California Community College Library Standards for the

A Breakout Session - Fall 2009 ASCCC Plenary
Presented by Scott Lee, Antelope Valley College
& John Koetzner, Mendocino College
Develop Standards of Practice Paper for Library Services
Kevin Bontenbal, Cuesta College, Counseling and Library
Issues Committee
Whereas, The Academic Senate for California Community Colleges has adopted the paper
Library Faculty in California Community College Libraries: Qualifications, Roles, and
Responsibilities (adopted Spring 1996);
Whereas, Although the "role paper" describes the range of activities of library faculty, it does
not set out specific standards for how those activities would be performed; and
Whereas, Specific standards for library services have appeared piecemeal as Education Code
sections, accreditation guidelines, professional guidelines, and ethics statements, but nowhere
have these standards been collected, reviewed, and presented systematically to the California
community colleges with specific application to the roles of librarians in the California
community colleges;
Resolved, That the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges develop a paper
addressing standards of practice for California community college libraries, including the role
of library faculty, resources, services, instruction, and other aspects of library service to faculty
and students.
Disposition: Local Senates
Assigned: Counseling and Library Faculty Issues Committee
Qualifications, Roles, &
1996 Spring Session
Academic Senate
California Community Colleges
ACCJC - Standard IIC
Library and Learning Support Services
Library and other learning support services for students are sufficient to
support the institution’s instructional programs and intellectual,
aesthetic, and cultural activities in whatever format and wherever they
are offered. Such services include library services and collections,
tutoring, learning centers, computer laboratories, and learning
technology development and training. The institution provides access
and training to students so that library and other learning support
services may be used effectively and efficiently. The institution
systematically assesses these services using student learning
outcomes, faculty input, and other appropriate measures in order to
improve the effectiveness of the services.
ACRL Standards
Title V
They are intended to apply to all types of
libraries in higher education, from technical
institutes to research universities.
Only for CCC Libraries.
The standards and key principles are
designed as a tool to help libraries establish
individual goals within the context of their
institutional goals.
Designed to help CCC libraries push for full
inclusion within institutional goals.
They focus on documenting the library’s
contribution to institutional effectiveness
and student learning outcomes.
Due to the limited variety and geography of
CCC Libraries and the homogeneity of a
common system, a common set of
standards is more applicable.
The standards provide suggested points of
comparison for peer and longitudinal
comparison, and encourage the development of
other measures. Some measures of quality and
quantity are used in this document, as well as
questions to provide guidance for assessing
each element of library operations and the
provision of library services.
Create standards that CCC libraries can
measure themselves against to help facilitate
conversations about resource needs.
To be applicable to such a wide range of
libraries, it is necessary that the standards
not be prescriptive.
As the population of libraries covered is
limited in variety and geography and part of a
common system, fear of being prescriptive is
less of an issue.
Governor’s Executive Order S-06-09
WHEREAS ICT Digital Literacy is defined as
using digital technology, communications
tools and/or networks to access, manage,
integrate, evaluate, create and communicate
information in order to function in a
knowledge-based economy and society...
Sent email to Council of Chief Librarians
Executive Board
Sent email to all CCL Chief Librarians
Presented that this was happening at two
workshops for CCL in September & October
2009 (Northern California & Southern
Had the Library Standards Outline in the
September CCL Outlook
This Fall Plenary Breakout session/workshop
Create a paper that goes beyond just defining
the roles of librarians in California
Community Colleges as achieved in 1996.
Develop standards system-wide for California
Community College libraries.
Inform California Community Colleges
regarding the standards they should have for
their libraries.
Possibly influence changes to Title V and Ed.
Code regarding California Community
Colleges as well as ACCJC Standards.
1. Review the outline
2. Brainstorm ideas that might be added or
areas that might seem obsolete.
3. Flesh out some ideas with some possible
4. Raise any questions about the outline.
5. Report back on what the group’s ideas are
about the outline.
Resources for Library Standards Paper: