Project Manager

ISQS 4350: Project Management
Term Report
Great Plains Lions Eye Bank Software Proposal
Nathan Blacketer
Jeff Morris
Brian Wilder
Table of Contents
Executive Summary....................................................................................................................................... 5
Project Description........................................................................................................................................ 6
Requirements................................................................................................................................................ 7
Project Goal............................................................................................................................................... 8
Requirements............................................................................................................................................ 8
Major Functions .................................................................................................................................... 8
Performance ......................................................................................................................................... 8
Outputs ................................................................................................................................................. 9
Inputs .................................................................................................................................................... 9
Growth ................................................................................................................................................ 10
Operation and Environment ............................................................................................................... 10
Compatibility, Interfaces ..................................................................................................................... 10
Reliability, Availability ......................................................................................................................... 10
Human Interface ................................................................................................................................. 10
Organizational Impact ......................................................................................................................... 11
Maintenance and Support .................................................................................................................. 11
Documentation and Training .............................................................................................................. 11
Stakeholder Signatures and Signoff ........................................................................................................ 12
Project Plan ................................................................................................................................................. 13
Introduction ............................................................................................................................................ 14
Project Team ........................................................................................................................................... 14
Project Communications Management Plan .......................................................................................... 15
Project Risk Management Plan ............................................................................................................... 15
Change Control (Scope) ...................................................................................................................... 15
Assumptions (Time) ............................................................................................................................ 15
Contingency Plans ............................................................................................................................... 16
Project Procurement Management Plan (Cost) ...................................................................................... 16
Project Quality Management Plan .......................................................................................................... 17
Human Resource Management Plan ...................................................................................................... 17
Project Cost Management Plan .............................................................................................................. 18
Break-even Analysis ............................................................................................................................ 18
Page ii
Project Time Management Plan.......................................................................................................... 19
Project Tasks ....................................................................................................................................... 20
Network Diagram .................................................................................................................................... 22
Proposal ...................................................................................................................................................... 26
Scope ....................................................................................................................................................... 27
Advantages.............................................................................................................................................. 28
Financial .................................................................................................................................................. 29
Cost Analysis ....................................................................................................................................... 29
Cost Management Plan ....................................................................................................................... 30
Plan ......................................................................................................................................................... 30
Project Analysis ................................................................................................................................... 30
Deliverables............................................................................................................................................. 30
Project Analysis ................................................................................................................................... 30
Project Design ..................................................................................................................................... 30
Project Integration .............................................................................................................................. 30
Project Testing .................................................................................................................................... 30
Acceptance.............................................................................................................................................. 31
Alternatives ............................................................................................................................................. 31
Terms and Conditions ............................................................................................................................. 31
Glossary ................................................................................................................................................... 31
Functional Specification .............................................................................................................................. 32
System Overview .................................................................................................................................... 33
Major Objectives ..................................................................................................................................... 34
GPLEB Home Page............................................................................................................................... 34
Log in ................................................................................................................................................... 34
Add Data ............................................................................................................................................. 34
Update Data ........................................................................................................................................ 34
Search Database ................................................................................................................................. 34
Database ............................................................................................................................................. 34
View Autopsy Report ........................................................................................................................... 34
View Invoice Report............................................................................................................................. 34
View Statistics ..................................................................................................................................... 34
Page iii
View Paperwork .................................................................................................................................. 34
Print Autopsy Report ........................................................................................................................... 34
Print Invoice Report ............................................................................................................................. 34
Print Statistics Report.......................................................................................................................... 35
Print Paperwork .................................................................................................................................. 35
Special System Requirements ................................................................................................................. 35
Component Descriptions ........................................................................................................................ 36
FS-CD-(RD-001) GPLEB Home Page ..................................................................................................... 36
FS-CD-(RD-002) GPLEB Log In Screen .................................................................................................. 37
FS-CD-(RD-003) GPLEB Data Entry Screen .......................................................................................... 38
FS-CD-(RD-004) Update Data .............................................................................................................. 39
FS-CD-(RD-005) Search Database........................................................................................................ 40
FS-CD-(RD-006) through FS-CD-(RD-010) View Reports ..................................................................... 41
FS-CD-(RD-011) Autopsy Report ......................................................................................................... 42
FS-CD-(RD-012) Invoice Report ........................................................................................................... 43
Other Deliverables (TRAINING) ............................................................................................................... 44
Specification Changes ............................................................................................................................. 44
Acceptance.............................................................................................................................................. 44
User and Project Team Interfaces........................................................................................................... 44
User’s Responsibilities ............................................................................................................................ 45
Terms, Conditions, Assumptions ............................................................................................................ 45
Earned Value Analysis ................................................................................................................................. 46
Earned Value Table ................................................................................................................................. 47
Tracking Gantt Chart ............................................................................................................................... 48
Progress Tracking .................................................................................................................................... 49
Analysis ................................................................................................................................................... 50
Project Schedule Status ...................................................................................................................... 50
Project Budget Status.......................................................................................................................... 50
Appendices.................................................................................................................................................. 51
Deliverables................................................................................................................................................. 55
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Executive Summary
This project will be created for the Great Plains Lions Eye Bank and the Department of
Ophthalmology in the Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center. As such, the stakeholders are easy
to determine:
1) Anne Willingham, Executive Director of the Great Plains Lions Eye Bank
2) Dr. David McCartney, Medical Director of the Great Plains Lions Eye Bank
3) Matt Driskill, Senior Clinical Department Administrator, Department of Ophthalmology
4) Brian Wilder, Project Manager, BMW
The needs of the clients are simple, but important. At present, the eye bank saves donor
information in bulky files which waste space, time and resources. The stakeholders would like BMW to
create and implement a system that would allow the eye bank to store information in a database, use
that stored information to create paperwork when necessary, and display statistics based on the stored
information for use when audits are done at the end of the year. This system would effectively
eliminate the need for one employee at the office, leaving the eye bank with an extra human resource
to provide a presence in the medical community.
