Lesson Plans Third Nine Weeks 2009-10

Lesson Plans
Third Nine Weeks
Jan Bennitt
Thursday, January 7, 2010
Beethoven for your listening pleasure!
 Periods 1,2, and 5
Return Papers
Review Exam
Figurative Language Pre-Test
 Period 3:
Lunch Procedure
Explore Fairy Tales “The Tinder
1st: 9:42-10:31
2nd: 10:35-11:23
Friday, January 8, 2010
 Periods 1,2, and 5
Finish reviewing the semester
The Rise of Empires pages
Sentence Variation Fact Sheet
New York Times Upfront: Read
pages 3-5 and 28-31
 Period Three:
Finish “The Tinder Box”
Develop a definition for a fairy
Compare a “fairy tale” to a
myth, legend, and fantasy
Begin the Figurative Language
Monday, January 11, 2010
 Periods 1,2, and 5:
 New York Times
Upfront: Read pages 35 and 28-31
 Complete “The Rise of
Empires” pages 234238
 Begin “The Cop and
the Anthem”
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
 Period 1,2, and 5:
 Return papers
 Clear folder
 Complete “The Cop
and the Anthem” and
“The Raffle Book”
 Punctuation Video
 Sentence Variation Fact
 Punctuation PowerPoint
 Punctuation Practice
 Period Three
 Hans Christian Anderson
Video: Segment #1
 Hans Christian Anderson
 Thumbelina
 Fairy Tale must be in
class tomorrow
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
 Period 1,2, and 5:
 Return papers
 Clear folder
 Review “The Cop
and the Anthem”
and “The Raffle
 Begin Figurative
Language PreTest
 Period Three
 Hans Christian Anderson
 Thumbelina
 Create Fairy Tale Plot
Thursday, January 14, 2010
Report Cards (See Bell Schedule on next slide)
 Go over Figurative
Language Pre-Test
Part I; Do Part II
 Punctuation Video
 Punctuation
 Sentence Variation
Fact Sheet
 Punctuation
 Period Three:
 Finish Thumbelina: Create
Plot Chart
 Hans Christian Anderson
Video: Part II
 Read Hans Christian
Anderson Biography
 Create plot chart for your
favorite fairy tale
Thursday Bell Schedule
 9:30 Homeroom—distribute report cards—report cards are in
homeroom teacher boxes.
9:38 exit homeroom
9:42 Begin 1st period
10:31 End 1st period
10:35 Begin 2nd period
11:23 End 2nd period
Friday, January 15, 2010
No School on Monday
 Commemorate Dr. Martin Luther
King: Reading Selection: “Letter
from the Birmingham Jail”
 Finish Figurative Language
Lesson; take post-test
 Period Three:
 Finish Thumbelina: Create Plot
 Hans Christian Anderson Video:
Part II
 Read Hans Christian Anderson
 Create plot chart for your favorite
fairy tale
 Begin Fairy Tale Movie Poster
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
 PowerPoint and handout: Nuts
and Bolts of Writing: Sentence
Combining Fact Sheet
 Sentence Combining and
punctuation practice: “Ten girls
tried out…” and “I worked out at
the gym…”
 Upfront: “Locked Away Forever”
Crime and Punishment
 Sixth Grade Reading:
Thumbelina Plot Chart
 Chart Your Fairy Tale
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Punctuation Practice: “I worked out
at the gym…”
“Upfront “Locked Up Forever”
Period 1 and 2 :
What is a Utopian Society?
Why is it difficult to create one?
What kind of laws would it have?
Period 5: Does everyone deserve a
fair trial and a competent defense?
Sixth Grade:
Read bio of Hans Christian
Andersen and take notes
Take Part I of the Figurative
Language Pre-Test
Take home the fairy tale to read if
I had to give you one
Have it read for tomorrow!
Thursday, January 21, 2010
Period 1 and 2:
“Effective Leads” PowerPoint
Introduction to Utopia
Free Write: Can there ever be a perfect
Complete Anticipation Guide
Take notes from website
Read Chapter One of The Giver
Period 5
Should juveniles be sentenced to life in
prison without parole?
