File - Ismael "Ish" Perez

Ish Perez
Joaquin Chapar
Ucoll 304
1. Microbiology:
Department: School of Molecular Biosciences
Difference: What makes this major different than other majors at WSU is, Microbiology
is the study of organisms and viruses too small to be seen by the unaided eye.
Microbiologists study all aspects of these organisms, including what they are,
their lifecycle and metabolic capacity, their distribution in nature, and their relationship
to each other and to other living things. Thus leading to a more specialized major than
general biology.
Advisor: My advisor would be Dr. Consetta Helmick
Certification requirements: Biol 106 & 107––Introductory Biology I & II
Chem 105 & 106––Principles of Chemistry I & II
Math 140––Math for Life Sciences
or Math 171 Calculus I
Math 212--Intro to Stats
or Stat 412--Stat Methods
Chem 345––Organic Chemistry I
Phys 101 & 102––General Physics I & II
MBioS 301––General Genetics
MBioS 303––Introductory Biochemistry
MBioS 304--Micro/Molecular Biology lab
MBioS 305––General Microbiology
MBioS 404--Molecular Biology
MBioS 410––Medical Microbiology
MBioS 411––Diagnostic Medical Bacteriology Laboratory
or MBioS 430--Combined Immunology and Virology Laboratory
MBioS 440––Immunology
MBioS 442--Virology
MBioS 450--Microbial Physiology
MBioS 494––Senior Project
Personal Reflection: The reason I have chosen to select this major for further study, and
why it is the first one I chose to do is because, Microbiology is my major right now,
while I have looked into it on a normal basis I was interested in choosing it to look at it
more in depth. After doing this in depth research and looking at it more closely I am still
interested in this major. I have always been good at biology, and while it was my plan
from the start to coming to WSU to major in general biology, I later decided to take this
love for biology a step further, so I decided to specialize in the field and go down the
route of a microbiologist. They make $60,000 starting a year salary, and they get to work
with microscopic organisms (Viruses, Bacteria, Cells, etc.) You also get employed by
medical departments, such as hospitals, pharmacies, etc. I am still interested in this major
and plan to keep on going full speed ahead with it.
2. International Business:
Department: College of Business
Differences: “International business studies the markets, people, and places involved in
trade, commerce, and exchanges throughout the world. Students in this field are
challenged to think globally and to develop an awareness of the cultural, political, and
economic aspects of business.” This is a brief description of the major off of the WSU
website and as you can tell it is a very different major from other majors at studies. It also
is a specialized flied in the study of business.
Advisor: Jerman Rose
Certification Requirements: Complete the following certification courses with a GPA
of 2.50 or better:
- EconS 101 and 102
- Engl 101
- Acctg 230 and 231
- B Law 210
- MgtOp 215
- Math 201 and 202
- MIS 250
Have a cumulative WSU GPA of at least 2.5
Have earned at least 60 credits
Personal Reflection: The reason I chose this major to do an in depth analysis, of
International Business is because it is a growing market with many posibities. The United
States biggest trade partner is China, and with their astronomically increasing GDP it is a
viable market ready for the picking. After doing my research I am still interested in
International Business as my second and backup major. It has many possibilities for
making money and establishing good relations with Chinese trading companies.
3. Criminal Justice:
Department: Department of Criminal Justice and Criminology
Differences: Criminal justice is an interdisciplinary field that includes material from a
broad range of social sciences. Criminal justice students examine the causes, prevention,
control, and treatment of crime and delinquency, focusing on law enforcement agencies,
courts, correctional institutions, community corrections, and community justice
programs. This is the brief description from WSU’S website. I believe this major is
different from others because it gives you the necessary insight and education in order to
advance and be successful in the Criminal Justice field, whether your end goal is to be a
Police Officer, a Sherriff, and a Judge. This Major lays down the foundation for your
career in Criminal Justice.
Advisor: Kelli Laxson
Certification Requirements: Students who major in criminal justice must complete the
15-hour criminal justice core, 6 hours in research methods and quantitative analysis, 9
hours in criminal justice electives, 9 hours from specified political science courses, and 3
hours in specified College of Liberal Arts electives.
Completion of Crm J 101 (Introduction to the Administration of Criminal Justice)
24 completed semester credits
2.0 minimum cumulative grade point average
Personal reflection: I selected Criminal Justice as my third Major to research in depth
because, I have always been interested in doing something in the field of Criminal Justice,
whether it be as a police officer, a lawyer, a judge or etc. I have always thought of myself
being strong in able to succeed in this field. Yes after doing my research I am still interested
in this major if someday I ended up switching majors this one would definitely be at top tier
of my choices.