The client stakeholders had some reservations about the project in the beginning, citing costs
for new hardware and development software as concerns. BMW assured management that the
program would be adapted for use on existing hardware and that development software would be open
source, saving the clients thousands of dollars. After these concerns were allayed, the stakeholders
presented a Request for Proposal and BMW began the work of solving the eye bank’s problem.
Project Description
The Great Plains Lions Eye Bank (GPLEB) is a non-profit entity that has been serving the south
plains of West Texas for over 50 years. Consisting of two full-time employees and one part-time
employee, the eye bank provides donor tissue to recipients of all walks of life and personally services
several ophthalmologists and corneal surgeons right here in Lubbock. Thorough records are kept for
each donor from which tissue is procured and for each recipient of donor tissue, whether that tissue
was provided locally or imported from another eye bank.
The problem for GPLEB is that its system for keeping records is archaic and rudimentary. Paper
records regarding locally donated tissues and domestically imported tissues have been kept for the past
twenty years, draining both the eye bank’s recourse and space. At the end of each year, statistics
regarding the eye bank’s activities throughout the year are compiled and sent to the eye bank’s
governing body. Rather than using a program to catalog this data, the eye bank personnel leafs through
each bulky chart while keeping a tally of informational findings. This undertaking, which would take
mere minutes with a functional database, takes day sunder the current method.
For our term project, we will formulate a plan to update the GPLEB’s filing system, making each
employee’s job easier and the work of the eye bank more efficient. We will create an interface where
data can be entered and stored, eliminating the need to keep box after box of redundant information.
We will identify stakeholders, create schedules and document tasks necessary for this project to
succeed. In doing so, we hope to streamline the eye bank’s operations and increase our knowledge
regarding project management.
Term Report
ISQS 4350: Project Management
The Great Plains Lions Eye Bank is in need of a program to catalog its donors and reduce the
amount of time needed to complete paperwork on each cornea it exports. This software application will
be beneficial for the employees and executives who oversee the eye bank’s daily operation, as well as
the ophthalmology department in the Health Sciences Center.
The eye bank’s data collection and storage problems have been a concern for years. Bulky
paper files are kept for each local donor and import cornea that comes through the facility. This results
in a mountain of paperwork that takes days to complete for each piece of tissue. It is also a hindrance
for the eye bank to try to compile statistics to report to the governing body at the end of the year; a task
that would take a person 30 minutes with a functional database takes the same person three days when
pulling each individual file.
The eye bank staff has concluded that its time could be put to much better use if it could use a
computer program to do the required work efficiently. We believe that we can help to introduce the
eye bank to modern technology and help it to achieve the outcome it desires.
Project Goal
The goal of this project is to create a reliable source for the eye bank to store its data and
reduce the amount of time necessary to complete paperwork. Upon successful completion of the
project the eye bank will have streamlined operations, increased accuracy and improved efficiency in
the donor cataloging process.
Major Functions
 RD-MF-1: Queries will be available to search for any donor based on age, race, sex, etc.
 RD-MF-2: Data entry will store information into a database as well as filling in required values into
paperwork necessary to complete files.
 RD-MF-3: The program will be able to provide statistics regarding donors, such as the number of
donors between specific ages.
 RD-MF-4: The user will be prompted to input information by utilizing an easy to use graphical user
 RD-MF-5: Information stored in database must be encrypted for security purposes.
 RD-P-1: The program should be able to handle the actions from at least ten users simultaneously.
 RD-P-2: The database should be able to hold 3,000 entries which should last the eye bank 10 – 12
 RD-P-3: The program will provide an annual report of predetermined criteria
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Term Report
ISQS 4350: Project Management
RD-GO-1: Import Cornea Checklist
RD-GO-2: Billing Information Form
RD-GO-3: Recipient Information Form
RD-GO-4: 3-12 Month Follow-up Form
RD-GO-5: Tissue Distribution Form
RD-GO-6: Invoice
RD-GO-7: Recipient Follow-up Letter
RD-GO-8: Donor Chart Checklist
RD-GO-9: Autopsy Information Request
RD-GO-10: Donor Next of Kin Letter
RD-GO-11: Corneal Surgeon Insert Form
RD-GO-12: Tissue Return Information form
RD-GO-13: Release of Tissue Checklist
RD-GO-14: Import Evaluation Form
RD-GO-15: Donor End of Month Report
RD-GO-16: Donor End of Year Report
RD-GO-17: Tissue Statistics End of Year Report
RD-GI-1: Donor Number
RD-GI-2: Import Donor Number
RD-GI-3: Donor Age
RD-GI-4: Donor Race
RD-GI-5: Donor Sex
RD-GI-6: Donor Cause of Death
RD-GI-7: Donor Date of Death
RD-GI-8: Donor Time of Death
RD-GI-9: Donor Distribution Type
RD-GI-10: Donor Distribution Location
RD-GI-11: Autopsy
RD-GI-12: Next of Kin First Name
RD-GI-13: Next of Kin Last Name
RD-GI-14: Next of Kin Address
RD-GI-15: Donor First Name
RD-GI-16: Donor Last Name
RD-GI-17: Tissue ID
RD-GI-18: Distribution Location
RD-GI-19: Invoice ID
RD-GI-20: Invoice Amount
RD-GI-21: Surgery Type
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Term Report
ISQS 4350: Project Management
Each of these inputs will be utilized in a number of the outputs.