“Effective Leads” PowerPoint
UpFront: They Sat Down to Stand Up
Finish Figurative Language PreTest
Create a plot chart for your fairy
Read your plot chart to a partner.
“Elements of Fiction” PowerPoint
Homework: Review Figurative
Language Errors for Post-Test
Friday, January 22, 2010
Period 1 and 2:
Grammar Quiz: Science, Music, and Art
“Effective Leads” PowerPoint Per. 2 from
“leads list”
Introduction to Utopia
Complete Anticipation Guide
Take notes from website
Read Chapter One of The Giver
Period 5
Finish PowerPoint and take some notes
Rewrite your lead paragraph
UpFront: They Sat Down to Stand Up
Introduce PBS.org webquest
Take the Figurative Language Test
Finish the plot chart for your fairy tale.
Read your plot chart to a partner.
Take notes on the “Elements of Fiction”
Next Week: Pre-Test and Reading
Center Orientation
Monday, January 25, 2010
Seventh Grade:
“The Badger…” Comma Practice
Finish your description of
characteristics of Utopia
Complete P-Point and re-write
Utopia Essay Lead
Notes on Utopian Societies
Eighth Grade
Return Papers
“The Badger…” Comma Practice
Upfront: “They sat down to stand
Assign research and summary
Issue Books and begin reading
Sixth Grade:
Finish fairy tale plot chart
Take RFU Reading Center PreTest
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
Seventh Grade:
Practice with appositives
Complete Utopia Essay Lead
Finish your description of
characteristics of Utopia
Notes on Utopian Societies
Quotes from Sparta:
“"Add a step forward to it." A
Spartan mother to her son when
he complained his sword was too
Sixth Grade:
Complete RFU Placement Test
Complete fairy tale plot chart
Orientation to RFU
Eighth Grade:
Practice with appositives
Instructions for research
To Kill A Mockingbird page 1
Wednesday, January 27,2010
Quotes from Sparta
"Because we fight close to the
enemy." King Agesilaos when
asked why their swords were so
Catchy, Huh? Let’s look at
some “Little Red Riding
Seventh Grade:
Read about Lycurgus of Sparta
and his dream of a utopian state
Sixth Grade:
Read about Lycurgus of Sparta
and discuss what makes a great
Eighth Grade:
Quotes from Sparta
"Because we fight close to the
enemy." King Agesilaos when
asked why their swords were so
Catchy, Huh? Let’s look at
some “Little Red Riding
To Kill A Mockingbird
Continue Chapter One
Continue Homework research
Thursday, January 28, 2010
Seventh Grade:
NP,app, practice
Finish the reading “Lycurgus, Father of
Writing Assignment::
Eighth Grade
NP,app, practice
Writing Assignment::
Was Sparta an ideal place with perfect
laws, a “Utopia”? Use information from
yesterday’s reading to support your
answer. Write a strong lead. Use these
“Little Red Writing Hooks”.
Sixth Grade:
Finish the reading “Lycurgus, Father of
Writing Assignment:
Was Lycurgus a good king? Use
information from yesterday’s reading
to support your answer. Write a strong
lead. Use these “Little Red Writing
Was Lycurgus a good
king? Use information
from yesterday’s reading
to support your answer.
Write a strong lead. Use
these “Little Red Writing
Continue chapter one of To Kill A
Quotes from Sparta
"Either with it or upon it." Spartan
mothers to their sons in regards
to their shields.
Friday, January 29, 2010
 Quotes fro Sparta:
"Why is it you Spartan women
are the only ones who rule over
your men?" An Athenian
Woman. "Because we are the
only women too who give birth
to real men." a Spartan woman.
