Ms. Areces World History Chapter 6 Guided Notes Ancient Rome and the Rise of Christianity Section 2: From Republic to Empire Winning an Empire As Romans conquered the Italian peninsula, they came into contact with _____________________ o City-state on northern coast of Africa o Settled by _______________________________________ and ______________________________ traders o Ruled an empire across North Africa and the western Mediterranean Conflict between the two powers would arise as Rome expanded westward 264 BC – 146 BC: Rome fought three wars with Carthage called the _______________________________________ o Rome won the First Punic War and gained Sicily, Corsica and Sardinia 218 BC – 203 BC: The Second Punic War o The Carthaginians sought _____________________________ o General Hannibal led his army on a march across the Pyrenees, through France, and over the Alps into Italy This march __________________________________________________ But he successfully surprised the Roman army by attacking from the __________________ instead of from the __________________ (as was expected) o The Carthaginians won battle after battle, but failed to ______________________ o Then the Romans sent an army to attack Carthage Hannibal returned to Carthage to defend his homeland This is where the Romans ________________________ the Carthaginians o Carthage gave up ____________________________ except for African territories The Third Punic War officially _______________________________________ o Survivors were killed or sold into slavery o The Romans also ___________________________________________________ so that nothing could grow there again This meant the Romans were now the _________________ of the western Mediterranean The Romans were committed to a policy of imperialism, ________________________________________________________________________ o While it was fighting with Carthage in the _________________, Rome continued to expand _________________ o This is where the Romans encountered the Hellenistic rulers that had divided Alexander the Great’s empire The Romans also launched a series of wars against Macedonia, Greece, and parts of Asia Minor Ms. Areces World History o They did this to ___________________________________________, or _________________________________________________________________ o The new lands became Roman provinces (lands under their rule) o Other regions (ex: Egypt) _____________________ with the Romans Rome ruled from _________________ to _________________ by 133 BC o The Mediterranean was called Mare Nostrum, or “_______________________" Conquests and control of busy trade routes brought ____________________ into Rome o High-ranking officials received huge fortunes o Wealthy families bought huge estates, called latifundia Conquered people were forced to ___________________________________ on these estates The use of slave labor __________________ the small farmers, though o New supply of grain made the prices go down, so farmers fell into debt and had to sell lands Former farmers moved to the cities to find jobs o They became part of a big group of _____________________________________ o This is when the _____________________ started in the cities New wealth also created more __________________________________ o ________________________ and __________________________________ replaced the values of simplicity, hard work, and devotion to duty Two patricians, Tiberius and Gaius Gracchus, attempted to reform when they were elected as tribunes o Tiberius __________________________________________________________ (133 BC) o Gaius ____________________________________________________________ (123 BC) The reforms from these brothers angered the senate—they saw them as _______________________________________________ o The brothers, along with thousands of their followers, were __________________ in street violence started by the senators and their hired thugs Decline of the Republic Unable to reform anything peacefully, Rome entered a series of ____________________ o They could not decide who should be in power—the ____________________ vs. ____________________________________________________ o It set off ________________________ and revolts among _______________________________ o Rival generals took their now professional armies into battle with each other Out of all the chaos, arose a leader by the name of _______________________________ o In 59 BC, he set out to conquer new lands o He conquered Rome swiftly and other lands in the Mediterranean Ms. Areces World History o After one victory he said, “Veni, vidi, vici.” (“______________________________________________________________”) He forced the senate to make him ________________________________________ o He _____________ the senate and other features of the republic o But he did have _______________________________________ in Rome 48 BC – 44 BC: Caesar’s reforms o Program of ________________________________ to help the unemployed o _____________________________________________ to the poor o ____________________________________ the government o Granted _______________________________________ to more people o Introduced a new calendar called the Julian calendar Based on Egyptian knowledge Still used today with just a few minor changes Most long-lasting achievement Caesar’s enemies feared that he would make himself king o March 15, 44 BC—they ______________________________________________ as he arrived to the senate Caesar’s death meant more ______________________________ for Rome Roman Empire and Roman Peace After a power struggle with Marc Antony, Octavian was given the title of Augustus, or Exalted One—and declared him the first citizen He did not call himself a king, but ____________________________________________ He ended the Roman Republic, and began the Roman Empire New policies laid the foundation for a ________________________________________: o Created a well-trained ________________________________ to enforce the laws o High-level jobs were open to men of _______________ (regardless of their class) o Ordered a _______________________ to make the tax system more fair o Set up a new _____________________________________ o Issued ________________________________________ to make trade easier o Put jobless _________________________ in infrastructure or farming This new government functioned well for __________________________ o But every time a new emperor took power, it was always a toss-up as to whether he would be good or bad Not all of the successors were good o Ex: Caligula appointed his favorite _____________________ as consul o Ex: Nero viciously persecuted Christians and was blamed for setting a great fire that destroyed much of Rome 96—180 AD: a period of “good emperors” o Ex: Hadrian codified Roman law, making it the same for everyone in the empire; and he had soldiers build a wall for defense and protection Ms. Areces World History o Ex: Marcus Aurelius read philosophy and used a Stoic philosophy to show commitment to duty and “natural dignity” The 200 years from Augustus to Marcus Aurelius is known as the _____________________________________, or “Roman Peace” o Roman rule brought peace, order, unity, and prosperity o Trade and people moved easily throughout the Roman empire to spread wealth and knowledge The Pax Romana also had a policy jokingly called “_____________________________” o People of all background loved attending the Circus Maximus—Rome’s largest racecourse, where chariots raced furiously and people placed bets to see who would win o ________________________________ contests were also very popular Gladiators were often slaves who could win their freedom if they fought well (or they could be killed with a thumbs down from the crowd) Using the money from taxes, the government put on these circuses and gave free bread to the poor as a way to keep people at peace o People warned against policy, but people were content with it