Yr 7 Italian Unit Outline


School Logo - Languages - ITALIAN

Unit Name:: Tempo Libero Year Level: Year 7 Length: 10 Weeks

Unit Outline

Achievement Standard

Year 7 /8

(Yr 7 Entry Sequence)

This unit focuses on an introduction to Italian language and culture through the topic “Il mio tempo libero” - My free

Time. The unit will include language based around how to extend an invitation; to accept/refuse an invitation; the days of the week; numbers from 0 – 100, to talk about free time; to ask for and tell the time and name places where teenagers generally meet, eg at the cinema, at the skate-park. Students will be introduced to the present indicative of verbs including some irregular verbs and modal verbs and some prepositions and adverbs. Students find out about favourite pastimes of teenagers in Italy.

● Students engage in social interaction to exchange greetings and to share ideas and information related to their personal, social world.

● They use known phrases to exchange ideas and opinions, for example, Non mi piace la pallacanestro. They approximate Italian sound patterns such as consonant combinations, clear vowel sounds and unaspirated consonants. They use gesture and some formulaic expressions to support oral interaction.

● Students use well-rehearsed language related to their personal experiences (for example, stating preferences in sports, leisure activities and entertainment), in both spoken and written forms, and predominantly in the present tense.

● They use learnt structures to create texts such as, captions, descriptions and conversations providing information about themselves, their personal worlds and immediate needs, interests and preferences.

● Adjectives and adverbs such as molto, cosi`, davvero, abbastanza, piuttosto, veramente.

● They connect ideas using conjunctions such as e, ma, però, anche, perché and invece to create simple texts using known vocabulary and structures.

● Students are aware of similarities between Italian and English and understand that they are related languages which borrow from each other, for example, sports vocabulary, technology vocabulary.

● They recognise that literal translation between languages is not always possible.

● They use simple statements to identify features of text types such as emails, role play, interviews/surveys, blogs.

● They reflect on how they interpret and respond to aspects of Italian language and culture, and to intercultural


experience, and consider how their response may be shaped by their own language(s) and culture(s) for example, the understanding of meeting in the piazza/ meeting at the shopping centre.

A note on resources: Progetto Italiano Junior 1 Unit 2 www.languagesonline.vic.gov.edu.au

Topic 23,

Language Perfect


Sing and Learn Italian (ABC Melody)

Primo 1 by Viviana Golding Teacher Resource book. Chapter 4

Forza Uno by Michael Sedunary Chapter 5

Photostory http://microsoft-photo-story.en.lo4d.com/

Language Market ( via Scootle)

Learning Framework

Community Contributor

Leader and Collaborator

Active Investigator

Effective Communicator

Designer and Creator

Quality Producer

Cross Curriculum


Catholic Ethos

Aboriginal and Torres Strait

Islander Histories and Cultures

■ Social Emotional Learning

Asia and Australia’s

Engagement with Asia


General Capabilities ■ Literacy

■ Critical and Creative Thinking

Personal and Social Capability

■ Numeracy

■ Intercultural Understanding

■ Ethical Understanding

■ Information and Communication


Links to other LA’s English Maths Science Religion Humanities and Social Sciences Technologies The Arts HPE

Strands Content Descriptions Language Elaborations Assessment



◉ Socialising

◉ Informing

◉ Creating

◉ Translating

◉ Reflecting

(ACLITC096) Greeting and making small talk,exchanging factual information and opinions about leisure activities, interests, likes and dislikes.


◉ Systems of Language

◉ Language Variation

(ACLITC096) Extending invitations, accepting /refusing and Change invitations, making

▢ Role of Language and


·In arrangements

(ACLITC101) Conveying information regarding free time activities.Describing leisure activities,

(ACLITC103) Creating an imaginative text about leisure activities


(ACLITC104) Translate words from Italian to English and vice versa.


(ACLITC107) Reflecting on own identity based on their own leisure activites salve, buongiorno, come va, come stai?, a domani, ciao, ci vediamo, a presto, pronto, pause fillers such as beh, allora, senti, uffa mi piace/non mi piace, preferisco, amo, odio, adoro, detesto adjectives such divertente, interessante, noioso, vieni?, vuoi venire, andiamo, perchè non, sì, grazie, certo, d’accordo, perchè, no, mi dispiace, non posso, purtroppo, no grazie devo, time/numbers and days of the week places such as al cinema, in città, al centro commerciale, a casa mia, alla festa, in spiaggia

Andare/chattare su internet, andare al lagoon, ascoltare la musica, giocare con i videogiochi, giocare a + sport, fare + sport verbs, andare, fare, suonare, giocare, chattare, navigare

Il cricket, il tennis, il basket, il golf, il rugby

Comparing and contrasting how and where

Italian and Australian teenagers spend their free time


Role Play




Systems of Language:

(ACLITU108) Develop awareness of features of the

Italian sound system

(ACLITU109) Understand and use key features and patterns of the Italian grammatical system

Italian pronunciation

Vocabulary specific to the topic

Verbs- present tense - regular and irregular, eg. andare, fare, giocare, suonare, chattare, navigare, ascoltare Conjugate with singular subject pronouns.