 RD-G-1: The database should hold a minimum of 3000 rows and 20 columns
 RD-G-2: The database should be able to work for all eye banks across Texas.
 RD-G-3: The database should be structured in such a way that it could be adapted into a national
database or data warehouse.
Operation and Environment
 RD-OE-1: The program will reside on a server located in the ophthalmology department at the
Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center.
 RD-OE-2: Three client stations will be located in the eye bank itself, where all of the data entry will
take place.
 RD-OE-3: The eye bank staff will be the personnel utilizing the client stations.
Compatibility, Interfaces
 RD-CI-1: The program needs to support cross-platform functionality, allowing a user to access data
from any computer through the web browser.
 RD-CI-2: The program will utilize W3C standards to ensure a standard
experience exists across
each platform
Reliability, Availability
 RD-RA-1: The program will be setup in a three-tiered system to ensure it will be available to users
whenever needed.
 RD-RA-2: The system will consist of one (1) database server, one (1) application
server, and
support multiple clients.
 RD-RA-3: The program will be built using a standard web language, supporting
W3C standards
so the interface will be reliable across all platforms, making it
possible to access the program
from any computer connected to the network with access to an internet browser.
 RD-RA-4: The program will be use a staging and production system setup, to
ensure all code
is bug-free before released into production.
Human Interface
RD-HI-1: The interface where the user meets the system should be simple and easy to navigate.
RD-HI-2: The inputs the user enters should be stored in a database for the eye bank’s records.
RD-HI-3: The user should be able to create, read, update and delete records with relative ease.
RD-HI-4: The user should be able to print records upon request.
RD-HI-5: The user should be able to recall records and organize data using interfaces that call
standard SQL commands.
Term Report
ISQS 4350: Project Management
Organizational Impact
 RD-OI-1: Every eye bank employee will be able to navigate and utilize the new system.
 RD-OI-2: The system will replace the need to keep paper charts.
 RD-OI-3: The system will save time for employees by filling out forms automatically and keeping
statistics without counting records by hand.
 RD-OI-4: With the time and money saved, eye bank employees can spend more time promoting the
eye bank by being visible in the medical community.
Maintenance and Support
 RD-MS-1: The program should be updated daily, weekly and monthly on both an internal and
external server.
 RD-MS-2: The program will be supported for the lifetime of the product. This include critical bug
fixes and minor technology changes.
Documentation and Training
 RD-DT-1: Since this program is being devised for an office of three people, we will have a project
team member on site to give instructions to the users on the day the project is officially
 RD-DT-2: If the situation arises that the program is in demand to other eye or tissue banks, a
manual will be created and made available to any entity that wishes to purchase the software.
 RD-DT-3: The eye bank will keep records regarding those that attended a training session for the
software, as its Standard Operating Procedure Manual instructs.
Term Report
ISQS 4350: Project Management
Stakeholder Signatures and Signoff
Director of Ophthalmology
Eye Bank Medical Director
Eye Bank Executive Director
Project Manager
Project Plan
Term Report
ISQS 4350: Project Management
Our group is committed to helping the Great Plains Lions Eye Bank solve its problem regarding
its monstrous files and endless paperwork. When embarking on a great journey, it is advantageous to
use a road map; that is our intent with this document.
This Project Plan will serve as a guide throughout the project. It will outline what we plan to do
in the event that things go wrong and will also assist the project manager in leading the project team
and assessing project status.
We will look at several areas with respect to the project at hand, including Project
Communications, Project Risk Management, Quality Management and Contingency Plans. Within these
areas, we will provide general guidelines for use as the project matures and takes shape.
Project Team
Brian Wilder, our Project Manager, will be your contact person to communicate items to the
development team. Brian has been with BMW since its incorporation. Having graduated from Texas
Tech University with an M.S.B.A in Management Information Systems, Brian has a thorough
understanding of the unique needs of information technology projects. With over 200 hours of
successful project management experience and the Project Management Professional certification, he is
more than qualified for GPLEB software needs.
Nathan Blacketer, our System Analyst, will be charged with heading a team to design the custom
system and ensuring all business needs are met. Nathan has also been with BMW since its incorporation
and holds an M.S.B.A. in Business Intelligence from Texas Tech University. In addition, Nathan's training
and expertise in Six Sigma, a business problem solving system, allows him to derive an effective solution
for any potential business problem.
Jeff Morris, our Enterprise Programmer, will be charged with heading a team to implement the
custom solution designed by our System Analyst and team. Ryan has been with BMW since its
incorporation and holds a B.S. in Computer Science from Texas Tech University. His degree in Computer
Science has given him the skills necessary to lead a development team, making all of our custom
projects a success. In addition, his multiple Microsoft Professional certifications ensure that a quality
product is the final result.
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Term Report
ISQS 4350: Project Management
Project Communications Management Plan
Any good team must communicate to be successful. To this end, we will schedule regular
meetings to give status updates, exchange ideas and foster camaraderie among team members and
project stakeholders.
