Final Project ISQS 6338: Database Concepts Jeff Morris Derrick Plunk Brian Wilder 12/9/2009 Final Project December 9, 2009 Table of Contents Introduction .................................................................................................................................................. 1 Application and Database Analysis ............................................................................................................... 2 Introduction .............................................................................................................................................. 2 Database Analysis ..................................................................................................................................... 3 Business Rules ....................................................................................................................................... 4 Response Time ...................................................................................................................................... 4 Conceptual Data Model ........................................................................................................................ 4 Identification of Object Types ........................................................................................................... 5 Identification of Relationship ............................................................................................................ 5 Object Oriented Data Model .................................................................................................................... 6 Logical Database Design................................................................................................................................ 1 Initial Relational Data Model .................................................................................................................... 1 Definition of Attributes ............................................................................................................................. 2 Admissions ............................................................................................................................................ 2 Admissions_Programs ........................................................................................................................... 2 Advisors ................................................................................................................................................. 2 Classifications ........................................................................................................................................ 2 Concentrations ...................................................................................................................................... 3 Courses.................................................................................................................................................. 3 Curriculums ........................................................................................................................................... 3 Degrees ................................................................................................................................................. 4 Descriptions .......................................................................................................................................... 4 Descriptions_Levels .............................................................................................................................. 4 Divisions ................................................................................................................................................ 5 Page ii Final Project December 9, 2009 Groups ................................................................................................................................................... 5 Groups_People...................................................................................................................................... 5 Groups_Permissions ............................................................................................................................. 5 Levels..................................................................................................................................................... 6 People ................................................................................................................................................... 6 People_Positions ................................................................................................................................... 6 Permissions ........................................................................................................................................... 7 Positions ................................................................................................................................................ 7 Programs ............................................................................................................................................... 7 Requirements ........................................................................................................................................ 7 Normalization of Relations ....................................................................................................................... 8 Final Relational Data Model .................................................................................................................... 11 Validation of Relational Data Model ....................................................................................................... 12 Non-Functional Requirements ................................................................................................................ 17 Volume ................................................................................................................................................ 17 Security Needs .................................................................................................................................... 18 Response Time Expectations .............................................................................................................. 18 Integrity constraints: ........................................................................................................................... 18 Physical Database Design ............................................................................................................................ 19 Physical Database Design ........................................................................................................................ 19 Admissions .......................................................................................................................................... 19 Admissions_Programs ......................................................................................................................... 19 Advisors ............................................................................................................................................... 19 Classifications ...................................................................................................................................... 19 Concentrations .................................................................................................................................... 19 Page iii Final Project December 9, 2009 Courses................................................................................................................................................ 20 Curriculums ......................................................................................................................................... 20 Degrees ............................................................................................................................................... 20 Descriptions ........................................................................................................................................ 20 Descriptions_Levels ............................................................................................................................ 20 Divisions .............................................................................................................................................. 21 Groups ................................................................................................................................................. 21 Groups_Permissions ........................................................................................................................... 21 Groups_People.................................................................................................................................... 21 Levels................................................................................................................................................... 21 Permissions ......................................................................................................................................... 21 People ................................................................................................................................................. 22 People_Positions ................................................................................................................................. 22 Positions .............................................................................................................................................. 22 Programs ............................................................................................................................................. 22 Requirements ...................................................................................................................................... 22 Database Size (Disk Space Requirement) ............................................................................................... 23 Prototype Database Implementation ......................................................................................................... 25 Database Implementation ...................................................................................................................... 25 SQL Code to Generate Tables ............................................................................................................. 25 Data Population of the ISQS_Website Database .................................................................................... 30 SQL Code to Populate Tables .............................................................................................................. 31 Stored Procedures .................................................................................................................................. 40 Query 1................................................................................................................................................ 40 Stored Procedure SQL ..................................................................................................................... 40 Page iv Final Project December 9, 2009 Stored Procedure Output................................................................................................................ 40 Query 2................................................................................................................................................ 41 Stored Procedure SQL ..................................................................................................................... 41 Stored Procedure Output................................................................................................................ 41 Query 3................................................................................................................................................ 42 Stored Procedure SQL ..................................................................................................................... 42 Stored Procedure Output................................................................................................................ 42 Query 4................................................................................................................................................ 43 Stored Procedure SQL ..................................................................................................................... 43 Stored Procedure Output................................................................................................................ 43 Query 5................................................................................................................................................ 44 Stored Procedure SQL ..................................................................................................................... 44 Stored Procedure Output................................................................................................................ 44 Query 6................................................................................................................................................ 45 Stored Procedure SQL ..................................................................................................................... 45 Stored Procedure Output................................................................................................................ 45 Query 7................................................................................................................................................ 46 Stored Procedure SQL ..................................................................................................................... 46 Stored Procedure Output................................................................................................................ 46 Query 8................................................................................................................................................ 47 Stored Procedure SQL ..................................................................................................................... 47 Stored Procedure Output................................................................................................................ 47 Query 9................................................................................................................................................ 48 Stored Procedure SQL ..................................................................................................................... 48 Stored Procedure Output................................................................................................................ 48 Page v Final Project December 9, 2009 Query 10.............................................................................................................................................. 49 Stored Procedure SQL ..................................................................................................................... 49 Stored Procedure Output................................................................................................................ 49 Query 11.............................................................................................................................................. 50 Stored Procedure SQL ..................................................................................................................... 50 Stored Procedure Output................................................................................................................ 50 Query 12.............................................................................................................................................. 51 Stored Procedure SQL ..................................................................................................................... 51 Stored Procedure Output................................................................................................................ 51 Query 13.............................................................................................................................................. 52 Stored Procedure SQL ..................................................................................................................... 