Page 1 of 31 In Press, GRL, 2012 1 3 Why does the Loop Current tend to shed more eddies in summer and winter? Y.-L. Chang and L.-Y. Oey* Princeton University (*Corresponding Author: 4 Abstract 2 5 The observed seasonal preferences of Loop Current eddy shedding, more in summer and 6 winter and less in fall and spring, are shown for the first time to be due to a curious combination 7 of forcing by the seasonal winds in the Caribbean Sea and the Gulf of Mexico. The conditions 8 are favorable for the Loop to shed eddies in summer and winter when strong trade winds in the 9 Caribbean produce large Yucatan transport and Loop's intrusion, and concurrently when weak 10 easterlies in the Gulf offer little impediment to eddy shedding. The conditions are less favorable 11 in fall and spring as the trade winds and Yucatan transport weaken, and the strengthening of the 12 Gulf's easterlies impedes shedding. 13 1. Introduction 14 Early studies of the Loop Current in the Gulf of Mexico in the 1960's~1980's suggest that 15 it may vary seasonally. The northward penetration of the Loop Current was bimodal: maximum 16 penetrations occur, on average, in winter (Dec~Jan) and summer (Jun~Jul) [Leipper, 1970; 17 Behringer et al. 1977; Molinari et al. 1978; Sturges and Evans, 1983]. Molinari et al. [1978] 18 concluded that the seasonal intrusion of the Loop Current varied with the geostrophic transport 19 through the Yucatan Channel. Sturges and Evans [1983] suggested that the Loop Current varied Page 2 of 31 20 in response to wind. These pioneering authors also recognized that there were substantial 21 deviations from the seasonal cycle, and intrusions and eddy-sheddings can occur in virtually any 22 month of the year. That the Loop Current can intrude into the Gulf and eddies can separate from 23 it without the need for a seasonal forcing such as the inflow transport was first demonstrated 24 numerically by Hurlburt and Thompson [1980], and since then confirmed by numerous studies 25 using more elaborate models. 26 The idea of a seasonal Loop Current is nevertheless very attractive; the system is more 27 predictable, and understanding the underlying mechanisms can lead to improved predictions of 28 the strong currents and heat content associated with the Loop, which have practical significance. 29 In this work, the old problem of a seasonal Loop Current is revisited taking advantage of the 30 order-of-magnitude increase in data coverage from satellite, advent in models and forcing data, 31 and improved theoretical understanding of Loop Current dynamics. 32 2. Observed Loop Current Shedding Events 33 The dates of Loop Current eddy separation from 1974 to 1992 are from Vukovich [1988], 34 Sturges [1994] and Sturges and Leben [2000] using a combination of satellite-SST images as 35 well as in situ and ship measurements to identify eddy separations. From 1993 to 2010, satellite 36 altimetry data from AVISO [http://www.aviso.] is used. For shedding period 37 shorter than 2 months (one in 1993, the other one in 2002), the two consecutive events are taken Page 3 of 31 38 as the same event, and the first shedding is recorded. There are 47 eddy shedding events from 39 1974 to 2010. Fig.1a sorts the number of shedding events by months (a seasonal histogram or 40 SeH) and indicates that eddy shedding has a bimodal (biannual) seasonal signal: maximum in 41 summer (Jul~Sep) and winter (Mar), and minimum in late fall (Nov~Dec) and late spring 42 (May~Jun). The maximum difference in eddy count (Mde) is 7 between the period of most and 43 least eddies. Approximately 40% of the eddies are shed during summer, but only one eddy is 44 shed in the late fall (Nov~Dec). However, most of the seasonal signal is for the record after 45 1993 (bars in fig.1a); summer eddy sheddings then account for 45% of the total, and no eddies 46 were shed in Nov~Dec. This difference suggests a shift in the Loop Current's behaviors between 47 the two periods - a point we will comment on later. The seasonal preference of eddy-shedding 48 strongly suggests that the system is forced. Such a possibility was anticipated by Chang and Oey 49 [2010; see also Oey et al. 2003; henceforth CO2010 and OLS2003 respectively] whose process 50 experiments show the effects of wind on Loop Current eddy-shedding. 51 Another way of displaying the eddy-shedding data is to plot the eddy-shedding histogram 52 (ESH; fig.1b). The ESH has peaks (e.g. 6, 9 months etc), but most importantly it shows wide- 53 ranging shedding periods P from 4~19 months: the eddy-shedding process appears to be chaotic. 