Weekly Word List: 1 This week's words: Harvest (Verb): To gather

Weekly Word List: 1
This week’s words:
1. Harvest (Verb): To gather crops from the fields. (noun) crop, yield
Synonym: Crop (noun)
Gather, Collect (verb)
Usage: The vegetable in the fields are finally ready to harvest.
There is plenty of harvest of vegetables in the field.
2. Explain (Verb): To tell someone about something in a way that easy to understand
Synonym: Describe
Antonym: Confuse
Usage: Mr. Brown explained the difference between toad and frog.
3. Narrow (Adjective): Not wide, small distance from one side to the other.
Synonym: Slender, Thin
Antonym: Wide
Usage: Jack’s house leads to a narrow lane.
4. Country (Noun): Nation, A land that is outside the city
Synonym: Nation, rural
Antonym: Urban, farmland
Usage: We love to know about various countries.
5. Practice (Noun): Doing something regularly. (verb): Repeat a work to improve
Synonym: Routine, drill
Antonym: Inaction, refrain
Usage: Lauren and Jane prefer to practice the piano every day.
Weekly Word List: 2
This week’s words:
1. Associate (Verb): To connect with another person or group of people.
Synonym: Links
Antonym: Dissociate
Usage: He is associated with the welfare organization.
2. Original (Adjective): Not derived from something else; fresh and not a copy
Synonym: Real
Antonym: Fake
Usage: He gave me the original papers of his office.
3. Magazine (Noun): A periodical containing a collection of articles, stories, pictures, or other features.
Synonym: Journal
Antonym: x
Usage: Her articles are published in the local magazine.
4. Marvelous (Adjective): Extraordinarily good or great
Synonym: Amazing
Antonym: Terrible
Usage: It was a marvelous sight.
5. Superior (Adjective): Of a higher nature or kind
Synonym: greater
Antonym: Inferior
Usage: He is the superior boss in his office.
Weekly Word List: 3
This week’s words:
1. Template (Noun): A pattern or gauge
Synonym: Outline
Antonym: x
Usage: “Bring me the templates for approval,” said the manager.
2. Pilgrim (Noun): A religious devotee who journeys to a shrine or sacred place
Synonym: Tourist
Antonym: x
Usage: A foreign pilgrim stood reverse and got blessing from the elephant.
3. Promote (Verb): To encourage or to increase something
Synonym: Endorse
Antonym: Discourage
Usage: He promotes his brand.
4. Versus (Preposition ): Against; in opposition to
Synonym: Against
Antonym: For
Usage: There was a rugby match between Spain versus Britain.
5. Tumble (Verb ): To perform acrobatic feats such as somersaults, to roll, or to twist
Synonym: Somersault, fall
Antonym: x
Usage: He tumbles from the stairs.
Weekly Word List: 4
This week’s words:
1. Association (Noun): An organized body of people who have an interest, activity, or purpose in
common; a society
Synonym: Organization, institution
Antonym: Disassociation
Usage: This association works for animals.
2. Statement (Noun): The content said or declared
Synonym: Declaration
Antonym: Conceal
Usage: He gave a false statement.
3. Department (Noun): A distinct, usually specialized division of a large organization
Synonym: Branch
Antonym: x
Usage: Submit your examination form in the education department.
4. Publisher (Noun): A company or person engaged in publishing periodicals, books, etc.
Synonym: Printer
Antonym: x
Usage: The publisher planned to introduce a new magazine.
5. Marvel (Verb): To evoke surprise, admiration, or wonder
Synonym: Wonder
Antonym: Ordinary
Usage: Sara and I read the story and marveled.
Weekly Word List: 5
This Week’s Words:
1. Aggressive (Adjective): Anger and determination that makes them ready to attack other people.
Synonym: Violent
Antonym: Polite
Usage: He spoke to me in an aggressive tone.
2. Available (Adjective): Something you find or obtain.
Synonym: Accessible
Antonym: Unavailable
Usage: There are three small boats available for hire
3. Challenge (Noun): Inviting someone to fight or compete with you in some way.
Synonym: Dare
Antonym: Non-challenge
Usage: Michael accepted the challenge and determined to win
4. Identical (Adjective): Exactly the same.
Synonym: Alike
Antonym: Different
Usage: Rachel and Mary are identical twins.
5. Hearty (Adjective): having loud, cheerful and energetic actions
Synonym: Energetic
Antonym: Unhealthy
Usage: When I met Mrs. Jones she was hale and hearty.
Weekly Word List: 6
This Week’s Words:
1. Counselor (Noun): Person who gives advices
Synonym: Analyst
Antonym: X
Usage: The counselor’s advice helped the school to progress.
2. Ardent (Adjective): having extremely strong feelings about something or someone
Synonym: Eager
Antonym: Calm
Usage: Bobby’s ardent desire to progress in life got him a good promotion.
3. Boon (Noun): Benefit
Synonym: Advantage
Antonym: Penalty
Usage: This battery booster is a boon for the photographers.
4. Recycle (verb):To Convert for reuse
Synonym: Reuse
Antonym: Non recycle
Usage: There are factories that recycle domestic waste.
5. Remote (Adjective): Being far away
Synonym: Isolated
Antonym: Close, Near
Usage: Polly lives in a remote place
Weekly Word List: 7
This week’s word:
1. Jabber (verb): To talk rapidly
Synonym: Chatter
Antonym: X
Usage: The crowd started Jabbering about the incident.
2. Imprudent (Adjective): Unwise
Synonym: Irresponsible
Antonym: Wise
Usage: David’s behavior was imprudent in public.
3. Snap(Verb): Break suddenly, make sharp sound
Synonym: Break
Usage: In the storm the limbs of the tree snapped.
4. Earnest (Adjective): Sincere and serious
Synonym: Sincere
Antonym: Unconcerned
Usage: Marcus is an earnest boy.
5. Pause (Verb): Temporary stop
Synonym: Recess
Antonym: Begin
Usage: His words gave my thinking a pause.
Weekly Word List: 8
This week’s words:
1. Lonely (Adjective): Alone or do not have any one to talk.
Synonym: Isolated, Deserted
Antonym: Accompanied
Usage: She was very sad because of her loneliness.
2. Humorous (Adjective): Something amusing. Clever or witty.
Synonym: Entertaining, Comical
Antonym: Unfunny
Usage: He humorously changed the situation.
3. Obey (Verb): You do what you are told to
Synonym: Observe, Follow
Antonym: Disobey
Usage: John obeyed his master’s words.
4. Sincere (Adjective): People who really mean what they say.
Synonym: Genuineness, Authenticity
Antonym: Falseness
Usage: Richard is sincere in his studies.
5. Scare (Verb): Something frightens or worries you
Synonym: Afraid, Panic
Antonym: Fearless
Usage: She got scared at the sudden knock on the door.