces Effective interfaces are visually apparent and forgiving, instilling in their users a sense of control. Users quickly see the breadth of their options, grasp how to achieve their goals, and do their work. Effective interfaces do not concern the user with the inner workings of the system. Work is carefully and continuously saved, with full option for the user to undo any activity at any time. Effective applications and services perform a maximum of work, while requiring a minimum of information from users. (Prinicipals on next slide) This work is copyright 2003 by Bruce Tognazzini. Permission to make copies for personal use is granted without reservation, provided this copyright notice remains on the copy. Please contact the author for permission to republish on a web site, to publish in bound form, or to make multiple copies, except that educators and in-house corporate trainers may make sufficient copies for their own students. No commerical use may be made of the work beyond this in-house exception. This notice must be retained together with any version of the work. 4 Principals of Effective Interfaces Anticipation Autonomy Color Blindness Consistency Defaults Efficiency of the User Explorable Interfaces Fitts' Law Human Interface Objects Latency Reduction Learnability Metaphors, Use of Protect Users' Work Readability Track State Visible Navigation 5 Web Usability 7±2 Principle 2-Second-Rule 3-Click-Rule 80/20 Rule (The Pareto principle) Eight Golden Rules of Interface Design Fitts’ Law Inverted Pyramid Satisficing Psychology Behind Usability 6 Web Usability (continued) Baby-Duck-Syndrome Banner-Blindness Cliffhanger-Effect (Zeigarnik-Effect) Gestalt principles of form perception The Self-Reference Effect Usability Glossary: Terms and Concepts Eye-Tracking Fold 7 Web Usability (continued) Foveal viewport (Foveal area) Gloss Graceful Degradation (Fault-tolerance) Granularity Hotspot Legibility Minesweeping Mystery-Meat Navigation (MMN) Physical consistency 8 Web Usability (continued) Progressive Enhancement (PE) Readability User-centered design (UCD) Vigilance (sustained attention) Walk-Up-And-Use Design Wireframe Interaction Design Encyclopaedia: Usability First Glossary: Usability Glossary: 9 9 Common Usability Mistakes (Web) 1. Tiny clickable areas 2. Pagination used for the wrong purpose 3. Duplicate page titles 4. Content that is difficult to scan 5. No way to get in touch 6. No way to search 7. Too much functionality that requires registration 8. Old permalinks pointing nowhere 9. Long registration forms 10 10 Usability Nightmares (Web) 1. Hidden log-in link 2. Pop-ups for content presentation 3. Dragging instead of vertical navigation 4. Invisible links 5. Visual noise 6. Dead end 7. Content blocks layering upon each other 9. Drop-Down Menus 10. Blinking images 11 8 Usability Check-Points 1. You don’t use pop-ups. 2. You don’t change users’ window size. 3. You don’t use too small font sizes. 4. You don’t have unclear link text. 5. You don’t have dead links. 6. You have at most one animation per page. 7. You make it easy to contact you. 8. Your links open in the same window. 12 10 Useful Techniques 1. Padded block links 2. Typesetting buttons 3. Using contrast to manage focus 4. Using colour to manage attention 5. White space indicates relationships 6. Letter spacing 7. Auto-focus on input 8. Custom input focus 9. Hover controls 10. Verbs in labels 13 Five Principles Of Web Design 1. Use an effective marketing principle 2. Experiment with few colors 3. Strive for Balance 4. Strive for Clarity 5. Address your users’ needs 14 10 Useful Web Interface Techniques 1. Interface elements on demand 2. Specialized controls 3. Disable pressed buttons 4. Shadows around modal windows 5. Empty states that tell you what to do 6. Pressed button states 7. Link to the sign-up page from the log-in page 8. Context-sensitive navigation 9. More emphasis on key functions 10. Embedded video 15 12 Useful Techniques Design 1. Highlight important changes 2. Enable keyboard shortcuts in your Web application 3. Upgrade options from the account page 4. Advertise features of the application 5. Use color-coded lists 6. Offer personalization options 7. Display help messages that attract the eye 8. Design feedback messages carefully 9. Use tabbed navigation 10. Darken background under modal windows 11. Lightboxes and Slideshows 12. Short sign-up forms 16 Usability Testing Evaluate a product by testing it on users Usability testing focuses on measuring a human-made product's capacity to meet its intended purpose Usability testing measures the usability, or ease of use, of a specific object or set of objects General human-computer interaction studies attempt to formulate universal principles 17 Goals of Usability Testing Usability testing is: black-box testing to observe people using the product to discover errors and areas of improvement generally involves measuring how well test subjects respond in four areas Efficiency, Accuracy, Recall, Emotional response. The results of the first test can be treated as a baseline or control measurement all subsequent tests can then be compared to the baseline to indicate improvement 18 Goals of Usability Testing (cont.) Performance Accuracy How many mistakes did people make? (And were they fatal or recoverable?) Recall How much time, and how many steps, are required for people to complete basic tasks? e.g. find something to buy, create a new account, and order the item. How much does the person remember afterwards or after periods of non-use? Emotional response How does the person feel about the tasks completed? Is the person confident, stressed? 19 What Usability Testing is Not Simply gathering opinions on an object or document is market research Usability testing usually involves systematic observation under controlled conditions to determine how well people can use the product Rather than showing users a rough draft and asking, "Do you understand this?", usability testing involves watching people trying to use something for its intended purpose. 20 Methodology Setting up a usability test involves creating a scenario, or realistic situation, wherein the person performs a list of tasks using the product being tested while observers watch and take notes. Several other test instruments such as scripted instructions, paper prototypes, and pre- and post-test questionnaires are also used to gather feedback on the product being tested. For example, to test the attachment function of an e-mail program, a scenario would describe a situation where a person needs to send an e-mail attachment, and ask him or her to undertake this task. The aim is to observe how people function in a realistic manner, so that developers can see problem areas, and what people like. Techniques popularly used to gather data during a usability test include think aloud protocol and eye tracking. 