Weekly status meetings will be held every Friday at 3:30pm in the AB235 Conference Room
adjacent to the Texas Tech Health Sciences Center Department of Ophthalmology. In these meetings,
the project manager will preside over the proceedings and relay information from management to team
members and vice versa. The final 15 minutes of the meeting will be an open forum where any of the
stakeholders can voice concerns and ask questions.
Team members will be subject to reviews every Monday morning in which they will report what
tasks they have and have not completed at that point. Team members should also be prepared to
reveal where they need help to keep the project on time. The project manager will keep team members
abreast of what is required of them in accordance with our Work Authorization System.
Project Risk Management Plan
Change Control (Scope)
A Change Control Committee will be designated to oversee any changes that need to be made in the
requirements. The project manager will be available to interact with this group and relay additional
financial and time requirements as a result of any changes requested. Any changes that result in a new
cost estimate for the project will be signed by the Change Control Committee, the Project Manager and
any stakeholders that signed the original Requirements Document.
Assumptions (Time)
The project start date will be posted as 1/15/2009. All team members will be working 8 hours per day
on this project and we have no part-time personnel. The conceptualization and planning phases will be
completed before any implementation begins. The project will be finished by 5/1/2009.
Team Member Leaves
Task on CP delayed
GPLEB mgmt changes
Requirement changes
GPLEB closes
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ISQS 4350: Project Management
Contingency Plans
Team Member Leaves
In the case of a team member leaving, another person will be hired to replace him. During the
time it takes to find a new team member, the other remaining team members will work together to pick
up the slack. The new team member should inherit tasks that are not behind in terms of time or cost.
Task on Critical Path delayed
If a task on the critical path is delayed, every effort will be made to catch the task up. Any
additional resources available will be administered to the lagging task. This could take the form of
overtime pay, bonuses for on-time completion, or additional personnel moved from an activity that has
a significant amount of slack.
GPLEB Management Changes
In the event that GPLEB experiences a change in management, the new management will
immediately be brought up to speed on what the GPLEB has agreed to and what percentage of the work
has been completed. Any changes requested by the new management will be subject to review by the
Change Control Committee and the same rules will apply.
Requirement Changes
Any changes in requirements must be done through the Change Control Committee. These
changes can effect completion dates or cost estimates, so changes are not to be made on a whim. If
changes are made, extra resources, including capital and/or time, will be requested accordingly.
GPLEB Closes
If the GPLEB closes its doors for good, the team will cease any work on the project immediately.
If payment is current, completed work will be turned over to the paying entity. If payment is not
current, our team reserves the right to retain all intellectual property.
Project Procurement Management Plan (Cost)
There should not be any procurement to speak of. All of the technology to be used is open source and
the Eye Bank and the Department of Ophthalmology already own servers and client stations that can be
used for this project. There should be no cost associated with the project, aside from the salary of the
project team.
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Term Report
ISQS 4350: Project Management
Project Quality Management Plan
Our team will work diligently to ensure a product that meets the customer’s expectations. In order to
accomplish this, we are committed to completing a comprehensive review after each milestone and
obtaining signatures of stakeholders following each major portion of the project. Throughout the course
of the undertaking, we will be reviewing schedules and supervising tasks to make sure that each portion
is on budget and on time. This will allow us to take care of problems as they arise, rather than waiting
for them to cause trouble. Walkthroughs will be utilized after every major design element is complete.
Human Resource Management Plan
We will only require the three team members that we currently employ to complete the project on time
and on budget. If any other human resources are required, we will voice that concern to the
stakeholders and then proceed to the Change Control Committee. Our team will be compensated and
treated well as we understand that they are the backbone of this project. Good projects don’t happen
without good people. Lastly, we will have an Open Door Policy where any of our team members will feel
free to talk to the project manager and voice concerns or problems without fear of retaliation.
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Term Report
ISQS 4350: Project Management
Project Cost Management Plan
Break-even Analysis
Current System
Cost each Period
per 1 year for paper
per 1 year for toner
per 1 year for employee
printer maintenance
Future System
Initial Cost
$ 19,120.00
Development and implementation of new system
yearly cost
$ 1,200.00
$ 20,320.00
Cost of Current System for 2 Years
Total cost a year for current system
2 years
Cost of Future system for 2 years
$ 19,120.00
$ 1,200.00
Development and implementation of new system
cost each year after initial year
2 years
$ 20,320.00
This new system will represent a $27,427.94 cost savings every year after the breakeven point of less
than two years. However, the main goal of the system is not to save costs. The main selling point is the
fact that an accurate record will be keep, in a format that will be easier to share with other eye banks,
should it become necessary. Also, this will create a consistent system from year to year, eliminating time
spent on training new employees.