54 However, the "broad-spectrum" ESH can be a consequence of the seasonal shedding preferences 55 of eddy-shedding. The argument is straightforward as summarized in fig.1c. For example, Page 4 of 31 56 suppose the forcing is such that the Loop sheds eddies in August and September, the ESH then 57 shows values at 1, and 11-13 months. By including only 4 observed, preferred shedding months: 58 March, July, September and October (3,7,9,10 in fig.1c), a broad-spectrum ESH with periods 59 from 1-20 months can exist. The solution is not unique, but this is not central to our argument. 60 The point here is that an orderly, seasonally forced Loop Current that sheds eddies only in 61 certain months is consistent with the existence of a broad spectrum of shedding periods; in other 62 words, a chaotic system is not necessary for the existence of the broad spectrum. In addition to 63 possible contribution from some natural shedding periods which depend on internal physics [e.g. 64 Hurlburt and Thompson, 1980; OLS2003], peaks in the ESH may then be thought of as the 65 result of some interannual variations of the forcing that perturb the shedding month from one 66 year to the next, or even no shedding at all until the following year. That the Loop Current and 67 eddy-shedding system may be non-chaotic was first suggested by Lugo-Fernandez [2007] . 68 The contrary is not necessarily true. In other words, a chaotic Loop Current with a broad- 69 spectrum ESH which may contain some prominent peaks (fig.1b) does not in general lead to 70 seasonal preferences of eddy-shedding (fig.1a). With steady forcing a modeled Loop Current 71 can display a natural period [e.g. CO2010]; on the other hand, experiments can be designed to 72 produce a chaotic system with a broad-spectrum ESH [OLS2003]. Assuming such a system 73 exists in the observed world, that the corresponding ESH has a broad spectrum with prominent Page 5 of 31 74 peaks around some natural periods, what then can be deduced about its SeH? Given P, the 75 month Msh when shedding occurs is: 76 Msh = Msh0 + 12.(n˗1)/FP, n = 1, 2, .., FP, (1) 77 where FP = 12/gcd(12,P) is the number of peaks in the SeH for that P, gcd = greatest common 78 divisor, P = 1, 2, 3, ..., 19, 20 months, and Msh0 = the month of the first shedding; fig.1d shows 79 the case for Msh0 = 1. It is readily shown that, despite the presence of biannual and/or annual 80 peaks in the shedding periods (that may therefore favor a seasonal SeH), the existence in the 81 observed ESH (fig.1b) of a P = PFull = 5, 7, or 11, etc for which gcd(12, PFull) = 1, can yield a 82 non-seasonal SeH [details in Auxiliary Materials]. 83 The simple calculations above demonstrate the importance of order in the shedding 84 events. It appears that nature has selected an order that, in the case of the Loop Current, is 85 largely non-random. In other words, the shedding process is largely controlled by some form of 86 external forcing, such as the winds. Model experiments support this assertion. 87 3. Processes that Control the Seasonal Shedding of the Loop Current Eddies 88 The importance of wind forcing on eddy-shedding has previously been noted [OLS2003, 89 CO2010]. We now demonstrate that the existence of a bimodal SeH (fig.1a) is caused by a 90 curious complementary effect (on the Loop Current) of the zonal component of the seasonal 91 winds in the Caribbean Sea and the Gulf of Mexico. Page 6 of 31 92 Seasonal Winds: Winds in the Caribbean Sea vary depending on the movement and intensity of 93 the North Atlantic Subtropical High and, in winter, on the North American High also (Auxiliary 94 Materials figs.A.2-3). In the Gulf of Mexico, winds are additionally modified by the North 95 American monsoon in summer, the high pressure over the northeastern US in fall, and the low 96 pressure over the western US in spring. The combined effect is that the seasonal winds are 180o 97 out of phase in the two regions: the Caribbean easterly is strong in winter and summer and weak 98 in spring and fall while the Gulf's easterly wind is stronger in fall and spring and weak in 99 summer and winter (fig.2a). 