Reproduction in Algae

More than just the scum
of the earth
 These water plants are tied closely to an
aquatic environment and we have numerous
representatives along the coast of British
 Algae must be supported by water unlike land
plants which require stems to support them
 All algae contain
chlorophyll “a” as a
 They absorb carbon
dioxide, minerals, and
water by diffusion
through cell
Common Name
Green algae
Brown algae
Red algae
Three main characteristics separate the phyla:
The photosynthetic pigments other than
chlorophyll “a”
2) Method of food storage (ex. starch)
3) The characteristics of locomotory
structures, when present
We should consider algae from another point
of view. As photosynthesizers, algae
produce approximately 50-80% of the earth’s
oxygen and as phytoplankton, they form the
basis of the entire aquatic food chain
 Examples: Ulva,
Spirogyra, Volvox
 Green algae comprise
the largest number of
 Many are unicellular
chlorophytes that are
colonial, filamentous,
 Evidence suggests that green algae evolved into
land plants and that they shared a common
ancestor because they both have chlorophyll “a”
and “b” and they both store food in the form of
 This is one reason why algae are considered “lower
plants”, along with mosses and liverwarts.
 The green algae have complex life cycles with both
sexual and asexual reproductive stages
 Examples: Porphyra
(nori), Halosaccion,
 Larger seaweeds that
are more abundant in
tropical waters
 Usually grow attached
to rocks
 Accessory pigments called phycobilins mask
the grass-green colour of chlorophyll “a” and
give red algae its distinctive colour
 Red algae are suited for absorption of the
green, violet, and blue light that penetrates
into deep water
 Cell walls contain calcium carbonate, thus
giving some species a stronger structure.
 Examples:
Macrocystis, Fucus,
 Often commonly
referred to as “kelps”
 Macrocystis and
Nereocystis may be
more than 60 m long
 Most life cycles involve alternation of
generations which means they will switch back
and forth between the production of diploid
and haploid cells
 The brown/olive colour of brown algae is due to
fucoxanthin, a carotenoid pigment
Reproduction in Algae
 The life cycles of most algae include both a
diploid and a haploid generation
 The switching back and forth between the
production of diploid and haploid cells is called
alternation of generations
 Most species of algae also shift back and forth
between sexual reproduction that involves
gametes and asexual reproduction that involves
haploid cells called zoospores
Alternation of Generations
 In this life cycle, a sporophyte (2N) which
represents the diploid generation, alternates
with the gametophyte (N), which represents the
haploid generation
 Each generation produces the other
Alternation of Generations
 The sporophyte produces spores by meiosis
 A spore is a haploid reproductive cell that
develops into a new organism without the need
to fuse with another reproductive cell
 In the plant life cycle, a spore undergoes
mitosis and becomes a gametophyte
Alternation of Generations
 The gametophyte produces gametes by
mitosis. A sperm and egg fuse to form a zygote
(2N) that grows by mitosis and becomes the
 Plants differ as to which generation is dominant
or conspicuous
Reproduction in Chlamydomonas
 Chlamydomonas spends most of its life in the haploid stage
 As long as environmental conditions are favorable, the
haploid cell reproduces by mitosis. This produces zoospores
which then mature and are able to reproduce asexually
 If conditions are unfavourable, Chlamydomonas will switch
to reproducing sexually
 The haploid cells will still undergo mitosis, but instead of
releasing zoospore, the cells release gametes
Reproduction in Chlamydomonas
 There are two types of gametes (+) and (-);
however, they appear identical. This is known as
 During sexual reproduction, the gametes gather in
a large group and then (+) and (-) gametes pair up
and move away from the group
 The paired gametes join flagella and spin around in
the water
 Both members shed their cell walls and fuse,
forming a diploid zygote. This fusing is called
Reproduction in Ulva
 The diploid plant is called the sporophyte
because it produces spores and the haploid
plant is called the gametophyte because it
produces gametes
 Ulva actually produces two different types of
gametes, one of which is larger then the other.
Two different kinds of gametes is referred to as
 When the two different gametes fuse, the
resulting diploid zygote does not enter a resting