Week 29 Stations Hear All About It! Directions: 1.Listen to the the leader read the task sheet. 2.As a group, brainstorm all of the events, rotations, activities that we worked on during this PBL. Write your ideas on the dry erase board. Share them with your teacher. 3.Go to Mrs. Spear’s website and use the link on “Creating a Newspaper” to choose your template. It is located at Printing Press in the middle of the page. 4.Working with a partner, you will create a one page newspaper writing several articles. Divide your topics with your partner. 5.First, use the “Newspaper Story Format” graphic organizers to plan out each of your articles (use one for each article you will write). 6.Next, type your articles. (One person will need to type and save theirs on a flash drive and add them to your newspaper). 7.Finally, proofread and edit your articles using the writing rubric. 8.You may add pictures if you like. The pictures are located on the “S” drive under “Disability Awareness PBL.” 9.Save your work as “Name+Name=Newspaper” in the “S” drive in the “Disability Awareness” folder at the end of this rotation. Print your newspaper if it is completed. Materials Computer Flash drive Newspaper graphic organizer Writing Rubric Dry erase board & marker Pictures available in the “S” drive Standards 5.W.4 Produce clear and coherent writing in which the development and organization are appropriate to the task, purpose, and audience. 5.L.2 Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English capitalization, punctuation, and spelling when writing. NOISE LEVEL 1 ½ PBL Connection: Disability Awareness Fair & Columbus Prosthetics PBL Kids Got Poetry! Figurative Language Paints Pictures Noise Level 0 Materials Computer Art supplies Paper Writing utensil Writing & Reciting Poetry Rubrics Standards 5.L.5 Demonstrate understanding of figurative language, word relationships, and nuances in word meanings. 5.RF.4.b Fluency: Read grade-level prose and poetry orally with accuracy, appropriate rate, and expression. Directions: 1.Listen to the leader read the task sheet. 2.Visit the link “Poetry” on Mrs. Spear’s website. You will find a lot of links to help you in writing your own poem. 3.You may use the computer to write your poem or write it free style on paper. Poetry Requirements: 1.You may use any type of poetry you like to write your own poem. 2.Use at least two forms of figurative language and/or imagery in your poem. 3.Include a visual with your poem. 4.You will recite your poem to the class for a grade in fluency. Remember to practice your poem. It is best to have it memorized. MA.5.5.5 2000 Understand and use the smaller and larger units for measuring weight (ounce, gram, and ton) and their relationship to pounds and kilograms. Metric Conversions Ladder Method Noise Level 1 1. Listen to manager read all the tasks on this station sheet. 2. With a partner, go through the Meter Mania Power Point on Mrs. Brill’s website under Math Rocks. 3. Students should take turns reading the slides and answering the questions. 4. After completing questions together, students should individually complete the Math Mania Challenge. Extension Activity: Play Rags to Riches games online. http://www.quia.com/rr/96635.html No Project Connection Materials needed Laptops pencil Ladder Method 1 2 KILO 1000 Units 3 HECTO 100 Units DEKA 10 Units DECI 0.1 Unit Meters Liters Grams How do you use the “ladder” method? 1st – Determine your starting point. 2nd – Count the “jumps” to your ending point. 3rd – Move the decimal the same number of jumps in the same direction. CENTI 0.01 Unit MILLI 0.001 Unit 4 km = _________ m Starting Point Ending Point How many jumps does it take? 4. __. __. __. = 4000 m 1 2 3 Conversion Practice Try these conversions using the ladder method. 1000 mg = _______ g 1 L = _______ mL 160 cm = _______ mm 14 km = _______ m 109 g = _______ kg 250 m = _______ km Compare using <, >, or =. 56 cm 6m 7g 698 mg English & Metric Conversions Metric Conversion Challenge Name: ________________________________________ # ______ Write the correct abbreviation for each metric unit. 1) Kilogram _____ 4) Milliliter _____ 7) Kilometer _____ 2) Meter _____ 5) Millimeter _____ 8) Centimeter _____ 3) Gram _____ 6) Liter _____ 9) Milligram _____ Try these conversions, using the ladder method. 10) 2000 mg = _______ g 13) 5 L = _______ mL 16) 16 cm = _______ mm 11) 104 km = _______ m 14) 198 g = _______ kg 17) 2500 m = _______ km 12) 480 cm = _____ m 15) 75 mL = _____ L 18) 65 g = _____ mg Fraction Attack Noise Level 0 1. 2. 3. MA.5.1.3 2000 Arrange in numerical order and compare whole numbers or decimals to two decimal places by using the symbols for less than (<), equals (=), and greater than (>). MA.5.1.4 2000 Interpret percents as a part of a hundred. Find decimal and percent equivalents for common fractions and explain why they represent the same value Listen to Station manager read this task sheet. Go to Math Rocks on Mrs. Brill’s website and practice fraction using the website listed under fractions. http://www.sheppardsoftware.com/mathgames/fractions/equival ent_fractions_shoot.htm http://www.sheppardsoftware.com/mathgames/fractions/mathm an_improper_fractions.htm Now take the quiz online. http://www.softschools.com/quizzes/math/compare__order_f ractions/quiz3233.html Extension Activity: Go back to games and play more fraction games. Will use skill in future project. Materials Needed Laptop Sharpening Your Skills 5.W.1 Write opinion pieces on topics or texts, supporting a point of view with reasons and information. a. Introduce a topic or text clearly, state an opinion, and create an organizational structure in which ideas are logically grouped to support the writer's purpose. b. Provide logically ordered reasons that are supported by facts and details. d. Provide a concluding statement or section related to the opinion presented. 1. Listen to leader read task sheet. 2. Begin by looking at your objectives for this week. Here are a list of priorities you should have on your Weekly Objectives. Write your goals on goals chart. All items should be saved on the S drive Dream Story Vocabulary test for this week Passport to Reading Incomplete Station Work 3. If you are struggling with a skill please write it on a post-it and place on Parking lot. Materials 4. When there is only 5 minutes left record Needed what you accomplished on your Weekly Laptop Objectives and goal chart during the station. Passport to Reading Pencil Each Student write a goal you set for yourself during this station Name Goals Completed Project Writing Materials Needed Pencil Laptop Writing Rubric Extension Activity: Use check list to improve your writing. Project Connection This connects to the Disability Awareness Project. Skill 2.4.2 Organize related ideas together to maintain a consistent focus . 2.5.5 Use descriptive words when writing. Noise level 0-1 1. Listen to Manager read task sheet. 2. Gather all needed materials. 3. Using the Writing Rubrics grade your Disability Story. 4. When you have finished add more figurative language and strong vocabulary. 5. Now trade your story with someone else in your group and ask them to use rubric to grade your paper. Extension Activity: Write project summaries on your website.