Special Educational Needs Information Report

Our Local Offer for Special Educational Needs and/or Disability
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Our Local Offer for Special Educational Needs and/or Disability
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Which types of special
educational need do
you cater for? (IRR)
Other (Please Specify)
We are an inclusive mainstream setting catering for
children and young people with a wide range of needs
who are able to demonstrate capacity for accessing the
mainstream curriculum with differentiation and support.
We are an inclusive setting that offers a specialism/specialisms in
Each section provides answers to questions from the Parent/Carer’s Point of View. The questions have been developed using examples from
Pathfinder authorities, such as the SE7 Pathfinder Partnership, in conjunction with questions from Cheshire East parent carers.
The requirements for the SEN Information Report have been incorporated into this document, based on the latest draft version of the Special
Educational Needs (Information) Regulations (correct as of May 2014). Questions providing information required as part of the Information
Report Regulations are shown using the letters IRR (Information Report Regulations).
Our Local Offer for Special Educational Needs and/or Disability
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How will you know if my child or young person needs extra help? (IRR)
Fallibroome has good links with primary school and much information is passed on through staff visits and records when students transfer in year 6. If literacy is
flagged as a concern, a member of the Learning Support Department will test the reading of the student when visiting the primary setting at the end of year 6.
In addition to this, all year 7 are screened at the beginning and end of the academic year for spelling and reading. Blanket screening of this nature is generally of a
‘crude’ nature so if there are concerns, more detailed testing may be carried out. Should these investigations result in students requiring additional help parents
will be informed by letter.
We are pleased to hear from parents who want to draw to our attention any concerns they may have about their child on transfer.
Students who transfer after Year Seven are similarly screened.
Once at Fallibroome, additional needs may be identified by teachers, teaching assistants, or other staff within the Academy who may highlight particular concerns
relating to progress. Such concerns will be discussed with parents and students to identify if extra help is necessary and the form it will take. The SENCo has access
to and reviews any assessments made of students during the course of the school’s ordinary assessment and reporting cycle as these often effectively highlight
lack of progress. Possible SEN is perceived as part of a whole range of considerations when progress is not as expected.
The views of parents are paramount. Any concerns with specific subjects should be initially addressed to the subject teacher. If these concerns are more general,
then the Learning Manager and the SENCo should be approached.
The need for extra help can be identified at any point during the student’s career at Fallibroome Academy but every effort will be made to identify need as early
as possible.
What should I do if I think my child or young person needs extra help?
If your child is currently a student at Fallibroome Academy then please do contact us with any concerns regarding progress.
If your child is not progressing or you have concerns regarding a particular subject then please contact the subject teacher or the Director of Teaching and
Learning for that particular subject area (contacts can be found on the website or through phoning the reception at the Academy), in the first instance.
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(if applicable)
If the concern is more general, please contact either your child’s form tutor, the relevant Learning Manager or the SENCo (Ms Whalen or the Assistant SENCo (Mrs
If the student is transferring to Fallibroome after Year Seven there will need to be a transition meeting if there any concerns relating to learning or behavioural
difficulties. Any support offered should be perceived as part of a package which may include support from the pastoral system as well as broader aspects of the
design of the curriculum and structures as well as the SEN department.
Where can I find the setting/school’s SEND policy and other related documents? (IRR)
All current policies can be found on the Academy website (www.fallibroome.org.uk) under the section for parents. If parents have issues accessing these they
should contact the main Academy office or reception who will be pleased to help.
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Teaching, Learning and Support
(if applicable)
How will you teach and support my child or young person with SEND? (IRR)
At Fallibroome the emphasis is very much on students accessing the mainstream curriculum where possible.
The needs of the vast majority of students with or without SEND should be met within the mainstream classroom through Quality First Teaching. A lot of emphasis
is placed on the quality of teaching and learning at Fallibroome and an important aspect of this is inclusion. The vast majority of students should be able to make
progress within the ordinary classroom context. Fallibroome received ‘outstanding’ for Teaching and Learning during the 2013 OFSTED inspection. A team of
curriculum TAs ensures specialist support and differentiation in key subject areas.
Addition support beyond the mainstream classroom can take a variety of forms including:
 One to one support outside the classroom
 Withdrawal of small groups for literacy, numeracy, social skills and art therapy
 Support from a Teaching Assistant within mainstream lessons
 Disapplication from a subject ( In rare circumstances with the agreement of the Head of School)
 Support from the school Counsellor and the Inclusion Resource Centre
 Membership of the ‘Core Family’ and access to additional behavioural support
 Early morning literacy and numeracy interventions
 Homework clubs at lunchtime and after school
 Home programmes such as ‘Units of Sound’
 Tailored interventions according to need e.g. anger management
 Other department based interventions designed to enable achievement for all students working within a particular subject area
 Motivational/work placements out of school
 Specific curriculum pathways
 In exceptional circumstances, home tutoring may have to be considered or alternative settings such as MYAF; Create
 Lunchtime extracurricular provision
In exceptional circumstances, education off site through home tutoring at Macclesfield Youth Achievement Foundation may be considered.
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Teaching, Learning and Support
(if applicable)
How will the curriculum and learning environment be matched to my child or young person’s needs? (IRR)
At Fallibroome, there is an expectation that all staff will provide Quality First Teaching. As part of this expectation all staff are expected to differentiate to meet
the needs of the students they teach. This will be based on information shared with them by the SENCo/ Assistant SENCo or the Learning Manager through the
Inclusion Register; Access Plans for statemented pupils and those with an EHC Plan; generic access Plans to meet the needs of groups of students who have
particular learning difficulties and increasingly, School Support Plans. All such information is subject to constant review and additional information is frequently
sent out to staff in relation to specific students for a variety of reasons. Directors of Teaching and Learning are expected to ensure that the teachers within their
subject areas are meeting the needs of the students for whom they have responsibility.
Quality First Teaching should meet the needs of most students. Some may need additional support and the SENCo will arrange for this in consultation with
parents. Depending on the nature of the support needed, it may be necessary for the SENCo to liaise with the Pastoral team and/or with the Assistant Principal Director of Achievement 11-16, in order to design the most appropriate package of support.
Assessments to determine Access Arrangements for external examinations are done at the end of Year Nine. Assessments can, however, be carried out at any
time if they are deemed necessary. In order to put in place Access Arrangements, the school has to demonstrate a history of need and this information may need
to be gathered from staff before such arrangements can be approved. A diagnosis of Dyslexia does not automatically give entitlement to Access Arrangements.
Advice about curriculum options can be obtained by:
- visiting the Academy website (www.fallibroome.org.uk)
- attending one of the Open Evenings/ Open Mornings
- attending the GCSE Options Evening – usually held in March. The SENCo is always in attendance at this meeting and is happy to give advice about the
various options pathways
- attending the A level Information Evening – usually held in the spring term
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Teaching, Learning and Support
(if applicable)
- contacting the Academy and requesting an individual meeting with a relevant member of staff.
How are the setting, school, or college’s resources allocated and matched to children or young people’s needs?
Currently the SEND budget is managed by the Academy’s leadership team which is mindful of its responsibilities towards students with SEND. The package put
together for students with SEND could be funded from several funding streams including funding deriving from a statement; an EHC Plan and/or Pupil Premium.
The Assistant Principal - Pastoral leader 11-16, the Assistant Principal - Director of Achievement 11-16 and the SENCo have a duty to inform the Leadership team
should funding be inadequate to meet the needs of students. Heads of Department should be mindful of the need to request additional funds in order to meet
the needs of SEND students within particular curriculum areas.
How is the decision made about what type and how much support my child or young person will receive? Who will make the decision and on what basis?(IRR)
Decisions regarding the amount and type of support available to a student are made by the SENCo. Depending on the nature of the need, it may be necessary
to involve the Assistant Principal-Pastoral Leader 11-16 and /or the Assistant Principal-Director of Achievement 11-16. Such decisions are taken based on
assessment and other evidence which is gathered from members of staff, data, input from outside agencies and parents.
How will equipment and facilities to support children and young people with SEND be secured? (IRR)
The SENCo and Assistant SENCo will take the primary lead in securing equipment or facilities for students. This may be delegated to the appropriate teaching
assistant or subject leader/ teacher if the equipment required is subject specific. Parents may know of suppliers of equipment/ facilities/ facilitators that may be
beneficial for a student with particular needs. In such cases, recommendations are always welcomed but will have to be considered in the light of budget
constraints and practicalities.
How will you and I know how my child or young person is doing and how will you help me to support their learning? (IRR)
Assessment is central to effective Quality First Teaching. All staff and students are aware of the targets students should be meeting based on prior achievement.
Progress against these targets will be assessed in a a variety of ways including:
 Effort and Attainment grades
 Reports
 Follow Up Evenings
 Parents’ Evenings
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Teaching, Learning and Support
(if applicable)
 Progress Review weeks
Each member of staff should have their own clear picture of how a student is progressing within their subject area. Should there be concerns about the progress
of a student, staff are not expected to wait until the next available scheduled report point to let parents know. For parents who wish to have more detailed and
individual chats about their child’s progress or who feel that their child is not progressing, we would encourage them to contact their child’s Form Tutor, the
subject teacher/Director of Teaching and Learning in the first instance. If the student is working closely with a TA and requires additional support, then it is
possible to set up a Day Book system whereby notes and comments can move backwards and forwards between home and school. In such cases, there should be
very good communication between the TA and home. TAs also have a limited amount of administration time which can be used to communicate with parents
where necessary.
For students with SEND without an EHC Plan but with a School Support Plan, there should be opportunities during the school year to review progress with a
member of staff.
Students who access additional support for literacy are tested at the end of the intervention and the results are sent home to parents. The teacher of all the main
interventions followed is expected to write a school report in the normal way.
We encourage all parents to take an active role in monitoring the performance of their child and to work with the Academy to ensure their child makes the best
progress. Details about what children are studying can be found on the Academy website. Information on what a parent can do to help their child at home can be
obtained either from the subject teacher or the SEN department. The SEN department runs a literacy workshop each year for parents whose children are doing
our Year Seven literacy interventions. The completion of homework is crucial to progress and Fallibroome recognises that it is not always easy for all parents to
support this at home. We therefore run homework drop in sessions after school Monday-Thursday and during all lunchtimes.
How does the setting, school or college consult with and involve children and young people with SEND in Planning and reviewing their education? (IRR)
For students with EHC Plans a yearly review of the Plan will take place with the SENCo/Assistant SENCo although parents are welcome to come into the academy
before this to discuss progress or raise concerns. This review will be based on comments from teachers, comments from TAs and also comments from the
students and their parents. The review meeting will have the SENCo/Assistant SENCo, the relevant TA, the parents, the student and any outside agencies involved.
There will also be points in the year where the progress of students who have a School Support Plan will have their provision reviewed.
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Teaching, Learning and Support
(if applicable)
All students who take part in interventions are asked to complete ‘Student Voice’ questionnaires at the end of the course in order for us to gauge their response
to the programme which has been put in place.
Annually, we ask pupils in Year 9 to complete a survey about the teaching and learning in specific departments (all subjects are surveyed over a 2 year period)
This information is shared with departments and used to inform priorities for the year ahead. In addition to this, all students in Years 11 and 13 fill in a survey
based on the one written by OFSTED just before they leave, which provides feedback about the quality of teaching and learning; career/ post 18 options; response
to bullying etc. Every 2 years we ask parents to fill in a similar survey. This information is collated and used to inform whole school priorities.
In addition to this, we have a Community Council of approx 40 students from Years 7-11. The council consists of 6 sub councils each with a specific role: events,
charity, primary liaison, international, press and publicity and leadership. Each council organises and runs a range of events across the Fallibroome Learning
Community. One of the roles of the Leadership Council is to gather the views of students and formally present these to the school leadership team. Students with
SEND are very much part of this process.
How does the setting/school/college assess and evaluate the effectiveness and sufficiency of its arrangements and provision for children and young people
with SEND? (IRR)
Students with SEND are subject to the same rigorous progress tracking procedures to which all students at Fallibroome are subject. The success of literacy and
numeracy interventions put in place by the Learning Support Department should be evidenced by achievement across the board. The SENCo has access to all
assessment outcomes when published and if necessary, can respond by altering the support available in some way. The progress of students with SEND is subject
to separate scrutiny by OFSTED.
All students who undertake a literacy based intervention have their reading tested and their reading age determined at the end of the intervention.