Agreement and placement of adjectives

Masculine/feminine nouns

Prepositions - a, in, su

Adverbs - molto, davvero, veramente

Negatives - non mi piace, non gioco


Learning and Teaching Strategies

Suggested Sequence and Scope of Learning Resources

● What do you do in your free time?

Use visuals such as images and youtube that identify teenagers participating in leisure activities.

Compare and contrast where you meet up with your friends (shopping centre, skate park, etc.) / and where teenagers in Italy typically meet their friends ( la piazza, a casa)

Gioca Jouer song/video clip - identify the leisure activities in the song

Brainstorm other types of leisure activities and list vocabulary on the board.

Use Quizlet or Language Perfect to reinforce sporting and recreational vocabulary.

http://www.youtube.com/ watch?v=Zi4vSH909DY http://quizlet.com/italian

Identify English words that have been adopted into the Italian language eg. spray ( from the song) tennis, cricket. Identify words that have similarities to English words, eg teatro, cinema

Language Perfect

Introduce verbs in the infinitive: andare, giocare, suonare, guardare, fare. Students do activities to learn the verbs eg. match the verb to the image. memory games, miming/actions.

Joining nouns and verbs to create simple phrases eg. giocare a calcio, suonare il clarinetto. Use of word cards/picture cards. Students physically manipulate the cards to create a phrase and write each phrase in their workbook.

Students create their own crosswords or word finds ( digitally) using new language.

Share with a partner and complete their partner’s worksheet.

Assessment opportunities

Anecdotal student evidence

In-class observation

Students participation

Student workbook

Assessment Tasks



Mi piace game: A child stands in front of the class on the right there is the mi piace corner on the left the non mi piace corner and the back the cosi cosi corner. The child says the name of a sport, the other children must go the the appropriate corner according to their preferences.

Speaking Task: Survey Class: What do you like to do and why? Ti piace? Sì, mi piace/No, non mi piace/ È cosi cosi. Survey your classmates about which leisure activities they like.

As part of the survey process model greetings and small talk students can use whilst interviewing their classmates.

Name the most popular and least popular activities in the class. www.puzzlemaker.com

Introduce adjectives to express opinions about leisure activities eg È divertente, noioso, emozionante, interessante.

Introduce adverbs - molto, veramente, davvero, abbastanza, poco

Fractured sentence game: Write up a series of sentences, cut them up and students are to assemble them into the correct word order. This activity reinforces sentence structure. eg mi piace il tennis perchè è molto divertente.

Make a list of your top ten leisure activities and rate them using adverbs before the adjective eg Mi piace il tennis perchè è molto divertente.

Listening activity: Cosa fai nel tempo libero? Listen to young people speaking about their leisure time and check a true/false table. ( Progetto Italiano Junior 1 Unit 2)

Listen to a song about the days of the week. Sing along to learn the days of the week.

Make up use a glossary list of the days of the week.

Create a rap song about your leisure activities and include days of the week ( group work activity) Present your song to the class.

Sing and Learn Italian ( ABC




Anecdotal evidence


Listening Task: Check off leisure activities for each group presentation.

Teach time o’clock and past the hour and reinforce with games and activites eg. time

Formative domino game, bingo game. ( prior knowledge of numbers)

Teach the time with the preposition ‘at’ - alle due e venti.


Writing Task: Write a diary entry into a digital calendar listing all of the leisure activities, time, day and place.


Writing/Speaking Task: Create a digital photostory (with audio) based on your leisure activities and hobbies and include the day and time. http://microsoft-photostory.en.lo4d.com/

Reading/Listening Task: Read and listen to short dialogues which demonstrate language for inviting, accepting and declining. Introduce modal verbs to express possibility, need and obligation eg. voglio /non voglio venire, posso/non posso venire,

Progetto Italiano Junior 1 forse si`/forse no

Unit 2



Writing/ Speaking Task: Students negotiate and make arrangements for sporting and social events by using texts such as text messages or a phone conversation. Provide text models.


