Human Performance Institute of Johnson & Johnson
January 9, 2009
Presented by Whole Enterprise Transformation
2008-2009 Whole Enterprise Transformation. All rights reserved.
REALeadership + E Factor Media
Creating value advantage from the Triple Bottom Line
2008-2009 Whole Enterprise Transformation. All rights reserved.
Triple Bottom Line
This is a commitment to harness enterprise to improve the lives of people, the
health of our planet, while generating a sustainable profit.
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Our client work stretches across many vertical markets and has allowed us to work with
some of the worlds top brands. We are a partner in building ideas
Brand development
Multi-Channel marketing
Product launches
Marketplace planning
Public relations
Website design, development
Interactive digital development
Online marketing and email campaigns
Web 2.0 Social Media
SEO/SEM, reporting and analytics
Brand Identity
Print advertising
Collateral development
Direct mail campaigns
Event design and materials
2008-2009 Whole Enterprise Transformation. All rights reserved.
The Opportunity for HPI and Johnson & Johnson
Dramatically increase HPI’s revenue.
• Create new sources of revenue. • Capture new audiences and customers.
Become the brand face of Johnson & Johnson Wellness.
Leverage Johnson & Johnson corporate resources to propel the Wellness
division to $5 billion in the next five years
2008-2009 Whole Enterprise Transformation. All rights reserved.
Brand Matters
92% have more positive feelings towards companies that visibility support
good causes
Strategy Matters
of employees want to work for companies that directly contribute to society
Engagement Matters
of employees want to personally create humanitarian benefits but are not
sure what to do
2008-2009 Whole Enterprise Transformation. All rights reserved.
We Have an Emergency
65% of Employees are disengaged from their daily work.
54% of leaders are disengaged from their daily responsibilities.
People report they are disengaged because they are tired,
stressed, overwhelmed, unfocused, insecure, pessimistic and
feel disconnected from their purpose and passion.
The cost of worker absenteeism is $226 billion per year.
Stress alone costs $150 billion in productivity each year.
Need Worker
Image - Fat person
2008-2009 Whole Enterprise Transformation. All rights reserved.
We are not healthy.
2/3 of adults do not regularly exercise enough to get health benefits.
33% of adults are obese.
66% are overweight.
10% have diabetes.
70 million of us live every day with heart disease.
910,000 of us die from heart disease every year.
Need Adult Image Fat person
2008-2009 Whole Enterprise Transformation. All rights reserved.
The voice of consumption drowns out the voice of wellness
Physical Education (PE) once a week at elementary schools
Cafeterias serve up unhealthy foods
Children are exposed to 10,000 messages a year by consumer advertisers,
including sodas, fast food, sugary cereals, candy…
Coke instead of Pepsi
2008-2009 Whole Enterprise Transformation. All rights reserved.
What’s up with our priorities?
.17 cents out of every dollar spent in America
is for health care.
Less than .01 cent is spent on health
education, wellness or prevention!
Where is the credible voice
to balance this out?
2008-2009 Whole Enterprise Transformation. All rights reserved.
This is OUR challenge.
J&J is an iconic Caregiver brand. Now with Human
Performance Institute, J&J can seize the opportunity to
become a global Caregiver/Hero brand!
2008-2009 Whole Enterprise Transformation. All rights reserved.
HPI Platform
The Fully Engaged Enterprise taps the Physical, Emotional, Mental, and
Spiritual Energy of people’s longings for a better life and a better world.
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Beyond branding
Our universal thirst for meaning
Health, vitality, energy is the most basic human need
“Be For Something No One Can Be Against”
2008-2009 Whole Enterprise Transformation. All rights reserved.
HPI Platform
The Human Performance Institute of Johnson & Johnson
Brings the science of increasing the health, vitality and
energy of every member of the human family in the
workplace, in the home, and in our schools.
2008-2009 Whole Enterprise Transformation. All rights reserved.
HPI’s Brand Promise
2008-2009 Whole Enterprise Transformation. All rights reserved.
Main Character(s): HPI of J&J - Trusted navigator (Caregiver/Hero)
Plot: Save your life so you can save the world.
Call to action: You matter. What you do matters.
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Expanding HPI’s audience
Business & Individual Professionals: Corporate Athlete
Society & Schools: Human Athlete
2008-2009 Whole Enterprise Transformation. All rights reserved.