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Term Report
ISQS 4350: Project Management
Project Time Management Plan
Task Name
Eye Bank System
Donor Data Tables
Tissue Data Tables
Data Entry Screen
Data Entry Screen
Alpha - (Internal)
Back-End Testing (Load Balancing)
Front-End Testing
Beta - (External)
Client Check-off Sheets
Collect Results
Bug Fixes
User Manual
Developer Manual
32 days
25 days
14 days
2 days
1 day
1 day
12 days
6 days
2 days
2 days
2 days
6 days
2 days
2 days
2 days
11 days
4 days
1 day
3 days
3 days
3 days
1 day
3 days
6 days
3 days
3 days
1 day
1 day
3/3/2009 8:00
3/3/2009 8:00
3/3/2009 8:00
3/3/2009 8:00
3/3/2009 8:00
3/4/2009 8:00
3/5/2009 8:00
3/5/2009 8:00
3/5/2009 8:00
3/9/2009 8:00
3/11/2009 8:00
3/13/2009 8:00
3/13/2009 8:00
3/17/2009 8:00
3/19/2009 8:00
3/23/2009 8:00
3/23/2009 8:00
3/23/2009 8:00
3/24/2009 8:00
3/27/2009 8:00
3/27/2009 8:00
4/1/2009 8:00
4/2/2009 8:00
4/7/2009 8:00
4/7/2009 8:00
4/10/2009 8:00
4/15/2009 8:00
4/15/2009 8:00
Page 19
4/15/2009 17:00
4/6/2009 17:00
3/20/2009 17:00
3/4/2009 17:00
3/3/2009 17:00
3/4/2009 17:00
3/20/2009 17:00
3/12/2009 17:00
3/6/2009 17:00
3/10/2009 17:00
3/12/2009 17:00
3/20/2009 17:00
3/16/2009 17:00
3/18/2009 17:00
3/20/2009 17:00
4/6/2009 17:00
3/26/2009 17:00
3/23/2009 17:00
3/26/2009 17:00
3/31/2009 17:00
3/31/2009 17:00
4/1/2009 17:00
4/6/2009 17:00
4/14/2009 17:00
4/9/2009 17:00
4/14/2009 17:00
4/15/2009 17:00
4/15/2009 17:00
Term Report
ISQS 4350: Project Management
Project Tasks
Eye Bank System
Donor Data Tables
Tissue Data Tables
Data Entry Screen
Data Entry Screen
Alpha thru (Internal)
Back-End Testing (Load Balancing)
Front-End Testing
Beta thru (External)
Client Check-off Sheets
Collect Results
Bug Fixes
User Manual
Developer Manual
RD-GI-1 thru RD-GI-21
RD-GI-1 thru RD-GI-21
RD-GO-1 thru RD-GO-14
RD-GO-1 thru RD-GO-14
RD-GI-1 thru RD-GI-21
RD-GO-1 thru RD-GO-14
RD-GO-15 and RD-GO-16
RD-GI-1 thru RD-GI-21
RD-GO-1 thru RD-GO-14
RD-GO-15 and RD-GO-16
Page 20
32 days
25 days
14 days
2 days
1 day
1 day
12 days
6 days
2 days
2 days
2 days
6 days
2 days
2 days
2 days
11 days
4 days
1 day
3 days
3 days
3 days
1 day
3 days
6 days
3 days
3 days
1 day
1 day
Term Report
ISQS 4350: Project Management
Task Name
Eye Bank System
Donor Data Tables
Tissue Data Tables
Data Entry Screen
Data Entry Screen
Alpha - (Internal)
Back-End Testing (Load
Front-End Testing
Beta - (External)
Client Check-off Sheets
Collect Results
Bug Fixes
User Manual
Developer Manual
32 days
25 days
14 days
2 days
1 day
1 day
12 days
6 days
2 days
2 days
2 days
6 days
2 days
2 days
2 days
11 days
4 days
1 day
3 days
3 days
3 days
1 day
3 days
6 days
3 days
3 days
1 day
1 day
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Requirement Number
Term Report
ISQS 4350: Project Management
Network Diagram
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ISQS 4350: Project Management
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ISQS 4350: Project Management
March 13, 2009
Anne Willingham
Executive Director
Great Plains Lions Eye Bank
3601 4th St., Suite BAB104HSC
Lubbock, TX 79408
Dear Ms. Willingham:
Thank you for the opportunity to respond to your RFP regarding a database and software
system for handling your donor records. Blacketer-Morris-Wilder (BMW) is a group that is
on the cutting edge of technology and we have no doubt that we can meet and exceed your
Enclosed is our formal proposal. If you have any questions, you are welcome to call Brian
Wilder at (806) 555 – 5555 anytime, day or night.
While we are happy to serve you, we must ask that you respond to this offer in a prompt
fashion, as we cannot reserve our resources for a great length of time. We ask for your
decision by March 23, 2009. If we have not received an answer from you by this date, we
will not be able to guarantee the proposed start dates and cost estimates.
Brian L. Wilder
Project Manager
BMW Ltd.
(806) 555-5555
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Term Report
ISQS 4350: Project Management
The Great Plains Lions Eye Bank (GPLEB) procures and, when necessary, imports donor
tissue to service patients suffering from corneal blindness in West Texas. Information regarding
tissue recovery and tissue importation must be documented and statistics must be kept in
accordance with the bylaws of the Eye Bank Association of America (EBAA) and the Food and
Drug Administration (FDA). At present, the GPLEB utilizes a bulky, inefficient paper filing
system to catalog each donor and import entry. This practice costs the GPLEB thousands of
dollars per year in paper and man hours – hours which could be put to much better use.
BMW Ltd. has developed a solution to this problem utilizing a system that would keep
these files and statistics electronically. Our system will file the necessary attributes for each
donor and each tissue, but will reduce waste. By making use of a LAMP configuration (an
arrangement that consists of a Linux operating system, an Apache web server, MySQL as a
database server and PHP as a development language), we will be able to effectively set up a
working database that will be simplistic enough for inexperienced users to learn quickly and yet
powerful enough to be able to perform each function necessary. It will also be exponentially
faster to use our system as opposed to filling out each file by hand. The data entered will be
backed up weekly to local and external servers weekly to ensure that all information is saved
and secure. Our system will be able to produce all of the reports and statistics that the GPLEB
will require every month and every year. Not only will this be a more efficient and responsible
system for the eye bank, it will also increase employee morale because of the elimination of
redundant and tedious work.