If the intervention focuses on social skills and behaviour, evidence can be derived from Pupil Voice questionnaires or from records of detentions, exclusions, class
removals and Core Family and IRC logs.
Regular reviews with parents and students for those with enhanced provision different from or additional to the norm, also provide a forum for discussions
around the effectiveness of provision.
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Our Local Offer for Special Educational Needs and/or Disability
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Keeping Students Safe and Supporting Their Wellbeing
(if applicable)
How do you ensure that my child or young person stays safe outside of the classroom?
The majority of students arrive and leave school safely themselves, although at both times of the day there are a large number of staff on duty who supervise the
students and ensure they arrive and leave in an orderly fashion.
For some students, alternative arrangements may be necessary and this will be discussed with the SENCo/ Assistant SENCo as some students need to be met at
reception or collected by parents at the end of the day. Students with physical disabilities can be met by staff at the Lancaster Suite in the morning and can
transfer to taxis and parental vehicles in the evening at the dropping off zone at the back of the school.
Again, for the majority of students, breaks will mean independent access to areas of the school where they will meet and socialise with their friends. The Sixth
Form access their own Common Room and catering facilities. All areas are supervised by a number of staff at both break and lunchtime. Vulnerable SEND
students can be catered for in the Lancaster Suite, if necessary, at break and there are TAs on duty in the dining room to assist vulnerable and physically disabled
students. At lunchtimes, the Learning Support Department have clubs and drop in homework sessions which students can attend in addition to all the other
extracurricular activities the school offers. There is an expectation that all students, regardless of SEND, will be included in all activities where possible.
Some students, due to physical or other concerns, may need to leave lessons early, usually accompanied by a Teaching Assistant. Again, arrangements like these
need to be discussed with the SENCo. At change over times there is a large staff presence on the corridors.
When risk assessments are needed these will be completed by staff and parents, discussed with students and shared as appropriate. Staff are informed if a
particular risk assessment needs to take place if, for example, they intend to take a physically disabled student away on a school trip.
What pastoral support is available to support my child or young person’s overall well-being?
All students access their Form Tutor daily and have regular access to their Learning Manager (LM) with whom they can discuss issues. Within form time, students
with an EHCP/ statement can also access their TA. Where there are concerns regarding bullying there are a number of options. Students can:
- report it immediately to the Form Tutor or Learning Managers – all LMs are available at regular points in the day, particularly break times
- report it to the Form Tutor or Learning Managers via email or telephone using the designated ‘Report Bullying’ link on the website or the bully hotline
The school’s anti- bullying policy is available on our website.
For some students who may find it difficult to make friends and socialise we offer a number of solutions:
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Keeping Students Safe and Supporting Their Wellbeing
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- TA run lunch clubs which offer small, comfortable and highly supervised environments at lunchtimes
- intense support from their LM or the Pastoral team with developing their social and communication skills
- additional support from the Learning Support department via 1-1 support if necessary.
Fallibroome tries to keep specified friends from primary schools together so that transition to secondary school is smoother.
The degree to which confidence and self esteem develop within vulnerable students is measured through discussion with students, parents and staff. The Pastoral
team can offer input that looks at the development of a student’s self esteem. Such intervention would only be implemented with the support and agreement of
both student and parents. All staff have been safeguarding trained.
How will the setting, school or college manage my child or young person’s medicine or personal care needs?
Where a student has individual medical needs we ask parents to contact school immediately and meet with a Pastoral Assistant and where possible and
necessary, the School Nurse, Mrs Helen Cox. The level of medical need, medication and individualised support will be discussed and determined at this meeting
and if necessary, an Individual Health Plan will be set up. The relevant information contained in this Plan would then be shared with staff.
For the majority of students, an Individual Health Plan will not be required, but the needs of the students will be shared with staff where appropriate.
There are a number of trained First Aid staff at Fallibroome. In the case of emergency, staff have been given training about what to do under certain
circumstances but the type of action, in the majority of cases, would be determined by the First Aider. Parents would be contacted immediately, or if that was not
possible, then the emergency contact person identified by the parents would be informed.
There is a separate policy which covers personal care which is available to all Parents for whom it is relevant. All TAs at Fallibroome are willing to carry out this
kind of care and have been trained to do so.