52 Stored Procedure Output................................................................................................................ 52 Query 14.............................................................................................................................................. 53 Stored Procedure SQL ..................................................................................................................... 53 Stored Procedure Output................................................................................................................ 53 Query 15.............................................................................................................................................. 54 Stored Procedure SQL ..................................................................................................................... 54 Stored Procedure Output................................................................................................................ 54 Query 16.............................................................................................................................................. 55 Stored Procedure SQL ..................................................................................................................... 55 Stored Procedure Output................................................................................................................ 55 Query 17.............................................................................................................................................. 56 Stored Procedure SQL ..................................................................................................................... 56 Stored Procedure Output................................................................................................................ 56 Implementation ...................................................................................................................................... 57 Page vi Final Project December 9, 2009 Administrator ...................................................................................................................................... 57 Splash Screen .................................................................................................................................. 57 Listing .............................................................................................................................................. 58 Create .............................................................................................................................................. 59 Update............................................................................................................................................. 60 View ................................................................................................................................................ 61 User ..................................................................................................................................................... 62 Home Page ...................................................................................................................................... 62 Programs ......................................................................................................................................... 63 Descriptions ................................................................................................................................ 64 Admissions .................................................................................................................................. 65 Curriculums ................................................................................................................................. 66 Faculty & Staff ................................................................................................................................. 67 Courses............................................................................................................................................ 68 Resources ........................................................................................................................................ 69 Overview ..................................................................................................................................... 69 Current Students ......................................................................................................................... 70 Prospective Students .................................................................................................................. 71 Scholarship .................................................................................................................................. 72 Contacts .......................................................................................................................................... 73 About ISQS ...................................................................................................................................... 74 User Manual ................................................................................................................................................ 75 Introduction ............................................................................................................................................ 75 Features and Exclusions .......................................................................................................................... 75 Getting Started........................................................................................................................................ 75 Page vii Final Project December 9, 2009 Accounts.............................................................................................................................................. 75 Permissions ......................................................................................................................................... 76 Using the Database ................................................................................................................................. 76 Standard Information Page ................................................................................................................. 76 Editing Information ............................................................................................................................. 77 Conclusion ................................................................................................................................................... 78 Page viii Final Project December 9, 2009 Introduction The Information Systems and Quantitative Sciences (ISQS) Department of Texas Tech University (TTU) teaches its students to create programs and sites for use on the world wide web. Unfortunately, the website that potential and current students access to learn more about this department is antiquated. It is the feeling of our group that the current website is not representative of the skill current TTU ISQS students possess. The source of the website’s problems lies in the fact that the information has been hard-coded in and is not easily modifiable. This has made it difficult for administration to make changes necessary to the website. Our group proposes that a database driven administration panel would solve these problems and allow ISQS faculty and staff the ability to make these changes to the website quickly and easily. We analyze the system currently in place, then use the information gathered to create a Conceptual Data Model that will help us get started building a database to serve as the back end of the ISQS website. It is our hope that we can create a database that will be modifiable by faculty and staff to better relay information to users. These changes to the information the database holds will occur at least every semester. Instructors and staff will access the database to change its contents according to what needs to be displayed for the upcoming academic period. The instructors may alter the courses they teach, the description of those courses, personal contact information, and more. These courses and descriptions and additional information will then be accessed by the students so that they can get the information necessary. Page 1 Final Project December 9, 2009 Application and Database Analysis Introduction The Information Systems and Quantitative Sciences (ISQS) Department of Texas Tech University (TTU) teaches its students to create programs and sites for use on the web. Unfortunately, the website that potential and current students go to learn more about this department is antiquated. It is the feeling of our group that the current website is not representative of the skill current TTU ISQS students possess. The source of the website’s problems lies in the fact that the information has been hard-coded in and is not easily modifiable. This has made it difficult for administration to make changes necessary to the website. Our group proposes that a database driven administration panel would solve these problems and allow ISQS faculty and staff the ability to make these changes to the website quickly and easily. Each administrative person has a position in the ISQS department. These administrative people include faculty, staff and PH.D. students who teach classes. These administrators will all need to be a part of a group in order to be allowed the proper permission to alter the website through the database driven platform. These people will also advise for different programs. The programs the administrators advise have many different degrees, and each degree is associated with a level; for example, a Bachelor's in Business Administration would be considered an undergraduate degree. Each of these levels should provide a description that can be issued wherever appropriate. Each program has admission requirements that may or may not be identical to basic level admission requirements. Some programs may have a concentration in a particular discipline. A program (and its associated concentration, where applicable) will be made up of curriculum that is required. These curriculum can be split up into several different Divisions and each Division will have a number of courses that meet the selected criteria. We will use this information to create a Conceptual Data Model that will help us get started building a database to serve as the back end of the ISQS website. It is our hope that we can create a database that will be modifiable by faculty and staff to better relay information to users. These changes to the information the database holds will occur at least every semester. Instructors and staff will access the database to change its contents according to what needs to be displayed for the upcoming academic period. The instructors may alter the courses they teach, the description of those courses, personal contact information, and more. These courses and descriptions and additional information will then be accessed by the students so that they can get the information necessary. Page 2 Final Project December 9, 2009 The database should be able to answer the following queries: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10) 11) 12) 13) 14) 15) 16) 17) Who are the faculty members for the ISQS Department? What programs does a faculty member advise? What are the required courses to complete a given program? What programs are offered for a particular degree (BBA, MBA, and Ph. D)? What are the admission requirements for a given program? What is the description of a given program? What people have permission to modify the content? What are the permissions for a given person? What is the classification of a given person? What courses are needed for a specific concentration? What are the admissions requirements for a given level? What courses are available for a degree? Which positions advise undergraduate degrees? What is the description of a specific concentration? What Divisions does a course fall under? What level is a program associated with? What group has a specific permission? It is imperative that the database solution be efficient, flexible, and scalable as the university may encounter huge increases due to its commitment to continue growing every semester. Also, the database needs to be secure to keep confidential information out of view of the public, allowing only staff and students to see the required information. Database Analysis Database analysis allows the developer and the client to develop and discuss the business rules to make an efficient database model, which allows for an optimized solution that appropriately solves the problem that was described above. Furthermore, it is imperative that any limitations that need to be placed on the database are discussed, which will help keep data integrity in mind throughout the whole process. Lastly, you must discuss response time and the physical data model needs such as security concerns. Page 3 Final Project December 9, 2009 Business Rules Business rules are what define how a process is properly performed. It is the job of the analyst to work with the client and determine what policies, calculations, regulations, and other constraints exist within the process. This also covers the topics of data security and/or specific user requirements. The following ISQS website business rules have been identified as per the needed database: 1) People must be part of a group to receive permissions. 2) Each person who holds a position must also have a classification as staff, faculty or PH.D student. 3) Each Program must have an advisor. 4) Each Program must lead to a degree. 5) Each degree should be associated with an appropriate level. 6) Each level has a description. 7) A program has certain Admission requirements that should be displayed on the database. 8) A program can have a concentration. 9) Each Program, and consequently each concentration, has a set curriculum. 10) Each curriculum must have at least one Division. 11) Each Division may have many courses. Response Time The ISQS department website is an imperative part of recruitment for Texas Tech University. Therefore tasks processed by the database such as reports, queries, and queries reports need to happen in an efficient and timely manner. It is necessary for the website to be available as close to 99.99% uptime as possible. In addition, the response time for each page should be no more than two or three seconds, as anything longer might discourage users from applying to Texas Tech University. Conceptual Data Model Based on the needs of an ISQS department website, an object oriented data model was developed after analysis of the business requirements. The first step was to identify all the object types involved and then identify how they relate to each other. Page 4 Final Project December 9, 2009 Identification of Object Types Based on the problem described above, below are the object types needed to solve the problem: Admission with attributes: AdmID, AdmTitle, and AdmBody Classification with attributes: ClassID and ClassName Course with attributes: CourseID, CourseSubject, CourseCallNumber and CourseName Curriculum with attributes: CurrID, CurrTitle, CurrDesc and CurrDocLocation Concentration with attributes: ConID and ConName Degree with attributes: DegreeID, DegreeAbbrev and DegreeName Description with attributes: DescID, DescTitle and DescBody Division with attributes: DivID, DivTitle, DivSubTitle, DivBody and DivOrder Group with attributes: GroupID and GroupName Level with attributes: LevelID, LevelName and LevelOrder Person with attributes: PersonID, PersonPrefix, PersonFirstName, PersonLastName, PersonOffice, PersonEmail, PersonPhone, PersonWebsite, PersonDisplay, eRaider, rNumber and UserActive Permission with attributes: PerID and PerAction Position with attributes: PosID and PosName Program with attributes: ProgramID, ProgramTitle, ProgramDescLess and ProgramDescMore Identification of Relationship After careful analysis of the business rules, the following relationships exist between object types: There is a many to many relationship between Course and Division There is a one to many relationship between Curriculum and Division There is a one to many relationship between Concentration and Curriculum There is a one to many relationship between Degree and Program There is a one to many relationship between Level and Degree There is a many to many relationship between Program and Admission There is a many to many relationship between Level and Description There is a