 Seventh Grade:
Apposotive Quiz
Utopia Pre-Reading Activities
The Giver Chapter One
 Sixth Grade
Return Papers
RFU Round #1
Gifted Hands: The Ben
Carson Story
 Eighth Grade
Appositive Quiz
To Kill A Mockingbird,
Chapter One
Monday, February 1, 2010
Seventh Grade:
New York Times Upfront:
Write a persuasive essay lead
Utopia Notes
SRA Center Round #1
The Ben Carson Story
Eighth Grade
Free Reading 15 minutes
Writing Workshop: ”Show, don’t tell!”
Debate page 22
New York Times Upfront:
Free Reading 15 minutes
Sixth Grade:
Writing Workshop: ”Show, don’t tell!”
Debate page 22
Write a persuasive essay lead
To Kill A Mockingbird: Chapter One
Timeline Research is due tomorrow,
but the deadline is extended until
Tuesday, 2/2/10
Seventh Grade:
Finish “Show, don’t tell.”
Write lead paragraph: Should we
reinstate the draft?
Grammar Practice: LB,S and ,embed,
“Beause I have branches and
The Giver: Chapter One
Sixth Grade:
Eighth Grade Writing: Show me the
From Slide #5: Show, don’t tell.
Should we reinstate the draft?
Jamestown Reading Center: “Wild
Side: Bizarre Endings” Sample
Grammar Practice: LB,S and ,embed,
“Beause I have branches and leaves…”
Gifted Hands, continue Chapter One
To Kill A Mockingbird Chapter One
Wednesday, 2-3-10
Seventh Grade:
Adverb Clause Practice (Take home
to study for Friday Quiz)
PowerPoint: Effective Conclusions
Continue The Giver
SGA Candy-Grams
Fifty Cents
Before School
At Lunch
Sixth Grade:
RFU Reading Center
Ben Carson
Eighth Grade:
Adverb Clause Practice (Take home
to study for Friday Quiz)
PowerPoint: Effective Conclusions
Continue To Kill A Mockingbird
Thursday, 2-4-10
 Language Arts
Grammar Practice
Persuasive PowerPoint
Write Conclusion to “Draft”
 Eighth Grade: Read Research to
the class
 Sixth Grade: MSS Reading
 Ben Carson
 Seventh Grade:
Persuasive Essay
Subordinate Clause quiz
The Giver: Chapter One
 Eighth Grade:
Turn in late research.
Subordinate Clause Quiz
Review Draft Plan for “Should
America Reinstate the Draft?”
Essay; write the conclusion
Free Reading: New issue of
 Sixth Grade:
RFU Center
Ben Carson
2-8-10 Monday
Seventh Grade: (Note: Period One will
not meet tomorrow because of Writes
Upon Request; You will report directly
to your testing group.
Sentence Rule of the Week: Complex
Sentences and sentence Connectors
Expository Writing PowerPoint
Read In Upfront Magazine
Discuss your reading
Sixth Grade:
SRA Center
Bizarre Endings: Lesson One
Collect Answer Sheet
Collect answer sheet
Eighth Grade
Sentence Rule of the Week: Complex
Sentences and sentence Connectors
Collect Research AssignmentReview
Draft Plan for “Should America
Reinstate the Draft?” Essay; write the
conclusion paragraph.
TKM: Chapter One
 Writes Upon Request First Period
and shortened Second Period.
 Second Period:
Camelot as a Utopian society:
The Sword in the Stone.
 Sixth Grade:
RFU (Collect)
Bizarre Endings Lesson 2:
 Eighth Grade:
Grammar Drill: Adverb Clauses
Jim Crow Stories: Student
To Kill A Mockingbird: Complete
Chapter One
 Seventh Grade:
 Eighth Grade:
Grammar Drill: Adverb Clauses
Collect Jim Crow Research
Utopian Societies
The Giver Chapter Two
To Kill A Mockingbird Chapter
One; Complete Reading
 Sixth Period:
 Disasters Reading Center
 Seventh Grade:
Utopia Notes:
Age of Enlightenment
Gulliver’s Travels
Gulliver’s Travels video
 Sixth Grade:
Multiple Skills Series
Ben Carson
 Eighth Grade:
Chapter One Reading
 Seventh Grade:
 Sixth Grade:
Complex Sentence Quiz
RFU Reading Center
Update Notes: Add notes on
Gulliver’s Travels
The Ben Carson Story
Age of Enlightenment Timeline
The Giver: Chapter One and
Two; Rules and Ceremonies
 Eighth Grade:
No Folders; Just books!