What support is available to assist with my child or young person’s emotional and social development? (IRR)
Where there are concerns about the emotional and social development of a student, we would discuss these with both parents and student. In this area, there
may be a need to access support from either the pastoral team or the Learning Support Department, who can offer support in a number of different areas
including self esteem, anger management and social and communication difficulties. The school has a counsellor and a Higher Level Teaching Assistant who runs
the Inclusion Resource Centre; this is a ‘breakout’ room for students who are under particular stress for a variety of reasons.
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Keeping Students Safe and Supporting Their Wellbeing
(if applicable)
If there is a greater concern then advice may be sought from external agencies i.e. CEAT (Cheshire East Autism Team), CAMHS and the Educational Psychologist.
All these agencies liaise with parents and school over difficulties students may have. This level of support would only be actioned after discussion with parents
and the student and would require full parental consent.
What support is there for behaviour, avoiding exclusions and increasing attendance?
There are a number of actions Fallibroome takes to avoid exclusions, as identified in the school’s ‘Behaviour and Attendance’ Policy:
All staff use a graduated approach and would refer poor behaviour to their DTL or LM for support
Beyond this students may need to be sanctioned as per school policy
If the type of behaviour is considered to be more serious, then students may need to spend a period of time in the Pastoral Support Centre
Where there are behavioural concerns, these will be discussed with parents and the behaviour of students monitored. If there is a need for further support or
work on this area then there will be regular support from the pastoral team and the student may be required to become a member of the Core Family (an
inclusion resource designed to provide support for students with behavioural problems and which acts as a more positive alternative to exclusion). Students
requiring this level of support will have a School Support Plan. Where the concern continues, then advice would be sought from external agencies (see below).
Students may be referred to see the School Counsellor, or may be able to access the school’s Inclusion Resource Centre (IRC).
The school promotes positive behaviour, and rewards are issued as appropriate to nurture this ethos.
Pastoral Assistants, Form Tutors and LMs monitor attendance. When attendance falls below 92% contact is made with home. If attendance continues to be a
concern, then further contact is made with home and a meeting with parents will be called. The school may engage the support of the Educational Welfare Officer
if these strategies do not address the situation. The school’s ‘Behaviour and Attendance’ Policy explains these systems further.
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Working Together & Roles
(if applicable)
What is the role of my child or young person’s class teacher?
Students will have a number of teachers during their secondary education. All students will have a Form Tutor whom they will see every day during registration.
As an immediate contact point their role is crucial, and we ask parents to work in partnership with the Form Tutor to help establish a working relationship that
supports the student.
Within lessons, students will access a number of specialist teaching staff and when there are questions about progress within a particular subject we suggest that
parents contact the specific subject teacher as they will have a better and wider understanding of the progress needs, concerns, types of assessment and subject
content which relate to their curriculum area.
All teachers at Fallibroome Academy are teachers of Special Needs and are expected to meet the needs of all students within their classrooms.
Who else has a role in my child or young person’s education?
Fallibroome has a large number of TAs who perform a variety of roles within school. Some students who have very high needs may be assigned a TA who will look
after their needs for a substantial part of their day. These TAs are ‘Specific Needs' TAs. In addition, there are Transition TAs who work exclusively in Year 7 forms
in order to ensure that transition to secondary school is as smooth as possible. Fallibroome also has Curriculum TAs who are assigned to specific departments and
who specialise in particular subject areas. These TAs differentiate work; provide in class support and work with small groups both within and outside the
classroom. It is highly likely that a student needing support will receive it from a variety of TAs during the course of the day; we believe, in accordance with the
most recent research, that it is not in a student’s best interests to be with the same TA all day everyday if growing independence is to be a realistic objective. The
TA team is managed on a day to day basis by Miss Hannah Saatchi who is the Lead Teaching Assistant assisted by a team of four HLTAs, Mrs Christine Little who
has responsibility for organising Access Arrangements; Mrs Jayne Ruscoe who runs the Inclusion Resource Centre, Mrs Eithnne Lennon who runs part of our BTec
programmes and Mr Craig Jones who delivers literacy interventions. As well as Teaching Assistants, it is possible the students could be asked to work with
external specialists with specific expertise depending on the circumstances. The school also has a qualified school councillor, a careers advisor and a behaviour
support coordinator.
How does the setting, school or college ensure that information about a child’s SEND or EHC Plan is shared and understood by teachers and all relevant staff
who come into contact with that child?
The Inclusion Register and the Medical Needs Register are held on the school system and are readily available to all staff. The Inclusion Register includes
information about any child where there is concern, regardless of whether they have an EHC Plan, a statement or a School Support Plan. If students are
statemented or have an EHC Plan, there is an Access Plan also held on the school system which describes the issues surrounding a student and the approaches
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and strategies needed to address their needs. For students with substantial needs who are not statemented there will be a School Support Plan in place which will
also be available to staff to view. More generic Access Plans for students with particular difficulties such as Dyslexia, ADHD, ASC, and Dyspraxia will also be
available for staff to use.
If an incoming student has needs which are particularly unusual, we hold meetings at the beginning of September to inform teaching staff about them and their
needs. These meetings have been lead by both parents and external specialists in the past.
Fallibroome Academy is a teaching school and as such has a very robust professional Development programme for its staff. SEN features frequently within our
Training School provision and within staff meetings. All Departments send a representative to a LINKS meeting every term where issues relating to SEND can be
discussed and information disseminated. TAs also have access to the training offered by Training School and are encouraged to take additional qualifications if
possible. The school hosts regular STAN (Secondary Teaching Assistant Network) meetings when TAs from other schools are invited to receive additional training
alongside Falllibroome TAs.
What expertise is available in the setting, school or college in relation to SEND? (IRR)
The SENCo Ms A Whalen is currently in the process of obtaining the National award for SEN Coordination. She also has a Postgraduate Diploma (AMDA approved)
in Dyslexia and Literacy. Mrs J Pepper the Assistant SENCo also has a Postgraduate Diploma in Dyslexia and Literacy. The majority of Teaching Assistants hold
relevant Level 3 qualifications in Learning Support or equivalent or are qualified teachers. Staff frequently attend courses on various aspects of Special Needs
including Autism, ADHD/ADD, Dyslexia, physical disabilities and Dyspraxia. Expertise is often brought in so that groups of staff can be trained in relation to
aspects of SEND by specialists. Our TA team is very experienced and able.
Which other services do you access to provide for and support pupils and students with SEND (including health, therapy and social care services)? (IRR)
The Academy works closely with outside agencies and acts upon the advice they offer. Such agencies include;
 Cheshire East Autism Team
 Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service
 Cheshire Sensory Impairment team
 NHS Physiotherapy services
 NHS Occupational Services
 Cheshire Youth Support Services
 NHS Speech and Language Therapy
 Cheshire East Educational Psychology Team
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 Cheshire East Youth Support Services
 The school nurse – Helen Cox
We are also happy to work with specialists privately engaged by parents.
Who would be my first point of contact if I want to discuss something?
For parents who are worried we suggest a number of different staff to contact depending on the nature of your concern:
The Form Tutor if the concern is a pastoral one
The Learning Manager for more serious pastoral issues or concerns about progress
Subject teachers/ Directors of Teaching and Learning if the concern is related to a particular subject
The SENCo/ Assistant SENCo for concerns relating to progress, concerns regarding provision, additional support or suspected Special Needs. It is,
however, important that discussions with subject teachers have taken place before contacting the SENCo if the concern relates to a particular subject
If parents are worried, they are asked to contact The Academy as soon as possible – by phone or email.
Who is the SEN Coordinator and how can I contact them? (IRR)
The current SENCo is Ms Alison Whalen – who is a specialist literacy teacher. Her assistant SENCo is Mrs Jacqueline Pepper – who is also a specialist in Dyslexia
and literacy.
What roles do your governors have? And what does the SEN governor do?
The current SEN Governor is Liz Durham who ensures that the needs of students with SEND are represented at Governor’s meetings.
At the time of writing, there is no governor with specific oversight of Looked After Children so all concerns regarding this group of students should be directed to
the Principal.
How will my child or young person be supported to have a voice in the setting, school or college? (IRR)
As part of their EHC Plan review all students are asked for their views on their progress, the type of support they receive and how they would like this to develop.
Students who have School Support Plans will also be asked for their views when these Plans are subject to review.
Annually, we ask pupils in year 9 to complete a survey about the teaching and learning in specific departments (All subjects are surveyed over a 2 year period.)