many to many relationship between Program and Person There is a many to many relationship between Person and Position There is a one to many relationship between Classification and Position There is a many to many relationship between Person and Group There is a many to many relationship between Group and Permission There is a one to many relationship between Programs and Concentrations Page 5 Final Project December 9, 2009 Object Oriented Data Model Once we have examined the business rules and established our conceptual data model, our next task is to create an Object Oriented Data Model (OODM). This model will show the different object types and how they relate to each other. The OODM will also display the cardinality for each relationship, and show which relationships are total and which ones are partial. Our OODM begins with our permission, group and person objects. These object types will house the data pertaining to who can access certain areas of the website and what they can use the website for. Permission and Group have a partial participation relationship - a permission may apply to a specific group and a group may have a specific permission assigned to it. The same type of relationship is displayed between Group and Person- a group may involve one specific person and a person may belong to one specific group. Next our model finds itself defining persons by the programs they are associated with, the positions they hold and the classification of that position. A person may hold no position, or a person may hold many positions. A position may be held by a person, or it may be vacant. This leads to a partial relationship between Position and Person. Position and Classification have a total participation relationship - every classification must be associated with a position and a position must have a classification. A person may be related to no program, or a person may be related to many programs. A program may have many people associated with it, or it may have no one associated with it. This leads to a partial participation relationship between Program and Person. From Programs, our model splits in several directions. The first direction defines the Program object type as leading to one degree. A degree must be arrived at through one or more programs, making this a total relationship. Program also has a total relationship with Level. Level has partial relationships with Description. In addition, there is a partial relationship between Program and Admission. Program also has a many to many relationship with Admission. In the last direction, Program shares a total relationship with Concentration. Concentration can belong to one program and a program can include one or many concentrations. Additionally, concentration shares a total relationship with Curriculum. Curriculum can belong to one concentration and a concentration can include one or many curriculums. Curriculum also shares a total relationship with Division. Division, in turn, shares a partial relationship with Course. In each of our object types with partial relationships, an associate class has been created to store information between classes. These associate classes will contain composite keys made up of the primary keys of the two object types in the partial relationship. This allows us to connect information between classes that are not totally dependent on each other. Page 6 Final Project December 9, 2009 Course Admission -CourseID -CourseSubject -CourseCallNumber -CourseName description_level -AdmID -AdmTitle -AdmBody Level -LevelID -LevelName -LevelOrder * * admission_program Requirements 1 * -Contains * -Need * * Description -DescID -DescTitle -DescBody -Classifies -Require 1..* Division -DivID -DivTitle -DivSubTitle -DivBody -DivOrder Curriculum -Divided 1..* 1 Program -CurrID -CurrTitle -CurrDesc -CurrDocLocation Concentration -Involve -Split -ConID -ConName 1..* 1 * 1 -ProgramID -ProgramTitle -ProgramDescLess -ProgramDescMore Degree -lead to 1..* -DegreeID -DegreeAbbrev -DegreeName 1 * Advisor * -Advises Person Permission * * Group * * -GroupID -GroupName -PerID -PerAction -Acquire group_permission -Includes -PersonID -PersonPrefix -PersonFirstName -PersonLastName -PersonOffice -PersonEmail -PersonPhone -PersonWebsite -PersonDisplay -eRaider -rNumber -UserActive group_person * * -Holds person_position Page 7 Position -PosID -PosName Classification -has 1..* -ClassID -ClassName 1 Final Project December 9, 2009 Logical Database Design In this deliverable, we will take the observations and decisions made in the Conceptual Data Model stage and translate the conceptual model into a Logical Data Model. We will introduce foreign keys into the appropriate object types to help us connect the information based on the relationships defined in the Object Oriented Data Model (OODM). This process will enable us to complete the queries necessary to answer the questions the ISQS website and the database associated with it must be able to answer. In addition, it will solidify the relationships we identified in our first deliverable and allow us to validate all of these associations. Initial Relational Data Model A primary key is indicated by underling the attribute(s). A foreign key is shown in italics. Admissions (AdmID, AdmTitle, AdmBody) Admissions_Programs (AdmID, ProgramID) Advisors (PersonID, ProgramID) Classifications (ClassID, ClassName) Concentrations (ConID, ProgramID, ConName) Courses (CourseID, CourseSubject, CourseCallNumber, CourseName) Curriculums (CurrID, ConID, CurrTitle, CurrDesc, CurrDocLocation) Degrees (DegreeID, LevelID, DegreeAbbrev, DegreeName) Descriptions (DescID, DescTitle, DescBody) Descriptions_Levels (DescID, LevelID) Divisions (DivID, CurrID, DivTitle, DivSubTitle, DivBody, DivOrder) Groups (GroupID, GroupName) Groups_People (GroupID, PersonID) Groups_Permissions (GroupID, PerID) Levels (LevelID, LevelName, LevelOrder) People (PersonID, PersonPrefix, PersonFirstName, PersonLastName, PersonOffice, PersonEmail, PersonPhone, PersonWebsite, PersonDisplay, eRaider, rNumber, UserActive ) People_Positions (PersonID, PosID) Permissions (PerID, PerAction) Positions (PosID, ClassID, PosName) Programs (ProgramID, DegreeID, ProgramTitle, ProgramDescLess, ProgramDescMore) Requirements (DivID, CourseID) Page 1 Final Project December 9, 2009 Definition of Attributes To help the reader better understand the meaning of each attribute listed in the Relational Data Model, we will provide a detailed description for each attribute and how it will be used in the system. In total, we have 21 relations in the relational model. Admissions Admissions are all the various titles of items related to a program admissions page. Below is a description of all the information collected for each admission entry: AdmID – this is the primary key which will be automatically created by the database with an integer value. AdmTitle – this is the descriptive title for each admissions section. This will have an alphanumeric value. AdmBody – this is the text which will be displayed under the title. This will have an alphanumeric value. Admissions_Programs Admissions_Programs is the associative class between the Admissions and Programs object types, which captures when a row from each object type will be linked together in this many-to-many relationship. Below is a description of all the information collected for each Admissions_Programs entry: AdmID – this is the foreign key for the admissions object type with an integer value. ProgramID – this is the primary key which will be automatically created by the database with an integer value. Advisors Advisors is the associative class between the People and Programs object types, which captures when a row from each object type will be linked together in this many-to-many relationship. Below is a description of all the information collected for each Advisors entry: PersonID– this is the foreign key for the people object type with an integer value. ProgramID– this is the foreign key for the programs object type with an integer value. Classifications Classifications is used to help keep the People object type more organized, by splitting each position up into several different classifications. Below is a description of all the information collected for each classification entry: ClassID – this is the primary key which will be automatically created by the database with an integer value. ClassName – this is simply the name of the classification. This will have an alphanumeric value. Page 2 Final Project December 9, 2009 Concentrations Concentrations split programs into individual disciplines. Below is a description of all the information collected for each concentration entry: ConID – this is the primary key which will be automatically created by the database with an integer value. ProgramID- this is the foreign key for the programs object type with an integer value. ConName – This is the name of the concentration, such as “Web Application” or “Telecommunication”. This will have an alphanumeric value. Courses Courses are used to form the required curriculum for each program. Since a program is made up of various courses and since more than one curriculum can require a course, it made sense to create a separate object type. Below is a description of all the information collected for each course entry: CourseID – this is the primary key which will be automatically created by the database with an integer value. CourseSubject – This is the three or four letter abbreviation for the subject of the course, such as ISQS or MATH. This will have an alphanumeric value. CourseCallNumber – This tells us several things about the course, but more specifically the call number, such as 3344 or 4385. The first digit tells us what level the course is. The second digit tells us how many hours the course will be. The last two digits are created by the department. This will have an alphanumeric value. CourseName – This is the name of the course, such as “Systems Design” or “Systems Analysis”. This will have an alphanumeric value. Curriculums Curriculums are all the various titles of items related to a program’s curriculum page. Below is a description of all the information collected for each curriculum entry: CurrID – this is the primary key which will be automatically created by the database with an integer value. ConID– this is the foreign key for the concentrations object type with an integer value. CurrTitle – this is the descriptive title of curriculum section. This will have an alphanumeric value. CurrDesc – this is simply the text which will be displayed under the title. This will have an alphanumeric value. CurrDocLocation – this is the name of the document for the advising sheet. It is assumed that the document will be uploaded to the correct path on the server. This will have an alphanumeric value. Page 3 Final Project December 9, 2009 Degrees Degrees are used to help keep Programs more organized. Since a particular program leads to a certain degree, and since there can be multiple programs per degree, it makes sense to form this object type by itself. Below is a description of all the information collected for each degree entry: DegreeID – this is the primary key which will be automatically created by the database with an integer value. LevelID - this is the foreign key for the levels object type with an integer value. DegreeAbbrev – this is the known abbreviation for the given degree. For example, MBA. This will have an alphanumeric value. DegreeName – this is the official name of the degree. This will have an alphanumeric value. Descriptions Descriptions are all the various titles of items related to a program description page. Below is a description of all the information collected for each description entry: DescID – this is the primary key which will be automatically created by the database with an integer value. DescTitle – this is the descriptive title for each description section. This will have an alphanumeric value. DescBody – this is the text which will be displayed under the title. This will have an alphanumeric value. Descriptions_Levels Descriptions_Levels is the associative class between the Descriptions and Levels object types, which captures when a row from each object type will be linked together in this many-to-many relationship. Below is a description of all the information collected for each Descriptions_Levels entry: DescID – this is the foreign key for the descriptions object type with an integer value. LevelID – this is the foreign key for the levels object type with an integer value. Page 4 Final Project December 9, 2009 Divisions Divisions are used to better organize the structure of the curriculum page. Below is a description of all the information collected for each Division entry: DivID – this is the primary key which will be automatically created by the database with an integer value. CurrID - this is the foreign key for the curriculums object type with an integer value. DivTitle – this is the title of the Division. This will have an alphanumeric value. DivSubTitle – this is the sub title, which will go directly under the title. This will have an alphanumeric value. DivBody – this is the description of that Division. Sometimes there is more information beyond the title and subtitle that needs to be included. This will have an alphanumeric value. DivOrder – this is the display order of all the Divisions for a given curriculum. This will have an integer value. Groups Groups are used to better keep Users organized. Below is a description of all the information collected for each group entry: GroupID – this is the primary key which will be automatically created by the database with an integer value. GroupName – this is the descriptive name of each group. Examples include "Admin" and "Moderator". This will have an alphanumeric value. Groups_People Groups_People is the associative class between the Groups and People object types, which captures when a row from each object type will be linked together in this many-to-many relationship. Below is a description of all the information collected for each Groups_People entry: GroupID – this is the foreign key for the groups object type with an integer value. PersonID– this is the foreign key for the people object type with an integer value. Groups_Permissions Groups_Permission is the associative class between the Groups and Permissions object types, which captures when a row from each object type will be linked together in this many-to-many relationship. Below is a description of all the information collected for each Groups_Permissions entry: GroupID – this is the foreign key for the groups object type with an integer value. PerID – this is the foreign key for the permissions object type with an integer value. Page 5 Final Project December 9, 2009 Levels Levels are used to keep the Degrees object type more organized. This object type will divide Degrees into three levels: undergraduate, graduate and doctorate. Below is a description of all the information collected for each levels entry: LevelID – this is the primary key which will be automatically created by the database with an integer value. LevelName – this is simply the name or title of the level. This will have an alphanumeric value. LevelOrder – this is the display order of the levels. For example, Undergraduate should be displayed before Graduate. This will have an integer value. People People represent any individual in the system or who will use the system. Below is a description of all the information collected for each person entry: PersonID – this is the primary key which will be automatically created by the database with an integer value. PersonPrefix – this is the person’s prefix, such as, “Dr” or “Mr” or “Ms”. Please leave off periods as they are automatically added by the system. This will have an alphanumeric value. PersonFirstName – this is the person’s first name. This will have an alphanumeric value. PersonLastName – this is the person’s last name. This will have an alphanumeric value. PersonOffice – this is the person’s office in the BA if they have one. Please only put the office number. This will have an alphanumeric value. PersonEmail – this is the person’s official email. This will have an alphanumeric value. PersonPhone – this is the person’s phone number they wish to be contacted at. This will have an alphanumeric value. PersonWebsite – this is the person’s website they will use to provide information. This will have an alphanumeric value. PersonDisplay – this will indicate which individuals should be displayed in the Faculty & Staff listing. This will a boolean data type. eRaider – this is the user's eRaider username. This will have an alphanumeric value. rNumber – this is the user's rNumber which will have an integer value. UserActive – this will be a boolean data type to determine if the user can login. People_Positions People_Positions is the associative class between the People and Positions object types, which captures when a row from each object type will be linked together in this many-to-many relationship. Below is a description of all the information collected for each People_Positions entry: PersonID – this is the foreign key for the people object type with an integer value. PosID – this is the foreign key for the position object type with an integer value. Page 6 Final Project December 9, 2009 Permissions Permissions are used to decide what actions a user can perform on a group basis. Below is a description of all the information collected for each permission entry: PerID – this is the primary key which will be automatically created by the database with an integer value. PerAction – this is the name of the action that the user can perform. This will have an alphanumeric value. Positions Positions are used to help keep the People object type more organized. Below is a description of all the information collected for each position entry: PosID – this is the primary key which will be automatically created by the database with an integer value. ClassID - this is the foreign key for the classifications object type with an integer value. PosName – this is the name of the position. For example, "Area Coordinator" or "Professor". This will have an alphanumeric value. Programs Programs are the central object type in this database. It simply represents all the various degree programs a student can be enrolled in at any given time. Below is a description of all the information collected for each program entry: ProgramID – this is the primary key which will be automatically created by the database with an integer value. DegreeID – this is the foreign key for the degrees object type with an integer value. ProgramTitle – this is the title of the program. This will have an alphanumeric value. ProgramDescLess – this will be displayed on the main Programs page on the User side. This will have an alphanumeric value. ProgramDescMore – this will be display in the first header area of the description page. This will have an alphanumeric value. Requirements Requirements is the associative class between the Divisions and Courses object types, which captures when a row from each object type will be linked together in this many-to-many relationship. Below is a description of all the information collected for each Requirements entry: DivID – this is the foreign key for the Divisions object type with an integer value. CourseID – this is the foreign key for the courses object type with an integer value. Now, we go through the normalization process to make sure that each relation is in 3NF. Page 7 Final Project December 9, 2009 Normalization of Relations A relation is in 1NF if it has no non-atomic attributes. Each attribute holds only one value for each row. A relation is in 2NF if there is no partial dependency between the primary key and the non-key attributes of the relation. A relation is in 3NF if there is no transitive dependency between the primary key and the non-key attributes of the relation. Admissions (AdmID, AdmTitle, AdmBody) The above relation is in 1NF because every attribute of the relation is atomic in nature. Each attribute contains only one value for each row. The above relation is also in 2NF because there is no question of partial dependency between the primary key and the non-key attributes. The Admissions relation is also in 3NF because each non-key attribute is not dependent on any other. Admissions_Programs (AdmID, ProgramID) The above relation is in 1NF because every attribute of the relation is atomic in nature. Each attribute contains only one value for each row. The above relation is also in 2NF because there is no question of partial dependency between the primary key and the non-key attributes. The Admissions_Programs relation is also in 3NF because each non-key attribute is not dependent on any other. Advisors (PersonID, ProgramID) The above relation is in 1NF because every attribute of the relation is atomic in nature. Each attribute contains only one value for each row. The above relation is also in 2NF because there is no question of partial dependency between the primary key and the non-key attributes. The Advisors relation is also in 3NF because each non-key attribute is not dependent on any other. Classifications (ClassID, ClassName) The above relation is in 1NF because every attribute of the relation is atomic in nature. Each attribute contains only one value for each row. The above relation is also in 2NF because there is no question of partial dependency between the primary key and the non-key attributes. The Classifications relation is also in 3NF because each non-key attribute is not dependent on any other. Concentrations (ConID, ProgramID, ConName) The above relation is in 1NF because every attribute of the relation is atomic in nature. Each attribute contains only one value for each row. The above relation is also in 2NF because there is no question of partial dependency between the primary key and the non-key attributes. The Concentrations relation is also in 3NF because each non-key attribute is not dependent on any other. Courses (CourseID, CourseSubject, CourseCallNumber, CourseName) The above relation is in 1NF because every attribute of the relation is atomic in nature. Each attribute contains only one value for each row. The above relation is also in 2NF because there is no question of partial dependency between the primary key and the non-key attributes. The Courses relation is also in 3NF because each non-key attribute is not dependent on any other. Page 8 Final Project December 9, 2009 Curriculums (CurrID, ConID, CurrTitle, CurrDesc, CurrDocLocation) The above relation is in 1NF because every attribute of the relation is atomic in nature. Each attribute contains only one value for each row. The above relation is also in 2NF because there is no question of partial dependency between the primary key and the non-key attributes. The Curriculums relation is also in 3NF because each non-key attribute is not dependent on any other. Degrees (DegreeID, LevelID, DegreeAbbrev, DegreeName) The above relation is in 1NF because every attribute of the relation is atomic in nature. Each attribute contains only one value for each row. The above relation is also in 2NF because there is no question of partial dependency between the primary key and the non-key attributes. The Degrees relation is also in 3NF because each non-key attribute is not dependent on any other. Descriptions (DescID, DescTitle, DescBody) The above relation is in 1NF because every attribute of the relation is atomic in nature. Each attribute contains only one value for each row. The above relation is also in 2NF because there is no question of partial dependency between the primary key and the non-key attributes. The Descriptions relation is also in 3NF because each non-key attribute is not dependent on any other. Descriptions_Levels (DescID, LevelID) The above relation is in 1NF because every attribute of the relation is atomic in nature. Each attribute contains only one value for each row. The above relation is also in 2NF because there is no question of partial dependency between the primary key and the non-key attributes. The Descriptions_Levels relation is also in 3NF because each non-key attribute is not dependent on any other. Divisions (DivID, CurrID, DivTitle, DivSubTitle, DivBody, DivOrder) The above relation is in 1NF because every attribute of the relation is atomic in nature. Each attribute contains only one value for each row. The above relation is also in 2NF because there is no question of partial dependency between the primary key and the non-key attributes. The Divisions relation is also in 3NF because each non-key attribute is not dependent on any other. Groups (GroupID, GroupName) The above relation is in 1NF because every attribute of the relation is atomic in nature. Each attribute contains only one value for each row. The above relation is also in 2NF because there is no question of partial dependency between the primary key and the non-key attributes. The Groups relation is also in 3NF because each non-key attribute is not dependent on any other. Groups_People (GroupID, PersonID) The above relation is in 1NF because every attribute of the relation is atomic in nature. Each attribute contains only one value for each row. The above relation is also in 2NF because there is no question of partial dependency between the primary key and the non-key attributes. The Groups_People relation is also in 3NF because each non-key attribute is not dependent on any other. Page 9 Final Project December 9, 2009 Groups_Permissions (GroupID, PerID) The above relation is in 1NF because every attribute of the relation is atomic in nature. Each attribute contains only one value for each row. The above relation is also in 2NF because there is no question of partial dependency between the primary key and the non-key attributes. The Groups_Permissions relation is also in 3NF because each non-key attribute is not dependent on any other. Levels (LevelID, LevelName, LevelOrder) The above relation is in 1NF because every attribute of the relation is atomic in nature. Each attribute contains only one value for each row. The above relation is also in 2NF because there is no question of partial dependency between the primary key and the non-key attributes. The Levels relation is also in 3NF because each non-key attribute is not dependent on any other. People (PersonID, PersonPrefix, PersonFirstName, PersonLastName, PersonOffice, PersonEmail, PersonPhone, PersonWebsite, PersonDisplay, eRaider, rNumber, UserActive ) The above relation is in 1NF because every attribute of the relation is atomic in nature. Each attribute contains only one value for each row. The above relation is also in 2NF because there is no question of partial dependency between the primary key and the non-key attributes. The People relation is also in 3NF because each non-key attribute is not dependent on any other. People_Positions (PersonID, PosID) The above relation is in 1NF because every attribute of the relation is atomic in nature. Each attribute contains only one value for each row. The above relation is also in 2NF because there is no question of partial dependency between the primary key and the non-key attributes. The People_Positions relation is also in 3NF because each non-key attribute is not dependent on any other. Permissions (PerID, PerAction) The above relation is in 1NF because every attribute of the relation is atomic in nature. Each attribute contains only one value for each row. The above relation is also in 2NF because there is no question of partial dependency between the primary key and the non-key attributes. The Permissions relation is also in 3NF because each non-key attribute is not dependent on any other. Positions (PosID, ClassID, PosName) The above relation is in 1NF because every attribute of the relation is atomic in nature. Each attribute contains only one value for each row. The above relation is also in 2NF because there is no question of partial dependency between the primary key and the non-key attributes. The Positions relation is also in 3NF because each non-key attribute is not dependent on any other. Programs (ProgramID, DegreeID, ProgramTitle, ProgramDescLess, ProgramDescMore) The above relation is in 1NF because every attribute of the relation is atomic in nature. Each attribute contains only one value for each row. The above relation is also in 2NF because there is no question of partial dependency between the primary key and the non-key attributes. The Programs relation is also in 3NF because each non-key attribute is not dependent on any other. Page 10 Final Project December 9, 2009 Requirements (DivID, CourseID) The above relation is in 1NF because every attribute of the relation is atomic in nature. Each attribute contains only one value for each row. The above relation is also in 2NF because there is no question of partial dependency between the primary key and the non-key attributes. The Requirements relation is also in 3NF because each non-key attribute is not dependent on any other. The final list of normalized relations is given below. Final Relational Data Model Please note that a primary key is indicated by underling the attribute(s). A foreign key is shown in italics. Below is the final relational data model: Admissions (AdmID, AdmTitle, AdmBody) Admissions_Programs (AdmID, ProgramID) Advisors (PersonID, ProgramID) Classifications (ClassID, ClassName) Concentrations (ConID, ProgramID, ConName) Courses (CourseID, CourseSubject, CourseCallNumber, CourseName) Curriculums (CurrID, ConID, CurrTitle, CurrDesc, CurrDocLocation) Degrees (DegreeID, LevelID, DegreeAbbrev, DegreeName) Descriptions (DescID, DescTitle, DescBody) Descriptions_Levels (DescID, LevelID) Divisions (DivID, CurrID, DivTitle, DivSubTitle, DivBody, DivOrder) Groups (GroupID, GroupName) Groups_People (GroupID, PersonID) Groups_Permissions (GroupID, PerID) Levels (LevelID, LevelName, LevelOrder) People (PersonID, PersonPrefix, PersonFirstName, PersonLastName, PersonOffice, PersonEmail, PersonPhone, PersonWebsite, PersonDisplay, eRaider, rNumber, UserActive ) People_Positions (PersonID, PosID) Permissions (PerID, PerAction) Positions (PosID, ClassID, PosName) Programs (ProgramID, DegreeID, ProgramTitle, ProgramDescLess, ProgramDescMore) Requirements (DivID, CourseID) Page 11 Final Project December 9, 2009 Validation of Relational Data Model Here, we cross-check the user queries against the relational data model to make sure that we have appropriate relations and attributes included in the model in order to support the user queries and other requirements. We will cross-check the model for each query. Query #1: Who are the faculty members for the ISQS Department? Given: Preferably, a ClassID will be passed where the ClassName = "Faculty" Relations: Positions (PosID, ClassID) People_Positions (PersonID, PosID) People (PersonID, PersonPrefix, PersonFirstName, PersonLastName) Query #2: What programs does a faculty member advise? Given: Preferably, a PersonID will be passed to the page requesting this information. Relations: Advisors (PersonID, ProgramID) Program (ProgramID, ProgramTitle) Query #3: What are the required courses to complete a given program? Given: Preferably, a ProgramID and ConID will be passed to the page requesting this information. Relations: Concentration (ConID, ProgramID) Curriculums (CurrID, ConID) Divisions (DivID, CurrID) Requirements (DivID, CourseID) Courses (CourseID, CourseSubject, CourseCallNumber, CourseName) Query #4: What programs are offered for a particular degree (BBA, MBA, Ph. D)? Given: Preferably, a DegreeID will be passed to the page requesting this information. Relations: Programs (ProgramID, DegreeID) Page 12 Final Project December 9, 2009 Query #5: What are the admission requirements for a given program? Given: Preferably, a ProgramID will be passed to the page requesting this information. Relations: Admissions_Programs (AdmID, ProgramID) Admissions (AdmID, AdmTitle, AdmBody) Query #6: What is the description of a given program? Given: Preferably, a ProgramID will be passed to the page requesting this information. Relations: Programs (ProgramID, DegreeID) Degrees (DegreeID, LevelID) Descriptions_Levels (DescID, LevelID) Descriptions (DescID, DescTitle, DescBody) Query #7: What people have permission to modify the content? Given: Preferably, a specific action will be passed to the page requesting the modification. Relations: Permissions (PerID, PerAction) Groups_Permissions (GroupID, PerID) Groups_People (GroupID, PersonID) People (PersonID, PersonPrefix, PersonFirstName, PersonLastName) Query #8: What are the permissions for a given person? Given: Preferably, a PersonID will be passed to the page requesting this information. Relations: Groups_People (GroupID, PersonID) Groups_Permissions (GroupID, PerID) Permissions (PerID, PerAction) Page 13 Final Project December 9, 2009 Query #9: What is the classification of a given person. Given: Preferably, a PersonID will be passed to the page requesting this information. Relations: People_Person (PersonID, PosID) Classification (ClassID, ClassName) Query #10: What courses are needed for a specific concentration? Given: Preferably, a ConID will be passed to the page requesting this information. Relations: Curriculum (CurrID, ConID) Divisions (DivID, CurrID) Requirements (DivID, CourseID) Courses (CourseID, CourseSubject, CourseNumber, CourseName) Query #11: What are the admissions requirements for a given level? Given: Preferably, a LevelID will be passed to the page requesting this information. Relations: Degree (DegreeID, LevelID) Program (ProgramID, DegreeID) Admissions_Programs (AdmID, ProgramID) Admissions (AdmID, AdmTitle, AdmBody) Query #12: What courses are available for a degree? Given: Preferably, a DegreeID will be passed to the page requesting this information. Relations: Degrees (DegreeID) Programs (ProgramID, DegreeID) Concentrations (ConID, ProgramID) Curriculums (CurrID, ConID) Divisions (DivID, CurrID) Requirements (DivID, CourseID) Courses (CourseID, CourseSubject, CourseCallNumber, CourseName) Page 14 Final Project December 9, 2009 Query #13: Which positions advise undergraduate degrees? Given: Preferably, a LevelID will be passed to the page requesting this information. Relations: Degrees (DegreeID, LevelID) Programs (ProgramID, DegreeID) Advisors (PersonID, ProgramID) People_Positions (PersonID, PosID) Positions (PosID, PosName) Query #14: What is the description of a specific concentration? Given: Preferably, a ConID will be passed to the page requesting this information. Relations: Concentrations (ConID, ProgramID) Programs (ProgramID), DegreeID) Degrees (DegreeID, LevelID) Descriptions_Levels (LevelID, DescID) Descriptions (DescID, DescTitle, DescBody) Query #15: What Divisions does a course fall under? Given: Preferably, a CourseID will be passed to the page requesting this information. Relations: Courses (CourseID) Requirements (DivID, CourseID) Divisions (DivID, DivTitle) Query #16: What level is a program associated with? Given: Preferably, a ProgramID will be passed to the page requesting this information. Relations: Programs (ProgramID, DegreeID) Degrees (DegreeID, LevelID) Levels (LevelID, LevelName) Page 15 Final Project December 9, 2009 Query #17: What group has a specific permission? Given: Preferably, a PerID will be passed to the page requesting this information. Relations: Permissions (PerID) Groups_Permissions (GroupID, PerID) Groups (GroupID, GroupName) After listing the relations required to answer each of the eight questions that were presented in the introduction, we see that the relational data model has the appropriate relations and attributes to satisfy the business requirements given. Page 16 Final Project December 9, 2009 Non-Functional Requirements Volume We need to estimate the number of tuples for each relation to properly calculate the total data volume. Based upon the business requirements specified, below is the estimated number of rows for each relation: Relation Estimated Number of Rows Comments Admissions 40 Admissions_Programs 80 Advisors 20 Assume there will be at least 10 admissions for each level. Assume that there will be at least 2 relations for each level. Each Program can have up to 3 people advising it. Classifications Concentrations 4 16 Courses Curriculums 100 16 Degrees Descriptions 4 40 Descriptions_Levels 80 Divisions 80 Groups Groups_People Groups_Permissions 4 200 40 Levels People People_Positions Permissions Positions Programs Requirements 4 100 300 10 20 10 150 Assume there will be at least 2 concentrations per program. Assume there will be a curriculum for each concentration. Assume there will be at least 10 descriptions for each level. Assume that there will be at least 2 relations for each level. Assume there will be at least 10 Divisions per curriculum. Assume that each Person can be in 2 Groups. Assume that each Group can have up to 4 permissions. Each Person can have up to 3 positions. Assume that there will be at least 3 relations for each course. Page 17 Final Project December 9, 2009 Security Needs In its current state, there are no security needs that need to be taken into account. Response Time Expectations The website should be able to quickly access information: On People using PersonFirstName, PersonLastName, eRaider and rNumber On Programs using ProgramName Therefore, we need to define indexes for PersonFirstName, PersonLastName, ProgramName, eRaider and rNumber. In addition to these indexes, we will also define indexes on every primary and foreign key. Integrity constraints: The website should abide by the following constraints: There should be no duplicate eRaider or rNumber values. There should be no duplicate PersonEmail. People must be part of a group to receive permissions. Each person who holds a position must also have a classification as staff, faculty or PH.D student. Each Program must have an advisor. Each Program must lead to a degree. Each degree should be associated with an appropriate level. Each level has a description. A program has certain Admission requirements that should be displayed on the database. A program can have a concentration. Each Program, and consequently each concentration, has a set curriculum. Each curriculum must have at least one Division. Each Division may have many courses. Page 18 Final Project December 9, 2009 Physical Database Design In this deliverable, we will go into more detail about the information from our logical database design using language that can be interpreted by SQL Server 2008, which is the service we will be using create our database. We use the SQL Server 2008 platform to specify the physical database design. Using the logical database design, we need to define the attributes, indexes, and security requirements for each attribute using the SQL Server 2008 terminology. Physical Database Design Admissions Attribute (Field) AdmID AdmTitle AdmBody Data Type Null (Yes or No) Index Security Integer (4 bytes) Varchar(45) Text (150) No No No Yes (Primary Key) No No N/A N/A N/A Data Type Null (Yes or No) Index Security Integer (4 bytes) Integer (4 bytes) No No Yes (Foreign Key) Yes (Foreign Key) N/A N/A Data Type Null (Yes or No) Index Security Integer (4 bytes) Integer (4 bytes) No No Yes (Foreign Key) Yes (Foreign Key) N/A N/A Data Type Null (Yes or No) Index Security Integer (4 bytes) Varchar(45) No No Yes (Primary Key) No N/A N/A Data Type Null (Yes or No) Index Security Integer (4 bytes) Integer (4 bytes) Varchar(45) No No No Yes (Primary Key) Yes (Foreign Key) No N/A N/A N/A Admissions_Programs Attribute (Field) AdmID ProgramID Advisors Attribute (Field) PersonID ProgramID Classifications Attribute (Field) ClassID ClassName Concentrations Attribute (Field) ConID ProgramID ConName Page 19 Final Project December 9, 2009 Courses Attribute (Field) CourseID CourseSubject CourseCallNumber CourseName Data Type Integer (4 bytes) Varchar(6) Varchar(4) Varchar(45) Null (Yes or No) Index Security No No No No Yes (Primary Key) No No No N/A N/A N/A N/A Curriculums Attribute (Field) CurrID ConID CurrTitle CurrDesc CurrDocLocation Data Type Null (Yes or No) Index Security Integer (4 bytes) Integer (4 bytes) Varchar(45) Text (150) Varchar(45) No No No No Yes Yes (Primary Key) Yes (Foreign Key) No No No N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Data Type Null (Yes or No) Index Security Integer (4 bytes) Integer (4 bytes) Varchar(6) Varchar(45) No No No No Yes (Primary Key) Yes (Foreign Key) No No N/A N/A N/A N/A Data Type Null (Yes or No) Index Security Integer (4 bytes) Varchar(45) Text (150) No No No Yes (Primary Key) No No N/A N/A N/A Data Type Null (Yes or No) Index Security Integer (4 bytes) Integer (4 bytes) No No Yes (Foreign Key) Yes (Foreign Key) N/A N/A Degrees Attribute (Field) DegreeID LevelID DegreeAbbrev DegreeName Descriptions Attribute (Field) DescID DescTitle DescBody Descriptions_Levels Attribute (Field) DescID LevelID Page 20 Final Project December 9, 2009 Divisions Attribute (Field) DivID CurrID DivTitle DivSubTitle DivBody DivOrder Data Type Null (Yes or No) Index Security Integer (4 bytes) Integer (4 bytes) Varchar(45) Varchar(100) Text (150) Integer (4 bytes) No No No Yes No No Yes (Primary Key) Yes (Foreign Key) No No No No N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Data Type Null (Yes or No) Index Security Integer (4 bytes) Varchar(45) No No Yes (Primary Key) No N/A N/A Data Type Null (Yes or No) Index Security Integer (4 bytes) Integer (4 bytes) No No Yes (Foreign Key) Yes (Foreign Key) N/A N/A Data Type Null (Yes or No) Index Security Integer (4 bytes) Integer (4 bytes) No No Yes (Foreign Key) Yes (Foreign Key) N/A N/A Data Type Null (Yes or No) Index Security Integer (4 bytes) Varchar(45) Integer (4 bytes) No No No Yes (Primary Key) No No N/A N/A N/A Data Type Null (Yes or No) Index Security Integer (4 bytes) Varchar(45) No No Yes (Primary Key) No N/A N/A Groups Attribute (Field) GroupID GroupName Groups_Permissions Attribute (Field) GroupID PerID Groups_People Attribute (Field) GroupID PersonID Levels Attribute (Field) LevelID LevelName LevelOrder Permissions Attribute (Field) PerID PerAction Page 21 Final Project December 9, 2009 People Attribute (Field) Data Type Null (Yes or No) Index Security PersonID PersonPrefix PersonFirstName PersonLastName PersonOffice PersonEmail PersonPhone PersonWebsite PersonDisplay eRaider rNumber UserActive Integer (4 bytes) Varchar(4) Varchar(45) Varchar(45) Varchar(4) Varchar(45) Varchar(10) Varchar(45) BIT (1 byte) Varchar(15) Integer (4 bytes) BIT (1 byte) No No No No Yes No No Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes (Primary Key) No Yes Yes No No No No No Yes Yes No N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Data Type Null (Yes or No) Index Security Integer (4 bytes) Integer (4 bytes) No No Yes (Foreign Key) Yes (Foreign Key) N/A N/A Data Type Null (Yes or No) Index Security Integer (4 bytes) Integer (4 bytes) Varchar(45) No No No Yes (Primary Key) Yes (Foreign Key) No N/A N/A N/A Null (Yes or No) Index Security No No No No No Yes (Primary Key) Yes (Foreign Key) Yes No No N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A People_Positions Attribute (Field) PersonID PosID Positions Attribute (Field) PosID ClassID PosName Programs Attribute (Field) ProgramID DegreeID ProgramTitle ProgramDescLess ProgramDescMore Data Type Integer (4 bytes) Integer (4 bytes) Varchar(45) Text (150) Text (150) Requirements Attribute (Field) DivID CourseID Data Type Null (Yes or No) Index Security Integer (4 bytes) Integer (4 bytes) No No Yes (Foreign Key) Yes (Foreign Key) N/A N/A Page 22 Final Project December 9, 2009 Now, we need to calculate the total database size based on the volume requirements and data type requirements specified above. Database Size (Disk Space Requirement) It is important to estimate the total size of the database based upon the table sizes and volumes. We will follow the following guidelines to compute the database size in bytes: 1. Compute the basic size of each table by adding the attribute-sizes and multiplying it by the table-volume. 2. Add 40% as overhead for each index (including PK and FKs) 3. Compute the database size by adding the sizes of all tables. 4. Multiply the number in step 3 by 1.5 to account for unexpected future growth It is estimated that the size of the database will be about 0.26 megabytes. Please see the table below used to calculate the size. Page 23 Final Project December 9, 2009 Relation Admissions Admissions_Programs Advisors Classifications Concentrations Courses Curriculums Degrees Descriptions Descriptions_Levels Divisions Groups Groups_People Groups_Permissions Levels People People_Positions Permissions Positions Programs Requirements Estimated Number of Rows Size One Row 40 80 400 4 16 100 16 4 40 80 80 4 200 40 4 100 300 10 20 10 150 199 8 8 49 53 59 248 59 199 8 307 49 8 8 53 223 8 49 53 353 8 Page 24 Base Size of Table # Index 7,960 640 3,200 196 848 5,900 3,968 236 7,960 640 24,560 196 1,600 320 212 22,300 2,400 490 1,060 3,530 1,200 1 2 2 1 2 1 2 2 1 2 2 1 2 2 1 5 2 1 2 2 2 Index Overhead 3,184.00 512.00 2,560.00 78.40 678.40 2,360.00 3,174.40 188.80 3,184.00 512.00 19,648.00 78.40 1,280.00 256.00 84.80 44,600.00 1,920.00 196.00 848.00 2,824.00 960.00 Base Size 50% Growth Size (Bytes) Size (MB) Total 11,144.00 1,152.00 5,760.00 274.40 1,526.40 8,260.00 7,142.40 424.80 11,144.00 1,152.00 44,208.00 274.40 2,880.00 576.00 296.80 66,900.00 4,320.00 686.00 1,908.00 6,354.00 2,160.00 178,543.20 89,271.60 267,814.80 0.26 Final Project December 9, 2009 Prototype Database Implementation Database Implementation Here we will show SQL codes to implement the physical database design specified for the SQL Server platform. We will use SQL Server 2005 to implement the database. We will call our database as ISQS_Website. SQL Code to Generate Tables Use ISQS_Website Go --- Drop Tables -IF EXISTS (SELECT TABLE_NAME FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLES WHERE TABLE_NAME='Admissions_Programs') DROP TABLE Admissions_Programs; IF EXISTS (SELECT TABLE_NAME FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLES WHERE TABLE_NAME='Advisors') DROP TABLE Advisors; IF EXISTS (SELECT TABLE_NAME FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLES WHERE TABLE_NAME='Requirements') DROP TABLE Requirements; IF EXISTS (SELECT TABLE_NAME FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLES WHERE TABLE_NAME='Descriptions_Levels') DROP TABLE Descriptions_Levels; IF EXISTS (SELECT TABLE_NAME FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLES WHERE TABLE_NAME='Groups_Permissions') DROP TABLE Groups_Permissions; IF EXISTS (SELECT TABLE_NAME FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLES WHERE TABLE_NAME='Groups_People') DROP TABLE Groups_People; IF EXISTS (SELECT TABLE_NAME FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLES WHERE TABLE_NAME='People_Positions') DROP TABLE People_Positions; IF EXISTS (SELECT TABLE_NAME FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLES WHERE TABLE_NAME='Admissions') DROP TABLE Admissions; IF EXISTS (SELECT TABLE_NAME FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLES WHERE TABLE_NAME='Courses') DROP TABLE Courses; IF EXISTS (SELECT TABLE_NAME FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLES WHERE TABLE_NAME='Descriptions') DROP TABLE Descriptions; IF EXISTS (SELECT TABLE_NAME FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLES WHERE TABLE_NAME='Positions') DROP TABLE Positions; IF EXISTS (SELECT TABLE_NAME FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLES WHERE TABLE_NAME='Classifications') DROP TABLE Classifications; IF EXISTS (SELECT TABLE_NAME FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLES WHERE TABLE_NAME='Groups') DROP TABLE Groups; IF EXISTS (SELECT TABLE_NAME FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLES WHERE TABLE_NAME='People') DROP TABLE People; IF EXISTS (SELECT TABLE_NAME FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLES WHERE TABLE_NAME='Permissions') DROP TABLE [Permissions]; IF EXISTS (SELECT TABLE_NAME FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLES WHERE TABLE_NAME='Divisions') DROP TABLE Divisions; IF EXISTS (SELECT TABLE_NAME FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLES WHERE TABLE_NAME='Curriculums') DROP TABLE Curriculums; Page 25 Final Project December 9, 2009 IF EXISTS (SELECT TABLE_NAME FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLES TABLE_NAME='Concentrations') DROP TABLE Concentrations; IF EXISTS (SELECT TABLE_NAME FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLES TABLE_NAME='Programs') DROP TABLE Programs; IF EXISTS (SELECT TABLE_NAME FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLES TABLE_NAME='Degrees') DROP TABLE [Degrees]; IF EXISTS (SELECT TABLE_NAME FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLES TABLE_NAME='Levels') DROP TABLE Levels; --- Create Database Schema --- SQL Code to create the Admissions Table CREATE TABLE Admissions ( AdmID int identity(1,1), AdmTitle varchar(45) NOT NULL, AdmBody text NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY(AdmID) ) -- SQL Code to create the Classifications Table CREATE TABLE Classifications ( ClassID int identity(1,1), ClassName varchar(45) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY(ClassID) ) -- SQL Code to create the Courses Table CREATE TABLE Courses ( CourseID int identity(1,1), CourseSubject varchar(6) NOT NULL, CourseCallNumber varchar(4) NOT NULL, CourseName varchar(45) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY(CourseID) ) -- SQL Code to create the Descriptions Table CREATE TABLE Descriptions ( DescID int identity(1,1), DescTitle varchar(45) NOT NULL, DescBody text NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY(DescID) ) -- SQL Code to create the Groups Table CREATE TABLE Groups ( GroupID int identity(1,1), GroupName