100 Numerical Experiments: This out-of-phase relation between the seasonal winds in the Caribbean 101 Sea and the Gulf of Mexico is central to the understanding of why the Loop Current tends to 102 shed more eddies in some months than others. Within the Gulf, easterly wind forces an eastward 103 return flow across the middle of the basin which counters the westward-growing Loop Current 104 by Yucatan inflow and Rossby-wave dynamics and delays eddy-shedding [Chang and Oey, 105 2010]. We may expect then that the easterly peaks in the Gulf of Mexico in Oct~Nov and, to a 106 lesser degree, in Apr~May, would delay eddy-shedding, which would be consistent with the 107 observed SeH (fig.1a) that less eddies are shed in those months. However, explanations based on 108 the Gulf's forcing alone are incomplete; the dynamics of the Caribbean Sea are necessary. Page 7 of 31 109 The NW Atlantic Ocean model (5o-50oN and 98oW-55oW; see fig.A.4 in the auxiliary 110 materials which also contains model descriptions) that we have previously tested [e.g. OLS2003; 111 CO2010 ] for studying Loop Current dynamics is set up to run various experiments to isolate 112 processes. The "Basic" experiment is forced by the CCMP wind stresses (0.25°x0.25°, 6-hourly 113 satellite+NCEP blended dataset ) from 1988-2009. The "NoWind" experiment has no wind. In 114 the "Atl" experiment, the wind is applied to the east of 82oW only, and the experiment 115 "GOM+NWCar," 116 "GOM+NWCarNoCurl" also has winds applied west of 82oW but they are zonal only and are 117 spatially constant averaged over the Gulf of Mexico and the NW Caribbean Sea (fig.2a). This 118 last experiment has the essentials of the out-of-phase relation between the seasonal winds in the 119 Caribbean Sea and the Gulf of Mexico. Each experiment was conducted for 22 years (1988- 120 2009). To ensure robustness of our results, the Exp.Basic, Atl and GOM+NWCarNoCurl were 121 repeated for additional 22 years with different initial fields and with a reduced Smagorinsky's 122 constant (0.05 instead of 0.1) for the horizontal viscosity. has wind applied to the west of 82oW only. Finally, the 123 The Exp.NoWind yields P ≈ 7~10 months around a peak ≈ 8 months [e.g. OLS2003; 124 CO2010]. Its SeH is basically full (no seasonal preference with small standard deviation (sd) = 125 0.5 and an Mde of only 1; not shown) as may be anticipated from the discussions (fig.1c,d) of the 126 previous section. Exp.Atl also gives a full SeH, also with small sd = 0.4 and Mde =1 (fig.3a, Page 8 of 31 127 grey). Remote winds in the eastern Caribbean Sea and the North Atlantic Ocean are therefore 128 unlikely to force a seasonal shedding. The Exp.Basic (fig.3a, solid) has sd = 1.8 and Mde = 6; it 129 shows eddy-shedding preferences in winter (Feb~Mar) and summer (Jul~Aug), with less 130 shedding in late spring (May, 4 less) and early fall (Oct~Nov, 6 less), in general agreements with 131 observations. This suggests that the seasonal eddy-shedding is wind-forced. This deduction is 132 confirmed by the SeH from Exp. GOM+NWCar (fig.3b; sd = 1, Mde=4), which shows similar 133 winter (Mar) and summer (Aug) shedding preferences. Experiments GOM+NWCar and Exp.Atl 134 show that it is the regional wind in the Cayman Sea (i.e. NW Caribbean Sea) and the Gulf of 135 Mexico that influences the seasonal eddy-shedding of the Loop Current. Finally, when the wind 136 stress curl is removed, Exp. GOM+NWCarNoCurl (fig.3c; sd = 1.3, Mde = 5) shows that the 137 zonal component of the wind alone can explain the seasonal preferences with more sheddings in 138 winter (Mar) and summer (Jul~Sep). While there are some differences in the preferred months 139 of shedding amongst the three experiments, we do not consider them to be significant. 140 Why can wind force a seasonal preference in the shedding of Loop Current eddies? 141 transport (TrYuc) also varies biannually: stronger in summer and winter and weaker in spring and 142 fall [Molinari et al. 1978; Rousset and Beal, 2010]. Simulated TrYuc and Caribbean wind stress 143 (τo, and wind stress curl ∇×τo) are significantly correlated with wind leading by 0~3 months. 144 Correlation maps show that winds in the Cayman Sea are effective in driving transport Yucatan Page 9 of 31 145 fluctuations (fig.2d,e): westward wind stress (τox<0) and negative ∇×τo drive stronger TrYuc. The 146 TrYuc is positively correlated with τox in the eastern Gulf: TrYuc decreases as westward wind in 147 the Gulf becomes stronger [CO2010]. 