21 Think-aloud Protocol TAP is a method used to gather data in usability testing in product design and development, in psychology and a range of social sciences (e.g., reading, writing and translation process research). Think aloud protocols involve participants thinking aloud as they are performing a set of specified tasks. Users are asked to say whatever they are looking at, thinking, doing, and feeling, as they go about their task. This enables observers to see first-hand the process of task completion (rather than only its final product). 22 Think-aloud Protocol (continued) Observers at such a test are asked to objectively take notes of everything that users say, without attempting to interpret their actions and words. Test sessions are often audio and video taped so that developers can go back and refer to what participants did, and how they reacted. The purpose of this method is to make explicit what is implicitly present in subjects who are able to perform a specific task. 23 Remote Testing Remote Testing or Asynchronous Usability Testing involves the use of a specially modified online survey allowing the quantification of user testing studies by providing the ability to generate large sample sizes Additionally, this style of user testing also provides an opportunity to segment feedback by demographic, attitudinal and behavioural type. The tests are carried out in the user’s own environment (rather than labs) helping further simulate real-life scenario testing. This approach also provides a vehicle to easily solicit feedback from users in remote areas. 24 Hallway Testing Rather than using an in-house, trained group of testers, just five to six random people, indicative of a cross-section of end users, are brought in to test the software the name of the technique refers to the fact that the testers should be random people who pass by in the hallway. The theory, as adopted from Jakob Nielsen's research, is that 95% of usability problems can be discovered using this technique Jakob Nielsen popularized the concept of using numerous small usability tests, typically with only five test subjects each, at various stages of the development process. 25 Hallway Testing (continued) Nielsen's argument is that, once it is found that two or three people are totally confused by the home page, little is gained by watching more people suffer through the same flawed design. "Elaborate usability tests are a waste of resources. The best results come from testing no more than 5 users and running as many small tests as you can afford." The claim of "Five users is enough" was later described by a mathematical model which states for the proportion of uncovered problems U such that U = 1 − (1 − p)n where p is the probability of one subject identifying a specific problem and n the number of subjects (or test sessions) 26 Existing Problem Graph 27 Why You Only Need to Test with 5 Users Some people think that usability is very costly and complex and that user tests should be reserved for the rare web design project with a huge budget and a lavish time schedule. Not true. Elaborate usability tests are a waste of resources. The best results come from testing no more than 5 users and running as many small tests as you can afford. 28 Analysis In earlier research, Tom Landauer and Nielsen showed that the number of usability problems found in a usability test with n users is: N(1-(1-L)n) where N is the total number of usability problems in the design and L is the proportion of usability problems discovered while testing a single user. The typical value of L is 31%, averaged across a large number of projects they studied. 29 Plotting the Curve Plotting the curve for L=31% gives the following result: 30 Hallway Testing Insights The most striking truth of the curve is that zero users give zero insights. As soon as you collect data from a single test user, your insights shoot up and you have already learned almost a third of all there is to know about the usability of the design. The difference between zero and even a little bit of data is astounding. When you test the second user, you will discover that this person does some of the same things as the first user, so there is some overlap in what you learn. People are definitely different, so there will also be something new that the second user does that you did not observe with the first user. So the second user adds some amount of new insight, but not nearly as much as the first user did. 31 Insights (continued) The third user will do many things that you already observed with the first user or with the second user and even some things that you have already seen twice. Plus, of course, the third user will generate a small amount of new data, even if not as much as the first and the second user did. As you add more and more users, you learn less and less because you will keep seeing the same things again and again. There is no real need to keep observing the same thing multiple times, and you will be very motivated to go back to the drawing board and redesign the site to eliminate the usability problems. After the fifth user, you are wasting your time by observing the same findings repeatedly but not learning much new. 32 10 Usability Heuristics (Nielsen) 1) Visibility of system status 2) Match between system and the real world 3) User control and freedom 4) Consistency and standards 5) Error prevention 6) Recognition rather than recall 7) Flexibility and efficiency of use 8) Aesthetic and minimalist design 9) Help users recognize, diagnose, and recover from errors 10) Help and documentation 33 Data Visualisation Process of taking (possibly large) data set and displaying to show trends or discover correlations. Many tools / technologies available for developing Viz Processing is the one we used (see end of slides for some Processing notes) Data visualization is the study of the visual representation of data, meaning "information which has been abstracted in some schematic form, including attributes or variables for the units of information" - Michael Friendly The "main goal of data visualization is to communicate information clearly and effectively through graphical means. It