varchar(45) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY(GroupID) ) Page 26 WHERE WHERE WHERE WHERE Final Project December 9, 2009 -- SQL Code to create the People Table CREATE TABLE People ( PersonID int identity(1,1), PersonPrefix varchar(4) NOT NULL, PersonFirstName varchar(45) NOT NULL, PersonLastName varchar(45) NOT NULL, PersonOffice varchar(4) NULL, PersonEmail varchar(45) NOT NULL, PersonPhone varchar(10) NOT NULL, PersonWebsite varchar(45) NOT NULL, PersonDisplay bit NOT NULL, eRaider varchar(15) NULL, rNumber int, UserActive bit NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY(PersonID) ) -- SQL Code to create the Permissions Table CREATE TABLE [Permissions] ( PerID int identity(1,1), PerAction varchar(45) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY(PerID) ) -- SQL Code to create the Levels Table CREATE TABLE Levels ( LevelID int identity(1,1), LevelName varchar(45) NOT NULL, LevelOrder int NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY(LevelID) ) -- SQL Code to create the Degrees Table CREATE TABLE [Degrees] ( DegreeID int identity(1,1), LevelID int NOT NULL, DegreeAbbrev varchar(6) NOT NULL, DegreeName varchar(45) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY(DegreeID), FOREIGN KEY(LevelID) references Levels(LevelID) ) -- SQL Code to create the Programs Table CREATE TABLE Programs ( ProgramID int identity(1,1), DegreeID int NOT NULL, ProgramTitle varchar(45) NOT NULL, ProgramDescLess text NOT NULL, ProgramDescMore text NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY(ProgramID), Page 27 Final Project December 9, 2009 FOREIGN KEY(DegreeID) references [Degrees](DegreeID) ) -- SQL Code to create the Concentrations Table CREATE TABLE Concentrations ( ConID int identity(1,1), ProgramID int NOT NULL, ConName varchar(45) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY(ConID), FOREIGN KEY(ProgramID) references Programs(ProgramID) ) -- SQL Code to create the Curriculums Table CREATE TABLE Curriculums ( CurrID int identity(1,1), ConID int NOT NULL, CurrTitle varchar(45) NOT NULL, CurrDesc text NOT NULL, CurrDocLocation varchar(45) NULL, PRIMARY KEY(CurrID), FOREIGN KEY(ConID) references Concentrations(ConID) ) -- SQL Code to create the Divisions Table CREATE TABLE Divisions ( DivID int identity(1,1), CurrID int NOT NULL, DivTitle varchar(45) NOT NULL, DivSubTitle varchar(100) NULL, DivBody text NOT NULL, DivOrder int NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY(DivID), FOREIGN KEY(CurrID) references Curriculums(CurrID) ) -- SQL Code to create the Positions Table CREATE TABLE Positions ( PosID int identity(1,1), ClassID int NOT NULL, PosName varchar(45) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY(PosID), FOREIGN KEY(ClassID) references Classifications(ClassID) ) -- SQL Code to create the Admissions_Programs Table CREATE TABLE Admissions_Programs ( AdmID int NOT NULL, ProgramID int NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (AdmID,ProgramID), FOREIGN KEY(AdmID) references Admissions(AdmID), FOREIGN KEY(ProgramID) references Programs(ProgramID) Page 28 Final Project December 9, 2009 ) -- SQL Code to create the Advisors Table CREATE TABLE Advisors ( PersonID int NOT NULL, ProgramID int NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (PersonID,ProgramID), FOREIGN KEY(PersonID) references People(PersonID), FOREIGN KEY(ProgramID) references Programs(ProgramID) ) -- SQL Code to create the Requirements Table CREATE TABLE Requirements ( DivID int NOT NULL, CourseID int NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (DivID,CourseID), FOREIGN KEY(DivID) references Divisions(DivID), FOREIGN KEY(CourseID) references Courses(CourseID) ) -- SQL Code to create the Descriptions_Levels Table CREATE TABLE Descriptions_Levels ( DescID int NOT NULL, LevelID int NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (DescID,LevelID), FOREIGN KEY(DescID) references Descriptions(DescID), FOREIGN KEY(LevelID) references Levels(LevelID) ) -- SQL Code to create the Groups_Permissions Table CREATE TABLE Groups_Permissions ( GroupID int NOT NULL, PerID int NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (GroupID,PerID), FOREIGN KEY(GroupID) references Groups(GroupID), FOREIGN KEY(PerID) references [Permissions](PerID) ) -- SQL Code to create the Groups_People Table CREATE TABLE Groups_People ( GroupID int NOT NULL, PersonID int NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (GroupID,PersonID), FOREIGN KEY(GroupID) references Groups(GroupID), FOREIGN KEY(PersonID) references People(PersonID) ) -- SQL Code to create the People_Positions Table CREATE TABLE People_Positions ( PersonID int NOT NULL, Page 29 Final Project December 9, 2009 PosID int NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (PersonID,PosID), FOREIGN KEY(PersonID) references People(PersonID), FOREIGN KEY(PosID) references Positions(PosID) ) --- Generate Additional Indexes -CREATE INDEX PersonFirstName ON People(PersonFirstName) CREATE INDEX PersonLastName ON People(PersonLastName) CREATE INDEX eRaider ON People(eRaider) CREATE INDEX rNumber ON People(rNumber) CREATE INDEX ProgramTitle ON Programs(ProgramTitle) Data Population of the ISQS_Website Database The ISQS_Website database is populated in the following order: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. Admissions Classifications Courses Descriptions Groups People Permissions Levels Degrees Programs Concentrations Curriculums Divisions Positions Admissions_Programs Advisors Requirements Descriptions_Levels Groups_Permissions Groups_People People_Positions Page 30 Final Project December 9, 2009 SQL Code to Populate Tables Use ISQS_Website Go --- Populate Tables --- SQL Code to populate the Admissions Table INSERT INTO Admissions (AdmTitle, AdmBody) VALUES ('Application', '\r\n Requests for applications should be directed to the Office of New Student Relations, Texas Tech University, Lubbock, Texas 79409, Telephone (806) 742-1480. Questions concerning admission should be directed to the Admissions Office, Texas Tech University, Lubbock, Texas 79409, Telephone (806) 742-3661.The Admissions Office recommends that applications be on file by March 1 for summer or fall admissions; November 1 for spring admissions.\r\n '), ('First-Time Freshman Admission', '\r\n To enroll for the first time at Texas Tech, applicants must:\r\n <br />\r\n <ul> \r\n <li> \r\n Be a high school graduate, with acceptable credits for high school subjects.\r\n </li> \r\n <li> \r\n File an application to Texas Tech University.\r\n </li> \r\n <li> \r\n Have acceptable scores on either Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT) or the American College Test (ACT).\r\n </li> \r\n </ul> \r\n <br />\r\n High school graduates who have been out of school for more than five years are not required to provide test scores.\r\n '), ('Application', '\r\nThe ISQS Department accepts applications for admission to the fall, spring and summer terms. Applications are reviewed on a continual basis by the faculty in the ISQS Department. \r\n<br />\r\nAdmission to the Graduate Program in MIS, Business Statistics, and Production & Operations Management is dependent upon the applicant''s undergraduate record, scores on the Graduate Management Admissions Test, and recommendation of the faculty in the ISQS Department. A substantial body of undergraduate work in the major subject and considerable breadth of background are essential for graduate study. Therefore, students whose undergraduate programs are considered deficient in breath or depth may be required to complete additional preparatory work without degree credit. Such undergraduate "leveling" courses must be completed with a grade of C or better.'), ('Contact', '\r\n <b>Graduate Services Center</b> <br /> \r\n Rawls College of Business Administration <br /> \r\n Texas Tech University<br /> \r\n Room 252<br /> \r\n Box 42101<br /> \r\n Lubbock, TX 79409-2101<br /> \r\n (806) 742 - 3184<br /> \r\n (800) 882 - 6220 (Toll Free) <br /> \r\n Web: <a href=""></a>, <br /> \r\n E-mail: <a href=""></a> \r\n '), ('Application', '\r\n Admission to the program is very selective in nature. It requires a distinguished record in previous academic work, high scores on the GMAT, and potential for research.\r\n <br />\r\nThe ISQS Department accepts applications for admission to the fall, spring and summer terms. Applications are reviewed on a continual basis by the faculty in the ISQS Department.'); Page 31 Final Project December 9, 2009 -- SQL Code to populate the Classifications Table INSERT INTO Classifications (ClassName) VALUES ('Faculty'), ('Staff'), ('Student'); -- SQL Code to populate the Courses Table INSERT INTO Courses (CourseSubject, CourseCallNumber, CourseName) VALUES ('BLAW', '3391', 'Business Law I'), ('FIN', '3320', 'Financial Management'), ('ISQS', '3344', 'Introduction to Production and Operations Man'), ('MKT', '3350', 'Introduction to Marketing'), ('MGT', '3370', 'Organization and Management'), ('MGT', '3373', 'Managerial Communication'), ('ISQS', '3346', 'Internet Programming'), ('ISQS', '3348', 'Database Management Systems'), ('ISQS', '3349', 'Introduction to Data Communication Systems'), ('ISQS', '3351', 'Telecommunications Security using Linux'), ('ISQS', '3360', 'Telecommunications Securities Theory'), ('ISQS', '4348', 'Systems Analysis'), ('ISQS', '4349', 'Information Systems Design'), ('ISQS', '4350', 'Information Systems Project Management'), ('ISQS', '4385', 'Strategic IT and Telecommunications Managemen'), ('ISQS', '4382', 'Internship in Information Systems and Quantit'), ('ISQS', '3345', 'Object Oriented Systems'), ('ISQS', '3358', 'Business Intelligence'), ('ISQS', '4361', 'Web Application Design'); -- SQL Code to populate the Descriptions Table INSERT INTO Descriptions (DescTitle, DescBody) VALUES ('Educational Objectives', 'The objectives of this program are to prepare students to take the challenge of adopting and utilizing state-of-the-art MIS technology and to ensure 100% job placement. The program’s educational objectives are realized through a dynamic curriculum and a variety of instructional methods, including: “hands-on” computer experience; class lecture and discussion; textbook and article study; class assignments, laboratory projects, and applied (team) projects in the business community; case studies; demonstrations; field trips; and presentations by practitioners from the MIS community.'), ('Career Opportunities', 'The MIS field is widely recognized for its current and future career potential. Specific career opportunities depend on the student’s interests, coursework, and experience. Some students go into the MIS function immediately and rise through the ranks. Others become the MIS specialists in a given functional area such as production or finance and become the resident experts providing the liaison between MIS and their own functional organizations. Some go into direct end-user support and often work in an information center. The baccalaureate and graduate programs in business administration are fully accredited by the American Assembly of Collegiate Schools of Business, the national accrediting organization.'), ('Scholarship', 'Several scholarships are available to qualified students.'), ('Facility', 'The ISQS Department is located on the sixth floor in the Rawls College of Business Administration (RCOBA) building. RCOBA maintains its own computing facility. The University Library has in excess of 1.1 million volumes, extensive periodicals, and document resources. Academic Computing Services (ACS) operates the Advanced Technology Learning Center (ATLC), located in the west basement of the library. The leading-edge computing Page 32 Final Project December 9, 2009 technology includes numerous microcomputer laboratories, the ACS VMS cluster, a teleconference room, Help Desk, support equipment, and short-term training courses.'), ('Financial Aid', 'Masters students may apply for scholarships and assistantships. Students who receive a scholarship or an assistantship qualify for in-state tuition.'), ('Transfer Work', 'There is no automatic transfer of credit toward a masters degree, but, in general, work completed in residence at another accredited graduate school may, on the recommendation of the department concerned, be accepted for as much as 6 semester hours toward a masters degree. Exceptions to this rule are granted in the case of the Masters of Engineering degree and in certain other instances upon agreement between the college of the department concerned and the Graduate School. Work completed at another graduate school with a grade less than B will not be accepted. Transfer credit will not alter a student''s grade-point average at Texas Tech.'), ('Grade Requirement', 'For the masters degree, the minimum requirement for graduation is an average of 3.0 in the major subject and an overall average of 3.0 in all courses, exclusive of the thesis, comprising the official program for the degree. Individual departments or colleges may have higher standards.'), ('Time Limit', 'With few exceptions work credited toward a masters degree must be completed within six years. Students whose graduate study here is interrupted by military service will be granted an extension of time for the period of their military duty, not exceeding five years.'), ('Financial Aid', 'Most Ph.D. students are offered research or teaching assistantships (TA). Most of these positions involve 20 hours of service per week teaching undergraduate courses in the student''s area of doctoral study. The stipend for a TA is currently about $16,391 for ten and one-half months of service. The amount of the stipend raises annually. An out-of-state resident who receives an assistantship qualifies for in-state tuition.\r\n'); -- SQL Code to populate the Groups Table INSERT INTO Groups (GroupName) VALUES ('Administrators'), ('Moderators'); -- SQL Code to populate the People Table INSERT INTO People (PersonPrefix, PersonFirstName, PersonLastName, PersonOffice, PersonEmail, PersonPhone, PersonWebsite, PersonDisplay, UserActive) VALUES ('Dr', 'Jeff', 'Baker', '615', '', '8067423547', '', 1, 0), ('Dr', 'Ronald', 'Bremer', '611', '', '8067422170', '', 1, 0), ('Ms', 'Patricia', 'Brown', '606', '', '8067421539', '', 1, 0), ('Dr', 'James', 'Burns', '714', '', '8067421547', '', 1, 0), ('Dr', 'Qing', 'Cao', '710', '', '8067423919', '', 1, 0), ('Dr', 'W', 'Conover', '603', '', '8067421546', '', 1, 0), ('Dr', 'Frank', 'Delgadillo', '504', '', '8067422460', '', 1, 0), ('Dr', 'John', 'Durrett', '607', '', '8067422994', '', 1, 0), Page 33 Final Project December 9, 2009 ('Dr', 'Bradley', 'Ewing', '615', '', '8067423939', '', 1, 0), ('Mr', 'Phil', 'Flamm', '506', '', '8067422190', '', 1, 0), ('Dr', 'Terri', 'Giddens', '610', '', '8067421048', '', 1, 0), ('Mr', 'Naveen', 'Gudigantala', '612', '', '8067421927', '', 1, 0), ('Dr', 'Jim', 'Hoffman', '614', '', '8067424004', '', 1, 0), ('Dr', 'Donald', 'Jones', '506', '', '8067421988', '', 1, 0), ('Mr', 'Lowell', 'Lay', '608', '', '8067421538', '', 1, 0), ('Dr', 'Zhangxi', 'Lin', '708', '', '8067421926', '', 1, 0), ('Dr', 'Jaeki', 'Song', '712', '', '8067428036', '', 1, 0), ('Dr', 'Eric', 'Walden', '716', '', '8067421925', '', 1, 0), ('Dr', 'Peter', 'Westfall', '703', '', '8067422174', '', 1, 0), ('Dr', 'James', 'Wetherbe', '164', '', '5052509999', '', 1, 0), ('Dr', 'Surya', 'Yadav', '706', '', '8067422165', '', 1, 0), ('Ms', 'Pam', 'Knighten-Jones', '', '', '8067423192', '', 1, 0), ('Mr', 'Jeff', 'Morris', '', '', '2149081091', '', 0, 0); -- SQL Code to populate the Permissions Table INSERT INTO [Permissions] (PerAction) VALUES ('*'); -- SQL Code to populate the Levels Table INSERT INTO Levels (LevelName, LevelOrder) VALUES ('Undergraduate', 1), ('Graduate', 2), ('Doctorate', 3); -- SQL Code to populate the Degrees Table INSERT INTO [Degrees] (LevelID, DegreeAbbrev, DegreeName) VALUES (1, 'BBA', 'Bachelor of Business Administration'), (2, 'MSBA', 'Master of Science in Business Administration'), (2, 'MBA', 'Master of Business Administration'), (3, 'Ph.D.', 'Doctor of Philosophy'); -- SQL Code to populate the Programs Table INSERT INTO Programs (DegreeID, ProgramTitle, ProgramDescLess, ProgramDescMore) VALUES (1, 'BBA in MIS', 'Texas Tech''s Management Information Systems (MIS) undergraduate program is designed to educate future information systems professionals and managers. This program prepares students to take the challenge of adopting and utilizing state-of-the-art MIS technology in their professional lives.', 'Texas Tech''s Management Information Systems (MIS) undergraduate program is designed to educate future information systems professionals and managers. This program is interdisciplinary in nature with Page 34 Final Project December 9, 2009 specialized training in information systems and management. It builds on the College of Business Administration''s common core which includes course work in accounting, economics, business law, mathematics, statistics, computer programming, finance, marketing, production, and management. The common core is normally completed before taking coursework in the MIS program.'), (2, 'MS in MIS', 'The purpose of the Master of Science in Management Information Systems program is to prepare students with the necessary knowledge in information technology for industry.', ' \r\n The purpose of the Master of Science in Management Information Systems program is to prepare students with the necessary knowledge in information technology for industry. This program focuses on:\r\n <br />\r\n <ul> \r\n <li> \r\n Systems Development \r\n </li> \r\n <li> \r\n Enterprise information system integration \r\n </li> \r\n <li> \r\n Data warehousing and business intelligence \r\n </li> \r\n <li> \r\n Business data analytics \r\n </li> \r\n <li> \r\n Data Mining applications with the state of art tools such as SAS and SQL BI Services \r\n </li> \r\n <li> \r\n Optimum decision making \r\n </li> \r\n <li> \r\n Internet and Electronic Commerce\r\n </li> \r\n </ul> '), (2, 'MS in Business Statistics', 'The purpose of the Master of Science in Business Statistics program is to give students the necessary quantitative analysis skills for industry. This program provides students with various quantitative skills, equipping them to perform various functions in industries.', 'The purpose of the Master of Science in Business Statistics program is to prepare students with the necessary quantitative analysis skills for industry. The scientific methods of statistics play an increasingly important role in managerial analysis and decision-making under conditions of risk and uncertainty. They are used to describe data and make decisions and predictions in every functional area of business -- from strategic forecasting, research, and long-range planning, to auditing and control.'), (2, 'MS in Production and Operations Management', 'The purpose of the Master of Science in Production & Operations Management program is to prepare students with the necessary Production and Operations Management skills for the industry.', 'The purpose of the Master of Science in Production & Operations Management is to prepare students with the necessary production an operations management skills for industry.'), (3, 'MBA with Concentration in MIS', 'The purpose of the Master of Business Administration program in Management Information Systems is to prepare students with knowledge of business functions as well as the necessary information technology for industry.', ' The area of ISQS offers a Master of Science in Management Information Systems in two formats. The traditional MS in MIS program is designed to prepare students for positions in the information technology industry. This program focuses on systems development (including database and analysis and design of systems), networking, and management of information systems. Courses in electronic commerce, data mining and data warehousing, IS strategy, and many other area of information systems are also offered.\r\n</p> \r\n<p> \r\n \r\n The Executive MSBA-MIS is designed for working IT professionals. Complete details on this program are available at <a href="" class="external"></a>.'), Page 35 Final Project December 9, 2009 (4, 'Ph.D. in MIS', 'The purpose of the Ph.D. program in MIS at Texas Tech is to prepare students with the necessary skills for academics and research in the field of MIS. The MIS doctoral degree plan is carefully designed to provide the theoretical and methodological bases for advancing the state of knowledge in MIS.', 'The Ph.D. in MIS program''s objective is to provide students with the necessary skills for academics and research oriented careers in information systems. The degree program is carefully designed to provide a theoretical basis for advancing the state of knowledge in MIS.'), (4, 'Ph.D. in Business Statistics', 'The purpose of the Ph.D. program in Business Statistics is to prepare students with the necessary skills for academics and research in the field of Business Statistics. The Business Statistics doctoral degree plan is carefully designed to provide a theoretical basis for advancing the state of knowledge in Business Statistics.', 'The scientific methods of statistics play an increasingly important role in managerial analysis and decision-making under conditions of risk and uncertainty. They are used to describe data and make decisions and predictions in every functional area of business from strategic forecasting, research, and long-range planning, to auditing and control. A Ph.D. in Business Statistics from the Jerry S. Rawls College of Business Administration will give you advanced analytic skills, in addition to core business knowledge, needed to teach in the university environment or to operate as a competent analyst in today’s business world. This program has been designed to train students to develop and apply modern statistical techniques. Foundational courses include mathematical statistics, probability, statistical computing, and linear models; additional applied courses such as Six Sigma and Data and Text Mining give students the tools needed for success, whether in the academic or industry sectors of business.'), (4, 'Ph.D. in Production and Operations Management', 'The purpose of the Ph.D. program in POM is to prepare students with the necessary skills for academics and research in the field of POM. The POM doctoral degree plan is carefully designed to provide a theoretical basis for advancing the state of knowledge in Production and Operations Management.', 'The purpose of the Ph.D. in POM program is to prepare students with the necessary skills for academics and research in the field of POM. The POM doctoral student degree plan is carefully designed to provide a theoretical basis for advancing the state of knowledge in Production and Operations Management. Students are encouraged to pursue advanced studies in POM, as well as one research method seminar course. More advanced, specialized courses make up the balance of the POM doctoral program requirements.'); -- SQL Code to populate the Concentrations Table INSERT INTO Concentrations(ProgramID,ConName) VALUES (1,'Web Application Design'); -- SQL Code to populate the Curriculums Table INSERT INTO Curriculums (ConID, CurrTitle, CurrDesc, CurrDocLocation) VALUES (1, 'Course Structure', 'The MIS undergraduate program is comprised of both lower and upper division requirements. The lower division requirements can be found in the Texas Tech Undergraduate Catalog. The upper division requirements are as follows.', ''); -- SQL Code to populate the Divisions Table INSERT INTO Divisions (CurrID, DivTitle, DivSubTitle, DivOrder, DivBody) VALUES Page 36 Final Project December 9, 2009 (1, 'UPPER DIVISION CORE', '18 HOURS – MINIMUM GRADES OF C ARE REQUIRED.', 1, ''), (1, 'MAJOR COURSES', '27 HOURS – MINIMUM GRADES OF C ARE REQUIRED', 2, ''), (1, 'UPPER LEVEL ECONOMICS OR COMPUTER SCIENCE REQ', '3 HOURS – MINIMUM GRADE OF C IS REQUIRED.', 3, 'Select any junior- or senior-level Economics course except ECO 3323 and ECO 4332, or any junior- or senior-level Computer Science course. Students interested in the\r\nAccelerated Program are advised to take an Economics course.'), (1, 'RESTRICTED ELECTIVES', '6 HOURS − MINIMUM GRADE OF C IS REQUIRED.', 4, ''), (1, 'NON-BUSINESS / NON-ECONOMICS ELECTIVES', '6 HOURS OR ENOUGH TO COMPLETE THE 120-HOUR REQUIREMENT – MINIMUM GRADES OF D ARE REQUIRED.', 6, 'Six hours of non-Business/non-Economics electives are needed to have the 50% required by AACSB accreditation standards. These courses are eligible for the pass/fail\r\noption provided they are not major courses.'), (1, 'RESTRICTED ELECTIVES', '6 HOURS − MINIMUM GRADE OF C IS REQUIRED.', 5, 'Choose one from the following:'); -- SQL Code to populate the Positions Table INSERT INTO Positions (PosName, ClassID) VALUES ('Area Coordinator', 1), ('Professors', 1), ('Associate Professors', 1), ('Assistant Professors', 1), ('Visiting Professor', 1), ('Lecturers', 1), ('Senior Business Assistant', 2), ('Ph.D. Student', 3); -- SQL Code to populate the Admissions_Programs Table INSERT INTO Admissions_Programs (AdmID, ProgramID) VALUES (1,1), (2,1), (3,2), (3,3), (3,4), (4,2), (4,3), (4,4), (3,5), (4,5), (4,6), (4,7), (4,8), (5,6), (5,7), (5,8); -- SQL Code to populate the Advisors Table INSERT INTO Advisors (ProgramID, PersonID) VALUES (1, 8), (2, 21), (3, 19), (4, 4), (5, 21), (6, 14), Page 37 Final Project December 9, 2009 (7, 19), (8, 4); -- SQL Code to populate the Requirements Table INSERT INTO Requirements (DivID, CourseID) VALUES (1, 1), (1, 2), (1, 4), (1, 5), (1, 6), (2, 7), (2, 8), (2, 9), (2, 10), (2, 11), (2, 12), (2, 13), (2, 14), (2, 15), (4, 16), (6, 17), (6, 18), (6, 19), (1, 3); -- SQL Code to populate the Descriptions_Levels Table INSERT INTO Descriptions_Levels (DescID, LevelID) VALUES (1, 1), (2, 1), (3, 1), (5, 2), (6, 2), (7, 2), (8, 2), (4, 2), (4, 3), (9, 3); -- SQL Code to populate the Groups_Permissions Table INSERT INTO Groups_Permissions (GroupID, PerID) VALUES (1, 1); -- SQL Code to populate the Groups_People Table INSERT INTO Groups_People (GroupID, PersonID) VALUES (1, 23); -- SQL Code to populate the People_Positions Table INSERT INTO People_Positions (PersonID, PosID) VALUES (9, 1), (6, 2), (13, 2), (20, 2), (2, 3), (16, 3), (17, 3), (5, 3), Page 38 Final Project December 9, 2009 (7, 4), (18, 4), (1, 5), (11, 5), (3, 6), (10, 6), (12, 6), (12, 8), (15, 6), (14, 3), (4, 2), (19, 2), (21, 2), (8, 3), (22, 7); Page 39 Final Project December 9, 2009 Stored Procedures We will create 17 stored procedures, one for each of the following queries: Query 1 Query #1: Who are the faculty members for the ISQS Department? We will create a stored procedure called GetPeopleByClassID which will list all of the faculty members of the ISQS Department. Stored Procedure SQL CREATE PROCEDURE GetPeopleByClassID @ClassID INT AS BEGIN SELECT personprefix,personfirstname,personlastname FROM people INNER JOIN people_positions pp ON pp.personid = people.personid INNER JOIN positions pos ON pos.posid = pp.posid WHERE classid = @ClassID END Stored Procedure Output EXEC GetPeopleByClassID 1 Page 40 Final Project December 9, 2009 Query 2 Query #2: What programs does a faculty member advise? We will create a stored procedure called GetProgAdvisoredByPersonID will list what programs a particular faculty member advises. Stored Procedure SQL CREATE PROCEDURE GetProgAdvisoredByPersonID @PersonID INT AS BEGIN SELECT programtitle FROM programs prog INNER JOIN advisors ON advisors.programid = prog.programid WHERE advisors.personid = 4 END Stored Procedure Output EXEC GetProgAdvisoredByPersonID 4 Page 41 Final Project December 9, 2009 Query 3 Query #3: What are the required courses to complete a given program? We will create a stored procedure called GetCoursesByProgramID will get all of the required courses to complete a given program. Stored Procedure SQL CREATE PROCEDURE GetCoursesByProgramID @ProgramID INT AS BEGIN SELECT coursesubject,coursecallnumber,coursename FROM courses INNER JOIN Requirements cc ON cc.courseid = courses.courseid INNER JOIN Divisions cat ON cat.DivID = cc.DivID INNER JOIN curriculums curr ON cat.currid = curr.currid INNER JOIN concentrations con ON con.conid = curr.conid WHERE con.programid = @ProgramID END Stored Procedure Output EXEC GetCoursesByProgramID 1 Page 42 Final Project December 9, 2009 Query 4 Query #4: What programs are offered for a particular degree (BBA, MBA, Ph. D)? We will create a stored procedure called GetProgramsByDegreeID will list all of the programs offered for a particular degree. Stored Procedure SQL CREATE PROCEDURE GetProgramsByDegreeID @DegreeID INT AS BEGIN SELECT programtitle FROM programs WHERE degreeid = @DegreeID END Stored Procedure Output EXEC GetProgramsByDegreeID 1 Page 43 Final Project December 9, 2009 Query 5 Query #5: What are the admission requirements for a given program? We will create a stored procedure called GetAdmissionsByProgramID which will list all of the admissions requirements for a particular program. Stored Procedure SQL CREATE PROCEDURE GetAdmissionsByProgramID @ProgramID INT AS BEGIN SELECT admtitle,admbody FROM admissions adm INNER JOIN admissions_programs ap ON ap.admid = adm.admid INNER JOIN programs ON programs.programid = ap.programid WHERE programs.programid = @ProgramID END Stored Procedure Output EXEC GetAdmissionsByProgramID 1 Page 44 Final Project December 9, 2009 Query 6 Query #6: What is the description of a given program? We will create a stored procedure called GetDescriptionsByProgramID which will list all of the descriptions of a particular program. Stored Procedure SQL CREATE PROCEDURE GetDescriptionsByProgramID @ProgramID INT AS BEGIN SELECT desctitle,descbody FROM descriptions des INNER JOIN descriptions_levels dl ON dl.descid = des.descid INNER JOIN levels l ON l.levelid = dl.levelid INNER JOIN [Degrees] deg ON deg.levelid = l.levelid INNER JOIN programs prog ON prog.degreeid = deg.degreeid WHERE prog.programid = @ProgramID END Stored Procedure Output EXEC GetDescriptionsByProgramID 1 Page 45 Final Project December 9, 2009 Query 7 Query #7: What people have permission to modify the content? We will create a stored procedure called GetPeoplePermissions which will list all the people who have permission to modify content. Stored Procedure SQL CREATE PROCEDURE GetPeoplePermissions AS BEGIN SELECT personprefix,personfirstname,personlastname FROM people INNER JOIN groups_people g_people ON g_people.personid = people.personid INNER JOIN groups_permissions g_per ON g_per.groupid = g_people.groupid INNER JOIN [Permissions] per ON per.perid = g_per.perid END Stored Procedure Output EXEC GetPeoplePermissions Page 46 Final Project December 9, 2009 Query 8 Query #8: What are the permissions for a given person? We will create a stored procedure called GetPermissionsByPersonID which will list all the permissions for a particular person. Stored Procedure SQL CREATE PROCEDURE GetPermissionsByPersonID @PersonID INT AS BEGIN SELECT peraction FROM [Permissions] per INNER JOIN groups_permissions gper ON gper.perid = per.perid INNER JOIN groups_people gp ON gp.groupid = gper.groupid WHERE gp.personid = @PersonID END Stored Procedure Output EXEC GetPermissionsByPersonID 23 Page 47 Final Project December 9, 2009 Query 9 Query #9: What is the classification of a given person. We will create a stored procedure called GetClassificaitonByPersonID which will list the classification for a particular person. Stored Procedure SQL CREATE PROCEDURE GetClassificaitonByPersonID @PersonID INT AS BEGIN SELECT classname FROM classifications class INNER JOIN positions pos ON pos.classid = class.classid INNER JOIN people_positions pp ON pp.posid = pos.posid WHERE pp.personid = @PersonID END Stored Procedure Output EXEC GetClassificaitonByPersonID 1 Page 48 Final Project December 9, 2009 Query 10 Query #10: What courses are needed for a specific concentration? We will create a stored procedure called GetCoursesByConID which will list all the courses required for a particular concentration. Stored Procedure SQL CREATE PROCEDURE GetCoursesByConID @ConID INT AS BEGIN SELECT coursesubject,coursecallnumber,coursename FROM courses INNER JOIN Requirements cc ON cc.courseid = courses.courseid INNER JOIN Divisions cat ON cat.DivID = cc.DivID INNER JOIN curriculums curr ON cat.currid = curr.currid INNER JOIN concentrations con ON con.conid = curr.conid WHERE con.conid = @ConID END Stored Procedure Output EXEC GetCoursesByConID 1 Page 49 Final Project December 9, 2009 Query 11 Query #11: What are the admissions requirements for a given level? We will create a stored procedure called GetAdmissionsByLevelID which will list all the admissions requirements for a particular level. Stored Procedure SQL CREATE PROCEDURE GetAdmissionsByLevelID @LevelID INT AS BEGIN SELECT admtitle,admbody FROM admissions adm INNER JOIN admissions_programs ap ON ap.admid = adm.admid INNER JOIN programs prog ON prog.programid = ap.programid INNER JOIN [Degrees] deg ON deg.degreeid = prog.degreeid WHERE deg.levelid = @LevelID END Stored Procedure Output EXEC GetAdmissionsByLevelID 1 Page 50 Final Project December 9, 2009 Query 12 Query #12: What courses are available for a degree? We will create a stored procedure called GetCoursesByDegreeID which will list all the courses offered for a particular degree. Stored Procedure