Chapter 5. z Scores



Quantitative Methods in HPELS

HPELS 6210


 Introduction

 Location of a raw score

 Standardization of distributions

 Direct comparisons

 Statistical analysis


Z-scores use the mean and SD to transform raw scores  standard scores

What is a Z-score?

 A signed value (+/- X)

 Sign: Denotes if score is greater (+) or less (-) than the mean

 Value (X): Denotes the relative distance between the raw score and the mean

Figure 5.2, p 141






Purpose of Z-scores:

Describe location of raw score

Standardize distributions

Make direct comparisons

Statistical analysis


 Introduction

 Location of a raw score

 Standardization of distributions

 Direct comparisons

 Statistical analysis

Z-Scores: Locating Raw Scores

Useful for comparing a raw score to entire distribution

Calculation of the Z-score:

Z = X µ /  where

X = raw score

µ = population mean

= population standard deviation

Z-Scores: Locating Raw Scores

 Can also determine raw score from a


X = µ + Z 


 Introduction

 Location of a raw score

 Standardization of distributions

 Direct comparisons

 Statistical analysis

Z-Scores: Standardizing Distributions

 Useful for comparing dissimilar distributions

 Standardized distribution: A distribution comprised of standard scores such that the mean and SD are predetermined values

 Z-Scores:

 Mean = 0

 SD = 1

 Process:

 Calculate Z-scores from each raw score

Z-Scores: Standardizing Distributions





Properties of Standardized Distributions:

Shape: Same as original distribution

Score position: Same as original distribution

Mean: 0

SD: 1

Figure 5.3, p 145


 Introduction

 Location of a raw score

 Standardization of distributions

 Direct comparisons

 Statistical analysis

Z-Scores: Making Comparisons

Useful when comparing raw scores from two different distributions

Example (p 148):

Suppose Bob scored X=60 on a psychology exam and X=56 on a biology test. Which one should get the higher grade?

Z-Score: Making Comparisons

 Required information:

 µ of each distribution of raw scores

 of each distribution of raw scores

 Calculate Z-scores from each raw score

Psychology Exam Distribution:

µ = 50

= 10

Biology Exam Distribution:

µ = 48

= 4

Z = X µ / 

Z = 60 – 50 / 10

Z = 1.0

Z = X µ / 

Z = 56 - 48 / 4

Z = 2.0

Based on the relative position (Z-score) of each raw score, it appears that the Biology score deserves the higher grade


 Introduction

 Location of a raw score

 Standardization of distributions

 Direct comparisons

 Statistical analysis

Z-Scores: Statistical Analysis

 Appropriate usage of the Z-score as a statistic:

 Descriptive

 Parametric

Z-Scores: Statistical Analysis

 Review: Experimental Method

 Process: Manipulate one variable

(independent) and observe the effect on the other variable (dependent)

 Independent variable: Treatment

 Dependent variable: Test or measurement

Z-Scores: Statistical Analysis

 Figure 5.8, p 153

Z-Score: Statistical Analysis

Value = 0  No treatment effect

Value > or < 0  Potential treatment effect

As value becomes increasingly greater or smaller than zero, the PROBABILITY of a treatment effect increases