This information is shared with departments and used to inform priorities for the year ahead. In addition to this, all students in years 11 and 13 fill in a survey,
based on the one formulated by OFSTED, just before they leave which informs us of their views about the quality of teaching and learning, career/ post 18
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options, response to bullying etc. Every 2 years we ask parents to fill in a similar survey. This information is collated and used to inform whole school priorities.
In addition to this, we have a Community Council of approx 40 students from Year 7-11. The council consists of 6 sub councils each with a specific role: events,
charity, primary liaison, international, press and publicity and leadership. Each council organises and runs a range of events across the Fallibroome Learning
Community. One of the roles of the Leadership Council is to gather the views of students and formally present these to the school leadership team . SEND
students are very much part of this process.
What opportunities are there for parents to become involved in the setting/school/college and/or to become governors?
There are currently seven parent governors who are elected by the parent body. All parents are informed when nominations are being sought and when voting is
taking place.
The school often draws upon the expertise and help of parents and is grateful for the input.
What help and support is available for the family through the setting, school or college? (IRR)
The pastoral support team are available to deal with personal issues which may arise at home and which may need to be brought to the attention of staff.
The Academy can provide details of organisations who can help with specific forms of SEND, including Parent Partnership, who can provide additional support to
the families of children who have SEND.
Careers advice is provided and appointments with the advisor can be made by contacting the Learning Manager.
For students with EHC Plans there will be regular access to the Cheshire East Youth Support Service (CEYSS) who will support students in their transition post 16
and will attend all reviews of the EHC Plans from year 9 onwards.
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(if applicable)
How will my child or young person be included in activities outside the classroom, including trips? (IRR)
There is an expectation at Fallibroome that all students, regardless of SEND, should be included in all extracurricular activities where possible. Any issues relating
to access should be referred to the Learning Support Department so that appropriate support can be arranged.
There is open access to all trips and activities for all students, although the nature of certain trips and activities may mean that considerable pre Planning and risk
assessment is required so that reasonable adjustments can be made. The school currently has a Duke of Edinburgh programme which is designed to cater for the
needs of SEND students.
If a student has behavioural issues which might put themselves or others at risk, their place on a trip would have to be carefully considered and parents would be
fully involved in such discussions. Ultimately, the decision as to whether a student should be allowed on a trip will be made by the school.
How accessible is the setting/school/college environment?
Is the building fully wheelchair accessible?
Details (if required)
It may not be possible for some students to access the upper floors of the building if they are unable to be EVAC Chaired in the event of
a fire.
Are disabled changing and toilet facilities available? Yes
Details (if required)
Do you have parking areas for pick up and drop off?
Details (if required)
The area is situated at the back of the school near the Lancaster Suite.
Do you have disabled parking spaces for students (post-16 settings)?
Details (if required)
Additional Points:
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The Fallibroome site is suitable for powered wheelchairs or for students who can self propel. We are unable to ask TAs to push students.
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(if applicable)
Who should I contact about my child/young person joining your setting, school or college? (IRR)
Information regarding our admissions policy can also be found on our website or through contact with Fallibroome Academy. In the first instance, Mrs Atkinson
should be approached in the main school office regarding places in Years 7-11. Mrs Rimmer (PA to the Director of the Sixth Form) should be approached regarding
places in the Sixth Form.
How can parents arrange a visit to your setting, school or college? What is involved?
During the Autumn Term, there is an Open Evening for all Year 6 parents who are thinking of making an application to Fallibroome. There is also a Sixth Form
Information Evening held in the Spring Term.
Parents of students with SEND are encouraged to contact Mrs Atkinson in the main school office and make arrangements to have a personal tour of the school
during the working day and a meeting with the SENCo. The Principal always meets with students who wish to transfer to the school in the middle of an academic
year and their parents, before the offer of a place is made regardless of SEND. The SENCo or Learning Manager can be present at this meeting if necessary.