SQL CREATE PROCEDURE GetCoursesByDegreeID @DegreeID INT AS BEGIN SELECT coursesubject,coursecallnumber,coursename FROM courses INNER JOIN Requirements cc ON cc.courseid = courses.courseid INNER JOIN Divisions cat ON cat.DivID = cc.DivID INNER JOIN curriculums curr ON cat.currid = curr.currid INNER JOIN concentrations con ON con.conid = curr.conid INNER JOIN programs prog ON prog.programid = con.programid WHERE prog.degreeid = @DegreeID END Stored Procedure Output EXEC GetCoursesByDegreeID 1 Page 51 Final Project December 9, 2009 Query 13 Query #13: Which positions advise undergraduate degrees? We will create a stored procedure called GetAdvisorPositionsByLevelID which will list all the positions that advise a particular level. Stored Procedure SQL CREATE PROCEDURE GetAdvisorPositionsByLevelID @LevelID INT AS BEGIN SELECT DISTINCT (posname) FROM positions pos INNER JOIN people_positions pp ON pp.posid = pos.posid INNER JOIN advisors adv ON adv.personid = pp.personid INNER JOIN programs prog ON prog.programid = adv.programid INNER JOIN [Degrees] deg ON deg.degreeid = prog.degreeid WHERE deg.levelid = @LevelID END Stored Procedure Output EXEC GetAdvisorPositionsByLevelID 2 Page 52 Final Project December 9, 2009 Query 14 Query #14: What is the description of a specific concentration? We will create a stored procedure called GetDescriptionsByConID which will list all the descriptions of a particular concentration. Stored Procedure SQL CREATE PROCEDURE GetDescriptionsByConID @ConID INT AS BEGIN SELECT desctitle,descbody FROM descriptions des INNER JOIN descriptions_levels dl ON dl.descid = des.descid INNER JOIN [Degrees] deg ON deg.levelid = dl.levelid INNER JOIN programs prog ON prog.degreeid = deg.degreeid INNER JOIN concentrations con ON con.programid = prog.programid WHERE con.conid = @ConID END Stored Procedure Output EXEC GetDescriptionsByConID 1 Page 53 Final Project December 9, 2009 Query 15 Query #15: What Divisions does a course fall under? We will create a stored procedure called GetDivisionsByCourseID which will list all the various Divisions a particular course is listed under. Stored Procedure SQL CREATE PROCEDURE GetDivisionsByCourseID @CourseID INT AS BEGIN SELECT DISTINCT (DivTitle) FROM Divisions cat INNER JOIN Requirements cc ON cc.DivID = cat.DivID WHERE cc.courseid = @CourseID END Stored Procedure Output EXEC GetDivisionsByCourseID 1 Page 54 Final Project December 9, 2009 Query 16 Query #16: What level is a program associated with? We will create a stored procedure called GetLevelByProgramID which will list the level a particular program is associated with. Stored Procedure SQL CREATE PROCEDURE GetLevelByProgramID @ProgramID INT AS BEGIN SELECT levelname FROM levels lvl INNER JOIN [Degrees] deg ON deg.levelid = lvl.levelid INNER JOIN programs prog ON prog.degreeid = deg.degreeid WHERE prog.programid = @ProgramID END Stored Procedure Output EXEC GetLevelByProgramID 1 Page 55 Final Project December 9, 2009 Query 17 Query #17: What group has a specific permission? We will create a stored procedure called GetGroupsByPerID which will list all the permissions for a particular group. Stored Procedure SQL CREATE PROCEDURE GetGroupsByPerID @PerID INT AS BEGIN SELECT DISTINCT (groupname) FROM groups INNER JOIN groups_permissions gp ON gp.groupid = groups.groupid INNER JOIN [Permissions] per ON per.perid = gp.perid WHERE per.perid = @PerID END Stored Procedure Output EXEC GetGroupsByPerId 1 Page 56 Final Project December 9, 2009 Implementation Administrator Splash Screen The first page that a user will see in regards to the Administrator Panel is the Splash Screen, or landing page. The purpose of this screen is to provide a title for the system the user is about to utilize, a description of the system and how to get started using the system. Lastly, the header verifies for the user that the application is related to Texas Tech University and the footer designates what department maintains the application. In essence, this screen provides everything the user needs to know about the application they are going to use. Page 57 Final Project December 9, 2009 Listing The listing page is created for each object in the database. The sole purpose of this page is to show an at-a-glance view of all the data in a given table. For each row in the table, you can then select to view, edit or delete that object from the table. Page 58 Final Project December 9, 2009 Create The create page, also sometimes referred to as the “add” page by some administrator panel, is the way in which a user can add a row to the given table. However, this makes it much easier and more accurate to maintain referential integrity. As you can see in the screenshot, there is an input field for each column in the table, and a multi-select box for each foreign key. This makes it easy to add “relationships” against tables that have many-to-many multiplicity. Page 59 Final Project December 9, 2009 Update The update page is how a user will make changes to the data in a given table safely. This page is very similar to the create page, except the information will automatically be filled in for the specified record, so it is easy to modify existing information. Page 60 Final Project December 9, 2009 View The view page is how a user will see all the information related to a specified row in the given table. While the listing page shows an at-a-glance view, some data must be left off from this page due to space constraints. The view page will show all the information. In addition to showing the information on that record, it will also show any related information to that row. For example, in the Person’s view, it might show what positions they hold or what program they are an advisor for. Page 61 Final Project December 9, 2009 User Home Page The first page of our website is the standard static home page. This page allows the user to read an overview on of the ISQS department, or choose a link regarding Faculty (Faculty Directory or Contacts), Programs (BBA in MIS, MS in MIS, MBA in MIS or Ph. D. in MIS) or Scholarships (Undergraduate, Graduate, Ph. D., or Financial Aid). Page 62 Final Project December 9, 2009 Programs The Programs screen allows the user to view Description, Admission, Curriculum and Advisor information about each program that the ISQS department offers. These programs are: BBA in MIS, MS in MIS, MS in Business Statistics, MS in Production and Operations Management, MBA with Concentration in MIS, Ph. D. in MIS, PH. D. in Business Statistics and PH. D. in Production and Operations Management. The Advisor link on the Programs page takes the user to the Contacts page, which will be discussed later. Page 63 Final Project December 9, 2009 Descriptions The description link under each program will take the user to a dynamic page that describes what that particular program is comprised of, including an Introduction, Educational Objectives, Career Opportunities and Scholarship information. The information provided in these pages will be dependent upon the information inputted into the database in the admin section. Page 64 Final Project December 9, 2009 Admissions The admission link on the program page will take the user to another dynamic page where the application information and first time admission criteria can be pulled from the admin database for any particular program. Page 65 Final Project December 9, 2009 Curriculums The curriculum link on the program page will take the user to a dynamic page where course structure information and necessary courses can be pulled from the admin database for any particular program. Page 66 Final Project December 9, 2009 Faculty & Staff The Faculty & Staff link takes the user to a dynamic page where each professor, lecturer, etc. is listed according to their category. Each person’s name is a link that will take the user to the selected person’s home page. Page 67 Final Project December 9, 2009 Courses The Courses link will take the user to a dynamic page where the courses available in ISQS will be listed. The page will also provide a link to the Texas Tech official catalog in case the user is looking for information on a course that happens not to be an ISQS course. Page 68 Final Project December 9, 2009 Resources Overview The Resources Overview link takes the user to a static page where the user can select many different links. The prospective students, current students, undergrad students, graduate students and Ph. D. students links take the user to static pages which list each person in each category, while the career center, university calendar, AITP, BGSS and BACS links take the user to various different websites to find the information he or she desires. Page 69 Final Project December 9, 2009 Current Students In the Current Students link, the user is taken to a static page whereby he or she can choose to look up current students according to their degree level, can view degree plans, or can choose links to various career options. Page 70 Final Project December 9, 2009 Prospective Students The Prospective Students section of the Resources link takes the user to another static page where he or she can find links to admission requirements, links to applications for various programs and financial aid and contact information for the undergrad and graduate offices. Page 71 Final Project December 9, 2009 Scholarship The Scholarship portion of the Resources link takes the user to a static page where information about financial aid is available. Multiple departmental scholarships, scholarships by academic level and information about teaching and research assistantships can be found here. Page 72 Final Project December 9, 2009 Contacts The Contacts page is a dynamic page that lists contact information for advisors in each area. Page 73 Final Project December 9, 2009 About ISQS The About ISQS page is a static page that relays information about the ISQS division, including vision, missions, objectives and location. Page 74 Final Project December 9, 2009 User Manual Introduction The ISQS Website Database was designed with ease of use in mind. Any teacher, instructor, doctor or PH. D. student can now easily change aspects of his or her area of expertise with great ease by simply logging into an account and altering the database with updated data. This will allow the information displayed on the ISQS website to be current at all times and eliminate the need for administrators to put in a request to the webmaster to change information that is hard-coded in. Features and Exclusions The ISQS Website Database will store all information pertinent to the design of the ISQS webpage. It will hold information regarding a person’s name, the permissions a person is granted, a person’s classification and title, and the program or programs a person is associated with. It will sufficiently link together information regarding degrees, programs, descriptions, courses, course divisions and curriculums in addition to concentrations that a program may be available in. The database will not hold information about students enrolled in a particular program. It will not hold information about program costs or fees and will also not hold grades for teachers. The database holds only that information that is to be displayed publicly on the ISQS website. Getting Started The first screen a user will encounter is the splash screen created for all Texas Tech Applications. It contains information about the ISQS area of the college, and serves as a starting point. After clicking the “start here” link, the user will be taken to the account log in screen. Accounts This manual assumes that the ISQS Website Database has already been loaded into your system and is operational. Your system administrator should create an account for you and assign corresponding permissions to allow you to log onto the database user interface screen. If an account has not been created for you and you feel you should be able to edit the ISQS website, please see your system administrator. Page 75 Final Project December 9, 2009 Permissions Once an account has been created for you, you will be able to log in using your eRaider user name and password and begin editing the appropriate information pertaining to the course(s), program(s) and various other aspects of the website that you are associated with. If you are not able to edit an appropriate portion of the database, please see your system administrator about changing your permissions. Using the Database Standard Information Page Once the user has entered a valid eRaider username and password, a standard information page will be displayed. Along the left side of the page will be a link to the different aspects of the webpage that the user can alter depending on his or her permissions. These include: Admissions – Use this page to edit information regarding admissions, including application information, first time freshman admission information and contact information for the department. Categories – Use this page to edit the categories a course may fall under, such as upper division core and restricted electives. Classifications – Use this page to edit the classification of a person, such as Ph. D. student, staff or faculty. Courses – Use this page to edit information about specific courses, including call numbers and titles Curriculums – Use this page to edit the structure of a program. Degrees – Use this page to edit or add any new degrees offered, or delete degrees no longer being offered. Descriptions – Use this page to edit description information regarding miscellaneous areas, for example: educational objectives, scholarship information and financial aid information. Groups – The system administrator will use this page to assign users to groups according to their determined access level. Levels – Use this page to edit, add or delete levels such as undergrad and graduate. People – Use this page to add, edit or delete people who are associated with the ISQS program. Permissions – The system administrator will use this page to determine what a specific user can and cannot alter using the ISQS website database. Positions – Use this page to edit information regarding a person’s position, such as area coordinator or visiting professor. Programs – Use this page to edit information regarding programs, such as the program’s title. Users – The system administrator will use this page to list users that are able to access and edit the database. Page 76 Final Project December 9, 2009 Editing Information On each standard information page, the default view will be to list all rows entered into the database for the table requested. In order to edit one of these objects, simply select the edit link from the right hand side of the row you wish to alter. The user will then be taken to a page where all information which can be changed will be displayed in an editable field. Once the information has been updated, press the submit button and the changes will be saved. If changes are made to a row and the submit button is not pressed, the information will not save to the system! To delete a row, select the delete link. When a row is selected for deletion, a window will be displayed confirming the user’s desire to delete the selected row. If the row should be deleted, select “OK” on the pop up prompt. If a mistake has been made, select “Cancel”. To add a new row to any table, select the “new” link on any table. Page 77 Final Project December 9, 2009 Conclusion The ISQS Website Database will change the way the ISQS Website is used on a day-to-day basis. The information will now always be up-to-date and viewers will not have to wonder if the information they are receiving is actually relevant or not. In addition, instructors and advisors will actually be able to refer students to the ISQS website, rather than ashamedly trying to distance themselves from the archaic website of the past. The previous website was an embarrassment to the department and the university; the department finally has a website it can be proud of. With every project, come new experiences and lessons learned. Below are some of the lessons we discovered while working on this project: 1) Do not be rigid as far as your database schema goes. The schema can change two to three times during the course of a project. 2) Do not procrastinate. Getting work done early allows team members to comb through work to find errors. 3) If you have an opportunity to choose your team members, make sure you are familiar with them and know their work habits. 4) There is more than one correct answer when designing a database. The key is to find the answer that will be optimal for the system you are building. Page 78