Assessment Tasks: Speaking and Reading ( See Task Sheets)



● What worked well?

● What could I do better?

● What would I change?



Learning Area - Languages

Name of Task: Tempo Libero

Date Given:

Year Level: 7

Draft Due:


Final Due:

Type of Task:

■ In Class: 2 Lessons


■ Pairs

■ Group

Task Description:

Opportunity to Access:

■ Notes



Palm cards

Assessed by:

■ Teacher



You are planning a fun activity with your friends during the holidays. Create a conversation that you would have with two to three friends organising an activity include the following

● use an appropriate greetings/small talk

● use language to invite your friend

● discuss day and time and place of the outing

● accept/decline the invitation and give a reason

● suggest an alternative activity if necessary

● close the conversation with an appropriate phrase. ( eg. see you tomorrow)

Ensure each speaker has equal speaking time and the whole conversation is approximately 1 minute. Palm cards are permitted, however, try to minimise your reliance on the palm cards. During preparation of your role play conference with the teacher is allowed.

Resources: You may access your booklet or class notes to write your role play. Conferencing with the teacher is allowable.



Informing -

Range of Language



Systems of Language-


Systems of Language -

Grammatical Accuracy


Assessment Criteria Sheet - Speaking

Learning Area – Languages


Comprehensive use of a range of vocabulary and structures.

Effective use of range of vocabulary and structures.

Adequate use of range of familiar language. Uses simple short sentences.

Self-confident and able to maintain a simple face-to-face conversation with little hesitation and minimal reliance on palm cards.

Responds readily.

Demonstrates skilful communicative ability and moderate reliance on palm cards

Sound communicative ability with hesitation and moderate reliance on palm cards

Speaks with no significant errors in pronunciation, intonation and stress

Speaks with few errors in pronunciation, intonation and stress

Some errors in pronunciation, intonation and stress


Disjointed use of range of familiar language.

Limited communicative ability with hesitation and reliance on palm cards

Frequent errors in pronunciation, intonation and stress


Very limited use of vocabulary.

Inaccurate communicative ability with hesitation and reliance on palm cards

Pronunciation hinders communication

Few and minor errors. Meaning is clear. Highly skilful ability to ask and respond to questions.

Errors do not hinder meaning. Speech patterns reflect some feeling for the language.

Some errors.

Mostly uses formulaic language.

Errors in all but well rehearsed language

Answers are monosyllabic and repetitive structures.



Learning Area - Languages

Name of Task: Tempo Libero Year Level: 7 Name:

Date Given:

Type of Task

In Class




Supervised Exam

Task Description:

Opportunity to Access





Assessed by




You have received the following email from your Italian e-pal. Read the text and answer the questions in English to demonstrate your understanding of the text.


Come va? Tutto ok? Allora, io sto bene, infatti sto molto bene. Questo weekend io faccio tante cose interessanti. Sabato alle dieci gioco a tennis con la mia mamma. E tu, cosa ti piace giocare? Mi piace giocare a tennis perchè è divertente. Alle due del pomeriggio vado alla festa di Maria - che figata! Sabato sera vado in piazza con i miei amici a mangiare un gelato.

Domenica non gioco a sport perchè preferisco andare su internet a chattare e navigare. Di pomeriggio studio la matematica - che noia!!! Domenica sera adoro guardare la TV, specialmente il mio programma preferito ‘The Voice’.

E tu cosa fai questo weekend? un abbraccio



How is Alice feeling?


List all the activities that Alice will do this weekend. Give details, for example, day, time and place, with whom?


Does Alice enjoy doing every activity? Explain why.


What does Alice ask you in the email?


Is Alice looking forward to her weekend? Explain.



Informing –

Gist and detail

Vocabulary and grammar


Assessment Criteria Sheet - Reading

Learning Area - Languages


Comprehensive knowledge and under-standing of concepts, facts & details

Thorough knowledge and understanding of concepts, facts and details

Satisfactory knowledge and understanding of concepts, facts and details


Variable knowledge and understanding of concepts, facts and details

Rudimentary knowledge and understanding of concepts, facts and details

Language variation and use -

Deduction of meaning

Insightful interpretation of ideas and information in texts

Proficient interpretation of ideas and information in texts

Competent interpretation of ideas and information in texts

Variable identification of obvious ideas and information in texts

Vague identification of ideas and information in texts