At this point we do not anticipate significant future growth beyond the GPLEB’s needs,
but we feel it would be wise to be prepared in case there becomes a demand for program
among eye banks nationwide. The GPLEB handles roughly 200 tissues every year and our
database will be capable of holding 5000 entries, so the database should last the eye bank 25
years. We will provide training for eye bank employees, but we will also be developing a
manual so that we can be prepared in the event that there becomes a larger demand for our
system. Not only will this program benefit the GPLEB, but the possibility of a standardized
system nationwide would be advantageous for the entire eye bank community.
Our proposed system will not include provisions for research tissue, since we are being
asked only to catalog surgical tissue. In addition, we will not include paperwork for items
ordered, items received or any cleaning and lab maintenance documentation in our system.
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Our software system will enjoy a litany of advantages over the current paper file system
the GPLEB currently employs. The first of these is the fact that our system will end the need for
thousands of dollars worth of paper per year. Our system will keep these files electronically
and the data will be available 24 hours per day. If an employee has access to the server at his
or her residence, he or she can even make updates to the data from home! Our system will
also free up space inside the eye bank. At present, the entries into these paper files are stored
in cabinets which take up a great deal of space. With all the files kept electronically, this space
can be used for a more worthwhile cause.
Another advantage our system will provide is time and cost savings in terms of man
hours. The annual statistical reports for the EBAA and FDA that took days to compile previously
will now be generated in a matter of minutes. In addition, everyday tasks at the eye bank will
now be able to be done at a computer station, rather than having to fill out 27 different forms
in sequence. What was once a two or three day job for two people will now be a 1 hour job for
one person.
The GPLEB would benefit from using our system over any other sort of system because
one of our team is actually a former eye banker that understands the demands and needs of
the eye bank. Not only can we provide a better service because of this, but we also have an
understanding of what the EBAA and FDA require.
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If we can get a go ahead decision by March 23, 2009, our assigned start date will be
March 26, 2009. From that point, our estimated completion date for creation of the system will
be April 20, 2009 and testing can begin. The entire process is scheduled to be finished on May
16, 2009.
Cost Analysis
Task Name
Eye Bank System
Donor Data Tables
Tissue Data Tables
Data Entry Screen
Data Entry Screen
Alpha - (Internal)
Back-End Testing (Load Balancing)
Front-End Testing
Beta - (External)
Client Check-off Sheets
Collect Results
Bug Fixes
User Manual
Developer Manual
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Cost Management Plan
Since the systems we are utilizing are open source programs and the Department of
Ophthalmology already has a server that we can make use of, costs will be kept at a minimum.
The only costs for the GPLEB will be the yearly maintenance of the system and the cost of our
project team. The yearly maintenance ends up being $1200.00/year and the costs of the team
end up being $19,120.00.
The BMW Ltd. Project team will consist of Brian Wilder as the Project Manager and two
Developers, Jeff Morris and Nathan Blacketer. The major phases of the proposed system are
outlined below, along with individual tasks that must be undertaken.
Project Analysis
 Conduct interviews with eye bank and ophthalmology personnel to learn about GPLEB’s
current practices.
 Design requirements document as a guideline for scope and draw up proposal.
 Present proposal to chief stakeholders.
During the course of this project, there will be four deliverables. The deliverables must
be completed in proper sequence in order for the project to be completed correctly. Each
deliverable is assigned a specific start and end date. These time constraints must be met to
keep the project on time.
Project Analysis
Start: March 26, 2009
End: March 31, 2009
Project Design
Start: April 1, 2009
End: April 12, 2009
Project Integration
Start: April 13, 2009
End: April 25, 2009
Project Testing
Start: April 26, 2009
End: May 09, 2009
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Our team will have scheduled review points where the customer will be able to
ascertain whether their expectations are being met or not. Once the stakeholders have the
report, they will have 3 business days to determine whether or not to accept the work or make
changes. If changes are necessary, our developers will be available to the stakeholders to
discuss the nature of these changes. Furthermore, BMW will use a standard Project Acceptance
template to ensure that quality is met. The eye bank will also have the opportunity to view final
documentation from the project. This includes such items as project deliverables, activities that
were outside of the scope, actual costs and acceptance testing.
The GPLEB could continue working with the current paper system, which would cost
more and involve more man hours. The eye bank could also use another eye bank’s database
system, but our system will be specifically designed to meet the GPLEB’s needs, while other
software will not. Another option the GPLEB could consider would be to use Microsoft Access
and create its own database. However, unless the company has the right personnel, the
database might not be easy for the user to navigate and it would lack a proper graphical user
interface. For these reasons, we believe that our software would be the most beneficial option
for the GPLEB.
Terms and Conditions
This proposal and the associated cost quote will be good for 10 days after this proposal’s
receipt. BMW Ltd. cannot be held responsible for any problems that are not associated with
this proposal or BMW Ltd.’s exclusive work. The BMW team will not assume any liability
relative to this proposal. Upon acceptance of this proposal, the customer is expected to fulfill
its responsibilities, just as BMW Ltd. is. Our team guarantees the work it has suggested, subject
to changes in cost and duration because of customer changes.