How will you prepare and support my child or young person to join your setting, school, or college and how will you support them to move on to the next
stage, or move on to adult life? (as applicable for setting) (IRR)
Year 6-7 transition at Fallibroome is both a multi-layered and multi-faculty process. There are many stages when pupils from the 7 main primary feeders,
throughout Key Stages 1 and 2, experience learning opportunities both at Fallibroome and at their primary school through outreach work. These sessions are
delivered by both Fallibroome staff and pupils from Years 7-13. Faculties involved include: Performing Arts, Science, PE and Modern Foreign Languages. This is a
process that is ever evolving and ever expanding and will soon include Business Enterprise visits. Performing Arts days, Replay, Science weeks, French classes and
orienteering sessions are just some of the other ways in which pupils are involved. SEND students are included within all of these initiatives.
Children from non-feeder primary schools take part in extra fact-finding days in Year 6 once the decision to start at Fallibroome in Year 7 has been made. There is
also an extra SEN day where pupils with specific needs come to school in a small groups and are supported through a morning session of induction. The first week
in July sees the Year 7 intake day, when all pupils coming to Fallibroome in September experience a day at school and are introduced to staff, student leaders and
senior teachers. The day is followed by a New Parents’ Information evening, followed by another more detailed evening in October. The Transition Co-ordinator
and the SEN team spend a great deal of time in primary schools in the final half term, liaising with Primary staff, collecting information and meeting with almost
all 240 prospective pupils. This process is supported by senior and pastoral staff, accompanied by student leaders, who run circle time sessions with year 6 pupils,
in an effort to share information, deal with any worries arising and to smooth the transition process. This year also sees the inception of the Year 7 residential trip
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(if applicable)
in the first half of the Autumn term.
In Year 9 there is a heavy focus on future careers and options for GCSE (or equivalent) All students receive careers guidance through a series of careers based
activities; a careers fair and careers guidance interviews are also made available on request from our Careers Adviser, Mrs Ross. All Year 9 have an individual
options interview with their Learning Manager and an Assistant Principal. Students can opt at this stage to take a range of vocational courses in partnership with
Macclesfield College e.g. Hairdressing and Catering.
All Year 10 undertake 2 weeks work experience with many of these being self-placements. At the end of the year Year10, students participate in 'Enterprise Week'
where they develop Financial Capability, self-confidence, teamwork and First Aid skills. In Year 11, a small number of identified students undertake a Work Skills
BTEC Programme in place of a GCSE. This builds on the skills already acquired and prepares the students for working life.
Throughout the Sixth-Form, a number of curricular and extra-curricular events take place to prepare students for the life after school whether that be
employment, apprenticeships or University. Year 12 again undertake work experience.
For students with EHC Plans, statements and those who have needs which make a specific ‘Planning for Inclusion’ meeting necessary, the SENCo or Assistant
SENCo will attend all transition meetings where possible. We will also discuss the needs of individual students with the disability offices of universities if required.
Careers advice is available for all students to access form Mrs Ross. For students with EHC Plans there will be regular access to the Cheshire East Youth Support
Service (CEYSS), who will support students in their transition post 16 and will attend all reviews of the EHCP from Year 9 onwards. If a student with SEND wishes to
transfer into Fallibroome’s Sixth Form and they have either a statement or an EHC Plan, a representative from the Sixth Form team will attend the transition
review in Year 11. We also invite representatives from colleges to attend such meetings if appropriate.
For students with EHC Plans, statements and those who have needs which make a specific ‘Planning for Inclusion’ meeting necessary, the SENCo or Assistant
SENCo will attend all transition meetings where possible. We will also discuss the needs of individual students with the disability offices of universities if required.
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(if applicable)
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What other support services are there who might help me and my family? (IRR)
Where a parent may want access to a support service we would advise that they contact the Year Learning Manager or the SENCo/Assistant SENCo. Alternatively,
they could approach Parent Partnership who will be able to provide advice.
When was the above information updated, and when will it be reviewed?
The above information is current from September 1st 2014 and will be reviewed annually.
Where can I find the Cheshire East Local Offer? (IRR)
From 1st September 2014, the Cheshire East Local Offer can be found at www.cheshireeast.gov.uk/localoffer
What can I do if I am not happy with a decision or what is happening? (IRR)
If you are unhappy with a decision which has been made please take this up with the SENCo or the Learning Manager in the first instance. If the matter cannot be
resolved members of the leadership team can be consulted. If a solution cannot be found, it may be necessary to turn to a mediator from the Local Authority in
order to determine a way forward.