doesn’t mean that data visualization needs to look boring to be functional or extremely sophisticated to look beautiful. To convey ideas effectively, both aesthetic form and functionality need to go hand in hand, providing insights into a rather sparse and complex data set by communicating its keyaspects in a more intuitive way. Yet designers often fail to achieve a balance between design and function, creating gorgeous data visualizations which fail to serve their main purpose — to communicate information". - Vitaly Friedman (2008) 34 Data Visualization Scope One common focus is on information presentation (Friedman, 2008). Two main parts of data visualization: statistical graphics thematic cartography Seven subjects of data visualization: Mindmaps, Displaying news, Displaying data, Displaying connections, Displaying websites, Articles & resources, Tools and services. All these subjects are all close related to graphic design and information representation. From a computer science perspective, Frits H. Post (2002) categorized the field into a number of sub-fields: Visualization algorithms and techniques, Volume visualization, Information visualization, Multiresolution methods, Modelling techniques and Interaction techniques and architectures 35 Related Fields Data acquisition Data analysis Exploratory data analysis (EDA) Qualitative data analysis (QDA) Data governance Increase consistency & confidence in decision making Decrease the risk of regulatory fines Improve data security Maximize the income generation potential of data Designate accountability for information quality Data management Data mining 36 Model Based Classification Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL) (Frank Greitzer) 37 Some Examples Mindmaps Graphs Heat Maps 38 Thematic Cartography A thematic map is a type of map or chart especially designed to show a particular theme connected with a specific geographic area. These maps "can portray physical, social, political, cultural, economic, sociological, agricultural, or any other aspects of a city, state, region,nation , or continent". UW Using traditional maps and modern data to see trends/correlations IBM have large (and good) site for this (not just TC): 39 Overview of Map Visualisations A thematic map is a map that focuses in a specific idea or theme. A thematic map illustrates a particular subject and contrasted the general map, in which the variety of geological and geographical phenomena regularly appear together. The contrast between the both of them lies in the fact thematic maps use the base data as coastlines, boundaries and places, only as point of reference for the phenomenon being mapped. In general maps the base data as landforms, lines of transportation, settlements, and political boundaries are there for their own sake (Thrower, 2007). Thematic map are sometimes referred to as graphic essays that portray spatial variations and interrelationships of geographical distributions. Location, of course, is also important to provide a reference base of where selected phenomena are occurring. 40 History An important cartographic element preceding thematic mapping was the development of accurate base maps. Improvements in accuracy proceeded at a gradual pace, and even until the mid-17th century, general maps were usually of poor quality. Still, base maps around this time were good enough to display appropriate information, allowing for the first thematic maps to come into being. An other example of early thematic mapping comes from London physician John Snow. Though disease had been mapped thematically, Snow’s cholera map in 1854 is the best known example of using thematic maps for analysis. Essentially, his technique and methodology anticipate principles of a geographic information system (GIS). Starting with an accurate base map of a London neighbourhood which included streets and pump locations, Snow mapped out the incidents of cholera death. The emerging pattern centred around one particular pump on Broad Street. At Snow’s request, the handle of the pump was removed, and new cholera cases ceased almost at once. Further investigation of the area revealed the Broad Street pump was near a sewer line. 41 Uses of Thematic Maps Thematic maps serve three primary purposes. First, they provide specific information about particular locations. Second, they provide general information about spatial patterns. Third, they can be used to compare patterns on two or more maps. Common examples are maps of demographic data such as population density. When designing a thematic map, cartographers must balance a number of factors in order to effectively represent the data. Besides spatial accuracy, and aesthetics, quirks of human visual perception and the presentation format must be taken into account. In addition, the audience is of equal importance. Who will “read” the thematic map and for what purpose helps define how it should be designed. A political scientist might prefer having information mapped within clearly delineated county boundaries (choropleth maps). A state biologist could certainly benefit from county boundaries being on a map, but nature seldom falls into such smooth, man-made delineations. In which case, a dasymetric map charts the desired information underneath a transparent county boundary map for easy location referencing 42 Displaying data In constructing any type of thematic map (or any map for that matter) it is understood that location is a key feature. After selecting the physical area to examine, the next step is collecting data sets. Data dealing with one subject is called univariate, which examines occurrences of a single type of event. The distribution of population, cancer rates, and rainfall are all examples of univariate data. Bivariate mapping shows the distribution of two sets of data to explore possibilities of correlations. For example, we can examine population density in relation to textile manufacturing. Other examples could be cancer rates and population density, or rainfall and elevation. More than two sets of data leads to multivariate mapping. Taking three or more data sets and displaying the result on a map helps determine possible correlations between different phenomena. For instance, our bivariate example maps two data sets, rainfall and elevation. If we add another variable such as population density, our map becomes multivariate rather than bivariate. Map makers must be careful in designing thematic maps that display too much information or suggest phenomenon have a correlation when in fact they do not. 43 Types of Thematic Map Choropleth Proportional symbol Isarithmic Dot Dasymetric 44 Choropleth Choropleth are the most commonly used method of thematic mapping. Choropleth maps are particularly suited for charting phenomena that are evenly distributed within each enumeration unit (set area). Raw data, e.g. population distribution, should not be mapped with this technique. If derived values can be obtained from raw data (such as population densities), then the choropleth technique can be applied. 