WORKING WELL WITH THE BOARD TO GET GOVERNANCE RIGHT Association of Governing Boards Working Titles Governance Works; Until It Doesn’t or How to Have a Mediocre Board (and an Effective Audit Committee) What Does Your Board Do? Partner in Leadership and Strategy Hold Accountable; Verify Confuse Gov. with Admin. Interrupt (and Disrupt) Eat and Tour The Goals of Governance “Effective governance entails influential participation in meaningful discussions about consequential matters that lead to significant outcomes.” Richard Chait Chait, R.(2009, July/August). The Gremlins of Governance. Trusteeship. Association of Governing Boards. Washington DC. What Kind of Board Do You Need? Strategic Leader/ Partner No Harm; No Foul; No Value Board is Bored Low Capacity High High Low Engagement All Light; No Heat or Live Wires Observations from the Field Anxiety Uncapped Recognize High(er) Stakes *And nervous presidents = stressed cabinets Excited/ Excitable Boards* How Restless? How apprehensive is your board? 1 (low) 2 3 4 5 (high) What are the three things that keep them up at night? 1. 2. 3. Effective Boards? Effective Boards? Mediocrity more than Dysfunction How to Have a Mediocre Board Strive for under-engagement/Over-engagement Never have new members Develop unquestioned routines Have the chair try to be president Avoid focusing on the work of the board (only on the work of the institution) Re-structure committees frequently (board culture) Confuse good philanthropy with good governance How to Have a Mediocre Board Confuse interest for expertise CEOs vs. Lawyers vs. Deacons/Ministers Expect “30 second answers” to “10 minute problems” Do not learn to agree (or disagree) Use the “loud-voice veto” Avoid risk Have competing agendas “Women’s Golf” Competing Agendas “For the meeting, I need a copy of the agenda, the hidden agenda, and my own twisted personal agenda.” High Performing Boards Focuses on strategic issues Thought partners looking forward Willingness to make tough decisions Monitors of progress and risk Welcomes multiple perspectives; speak as one Climate of openness and positive social dynamic Maintenance of confidentiality Respect for institutional governance model Advances Mission Embodies trust and candor; meaningful deliberations How Mediocre/High Performing? What makes your board effective? What is one thing* you wish your board did differently/better? What is one thing that others could learn from your board? * Or two things, or three things, or eight things……… Questions and Thoughts The Focused Work of Boards Cost and Value Accountability, Transparency, and Risk Student Learning Cost and Value of My Institution/HE Too Expensive Underpriced Costs What It Should 42% 56% 37% 63% 6% 10% 35% 9% Public My Inst 19% 48% 57% 18% Private My Inst Public HE Private HE Trustees on Affordability Public Private 45% 36% 30% 25% 20% 13%13% 10% 2% 2% 4% 1% Some inroads; Need to do Doing all it can Should charge Already low- Outside board could do more much more more cost control Trustees on Controlling Expenses Does everything it can Needs to do much more 1% 12% Does many things Is not trying to reduce expenses 1% 7% 41% 50% 51% 37% Public Private Questions for Discussion What do your trustees think about efforts to control expenses and make your institution affordable? What type of information do you provide that informs their views? What questions might they ask better to govern better? Questions and Thoughts Accountability, Transparency, and Risk: The Audit Committee First line of defense for: Financial Reporting Internal Control Compliance Risk Management Protector of your most valuable asset: Reputation 22 Growth in Audit Committees Boards of Independent Institutions with an Audit Committee 23 Growth in Audit Committees Boards of Public Institutions with an Audit Committee 24 Core Audit Committee Responsibilities 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Internal Control Oversight of Internal Auditing Oversight of the External Audit Financial Statement Review Risk Management Compliance 25 Risk Management Committee should understand institution’s overall risk profile Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) – move from an ad hoc to a holistic view of risk 26 Risk Management Five Key Areas of Risk Strategic – Organizational strategic goals Operational – Day-to-day activities in pursuit of these goals Financial – Organization’s physical assets and financial resources Compliance – Internal and external reporting requirements Reputational – Institution’s public image 27 Risk Management Best Practice for Implementing ERM 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Define risk broadly Recognize both the opportunities and downsides of risk Develop a culture of evaluating and identifying risk at multiple levels Look at the total cost of risk Foster collaboration by Boards and presidents 28 Compliance Recent addition to the audit committee role Compliance: Recognition of and reporting under various federal, state and local laws and regulations “Clusters” of Regulation Privacy Copyright Discrimination Campus Security Financial Transactions Need to determine who owns compliance 29 Current Tension Points Where does the CFO’s “loyalty” lie? Does the audit committee need to oversee other board committees? Delegation of authority for audit approval Thoughts and Questions Overseeing Educational Quality The Role of the Board Sufficient Time on Student Learning? Yes 38% Not Enough 62% Too Much 0% Time Spent: Money vs. Mission 57% Relative balance of time on academic and financial issues. 22% Much more on finance/budgets Slightly more on finance/budgets 3% 2% Slightly more on academic issues Much more on academic issues More Time and Attention (or Not)? How has the board’s attention changed in the last five years? Don’t know 15% About the same 31% Less attention now 1% More attention now 53% Impediments to Overseeing Learning Impediments, if any, to the board’s understanding of student learning outcomes Lack of interest No impediments Not the Board's role Not enough time Other priorities 13% 16% 22% 45% 64% The Curriculum is the Faculty’s Responsibility… The Board’s Role is to Remind Them of This Responsibility Ensure that the institution has an appropriate set of learning outcomes statements Ensure that efforts to determine the effectiveness of teaching and learning are in place and ongoing Ensure that institutions use the data they collect for improvement Peter Ewell. Making the Grade. AGB Key Board Questions: Our “Product” • How good is our product? • How good are we at producing our product? • Are our customers satisfied? • Do we have the right mix of products? • Do we make the grade? Source: Making the Grade: How Boards Can Ensure Academic Quality, Peter Ewell (AGB, 2006) Impact Through Collaboration Collaboration (in Higher Education) CFOs and Student Learning Collaborate with CAO Cross-Walk Committees Leverage Your Strengths Remind others of your commitment Thoughts and Questions Thank You! 43 Please visit for more governance resources, including the Effective Committee Series. To receive a copy of today’s presentation or to inquire about consulting or other AGB services, please email For information from our presenters, please contact Peter Eckel ( or Rick Staisloff ( )