Video: 1931
To Kill A Mockingbird Study
Monday, 2-16-10
I will be out tomorrow; be respectful to your guest teacher,
Mr. Whitlow.
 Seventh Grade:
Second period: adverb clause
New Rule: S;sc,S Practice
The Giver: Read through
Chapter Four
 Sixth Grade:
MSS (Green Answer Sheet)
Bizarre Endings, Lesson Three
Distribute tomorrow’s RFU
 Eighth Grade:
Rules and Ceremonies
Return Research Drafts
New Rule: S;sc,S Practice
Chapter 1-5 Study Guide
To Kill A Mockingbird
Read through Chapter
Wednesday, 2-17-10
 Progress Reports
Return Signed Reports by
 Seventh Grade:
FCAT Review Test
The Giver Chapter 1-5 Study
 Sixth Grade:
RFU Center
Ben Carson
 Eighth Grade:
FCAT Review Test
To Kill A Mockingbird (TKM)
Chapter One Reading
Thursday, 2-18-10
 Seventh Grade:
FCAT Practice Test
Mark the Text
 Sixth Grade:
Disasters Reading Center
 Eighth Grade
FCAT Practice Test
Mark the text.
Friday, 2-19-10
 Seventh Grade:
 Eighth Grade:
Turn in all FCAT Practice Tests
Collect Jim Crow drafts if ready
Quick Write: Sensory Words
and adventure
TKM Chapter 4 and 5
You are listening to 1930’s jazz
from the time of the novel
The Giver Chapters 1-5
Reading and Study Guides
Monday, 2-22-10
 Free Rice.com
 Seventh Grade:
Turn in FCAT Sample Test if
you took it home
The Giver- Chapter 1-5 Study
The Giver “Love” essay
Sharpen Up: Unit 8
 Sixth Grade:
SRA Reading Center
Bizarre Endings Lesson 3
 Eighth Grade
 Catch-Up Day
FCAT Sample Test
TKM Reading #1
Green Bookpages xvi - xvii
Tuesday, 2-23-10
 Seventh Grade:
 Sixth Grade:
Free Rice Vocabulary
The Giver Chapter 1-5
Bizarre Endings Lesson 3
Work with a partner to
finish rules and
ceremonies chart and
reading guide
FCAT Sample Test Intensive
The Giver: Love Essay
 Eighth Grade:
FCAT Sample Test Analysis
Extended Response Re-do
Time is almost up…
Thursday, 2-25-10
 Seventh Grade:
Free Rice
FCAT Sample Test Analysis
 Sixth Grade
Critical Reading Series Lesson
 Eighth Grade:
New York Times Upfront:
Work with a partner to
complete the activities
2-26-10, Friday
 Seventh Grade:
 Eighth Grade:
Free Rice
Free Rice
Disttribute Test Item Analysis
Discuss Upfront Stories
Finish going over the test
To Kill A Mockingbird
Send Test Booklet home
 Sixth Grade:
RFU Reading Center
Ben Carson
 Seventh Grade:
 Sixth Grade:
Collect signed FCAT booklet
SRA Center
Free Rice Grammar and
Bizarre Endings Selection #4
The Giver: Overview of what
will be on the final test
Announce Ch1-5 test on
Free Rice Grammar and
NYTimes Upfront :
Critical Thinking Test Form #3
TKM Chapter One Character
Facebook Article and
graph activity
 Eighth Grade:
Discuss and Collect
 Seventh Grade:
Free Rice
Collect signed FCAT booklets
Sensory words Quick Write
The Future as Utopia: Science
Fiction…The Time Machine
Interpreting a Graph: Internet
Use (complete the activity)
 You’re COOL!
 Sixth Grade:
MSS Reading Center (New
Answer Sheet- Start with Unit
Bizarre Endings Lesson # 4
 Eighth Grade
Free Rice
Sensory Words Quick Write
To Kill A Mockingbird Selected
Seventh Grade:
Sixth Grade:
Return Writes Upon Request
RFU Center (New Answer Sheet)
Descriptive paragraph: Describe
H.G. Well’s city of the future.
Sharpen Up: Inference and
The Giver: Quiz on Chapter 1-5
Upfront: Free Reading
Eighth Grade:
Quick Write: 1930’s Southern
Main Street
Discuss the rest of TKM Chapter
One Reading Responses
Read Chapter 6 and 7
A Southern Main Street 1930’s
 Seventh Grade:
 Complete The Giver Quiz
Interpreting a Graph: Internet Use
(complete the activity)
 Sixth Grade:
Disasters Selection # 4
Sharpen Up:
Critical Thinking Test #3 Questions
 Sharpen Up Unit 8: Author’s
Inference from page 73
Author’s Purpose
 Eighth Grade:
Critical Thinking Test #3
Questions 15-40
Sharpen Up Unit 8: Author’s
 Seventh Grade:
 Sharpen Up: Complete
Author’s Purpose
pages 101-105
 Poetry and Figurative
 Pages 127 130
Sixth Grade:
RFU Reading Center
Sharpen Up: Complete
Inference and Conclusion p7782
Sharpen Up: Poetry and
Figurative Language pages
Eighth Grade:
Sharpen Up: Complete Author’s
Purpose pages 101-105
Review Poetry and Figurative
Language pages 127-130
Seventh Grade:
Sixth Grade:
SRA Reading Center (New Answer
Sharpen Up:
Sharpen Up: Complete Author’s
Purpose pages 101-105
Poetry and Figurative
Pages 127-
Complete Inference and
Conclusion p77-82
Poetry and Figurative Language
pages 127-130
Eighth Grade:
NYTimes Upfront
Complete the graph activity and
reading questions
Sharpen Up:
Complete Author’s Purpose
pages 101-105
Review Poetry and Figurative
Language pages 127-130
Complete TKM Chapter One Reading
NYTimes Upfront
Complete the graph activity and
reading questions
3-09-10 FCAT Schedule
9:30-2:15: Testing Group
2:20-3:00 1st Period: The Time
3:05-3:45 2nd Period: The Time
3-10-10 FCAT Schedule
9:30-2:15: Testing Group
2:20-3:00 5th Period: Work on
timeline display
3:05-3:45 6th Period
Thursday, 3-11-10
 Seventh Grade:
 Eighth Grade
Free Rice
Prepare timeline presentation
Return Papers
Begin sharing
NY Times Upfront: Complete
the articles and discussion
Post as completed
TKM Chapter 8
 Sixth Grade:
Return Papers
Jamestown Series: New Book!
Friday, 3-12-10
Positive people are not afraid of trying difficult tasks. If you only try the easy
problems, you will never know the victory over the hard ones.
Seventh Grade:
Eighth Grade:
Free Rice
Review Quiz
NYTimes: Upfront
Free Speech
The Giver: Chapter 6-7
Chapter 6-9 Reading Guide
Sixth Grade:
Pi Day!!
RFU Center
Gifted Hands: The Ben Carson
Leslie Ceballos: Ku Klux
Klan and the Ratification
ogf the Fourteenth
Tim Durning: The
Enforcement Acts and The
Civil Rights Act of 1875
To Kill A Mockingbird:
Chapter Eight
Answer the following Questions in complete sentences on your own paper:
 What political party did Abraham
Lincoln belong to?
 Why was the Freedman’s Bureau
 What did the radical right-wing of
his party want him to do that he
didn’t want to do?
 How long was it supposed to
 What was an abolitionist?
 Why didn’t President Andrew
Johnson want it to continue?
 In September of 1862, what
option did Lincoln give the
southern states to avoid losing
their slaves?