45 Proportional symbol Also known as graduated symbols, these maps represent data associated with point locations (i.e., cities or counties). The data is displayed with proportionally sized symbols to graphically represent a realistic difference in occurrence. If the raw data cannot be dealt with as a ratio or proportion, then they should be portrayed with the proportional symbol technique. 46 Isarithmic These maps, also known as contour maps, depict smooth continuous phenomena such as precipitation. They are also well-suited to displaying threedimensional values such as elevation i.e; on topographic maps. 47 Dot A map using dots to show the presence of a feature or occurrence and display a spatial pattern. Dr. Snow used this method in his famous map. One dot represented one death. Note, though, that a dot is not required to represent a single unit and may indicate any number of entities; 14 armadillos, 7 dwarves, 100 voters. 48 Dasymetric Dasymetric maps utilize areal symbols. However, although boundaries are displayed on dasymetric maps, these geographic units may span multiple theme values. Plots often represent extremes in the data sets, without much coverage in between. For that reason, and because they can be difficult to generate, dasymetric maps are not very common. 49 Example 1 • We wish to see the distribution of counties that have won All-Ireland GAA Hurling Finals. • Steps: • Acquire Data: • Normally, Wikipedia would not be a safe source without a second, authoritative source, but it is fine for this small example • Filter & Refine Data: Take table into Excel, remove extraneous columns • Aggregate & Tabulate Data: Calculate totals for each county • Create simple chart, then thematic cartogram 50 Data Final Data (As London is not on our map, it will be removed on map): Winner Total Wins Laois 1 London 1 Kerry 1 Waterford 2 Clare 3 Offaly 4 Galway 4 Wexford 6 Dublin 6 Limerick 7 Tipperary 26 Cork 31 Kilkenny 32 Total GAA Hurling All-Ireland Final Wins 35 30 25 20 15 Total GAA Hurling All-Ireland Final Wins 10 5 0 51 What type of Map? Of all the maps available, Choropleth only one that makes sense, as it will show counties. Dot etc. will not tell us anything extra. This data is univariate, it is a single value (number of finals won) over a single time span, broken down into counties. As the counties and time span do not change, the data is univariate. 52 IBM ManyEyes Visualisation: 53 Processing SVG Visualisation We can quickly create our own choropleth map using Processing and SVG. Scalable Vector Graphics files make this so much easier than using plain bitmapped image files. The code for this is about 65 lines, including all keys etc. Remember, there are multiple ways to create a thematic map, you don’t have to code it yourself (though that is often quickest and easiest way to get image) 54 Processing SVG Choropleth Result 55 Example 2 • Show who won and was runner-up in All-Ireland GAA Senior Final Foorball Championships • Acquire Data: • Filter: Remove attendance and score columns • No Aggregation to be done, data looks like this: Year 1887 1889 1890 1891 1892 1893 1894 1895 Winner Limerick Tipperary Cork Dublin Dublin Wexford Dublin Tipperary Runner-up Louth Laois Wexford Cork Kerry Cork Cork Meath 56 Thematic Cartogram Use Choropleth, but more complex visualisation needed (need to be able to change year) This is bivariate data, there is a year and winner/runnerup to take into account We need to give user control over year, slider obvious choice, here I use a separate Swing panel to hold a JSlider and allow easy navigation 57 Processing Cartogram 58 Class Example: Ghost Estates This is a quick run through of the class example: creating a univariate choropleth cartogram of the ghost dwellings in Ireland. A Ghost Dwelling (for the purposes of this example) is a finished dwelling with no one living in it. It is ready to be lived in, so this does not include dwellings unstarted (but with planning permission) or simply unfinished. 59 Data • Acquire: Housing Agency supplies the data (up to 2010) • Filter: Excel file (huge), remove unneeded columns (most of them) leaving estates list by county with completed but vacant column • Aggregate: group estates by county, get total for each county • Do all this in Excel, there are other tools (like Google Refine) but this example is easier to do in Excel • 26 values now, Dublin and Cork way ahead (expected) • min is Waterford with 197, Dublin 6816 60 Processing Result 61 E-Learning Design 62 Instructional Design Instructional Design (also called Instructional Systems Design (ISD)) is the practice of maximizing the effectiveness, efficiency and appeal of instruction and other learning experiences. The process consists broadly of determining the current state and needs of the learner, defining the end goal of instruction, and creating some "intervention" to assist in the transition. Ideally the process is informed by pedagogically and andragogically (adult learning) tested theories of learning and may take place in student-only, teacher-led or community-based settings. The outcome of this instruction may be directly observable and scientifically measured or completely hidden and assumed. There are many instructional design models but many are based on the ADDIE model with the phases analysis, design, development, implementation, and evaluation. As a field, instructional design is historically and traditionally rooted in cognitive and behavioral psychology. 63 History of Instructional Design US Military (WW2) B.F. Skinner Training Within Industry (TWI) Benjamin Bloom domains of learning taxonomy: Cognitive (what one knows or thinks) Psychomotor (what one does, physically) Affective (what one feels, or what attitudes one has) David Merrill Component Display Theory (CDT), which concentrates on the means of presenting instructional materials (presentation techniques). Cognitive Load Theory 64 Cognitive Load Theory Sweller working memory load the split attention effect redundancy effect the worked-example effect Cognitive Theory of Multimedia Learning 65 Instructional design models ADDIE model Analyze Design create instructional or training materials Implement develop learning objectives, choose an instructional approach Develop analyze learner characteristics, task to be learned, etc. deliver or distribute the instructional materials Evaluate make sure the materials achieved the desired goals 66 Constructivism Constructivism is a theory of knowledge (epistemology) which argues that humans generate knowledge and meaning from their experiences. Piaget's theory of constructivist learning has had wide ranging impact on learning theories and teaching methods in education and is an underlying theme of many education reform movements. Research support for constructivist teaching techniques has been mixed, with some research supporting these techniques and other research contradicting those results. 67 Constructivism (Learner) The nature of the learner The learner is a unique individual (unique needs and backgrounds, complex and multidimensional). The importance of the background and culture of the learner? The responsibility for learning (resides with the learner) actively involved in the learning process (unlike previous educational viewpoints where the responsibility rested with the instructor to teach and where the learner played a passive, receptive role) The motivation for learning? 68 Constructivism (Instructor) The role of the instructor Instructors as facilitators (not teachers) teacher gives a didactic lecture which covers the subject matter (learner passive) a facilitator helps the learner to get to his or her own understanding of the content (learner active) 69 Constructivist Learning Process The nature of the learning process Learning is an active, social process (learners should learn to discover principles, concepts and facts for themselves, hence the importance of encouraging guesswork and intuitive thinking in learners) Dynamic interaction between task, instructor and learner (instructor and the learners are equally involved in learning from each other) reciprocal teaching peer collaboration cognitive apprenticeship problem-based instruction Collaboration among learners (need for collaboration among learners, in direct contradiction to traditional competitive approaches) 70 Intelligent Tutoring Systems Designed to implement Constructivist Learning approach using software Communications Module Student Module Tutor Module Domain Module 71 ITS Diagram Next topic to present (may be more or less advanced) Domain Module New topic content (multimedia based) Tutor Module ITS Communications Module State of student's understanding of current topic Student Module Student Interactions & Choices 72 Communications Module This is the component the user interact with Modern term would be GUI May be lesson or exploratory learning based May be pedagogical or assessment oriented Can be game or other multimedia content Was once the most difficult module to create (hardware & software limitations) Getting easier to build with modern tools 73 Student Module Statistical model of student's complete understanding Based on student choices in ITS (communications module) Could be probabilistic model Ideally, this would allow tutor to assess understanding e.g. if student knows capital of UK, Ireland and France, what is the probability they know capital of Germany? Hard to build accurate model 74 Tutor Module Contains the data about lessons/assessments Decides (based on probabilistic model from student module) what to present student with next AI rules decide what is most appropriate material to present next Can be curriculum or difficulty metric based e.g. 'The next topic is “Mountains” once “Rivers” is complete' or 'Student failed “Mountains of Europe” topic (difficulty too high) so present easier “Mountains of Ireland” (lower difficulty)”. 75 Domain Module Contains all the subject data that the ITS can present Can be on any domain, English verbs, Spanish History, XML etc. Most difficult to build Most build by hand – tedious, prone to error Some can be build automatically – by generating data from corpora such as the Internet, WordNet, Wikipedia etc. 76 Dynamic Difficulty Adjustment If ITS is e-assessment, or Tutoring module is intelligent, then it will need to make adjustments to the difficulty of the lessons/questions presented Requires a metric (measurement) of difficulty of material Start user/student on a easy/medium level Based on performance (student module data) the tutor module can then adjust difficulty accordingly Climbing effect, where the level rises/falls till it is too hard/easy and then falls/rises Over time or sufficient user choices, an accurate gauge of the most comfortable level for the user can be found 77 DDA Algorithm Algorithm: take c consecutive user choices Assign 0 – 1 value (cn) on each based on how 'good' a move it was, such as 'best' possible move (scoring maximum points) = 1, a 'reasonable' move (scoring some points) = 0.5 or a 'bad' move, scoring no points = 0.0 Average the quality of the moves over every c moves If average is less than 0.3, lower the difficulty level, if greater than 0.3 but less than 0.7, leave difficulty level unchanged, if greater than 0.7, increase difficulty level If c = 10, c0 to c9 = 1, 1, 0, .5, .5, 0, 1, 0, 0 Average C0-9= 4/10 = .4 => do not adjust level 78 DDA Diagram Hard Adjustment Algorithm rises level until majority of answers are incorrect Level of Difficulty Student's actual ability level Adjustment Algorithm lowers level until majority of answers are correct Starting Level (may be same for all) Easy Time/Moves/Choices: 0 - n 79 Game Design 80 List of Casual Games Mentioned • Casual (Demos of all these are available, you only have to play/watch enough to understand the game mechanic, level design issues) •Unusual (Physics) Game Mechanics: •Red Remover •99 Bricks •Braid •Crayon Physics •Max and the Magic Marker •And Yet It Moves •Unusual Narrative Games: •Machinarium •Limbo •Bastion •Braid 81 List of Core Games Mentioned •You do not have to play any of these games, some have demos, all have YouTube videos describing gameplay •Games with strong (deep) narrative, normal ludology: •Mass Effect •Assassins Creed •Heavy Rain (PS3 only) •Games with strong ludology, normal (linear) narrative: •Portal (Series) •Stalker (Series) •Half-Life (Series) •Games with (open-world, sandbox) emergent narrative, ludology: •Grand Theft Auto (Series) •Red Dead Redemption •Elder