NCC Preschool Monthly Theme: The Greatest Story Ever Told--The Easter Story Memory Verse: “I am with you always.” Matthew 28:20 Week 1 – March 25th – Lesson: Jesus, A Simple King, Comes to Jerusalem Today your child heard the story of Jesus riding into Jerusalem on a donkey. It was like a parade because the people were shouting, cheering and waving branches as Jesus passed by. They were very happy to see Jesus. This week take a few minutes to put on some happy music with your child. Tell him/her how much Jesus loves us as together you sing, dance and wave. Knowing about Jesus makes us happy--so let’s show it! Week 2 – April 1st - Lesson: The Last Supper Our Bible story today was about the special meal that Jesus shared with his helpers. It wasn’t a fancy meal, just a simple meal of bread and wine. Jesus knew he would soon be returning to heaven and he wanted his helpers to remember him. In small group time your child shared ways that we can remember Jesus. During these weeks before Easter, spend time at a meal and review the story of the Last Supper with your child. Then together think of all the ways we can remember Jesus. Week 3 – April 8th is Easter Sunday – No Kids’ Kingdom Week 4 – April 15th - Lesson: A Sad Day and A Happy Day A sad day and a happy day is the way your child heard about the death and resurrection of Jesus during the Bible story. It was sad when Jesus died on the cross but we don’t have to be sad for long because he is alive again! We talked about the wooden cross and reminded the children that when they see a cross, they should think of Jesus and how much He loves them. This week provide several opportunities for your child to see different types of crosses. Ask him/her, “Who do you think of when you see a cross?” Week 5 – April 22nd - Lesson: Jesus Appears To His Friends Today we reviewed the death and resurrection of Jesus that we learned last week. We also learned that Jesus appeared to his friends on several occasions after his resurrection. They were surprised and happy to see him even though at first some of them didn’t believe it was him. Today your child learned that Jesus wants us to believe in him. Jesus wants us to know that he’s real and that he’s with us all the time. This week spend a few minutes with your child and ask him/her “What are some ways that we can show Jesus that we believe in him?” Week 6 – April 29th - Lesson: Jesus Returns To Heaven Before Jesus returned to heaven he told his friends to carry on with his work and “make disciples of all nations.” Your preschooler may not be able to spread the gospel message around the world but they are old enough to talk to their friends and family about Jesus. By singing Bible songs, learning Bible verses and sharing stories of Jesus, preschoolers can grow in their faith as they share it with others. Provide an opportunity for your little one to share their belief in Jesus with others this week.