148 The seasonal preferences of eddy-shedding can now be explained. It is well-known that 149 the Loop Current tends to shed eddies more readily when it extends northward into the Gulf, and 150 that once the Loop is in the extended state and ready to shed, the process is relatively fast [a few 151 weeks; e.g. Hurlburt and Thompson, 1980]. The fundamental variable for the Loop's intrusion is 152 TrYuc. In summer and winter, TrYuc increases as the negative wind stress and wind stress curl in 153 the Caribbean Sea increase (see wind plots in Fig.A.3 in the auxiliary materials); the easterly 154 peaks (Jul and Jan) in the Caribbean correspond well to the peaks in TrYuc especially for summer 155 (fig.2a,b). The larger TrYuc leads to stronger inflow velocity vo and cyclonic vorticity ζo on the 156 western (~50 km) portion of the Yucatan Channel, and a more extended Loop Current [OLS2003; 157 Oey, 2004]. The ζo/f (f = Coriolis parameter) is an excellent predictor of the Loop Current's 158 northern boundary with high R2 = 0.83 for their linear regression (fig.2c). While this linear 159 relation agrees well with the Reid's formula [Reid, 1972; OLS2003], we treat it to be merely an 160 empirical one. The Loop Current therefore tends to be extended in summer and winter. As TrYuc 161 decreases (Sep and Mar) when the Caribbean (westward) windstress weakens (Jul~Sep, and 162 Jan~Mar), the Loop retracts as ζo also weakens. The mass influx (Qi) feeding the Loop also Page 10 of 31 163 decreases, providing a favorable condition for the westward Rossby wave speed of the extended 164 Loop (Ci ~ -βRd2, where Rd = Rossby radius based on the depth of the matured Loop) to 165 overcome Qi, hence also a favorable condition for eddies to separate [Nof, 2005]. 166 weakening of the wind (and transport) are abrupt especially in summer (fig.2a,b). Moreover, 167 because the Gulf of Mexico's easterlies are weak during those periods (fig.2a), the eastward 168 momentum flux that impedes eddy-shedding [CO2010] is also weak. This combination of strong 169 Caribbean easterly, abrupt weakening, and weak easterly in the Gulf of Mexico favors a larger 170 proportion of eddies being shed from Jul~Aug and Feb~Mar (fig.3). In fall and spring, TrYuc and 171 the Caribbean easterly remain weak but at the same time westward wind in the Gulf of Mexico 172 intensifies (Oct and May; fig.2a). The Loop Current's expansion and eddy-shedding are now 173 impeded by the eastward momentum flux that intensifies along the mid-latitudes within the Gulf. 174 These factors lead to a reduced number of eddies being shed in fall and spring (fig.3). These 175 processes are summarized schematically in fig.4. In the auxiliary materials, the dynamics are 176 further examined using a simple reduced-gravity model (Exp.RG). The Exp.RG confirms that 177 easterly wind in the NW Caribbean Sea drives a seasonal shedding. The Gulf's easterly wind 178 accentuates the seasonality by delaying eddy-shedding in fall and spring: it increases the 179 summer-fall (or winter-spring) difference in the number of eddies shed. We also compared the 180 RG experiments with the 3D Exp.Basic (and Exp.GOMCarNocurl) using the ensemble averaging The Page 11 of 31 181 idea of the Loop Current Cycle described in Chang and Oey [2011]. In the 3D experiments, we 182 found that on average eddy-shedding follows shortly (~1 month) after the maximum Yucatan 183 transport, but that in Exp.RGCarib there is an additional time-lag of 1~2 months. The RG 184 response is similar to the EOF modes 1+2 of the 3D experiments while interestingly the EOF 185 mode 3 accelerates the shedding in the 3D experiments and closely resembles the Campeche 186 Bank instability mode [Oey, 2008]. Therefore, dynamical instability takes part in the eddy- 187 shedding process, but it does not control the seasonal timing. 188 4. Summary and Conclusions 189 The Loop Current is observed to shed more eddies in summer and winter. Numerical 190 experiments also yield seasonal preferences with more sheddings in winter and summer, and less 191 in fall and spring in agreement with observations. The seasonal preferences are forced by the 192 seasonal winds in the Caribbean Sea and the Gulf of Mexico. The Loop sheds more eddies in 193 summer and winter in response to intensified Yucatan transports driven by the stronger trade 194 winds in the Caribbean, and concurrently when weak easterlies in the Gulf offer little 195 impediment to eddy shedding. 196 Caribbean's (Gulf's) easterlies weaken (strengthen). Since wind plays a central role, our results 197 suggest the existence of an interannual variation of the eddy-shedding process. Indeed, fig.1a 198 indicates that the biannual seasonal preferences are much less distinct for the first half of the data The conditions are reversed in fall and spring when the Page 12 of 31 199 period from 1974-1992. The second half (1993-2010) has more shorter (biannual) periods, and 200 why that is so may be due to a basic change in the wind. This and other consequences will be 201 examined in a future study. 