Scroll Series (Oblivion, Skyrim) •Assassins Creed (Some aspects) 82 Game studies Prior to the late-20th century, the academic study of games was rare and limited to fields such as history and anthropology. As the videogame revolution took off in the early 1980s, so did academic interest in games. To date, the field of games studies can be characterized not only as multi-disciplinary but also as inter-disciplinary. The approaches taken thus far can be broadly characterized in three ways: Social science approach (Studying the effects of games on people) What do games do to people? e.g. Learning, effects of violence in games How do people create and negotiate a game? Humanities approach Studying the meaning and context of games What meanings are made through game use? Studying games as artefacts in and of themselves e.g. Critical analysis, rhetoric Industry and engineering approach Understanding the design and development of games. e.g.: How to make better games Games as drivers of technological innovations. e.g.: Graphics, AI, networking, etc. 83 Game Genres Crawford's Taxonomy of Computer Games (old now) Casual Games Sub-genres: action, platformer, role-playing-game etc. Serious Games Sub-genres: card, board, puzzle etc. Core Games Sub-Genres: Brain-training, linguistics, simulation etc. Also, casual gamers, core gamers & serious gamers Profile, similarities and differences? 84 Casual Games A casual game is a video game or online game targeted at or used by a mass audience of casual gamers. Casual games can have any type of game play, and fit in any genre. They are typically distinguished by their simple rules and lack of commitment required in contrast to more complex hardcore games. They require no long-term time commitment or special skills to play, and there are comparatively low production and distribution costs for the producer. Casual games typically are played on a personal computer online in web browsers, although they now are starting to become popular on game consoles, too. Casual gaming demographics also vary greatly from those of traditional computer games, as the typical casual gamer is older and more predominantly female, with over 74% of those purchasing casual games being women. 85 Casual Game Features Most casual games have similar basic features: Extremely simple game play, like a puzzle game that can be played entirely using a one-button mouse or cellphone keypad Allowing game play in short bursts, during work breaks or, in the case of portable and cell phone games, on public transportation The ability to quickly reach a final stage, or continuous play with no need to save the game Some variant on a "try before you buy" business model or an advertising-based model The word "casual" indicates that the games are produced for the casual consumer, who comes across the game and can get into game play almost immediately. Every month, an estimated 200 million consumers play casual games online, many of whom do not normally regard themselves as gamers, or fans of video games. 86 Further Reading Many, many online resources on rise of casual game phenomenon, here a few: 87 Ludology & Narrative in Games Ludology – the study of games as interactive play LUDOLOGY MEETS NARRATOLOGY: Similitude and differences between (video) games and narrative Gonzalo Frasca. Narrative – the study of games as novels or literature Janet Murray - “Hamlet on the Holodeck: The Future of Narrative in Cyberspace” Much disagreement between Lud/Nar camps A Clash between Game and Narrative (Jesper Juul) 88 Ludology / Narrative Discussion • Gonzalo Frasca – Ludologists love stories, too: notes from a debate that never took place – Simulation versus Narrative: Introduction to Ludology • – Rethinking Agency and Immersion: videogames as a means of consciousness-raising • • Jan Simons - Narrative, Games, and Theory – 89 Flow Flow is the mental state of operation in which the person is fully immersed in what he or she is doing by a feeling of energized focus, full involvement, and success in the process of the activity. Proposed by Mihály Csíkszentmihályi, the positive psychology concept has been widely referenced across a variety of fields. According to Csíkszentmihályi, flow is completely focused motivation. It is a single-minded immersion and represents perhaps the ultimate in harnessing the emotions in the service of performing and learning. In flow the emotions are not just contained and channeled, but positive, energized, and aligned with the task at hand. To be caught in the ennui of depression or the agitation of anxiety is to be barred from flow. The hallmark of flow is a feeling of spontaneous joy, even rapture, while performing a task. Colloquial terms for this or similar mental states include: to be on the ball, in the zone, in the groove, or keeping your head in the game. 90 Flow Factors Csíkszentmihályi identifies the following nine factors as accompanying an experience of flow: 1) Clear goals (expectations and rules are discernible and goals are attainable and align appropriately with one's skill set and abilities). Moreover, the challenge level and skill level should both be high. 2) Concentrating, a high degree of concentration on a limited field of attention (a person engaged in the activity will have the opportunity to focus and to delve deeply into it). 3) A loss of the feeling of self-consciousness, the merging of action and awareness. 4) Distorted sense of time, one's subjective experience of time is altered. 5) Direct and immediate feedback (successes and failures in the course of the activity are apparent, so that behaviour can be adjusted as needed). 6) Balance between ability level and challenge (the activity is neither too easy nor too difficult). 7) A sense of personal control over the situation or activity. 8) The activity is intrinsically rewarding, so there is an effortlessness of action. 9) People become absorbed in their activity, and focus of awareness is narrowed down to the activity itself, action awareness merging. Not all are needed for flow to be experienced. 