Creating New Customers and New Value
Invite + Invent + Idealize
(Micro Credit)
Invite new customers by
radically eliminating COST.
(Southwest, Minute Clinic)
Idealize value by eliminating negative,
dysfunctional, or irresponsible aspects
of current business.
Invent un-thought of ways to
fulfill imagined needs.
(Google, eBay, iPod/iTunes)
(Prius, ClifBar, Wal-Mart, ING, VirginAir)
2008-2009 Whole Enterprise Transformation. All rights reserved.
INVITE new customers by radically eliminating COST
How to reach and engage the audience:
Internet - Social Network/Web
Books, articles, interviews
Live events (hosted by HPI/J&J)
A way to “join” and become an advocate
2008-2009 Whole Enterprise Transformation. All rights reserved.
How to reach and engage the audience–Tools of Transformation
1. The ultimate experience (on site)
2. One point lessons (1-3 minute video pieces)
3. Dynamic knowledge updates via web
4. Books and articles
5. Personal learning program
6. Learning maps
Social network via web
1. Content
2. Ask the expert
3. Areas of interest
4. Advocate subject matter from leaders
5. Test and FAQs
6. Webinars and one point lessons
2008-2009 Whole Enterprise Transformation. All rights reserved.
How to reach and engage the audience–Tools of Transformation
1. The ultimate experience (on site)
2. One point lessons (1-3 minute video pieces)
3. Dynamic knowledge updates via web
4. Books and articles
5. Personal learning program
6. Learning maps
Social network via web
1. Content
2. Ask the expert
3. Areas of interest
4. Advocate subject matter from leaders
5. Test and FAQs
6. Webinars and one point lessons
2008-2009 Whole Enterprise Transformation. All rights reserved.
INVENT un-thought of ways to fulfill imagined needs.
Expanding HPI’s offerings:
• Corporate Athlete Games
• J&J Health Ambassador (schools & community)
• Products: energy bars, clothing, equipment.
2008-2009 Whole Enterprise Transformation. All rights reserved.
IDEALIZE value by eliminating negative, dysfunctional, or
irresponsible aspects of current business.
• Corporate Athlete Training
• Corporate Athlete Leadership Training
• Corporate Athlete Centers
2008-2009 Whole Enterprise Transformation. All rights reserved.
Campaign concepts
“Are you running at 100% capacity”
You see people walking around the office with
percentages floating over their heads. Some are
at 40% and walking quite slowly. You see the
difference between their productivity and
cleverness for the same tasks. Voiceover
announces “are you running at max capacity?”
or “HPI, redefining max capacity.” Could have
humor in the style of tv show The Office, where
two people (Jim and Pam) at 100% are making
fun of someone (like Dwight) at 50%.
2008-2009 Whole Enterprise Transformation. All rights reserved.
Campaign concepts
“The crowd”
From a birds eye view, you see a crowd of business people walking quickly along
the street. The voiceover announces, “10% of Americans die of a heart attack before
age 60.” Suddenly ten people in the crowd fall down. “70% of Americans don’t get
sufficient exercize.” Then 70 people in the crowd slow to a crawl. More and more
statistics are announced until the crowd has been eliminated. How will America
2008-2009 Whole Enterprise Transformation. All rights reserved.
Campaign concepts - “Ignite your workforce”
“Ignite your workforce”
You see a lackluster employee, lazily typing
or chewing gum. The voiceover announces,
“ignite your workforce…” An employee who
has been energized places his hand on the
sluggish employee and there is a small
explosion and puff of smoke. Now the
employee is energized and exclaims
“woooo!” The knowledge and excitement
has been spread.
2008-2009 Whole Enterprise Transformation. All rights reserved.
Mission Critical Goals
1. Agree on Vision Path Forward… the best endgame.
2. Recruit Champions
Put the top 10% (13,000) J&J leaders through the executive course.
3. Build an HPI Idea Mall
Engage these J&J leaders in creating global tactics and initiatives to
achieve our goals.
2008-2009 Whole Enterprise Transformation. All rights reserved.
Next Steps
Scope + Research + Plan
2008-2009 Whole Enterprise Transformation. All rights reserved.
Human Performance Institute of Johnson & Johnson
Thank You
January 9, 2009
Presented by Whole Enterprise Transformation
2008-2009 Whole Enterprise Transformation. All rights reserved.