 Under President Johnson’s plan
for Reconstruction, what did the
southern states have to do to get
back in the Union?
 What was Lincoln’s top priority?
 What would the result have been
if Johnson had gotten his way?
 Why did Lincoln sign the
Emancipation Proclamation in
January of 1863?
 Who did northern voters put in
power in 1866, stopping
Johnson’s power?
Monday, 3-15-10
Happiness is a habit. Practice unhappy attitudes and become an unhappy person.
Don’t talk yourself into being unhappy. Let positive thoughts become your habits!
 Seventh Grade:
Eighth Grade:
Free Rice
Review Notes
The Giver Chapter 8-10
Complete Chapter 6-9
 Introduce SGA Essay Contest
 Sixth Grade:
SRA Center
Ben Carson
Brandon Graham: The
Hayes-Tilden Election
Kaniya Grady: The founding
of the Tuskeegee Institute
TKM: Chapter 8 and 9
Chapter 3-8 Open Book Test
“Democracy has not come easy for United States. A long and deadly civil war can attest to that.
Those who fill military roles believe the values of their country serve to make it a better country.
Many American lives have been affected by the fighting and loss of life in various wars around the
world in the past and today. Their heroism and why they fought for United States must never be
What makes a hero?
One kind of hero is a military hero.
Are there military heroes in your family tree?
A website devoted to the stories of military heroes is http://www.usa-hero.com/military.html.
Read the page for General Benjamin Oliver Davis, Jr. It will give you a good idea of the kinds of information you will want to include
in your essay.
Perhaps your father, brother, aunt, grandparent, cousin, sister, or great-grandparent has an untold story of military service. This is
your chance to write that story.
Research that family hero. Interview him/her, your parents, and other family members who can help you with your
research. Create a list of his/her achievements, like those in General Davis’s biography.
Now choose the most meaningful achievements from the list to highlight in a 500 to 750-word essay about your family
You’ll want to write about your relationship to this hero and how the accomplishments of her/his service have inspired you
and your family.
Your finished document must be Arial 11 point font, 1 ½ spaced, and the text must be justified. The title must be centered
at the top and your name must be centered under the title.
Submit two copies of your essay to Mrs. Bennitt in room 41 no later than 1:00 on March 26th or submit the document
electronically, attached to an email to bennittj@leonschools.net by that same deadline.
Essays will be selected for publication in a booklet to be presented to our guests at the Raa Dinner Theater on April 22nd. A
panel of judges will choose a first-place winner from that booklet to receive a gold iPod Nano, provided by Pro Bank. The
second and third-place winners will each receive a $50.00 and $25.00 iTunes gift card respectively.
Tuesday, 3-16-10
“A positive person knows that the best preparation for
tomorrow is to do TODAY’S WORK SUPERBLY WELL!”
 Seventh Grade:
 Eighth Grade:
Period One: The Giver: Open
book quiz on chapters 1-8
Quick Write with Sentence
Period Two: Read Chapter 8,9
TKM Chapter 8,9
Quick Write with Sentence
 Sixth Grade:
Multiple Skills Series Center
Ben Carson Chapter 6
 Announcements:
Spring Dance
Dinner Theater
Essay Contest
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
An Old Irish Blessing
May the road rise to meet you, May the wind be always at your back,
May the sun shine warm upon your face, the rains fall soft upon your fields
and, until we meet again, may God hold you in the palm of His hand.
Seventh Grade:
Finish The Giver Test on Chapter
The Giver: Illustrated Words
For your assigned word:
Write the definition
Write a sentence using the word
that tells about something that
happens in the story or describes
something or someone in the story.
Draw an illustration of that
Sixth Grade:
RFU Center
Bizarre Endings: Lesson 5
Eighth Grade:
Finish Chapter 9 of TKM
Open Book Quiz: TKM Chapter
History/Culture Timeline Activity
Thursday, March 18, 2010
“A positive mental attitude is both taught and caught!”