91 Flow in Games Jenova Chen Cloud Game: fl0w: When analysing or designing a game, How does each feature contribute to creating a Flow state? Does the (unusual?) game mechanic contribute? What detracts from a state of Flow? 92 Game Mechanics Many different mechanics, some common, others rare, here is an (old) list of 50 from Ernest Adams: We looked at physics, time & sandboxes: 13. Reversible time. 15. Sandbox modes Saving and reloading is one thing, but sometimes what you really want is what as kids we used to call a "do-over"-a chance to correct an error without the hassle of a reload or going back a long way in the game world. Best-known example: Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time, 2003. When you made a mistake, you could reverse time for ten seconds. To prevent you from using it continually, each usage costs you a certain amount of sand, which has to be replenished by defeating enemies. The game also let the player see into the future to help with upcoming puzzles, another clever innovation. Possible first use: Blinx: The Time Sweeper, 2002, in which collecting up crystals in various combinations gives the player a variety of one-shot time control commands. The term refers to a mode of play in which you can fool around in a game’s world without being required to meet a particular objective. By far the best-known sandbox modes are in the later Grand Theft Auto games, contributing greatly to their popularity. Sandbox mode is normally used to describe special modes within otherwise goal-oriented games, not open-ended games like SimCity. Sandbox modes also sometimes afford emergent behavior, events arising in a game’s world that were not planned or predicted by the designer. First use: unknown. 16. Physics puzzles. Many real-world games involve physics, but they’re usually tests of skill. The computer lets us create physics puzzles, in which you try to figure out how to accomplish a task using the physical properties of simulated objects. They’re about brainpower, not hand-eye coordination. Possible first use: The Incredible Machine, 1992. 93 Game Mechanics • Physics: – Core: • Half-Life 2 (physics gun) • Portal (portal gun) – Casual: • Crayon Physics: • 99 Bricks: • Red Remover: • Time: – – Core: • Prince of Persia (series) • Singuarlity – Casual: • Braid (demo available on Steam) – • Sandboxes: – Core: • Grand Theft Auto (Series), many other similar games • Elder Scrolls Series (Oblivion, Skyrim) • Red Dead Redemption – Casual: • Minecraft (We didn’t have time to play this on course, popular with younger players) 94 Emergent Game Play • Non-linear game play can (and often does) lead to emergent game play, game activities that the designer may not have anticipated or expected – – A game with nonlinear game play presents players with challenges that can be completed in a number of different sequences. Whereas a more linear game will confront a player with a fixed sequence of challenges, a less linear game will allow greater player freedom. For example, a nonlinear game may permit multiple sequences to finish the game, a choice between paths to victory, or optional side-quests and subplots. Some games feature both linear and nonlinear elements, and some games offer a sandbox mode that allows players to explore an open world game environment independently from the game's main objectives. – The genre may have begun in the 8-bit-era with games like Elite, Mercenary and Cholo. More recent examples would be the The Elder Scrolls (series), Grand Theft Auto (series), Far Cry 2, S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Shadow of Chernobyl, Assassin's Creed (Series), Fallout (series) – A game that is significantly nonlinear is sometimes described as being open-ended or a sandbox, and is characterized by there being no "right way" of playing the game. • A common consequence (intentional or unintentional) of open-ended game play is emergent game play. 95 Branching Storylines • Games that employ linear stories are those where the player cannot change the story line or ending of the story. Most games use a linear structure, thus making them more similar to other fiction. Many games have offered premature endings should the player fail to meet an objective, but these are usually just interruptions in a player's progress rather than actual endings. More recently, many games have begun offering multiple endings to increase the dramatic impact of moral choices within the game, although early examples also exist. However, even in games with a linear story, players interact with the game world by performing a variety of actions along the way. – • Despite experimenting with several nonlinear storytelling mechanisms in the 1990s, the game industry has largely returned to the practice of linear storytelling. Linear stories cost less time and money to develop, since there is only one fixed sequence of events and no major decisions to keep track of. For example, several games from the Wing Commander series offered a branching storyline, but eventually they were abandoned as too expensive. – • Still, some games have gone beyond small choices or special endings, offering a branching storyline that players may control at critical points in the game. Sometimes the player is given a choice of which branch of the plot to follow, while sometimes the path will be based on the player's success or failure at a specific challenge. For example, Black Isle Studios' Fallout series of role-playing video games features numerous quests where player actions dictate the outcome of the story behind the objectives. Players can eliminate in-game characters permanently from the virtual world should they choose to do so, and by doing so may actually alter the amount of quests available or the type of quests that become available to them as the game progresses. The effects of such decisions may not be immediate. Branches of the story may merge or split at different points in the game, but seldom allow backtracking. Some games even allow for different starting points, and one way this is done is through a character selection screen (e.g. Dragon Age: Origin). Nonlinear stories increase the chances for bugs or absurdities if they are not tested properly, although they do provide greater player freedom. Some players have also responded negatively to branching stories because it is hard and tedious for them to experience the "full value" of all the game's content. As a compromise between linear and branching stories, there are also games where stories split into branches and then fold back into a single storyline. In these stories, the plot will branch, but then converge upon some inevitable event. This is typically used in many graphic adventure games. A truly nonlinear story would be written entirely by the actions of the player, and thus remains a difficult design challenge. 