202 Acknowledgements 203 We gratefully acknowledge the supports by the Bureau of Offshore Energy Management 204 contract# M08PC20007 and the Portland State U. contract# 200MOO206. 205 References 206 Behringer, D.W., R.L. Molinari, and J.F. Festa, 1977: The Variability of Anticyclonic Current 207 Patterns in the Gulf of Mexico. JGR, 82, 5469-5476. 208 Chang,Y.-L. and L.-Y. Oey, 2010: Why can wind delay the shedding of Loop Current eddies? J. 209 Phys. Oceanogr, 40, 2481-2495. 210 Chang,Y.-L. and L.-Y. Oey, 2011: Loop Current Cycle: coupled response of Loop Current and 211 deep flows. J. Phys. Oceanogr, 41, 458-471. 212 Hurlburt, H.E., and J.D. Thompson, 1980. A numerical study of Loop Current intrusions and 213 eddy shedding. J. Phys. Oceanogr., 10, 1611-1651. 214 Leipper, D.F., 1970: A sequence of current patterns in the Gulf of Mexico. JGR, 75, 637-657. 215 Lugo-Fernandez, A., 2007: Is the Loop Current a chaotic oscillator? JPO, 37, 1455-1469. Page 13 of 31 216 Molinari, R.L., J.F. Festa & D. Behringer, 1978: The circulation in the Gulf of Mexico derived 217 from estimated dynamic height fields. J. Phys. Oceanogr., 8, 987-996. 218 Nof, D., 2005: The momentum imbalance paradox revisited. J. Phys. Oceanogr., 35, 1928-1939. 219 Oey, L.-Y. 2004. Vorticity Flux in the Yucatan Channel and Loop Current Eddy shedding in 220 the Gulf of Mexico. JGR, 109, C10004, doi:10.1029, 2004JC002400. 221 Oey, L.-Y., 2008: Loop Current and Deep Eddies. J. Phys. Oceanogr. 38, 1426-1449. 222 Oey, L.-Y., H. Lee and W. J. Schmitz, 2003: Effects of Winds and Caribbean Eddies on the 223 Frequency of Loop Current Eddy Shedding, JGR, 108, 3324, doi:10.1029/2002JC001698. 224 Reid, R.O., 1972. A simple dynamic model of the Loop Current. Contributions on the Phys 225 Oceanogr of Gulf of Mexico, II, L.R.A. Capurro & J.L. Reid, Eds., Gulf Pub., 157–159. 226 Rousset, C. and L.M. Beal, 2010: Observations of the Florida and Yucatan Currents from a 227 Caribbean cruise ship. J. Phys. Oceanogr., 40, 1575-1581. 228 Sturges, W. 1994: The frequency of ring separations of Loop Current, JPO, 24, 1647-1651. 229 Sturges, W., and R. Leben, 2000: Frequency of ring separations from the Loop Current in the 230 Gulf of Mexico: A revised estimate, J. Phys. Oceanogr., 30, 1814– 1818. 231 Sturges,W. and J.C.Evans,1983:Variability of Loop Current in Gulf of Mexico, JMR,41,639-653. 232 Vukovich, F.M., 1988: Loop Current boundary variations. JGR, 93, 15,585-15,591. Page 14 of 31 233 (C) 234 (D) 235 236 Fig.1 (a) Seasonal Histogram (SeH; eddies vs. Calendar months) using 1974-2010 data (solid 237 line; dash is 3-mo weighted (1/4-1/2-1/4) mean) and 1993-2010 data (bar); (b) Eddy-Shedding 238 Histogram (eddies vs. periods P). (c) P's (shaded if shedding) vs. shed-months (8=Aug etc). (d) 239 Shed-month vs. P's, shown for first shedding in Jan. For each P, summed shades = peaks in SeH. 240 The "˅" means "or." Page 15 of 31 241 242 Figure 2. Seasonal cycles (1988-2008) of (A) zonal wind stresses averaged over Gulf of Mexico 243 and NW Caribbean Sea (negative westward), and (B) Yucatan transport anomaly from Exp.Basic 244 with mean = 25.6 Sv shown. (C) Regression of Loop's northern boundary vs. ζ/f from Exp.Basic. 245 Maps: correlations (wind leading 1 month; above the 95% significance, otherwise white) 246 between Yucatan transport and (D) zonal wind stress and (E) wind stress curl; contours are 0.2 247 and 0.4, black positive and white negative. Page 16 of 31 248 249 Fig.3. Seasonal histograms (eddies vs. Calendar months, 3-month weighted (1/4-1/2-1/4) mean, 250 and plotted over two cycles) for model experiments forced by CCMP wind: (a) Basic and Atl 251 (grey) both 44 years, (b) GOM+NWCar (22 years) and (c) GOM+NWCarNoCurl (44 years). 252 Page 17 of 31 253 254 255 Fig.4. A schematic plot of seasonal eddy shedding according to the dynamics explained in text. 256 Upper panels from left to right: extended Loop when Caribbean wind and Yucatan transport are 257 strongest (Jul and Jan), wind and transport weaken (Sep and Mar; squiggly arrow represents 258 Rossby wave), and wind in the Gulf is strongest (Oct and May; blue arrows indicate wind-forced 259 upper-layer circulation). Lower panel: base line represents the zero wind when the Loop Current 260 sheds eddies at or near its natural period. The solid up arrow "↑" indicates increased shedding 261 and dashed down arrow "↓" decreased shedding. The easterly wind is stronger away (up or down) 262 from the base line: solid for Caribbean wind and dotted line for the Gulf. The time lag is 263 approximate indicating a range rather than a fixed value. 