BMW Ltd. – The Blacketer Morris Wilder team that will develop the software
GPLEB – Great Plains Lions Eye Bank
FDA – Federal Food and Drug Administration
LAMP – Linux Apache MySQL PHP configuration for software
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Functional Specification
Term Report
ISQS 4350: Project Management
System Overview
The GPLEB has requested us to build a system that will store donor information, local tissue
information and imported tissue information. The system will also extract information from the
database in order to print out necessary paperwork for individual donor files. The system will then take
that information and generate reports and statistics based on the inputs. To do this, we propose the
following system:
GPLEB Home Page
Log in
Add Data
Update Data
Search Database
View autopsy
Print autopsy
View invoice
Print invoice
View Statistics
View paperwork
Exit system
We believe that this configuration will provide both the functionality that the user desires and also the
simplicity that the user requests.
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Major Objectives
 GPLEB Home Page
Gives the user a starting point from which to proceed with any of a number of objectives.
 Log in
Ensures that the user who will be performing actions on the GPLEB system is authorized
to do so.
 Add Data
Allows a user to make a new entry into the database.
 Update Data
Allows a user to add or change data to an existing entry in the database.
 Search Database
Allows the user to find specific data pertaining to a specific donor or tissue.
 Database
Holds all of the data and displays results when queried.
 View Autopsy Report
Allows user to view autopsies performed, results and date when results were received.
 View Invoice Report
Allows user to view which invoices have been paid, have not been paid, amounts and
 View Statistics
Allows user to view which statistics are kept, along with which donors and tissues fall
under each query.
 View Paperwork
Allows user to view the paperwork to be stored and/or printed as a result of inputs.
 Print Autopsy Report
Prints autopsy report
 Print Invoice Report
Prints invoice report
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 Print Statistics Report
Prints statistics report
 Print Paperwork
Prints paperwork
Special System Requirements
As promised in the proposal, the software we utilize must have no cost attached, so only open
source programs can be used for this project. In addition, only authorized users will be allowed to
access the system, so a log in feature must be incorporated. Lastly, the stakeholders involved in this
project have requested that we use a Windows based operating system, so we will be utilizing a
Windows Apahace MySQL PHP (WAMP) configuration rather than the Linux Apache MySQL PHP (LAMP)
set up we suggested earlier.
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Component Descriptions
FS-CD-(RD-001) GPLEB Home Page
The GPLEB Home Page will be very basic. If any unauthorized user wanders into it, they will be asked to
log in to prove that they are an authorized user.
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FS-CD-(RD-002) GPLEB Log In Screen
The GPLEB log in screen asks for the username and password of any authorized user. This prevents
unauthorized users from having access to the GPLEB database.
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FS-CD-(RD-003) GPLEB Data Entry Screen
If the user selects Import Tissue, he or she is asked to enter the following inputs: Import Donor Number
(RD-GI-2), Donor Age (RD-GI-3), Donor Race (RD-GI-4), Donor Cause of Death (RD-GI-6), Donor Date of
Death (RD-GI-7), Tissue ID (RD-GI-17), Invoice ID (RD-GI-19), Invoice Amount (RD-GI-20) and Surgery
Type(RD-GI-21) .
If the user selects Local Tissue, he or she is asked to enter the following inputs: Tissue ID (RD-GI-17),
Invoice ID (RD-GI-19), Invoice Amount (RD-GI-20), Tissue Distribution Type (RD-GI-9), Tissue Distribution
Location (RD-GI-10) and Surgery Type (RD-GI-21).
If the user selects Local Tissue, he or she is asked to enter the following inputs: Donor Number (RD-GI1), Donor Age(RD-GI-3), Donor race(RD-GI-4), Donor Sex (RD-GI-5), Donor Cause of Death (RD-GI-6),
Donor Date of Death(RD-GI-7), Donor Time of Death (RD-GI-8), Autopsy (RD-GI-11), Next of Kin First
Name (RD-GI-12), Next of Kin Last Name (RD-GI-13), Next of Kin Address (RD-GI-14), Donor First Name
(RD-GI-15), Donor Last Name (RD-GI-16)
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FS-CD-(RD-004) Update Data
On the GPLEB Update Data Screen, the user will be asked which entry he or she would like to update by
choosing the Donor or Tissue ID number from a drop down box.
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FS-CD-(RD-005) Search Database
On the Search database screen, the user is asked to choose which value he or she would like to find
from a specified field.
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FS-CD-(RD-006) through FS-CD-(RD-010) View Reports
On the view reports page, the user chooses a report to view. The choices are Autopsy Report, Invoice
Report, Statistics Report and Donor Files to print.
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FS-CD-(RD-011) Autopsy Report
On this screen, the user can choose to simply view the autopsy report or can print the information.
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FS-CD-(RD-012) Invoice Report
On this screen, the user can choose to simply view the invoice report or can print the information.
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Other Deliverables (TRAINING)
We will produce and provide a user’s guide to complement the training that we will provide
upon completion of the project. The user’s guide will detail every intricacy from the front-end of the
system and will answer most common questions a user could have.
The training session we will provide at close of the project will last 1 standard work day and will
encompass every major component of the system. We will also provide the company with the cell
number to one of our developers in the event that personal help is needed with regard to the system.
Specification Changes
Changes after the analysis phase can be costly and time consuming. For this reason, we propose
the following: a change control committee, consisting of at least one person from the customer
organization and one person from the project team, plus the project leader. The person from the design
team who is designated to the change control team will be the change control team leader. The
proposed changes should be submitted to the team on a weekly basis, and the changes should be
ranked by order of importance. Each change will then be categorized as easy, moderate or difficult.