96 Nonlinear Level Design • A game level or world can be linear or nonlinear. In a game with linear levels, there is only one route that the player must take through the level. In games with nonlinear levels, players might have to revisit locations or choose from multiple paths to finish the level. • As with other game elements, linear level design is not absolute. While a nonlinear level can give the freedom to explore or backtrack, there can be a fixed sequence of challenges that a player must solve to complete the level. Even if a player must confront the challenges in a fixed sequence, they may be given the freedom to seek and identify these challenges without having them presented one after the other. • A more linear game requires a player to finish levels in a fixed sequence to win. The ability to skip, repeat, or choose between levels makes this type of game less linear. Super Mario Bros. is an early example of this, where the player had access to warp zones that skipped many levels of the game. Left 4 Dead 2 is a more advanced example of non-linear level design, featuring an A.I. structure that is capable of generating new level layouts on-the-fly according to each player's individual conditions. This makes it so that players are constantly experiencing a dynamic map layout, and as such may never follow the same exact path twice. • When a level is sufficiently large and open-ended, it may be described as an open world, or sandbox. • Open world game designs have existed in some form since the 1980s, such as the abovementioned Elite, and often make use of procedural generation. 97 Sandbox mode Vs Sandbox Game • In a game with a sandbox mode, a player may turn off or ignore game objectives, or have unlimited access to items. This can open up possibilities that were not intended by the game designer. A sandbox mode is an option in otherwise goal-oriented games and should be distinguished from open-ended games with no objectives such as SimCity. • A Sandbox Game, on the other hand, expects the player to interact with the environment or game world in a largely undirected fashion, such as GTA 4, where many players ignored the narrative and simply stole cars and engaged in violent mayhem. The designers expected and catered for this based on feedback from GTA 3. • See also: – – – And finally, why Assassins Creed 1 failed • • (Assassins Creed 2 improved on almost all these points) 98 Processing Primer 99 Before Processing /* Copyright (c) Mark J. Kilgard, 1997. */ /* This program is freely distributable without licensing fees and is provided without guarantee or warrantee expressed or implied. This program is - not - in the public domain. */ /* This program was requested by Patrick Earl; hopefully someone will write the equivalent Direct3D immediate mode program. */ #include <GL/glut.h> GLfloat light_diffuse[] = {1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0}; /* Red diffuse GLfloat light_position[] = {1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0}; /* Infinite li GLfloat n[6][3] = { /* Normals for the 6 faces of a cube. */ { -1.0, 0.0, 0.0}, {0.0, 1.0, 0.0}, {1.0, 0.0, 0.0}, {0.0, - 1.0, 0.0}, {0.0, 0.0, 1.0}, {0.0, 0.0, -1.0} }; GLint faces[6][4] = { /* Vertex indices for the 6 faces of a cu {0, 1, 2, 3}, {3, 2, 6, 7}, {7, 6, 5, 4}, {4, 5, 1, 0}, {5, 6, 2, 1}, {7, 4, 0, 3} }; GLfloat v[8][3]; /* Will be filled in with X,Y,Z vertexes. */ void drawBox(void) { int i; for (i = 0; i < 6; i++) { glBegin(GL_QUADS); glNormal3fv(&n[i][0]); glVertex3fv(&v[faces[i][0]][0]); glVertex3fv(&v[faces[i][1]][0]); glVertex3fv(&v[faces[i][2]][0]); glVertex3fv(&v[faces[i][3]][0]); glEnd(); } } void display(void) { glClear(GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT | GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT); drawBox(); glutSwapBuffers(); } Then else light. */ ght location. */ be. */ OpenGL void init(void) { /* Setup cube vertex data. */ v[0][0] = v[1][0] = v[2][0] = v[3][0] = -1; v[4][0] = v[5][0] = v[6][0] = v[7][0] = 1; v[0][1] = v[1][1] = v[4][1] = v[5][1] = -1; v[2][1] = v[3][1] = v[6][1] = v[7][1] = 1; v[0][2] = v[3][2] = v[4][2] = v[7][2] = 1; v[1][2] = v[2][2] = v[5][2] = v[6][2] = -1; /* Enable a single OpenGL light. */ glLightfv(GL_LIGHT0, GL_DIFFUSE, light_diffuse); glLightfv(GL_LIGHT0, GL_POSITION, light_position); glEnable(GL_LIGHT0); glEnable(GL_LIGHTING); /* Use depth buffering for hidden surface elimination. */ glEnable(GL_DEPTH_TEST); /* Setup the view of the cube. */ glMatrixMode(GL_PROJECTION); gluPerspective( /* field of view in degree */ 40.0, /* aspect ratio */ 1.0, /* Z near */ 1.0, /* Z far */ 10.0); glMatrixMode(GL_MODELVIEW); gluLookAt(0.0, 0.0, 5.0, /* eye is at (0,0,5) */ 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, /* center is at (0,0,0) */ 0.0, 1.0, 0.); /* up is in positive Y direction */ /* Adjust cube position to be asthetic angle. */ glTranslatef(0.0, 0.0, -1.0); glRotatef(60, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0); glRotatef( -20, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0); } int main(int argc, char **argv) { glutInit(&argc, argv); glutInitDisplayMode(GLUT_DOUBLE | GLUT_RGB | GLUT_DEPTH); glutCreateWindow("red 3D lighted cube"); glutDisplayFunc(display); init(); glutMainLoop(); return 0; /* ANSI C requires main to return int. * } / 100 Processing import processing.opengl.*; size(100, 100, OPENGL); lights(); background(0, 0, 0); noStroke(); fill(255, 0, 0); translate(width/2, height/2); rotateX(60); rotateY(20); box(40); Now Actual (Full) Processing Code 101 IDE Processing Can refer to the (simplified) Integrated Development Environment 102 API Using Processing also means using the graphics library in your favourite (Java) IDE 103 Sketches A Processing program is called a ‘Sketch’ 0, 0 (origin) -x -y +x Canvas +y width, height 104 Transformations translate(x, y) scale(.4) rotate(radians(45)) 105 setup() & draw() (noLoop – no animation) 106 Animated version 107 More complex (3D) example 108 End of Notes Good luck in your exams Remember: Refer to question in answers – are you answering what was actually asked? More marks for framing answer as solution to problem Avoid mindless regurgitation of notes Don’t focus on implementation languages or operating systems, they is not relevant to the question or answer Draw large, well labelled diagrams in pencil (if applicable) Write short, to the point answers. Think of what you will write before you put pen to paper. Aim for grammatically correct and cogent answers. Short sentences with facts and important points better than long waffling essays Sleep the night before each exam Remember, they're only exams, don't be too stressed Stephen Howell 109