264 Page 18 of 31 265 Auxiliary Materials 266 Why does the Loop Current tend to shed more eddies in summer and winter? Y.-L. Chang and L.-Y. Oey* Princeton University *Corresponding Author: 267 268 269 270 271 The SeH of a Broad-Spectrum ESH with Prominent Biannual and/or Annual Periods: 272 We calculate the seasonal histogram (SeH) that results from each of the possible eddy- 273 shedding periods P = 1, 2, 3, ..., 19, 20 months. For example, the seasonal histogram for P = 2 274 has FP = 6 peaks at calendar month Msh = 1 (Jan), 3, 5, 7, 9 and 11, assuming that the initial 275 month of shedding Msh0 = 1. Equation (1) in text gives the general case: 276 Msh = Msh0 + 12.(n˗1)/FP, n = 1, 2, .., FP, 277 where FP = 12/gcd(12,P), gcd = greatest common divisor, P = 1, 2, 3, ..., 19, 20 months, and 278 Msh0 = the month of the first shedding. We demonstrate, in two steps, that the existence of even 279 a minor (to be specified below) PFull (for which gcd(12, PFull) = 1) can, for a random system,1 280 sufficiently modify the ESH that it becomes dissimilar from the observed SeH (fig.1a). Firstly, 281 we take a pool of Nse (=50) shedding events 80% of which have P = 6 and 20% have P = PFull = 1 It is not obvious what the appropriate chaotic (rather than a random) analog for the Loop Current would be for the simple experiments to be described here; we will instead rely on the results from the primitive-equation numerical models discussed in the main text. In what follows, we will be somewhat sloppy in not making a distinction between chaos and randomness, and the conclusions thus deduced are strictly valid only for the latter, and are therefore likely to be only sufficient, i.e. they may not be necessary. Page 19 of 31 282 7 (the observed number of events in fig.1b is 47, and the 6-7 month periods partition is 80:20).2 283 The observed ESH is therefore idealized by just these two periods, the major one tends to 284 produce a semiannual SeH while the minor one a full SeH. Shedding events are then randomly 285 selected (and subsequently deactivated) from the pool, one at a time; for a given Msh0 this yields 286 one SeH. The experiment is then repeated K times using K randomly selected Msh0, and an 287 ensemble mean is calculated. For large K (10 or more), the resulting SeH has no seasonal pattern 288 (fig.A.1a). Secondly, we use the observed pool of eddy-shedding events (fig.1b). If in addition 289 to the observed P’s, the observed Msh0 and shedding order are also used, we trivially recover the 290 observed SeH (fig.1a). However, in a chaotic system, while the P’s may be those observed in 291 fig.1b, other Msh0 and order are equally valid. The resulting SeH is again devoid of any 292 seasonality (fig.A.1b). The conclusion is unchanged when the Msh0 is fixed at the observed (= 293 Apr of 1974) but the order of shedding is random. We see that PFull modifies the ESH that, 294 despite the presence of biannual and annual peaks in the shedding periods, a non-seasonal SeH 295 results in a random system. 296 297 Seasonal Winds in the Caribbean Sea and the Gulf of Mexico: 2 The P = 6 is used since the observed ESH has a dominant semi-annual peak which may be the natural period of the observed system, and which therefore can contribute to the observed SeH in a chaotic system. Page 20 of 31 298 Winds in the Caribbean Sea are governed by the movement and intensity of the North 299 Atlantic Subtropical High (NASH) and, in winter, by the North American High (NAmerH) also; 300 excellent descriptions are given in Wang [2007].3 The NASH is strongest in the summer and 301 extends toward the Caribbean where the easterly wind is also strong (see Figs.A.2 & A.3). In the 302 fall, the NASH weakens and its center moves eastward, and the Caribbean easterly also weakens. 303 In the winter, NASH’s isobars extend westward and connect with the NAmerH centered over the 304 northwestern US, and the Caribbean easterly is again strong. 