 Seventh Grade:
Present your illustrated words
Discuss your Essential Rules
More Utopian Societies
Video: “In Search of…ShangriLa”
 Sixth Grade:
Critical Reading Series!
 Eighth Grade:
Timeline Presentations and
Notes 1881-1900 Ida B. Wells
Flees Memphis and The Atlanta
Compromise Speech: Jamal
Handout: Lynchings in America
Work on Open Book Quiz
 Shangri-La is the name of a
fictional kingdom in a novel
written by James Conrad in
1932. The novel is called
Lost Horizon.
 It was based on the hindu
myth of Shambala, a place
said to be in the mountains
of Tibet.
 An expedition to find
Shambala was taken by
two South American monks,
disguised as Hindu
pilgrims, in the sixteenth
 Father Andrate wrote an
account of their expedition.
Friday, March 19, 2010
When a positive person grows weary while in pursuit of his goal, he
stops to REST, not to quit!”
Seventh Grade:
Eighth Grade ;
Video: In Search of Shangri-La
Part II
Utopia Notes
Finish Open Book Test
Distribute The Giver Chapter 1014 Reading Guide
Begin Chapter 11 (Period 1) or
Chapter 10 (Period 2)
John Lewis, of the Buffalo Soldiers
Tenth Cavalry, “ Lakeland is a
beautiful little town, but with all its
beauty, it is hell for the colored
people who live here.”
Sixth Grade:
Review Bizarre Endings Lesson
Ben Carson Chapter 6
Timeline Presentations from Natalie Dix: Plessy v.
Ferguson and The Spanish-American War
TKM: Chapter Nine and Ten
Monday, March 22, 2010
"Try not to become a man of success. rather become a man of value.”
Albert Einstein
 Seventh Grade:
The Giver: Vocabulary Review
List #1,2,3 (Quiz tomorrow)
Continue The Giver
 Sixth Grade:
SRA Reading Center (New
Answer Sheet)
Ben Carson: Finish Chapter 7
 Eighth Grade:
Continue TKM to complete
chapter 10 and Chapter 9-10
Reading Response
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
 Seventh Grade:
Fictional Utopia: Brigadoon
The Giver: Vocabulary Quiz
Sentence Variety Activity
Finish Chapter 13
 Sixth Grade:
Bizarre Endings Lesson 7
MSS : Finish 14-18
Ben Carson: Finish Chapter
 Eighth Grade:
Timeline Presentations
Brandon Dugas: Williams
v. Mississippi and The
Wilmington Riots
TKM: Chapter Eleven: Mrs.
Reading Response
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
 Seventh Grade
The Giver Vocabulary List #4
Complete Plato assignment
 Eighth Grade
 Sixth Grade:
MSS Lessons 10-18
Ben Carson : Chapter Eight
“College Choices”
Timeline Presentation
Emily Bolde: The
Finish Chapter Eleven
Chapter 9-10 Reading
Quiz (Open Book)
Be sure that timeline
notes are complete!!
Thursday, March 25, 2010
Seventh Grade:
Return/Make-up Vocabulary
Complete/Collect Plato
The Giver : Chapter 14
Essay: “Permission to Lie”
Sixth Grade:
Jamestown Series Center
Ben Carson: College Choices
Eighth Grade:
Collect Timeline notes and
Choose the two events
from 1863- 1900 that you
find most important and
summarize them. Explain
why you think they are the
most significant events.
Staple the summaries to
the timeline notes and turn
them in.
Frontline: “A Class Divided”
Friday, March 26, 2010
Seventh Grade:
(Period Two finish chapter 14)
Complete and collect Reading Guide
Ch 10-14
Essay: “Permission to Lie”
Eighth Grade:
Frontline: “A Class Divided” Teaching the
Sixth Grade:
Jamestown Reading Center
Ben Carson: Finish Chapter Nine
Character Sketch: Ben growing
Collect Timeline notes and summaries
Choose the two events from
1863- 1900 that you find most
important and summarize
them. Explain why you think
they are the most significant
events. Staple the summaries
to the timeline notes and turn
them in.