Cost and schedule concerns will then be taken into account. The team will vote on which changes can
feasibly be made and what the new cost of the project will be.
Acceptance will be done in the following manner: Tests and expected results will be
documented. These tests will be designed to simulate every function the system has been constructed
to perform. These tests will be approved by the customer before the tests are actually run. At the time
of completion, the user will perform each test, signing off on each test that performs the requested
functionality perfectly. Each test that does not display the requested functionality will be performed
again, and then cited as a problem area if necessary. These failures will be fixed and the tests will be run
again. Once each test is signed off on, the customer will be required to submit all charges agreed upon.
User and Project Team Interfaces
Both the project team and the customer entity must be able to communicate effectively to
ensure that the project performs in the most efficient manner. The development team will most likely
have questions frequently and there should be a member of the customer base that will be available to
answer any questions that arise. This customer representative must have an in depth knowledge of
what the customer desires and what the program should do.
Both of these sects must be able to communicate with management as well. The project manager and
the customer liaison will be most likely to converse with the customer management, but this
communication will be most important as it pertains to budgets, schedules, changes and the like.
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User’s Responsibilities
The customer must submit the desired tests for acceptance by April 20th, 2009. The customer
must also be prepared to run the tests and sign off on each individual functionality aspect. The
customer must return the functional specification, the design document and the acceptance tests within
a week of their submission from the development team so that any changes can be made expediently.
Each of these documents must contain the customer signature.
Terms, Conditions, Assumptions
This proposal and the associated cost quote will be good for 10 days after this proposal’s
receipt. BMW Ltd. cannot be held responsible for any problems that are not associated with this
proposal or BMW Ltd.’s exclusive work. The BMW team will not assume any liability relative to this
proposal. Upon acceptance of this proposal, the customer is expected to fulfill its responsibilities, just as
BMW Ltd. is. Our team guarantees the work it has suggested, subject to changes in cost and duration
because of customer changes.
Page 45
Earned Value Analysis
Term Report
ISQS 4350: Project Management
Earned Value Table
Task Name
Donor Data
Tissue Data
Data Entry Screen
Data Entry Screen
Back-End Testing
(Load Balancing)
Front-End Testing
Client Check-off
Collect Results
Bug Fixes
User Manual
Cost Per
$ 560.00
$ 410.00
$ 560.00
$ 435.00
$ 560.00
$ 560.00
$ 420.00
$ 10.00
$ (140.00)
$ 420.00
$ (140.00)
$ 565.00
$ 565.00
$ 1,120.00
$ 1,120.00
$ 1,120.00
$ 560.00
$ 560.00
$ 20.00
$ (5.00)
$ (5.00)
$ $ $ -
$ (560.00)
$ (560.00)
$ 1,680.00
$ 800.00
$ 2,400.00
$ 800.00
$ 560.00
$ 560.00
$ 800.00
$ 1,680.00
$ 1,680.00
$ 560.00
$ 1,680.00
$ 560.00
Page 47
$ 4,480.00
$ 5.00
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Tracking Gantt Chart
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Progress Tracking
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Project Schedule Status
According to our Earned Value Analysis (EVA), our project is behind schedule. The Time at Completion
(TAC) is the duration of the project as determined by the critical path. On this project, our TAC has a
value of 32 days; if the project is completed in less than 32 days, we will be ahead of schedule and if the
project finishes in more than 32 days, the project will be late. Our current Estimated Time at
Completion (ETAC) is 46.5 days, putting us well behind schedule.
We also know our project is behind schedule by the value of our Schedule Performance Index (SPI). The
SPI is the ratio of work performed to work scheduled. In other words, it is the percentage of work
actually done when compared against the amount of work that is scheduled to be done by a certain
point. Our SPI value is currently 0.69, meaning we’ve only completed 69% of the work that was
scheduled to be completed by this time.
In a more general sense, the project Schedule Variance (SV) can also be used to determine that things
are not going as planned in our project. The negative value indicates that our project is either behind
schedule or over budget (or both). Since we have already concluded that the project is behind schedule
using the TAC, ETAC and SPI, we should now move on and try to determine whether or not we are over
budget as well.
Project Budget Status
According to our Earned Value Analysis (EVA), our project is slightly under budget. We can see this by
comparing the Budget at Completion (BAC) with the Estimated Actual Cost (EAC). The BAC provides the
figure we expect the project to cost if it runs exactly as the WBS would predict. The EAC shows the cost
of the project where the remainder of the project is to be completed according to plan. The BAC value
is $18,880, meaning we have that amount of capital budgeted to complete the project. The EAC is
currently $18,849.35, meaning that if we continue in this manner, we will complete the project with
capital to spare.
We can also see that our project is slightly under budget by viewing our Cost Performance Index (CPI).
The CPI is the ratio of work performed to actual costs, meaning that it is actually the percentage of work
performed versus how much work should be performed when a certain level of capital has been used. A
CPI of 100% would mean that a project costs exactly as much as predicted. At this point in our project,
we have a CPI value of 1.001, meaning that we have completed 100.1% of the work that should have
been completed when this level of capital was used.
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Figure 1. Statistical Report Ledger - Page 1 ................................................................................................ 52
Figure 2. Statistical Report Ledger - Page 2 ................................................................................................ 53
Figure 3. Statistical Report Ledger - Page 3 ................................................................................................ 54
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Figure 1. Statistical Report Ledger - Page 1
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Figure 2. Statistical Report Ledger - Page 2
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Figure 3. Statistical Report Ledger - Page 3
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