CapitolRiver Council Board of Directors Monthly Meeting
Feb 19, 2014
7:30 am to 9:00 am
US Bank Center 2nd Floor Conference Room
1. Call to order (7:30) a. Present: Bill Thurmes, Tessa Retterath-Jones, Joan Mathison, James McClean,
Jim Ivey, Vern Harmon, Bill Hosko, Rob Clapp, JoAnn Hawkins, Ed Coleman,
Karl Karlson, Nina Axelson, Hayley Johnson, Julio Fesser, Lucy Thompson, Paul
Mandell, John Mannillo, Jim Miller, Rosemarie Reger-Rumsey, Wayne Mikos,
Joe Spartz b. Staff: Melissa Martinez-Sones, Paul Bengtson c. Guests: Lee Krueger, Roger Fuller, Greg Peterson, Pat Driscoll, Benita (?),
Benita (?)
2. Introduction of new Director Paul Bengtson
3. Introductions
4. Approval of meeting agenda a. Changes: None b. Motion to Approve: Paul Mandell. Second: Tessa Retterath-Jones, Discussion:
None. Vote: Passed (unanimous).
5. Approval of January Board minutes a. Changes: None b. Motion to Approve: Jim Ivey Second: Nina Axelson. Discussion: None. Vote:
Passed (unanimous).
6. Board Member Profile a. Nina Axelson b. March - Hayley Johnson
7. Chair Report - Wayne Mikos a. Nominating Committee for two Executive Committee seats b. Code of Conduct Forms i. Request for all board members to sign code of conduct to update our records c. Strategic Plan update i. Incoming board leadership will pick up and drive remaining work on strategic plan d. By-laws review i. Four years since last review/update of by-laws ii. Rosemarie Reger-Rumsey will be leading team to review and make recommendations to be voted on at annual meeting e. Board member recruitment i. Recent resignations from board members due to people taking on new jobs or moving out of the district ii. Request for all board members to help recruit candidates for election at the annual meeting
8. Purchase of Macy’s by the Port Authority - Lee Krueger a. Port Authority purchased Macy’s building for $3 million on Jan 29 b. Demolition down to a hole estimated to cost $13 million. Port Authority does not have the reserves to do that demolition c. Potential for tax-increment financing to address demolition costs (current site pays $155k in property taxes, vs. $3 million for Wells Fargo site) d. Parties are interested in purchasing the site, but Port Authority is screening candidates based on their planned use of the building e. Most inquiries to-date have expressed interest in reuse of the building f. Converting the building for another use will cost approximately $20-30 million g. Consultants concluded that the building itself is not historic, but that it does potentially contribute to a historic district
9. Financial Report - Jim Miller, Treasurer a. Balance Sheet i. Checking/Savings - $29k ii. Grants/Receivable - $17k iii. Unrestricted Net Assets - $50k b. Income/Expense i. January - Actual consistent with projections
10. Committee Updates a. Parking Committee i. To support the proposal to revise City Code to restrict those with a disability placard or plate to exercising their parking privileges in metered spaces to a total of four hours on a single day.
1. Vote: Passed (No - Jim Ivey). b. Lowertown Ballpark Design and Construction Committee i. Futures North presentation on Feb 18th about two proposed art options
1. “Field Conditions” - Use of adjoining OMF wall at 5th and
Broadway for a display using aluminum bats and LEDs, designed based on data captured from swings
2. “Meander” - Designed based on data gathered and captured about Mississippi River between St. Paul and St. Louis ii. Next step will be for a committee of ten to vote on the two options iii.
LBDCC is one of the ten votes, and unanimously chose the “Meander” option c. Development Review Committee i. Palace Theater presentation
1. City has requested $6 million in state bonding money for rehabilitation ii. Motion from Bill Hosko: The Capitol River Council Board of Directors requests that the city of Saint Paul include a movie theatre, for
Independent films, in their conceptual plans for the Palace Theatre redevelopment.
1. Motion to table and send back to Development Review committee.
2. Motion - Jim Miller. Second - Nina Axelson. Vote: Passed
11. Downtown Voice Submissions - Tessa Retterath-Jones a. Downtown Voice gives the CRC 500 words each month b. Requesting board members to volunteer to write informational articles about downtown-related topics.
12. Liaison Reports a. Lucy Thompson - St. Paul Planning & Economic Development i. City’s legislative agenda - Palace Theater ($6m), Minnesota Children’s
Museum ($14m), Como access improvements ($9m), TPT ($9m),
Regional Public Safety ($7m), Great River Passage Watergate ($2m),
Como Zoo Habitat ($14m), Dorothy Day Revisioning ($22m) ii. City council will be looking at a resolution supporting the Central Corridor art plan. More about using art as neighborhood revitalization than just adding public art at the stations. iii. Bikeways plan open house is Thursday Feb 20 at 6:00 pm iv. Wabasha Partners met to review/discuss bikeways plan v. Design Center did design concept workshop with Custom House developers to advance idea of river balcony (from Great River Passage plan) vi. City staff looking at Lowertown Future Fund - interpretative signage to explain rainwater harvesting at Lowertown Ballpark vii. West Side Flats Master Plan - Next draft of the plan. Renewed concern about building heights in plan (up to 100-120 ft in some places). Concern from Port Authority about breaking up superblocks in industrial districts. b. Tim Griffin - District Councils Collaborative and St. Paul Design Center i. Not present c. Downtown Airport Advisory Committee i. Open house for third 11 am - 3 pm
13. Staff Report - Martinez-Sones a. Official name for Depot Tot Lot approved by Parks Board b. Penfield Grand Opening c. First Friday in March will be hosted by Penfield d. Melissa is currently working on transition with Paul Bengtson
14. Other announcements a. Wayne Mikos - Recruit quality people to become part of the CRC board b. Happy hour for Melissa to recognize her contributions to the organization.
Thursday Feb 27 at 4:30 pm at the Saloon. c. St. Paul Arts Collaborative - Third Wednesday. Tonight at Amsterdam from 4-6 pm. Theme is about Arts, Science and City systems. d. First anniversary celebration for St. Paul Athletic Club - Thursday February 27th from 6-9 pm in penthouse
15. Adjourn
Next meeting: Mar 19th at 7:30 am