305 American monsoon starts to develop, the NASH’s isobars retreat toward the east and the 306 Caribbean easterly weakens. The seasonal wind from 0.25°x0.25°, 6-hourly CCMP data (Cross- 307 Calibrated Multi-Platform; Atlas et al. 2009) averaged over the northwestern Caribbean Sea (i.e. 308 the Cayman Sea) is shown in Fig.2 which shows clearly the biannual variation of the Caribbean 309 easterly: strong in winter and summer and weak in spring and fall. In the spring, as the North 310 Apart from the influences of the NASH and NAmerH, the seasonal wind in the Gulf of 311 Mexico are strongly modified by (i) North American monsoon in summer, (ii) the high pressure 312 that develops over the northeastern US in fall, and (iii) the low pressure that develops over the 313 western US in spring (Figs.A.2 & A.3). These factors result in weakened easterly in summer, 3 Wang [2007] discussed the possible coupling between the wind and SST gradient (south-north) in the Caribbean Sea. This is an interesting topic that possibly can influence the sheddings of Loop Current eddies; it may deserve a more detailed study in the future. Page 21 of 31 314 strong east-northeasterly in fall, weakened easterly in winter, and strengthening easterly again in 315 spring. As in the Caribbean Sea, there is therefore also a biannual variation in the zonal wind 316 over the Gulf of Mexico, but the seasonal timing is (nearly) out of phase (fig.2). 317 318 319 Descriptions of the Numerical Model: The NW Atlantic Ocean model [5o-50oN and 98oW-55oW; see fig.A.4] that we have 320 extensively tested [e.g. Oey et al. 2003; Chang and Oey, 2010] for studying Loop Current 321 dynamics is set up to run various experiments to isolate processes. Orthogonal curvilinear grid is 322 used in the horizontal with grid sizes 10 km (or less) in the Gulf of Mexico, expanding to 323 15 km in the central and eastern Caribbean Sea. The model has 25 vertical sigma levels and a 324 fourth-order pressure-gradient scheme is used to ensure that the sigma-level pressure gradient 325 errors are small [Berntsen and Oey, 2010]. The World Ocean Atlas data (“Climatological” data) 326 from NODC [] was used for initial 327 condition as well as boundary condition along the eastern open boundary at 55oW, where steady 328 transports (with radiation and advection conditions etc) are specified for the Gulf Stream 329 extension and the returning, subtropical gyre. Heat and salt fluxes are zero at the sea surface. A 330 more complete description is given in Chang and Oey [2010]. Extensive tests of our model have Page 22 of 31 331 previously been documented - please see 332 PROFS/publications.html. 333 334 Reduced-Gravity (RG) Model Experiments: 335 The RG model is the same as that used previously in Chang and Oey [2010]. Its domain 336 is the same as the Northwest Atlantic Ocean domain shown in fig.A.4, except that the coastline is 337 defined at the 200m-isobath, and the eastern boundary at 55oW is closed. A zonal wind stress 338 (with curl) is then specified east of 80oW (i.e. in the Atlantic Ocean only) to drive a gyre that has 339 a transport 22 Sv through the Yucatan Channel. Table A.1 gives various model parameters and 340 their meanings. Weak dissipative processes are included as AH for numerical stability, and αN 341 and Cb for dissipating eddies after they propagate into the western Gulf of Mexico. Three 342 experiments are conducted: RG-GOM, RG-Carib and Rg-GOMCarib. Each was carried out for 343 15 years but a quasi-steady state (when the model Loop Current sheds eddies at a regular period) 344 was achieved in about 3 years. The last 12 years results are used for the analysis. 345 The RG-GOM experiment applies a time-dependent zonal momentum flux as a body 346 force (kinematic, unit m2 s-2) to model the x-momentum associated with the wind-forced returned 347 flow along the mid-latitudes of the Gulf of Mexico. The momentum flux is applied over the 348 western portion of the model Loop Current only (90oW < longitude < 86oW) [Chang and Oey Page 23 of 31 349 2010] as a semi-annual sinusoidal function to idealize the observed bimodal seasonal wind stress, 350 so that the eastward momentum flux is maximum in March and September (to mimic the strong 351 westward wind), and minimum in December and June (fig.A.5a). The RG-Carib experiment 352 specifies wind stress directly in the Northwestern Caribbean Sea (87oW < longitude < 80oW, 353 15oN< latitude < 22oN). A semi-annual sinusoidal function is used to idealize the time-dependent 354 variation of the observed zonal wind stress: maximum westward in December and June, and 355 minimum in March and September (fig.A.5a). The RG-GOMCarib experiment combines the 356 above two experiments: applying the momentum flux in the Gulf of Mexico and the wind stress 357 in the Northwestern Caribbean Sea. Meridional forcing is set to zero in all the experiments. 358 Figures A.5b-d plot contours (color) of monthly-mean upper-layer depth h along 90oW 359 inside the Gulf, across which RG-model eddies pass after they separate from the Loop Current. 360 The black curves show the actual number of shedding (i.e. SeH), 3-month averaged to reduce the 361 ambiguity associated with the beginning and end of each calendar month. 362 normalized by its maximum value shown on each panel. The SeH for Exp.RG-GOM is basically 363 "full" with equal eddy-shedding likelihood in each month, the max-min difference in #eddies = 1, 364 and the eddies are weak (fig.A.5b). The SeH for Exp.RG-Carib shows more eddies being shed in 365 Dec~Jan and in Jun~Jul, the max-min difference in #eddies = 1.8, and the eddies are strong. 366 When the Gulf's forcing is also turned on (Exp.RG-GOMCarib), the seasonal signal becomes Each curve is Page 24 of 31 367 more distinct, and the max-min difference in #eddies is increased to 3.5. In particular, the fall 368 and spring minima are reduced to become nearly zero because of the effects of strong returned 369 (eastward) momentum flux due to the wind in the Gulf of Mexico. These results are consistent 370 with the 3D experiments discussed in text. 371 REFERENCES 372 Atlas R., Hoffman R. N., Ardizzone J., Leidner S. M., Jusem J. C., 2009: Development of a new 373 cross-calibrated, multi-platform (CCMP) ocean surface wind product. AMS 13th Conference on 374 Integrated Observing and Assimilation Systems for Atmosphere, Oceans, and Land Surface 375 (IOAS-AOLS). 376 Berntsen, J. and L.-Y. Oey, 2010: Estimation of the internal pressure gradient in σ-coordinate 377 ocean models: comparison of second-, fourth-, and sixth-order schemes. Ocean Dyn. 60, 317- 378 330. DOI 10.1007/s10236-009-0245-y. 379 Chang,Y.-L. and L.-Y. Oey, 2010: Why can wind delay the shedding of Loop Current eddies? J. 380 Phys. Oceanogr, 40, 2481-2495. 381 Oey, L.-Y., H. Lee and W. J. Schmitz, 2003: Effects of Winds and Caribbean Eddies on the 382 Frequency of Loop Current Eddy Shedding, JGR, 108, 3324, doi:10.1029/2002JC001698, 2003. 383 Wang, C., 2007: Variability of the Caribbean low-level jet and its relations to climate. Clim. 384 Dyn., 29, 411-422. Page 25 of 31 385 386 387 388 389 Table A.1: Reduced-gravity model parameters (domain in fig.A.4) Parameters Meanings Values g' 0.01 m s-2 g∆/o H mean ‘upper-layer’ depth 600 m ∆x, ∆y variable x and y grid spacings ~10 km in the Gulf of Mexico Hcoast isobath where coastline is defined 200 m AH horizontal viscosity 100 m2 s-1 αN Newtonian cooling coefficient 1.25×10-3 day-1 Cb quadratic ‘bottom’ drag coefficient 10-4 Page 26 of 31 390 (A) (B) 391 392 Fig.A.1. The 100-run ensemble of monthly number of eddies (i.e. the seasonal histogram) using 393 (a) 6- and 7-month periods and (b) observed periods shown in fig.1b of the main text. 394 Page 27 of 31 395 (A) Jul 396 (B) Oct 397 398 Fig.A.2. NCEP Reanalysis mean geopotential heights for (a) Jul, (b) Oct, (c) Jan and (d) May, 399 illustrating the movements and intensities of the North American Subtropical High (Azores or 400 Bermuda High; all seasons), the North American High (Jan - over NW US), the NE US high 401 (Oct), and the (weak) western US low (May). These pressure systems control the wind patterns 402 over the Caribbean Sea and the Gulf of Mexico as discussed in text. 403 Page 28 of 31 404 (C) Jan 405 (D) May 406 407 408 Fig.A.2. (Continued). Page 29 of 31 409 410 Fig.A.3. January, May, July and October monthly-mean wind climatologies calculated from the 411 CCMP data from 1988-2010, showing the strong easterlies (hence also anticyclonic wind stress 412 curls) in the western Caribbean Sea in winter and summer, and weaker values in spring and fall. 413 In contrast, in the Gulf of Mexico, winter and summer winds are comparatively stronger than in 414 spring and fall. 415 Page 30 of 31 416 417 419 Fig.A.4. The northwest Atlantic Ocean model domain. Dotted contour shows the 200-m isobath. Line at 82W separates the regions where wind is applied for experiments Atl (wind applied to the east of the line) and GOM+NWCar and GOM+NWCarNoCurl (wind applied to the west of the 420 line). Vectors are the mean CCMP (kinematic) wind stress from 1988 to 2009. 418 421 Page 31 of 31 422 423 Fig.A.5 The reduced gravity experiment: (a) momentum flux in the Gulf of Mexico (solid) and 424 wind stress in the northwestern Caribbean Sea (dash). (b) to (d) are the upper layer depth in 425 colors and the monthly number of eddy shedding (black curve) of experiment RG-GOM (b), RG- 426 Carib (c) and RG-GOMCarib (d). 427