Writer's CV - EssayLancers.com

Geoffrey A. Reynolds
1018 Meridian Avenue * Miami Beach, Florida 33139*(860)768-2670 *artier2@yahoo.com
Technical Writer
Accomplished and creative technical writer brandishing analytical acumen used to create
polished and original content that is very diverse. Published academic writer, technical
writer, product review writer, blogs, assessment and instructional writer, SEO web
content, internet research, scientific research design and statistical analysis.
Composed original and edited content for both Internet and print according to publisher’s
or client’s guidelines. Practices honed time management strategies to manage and
prioritize multiple projects that meet deadlines.
Areas of Expertise
English grammar and punctuation
Content editing
Written and oral communication
Create multimedia documentation
Assessment reports writer
Risk assessment
MS Word
Instructional content
Professional Summary
Accomplished doctorate-level scientific writer and editor with 15 years’ experience, ten
years writing healthcare, psychology, and human anatomy seeking writing opportunities
on contract basis in the Miami, Florida area and remotely. Demonstrates ability to create
varied and compelling instructional and promotional health and human anatomy
documents for patients, practitioners, and researchers. Former professor of Research and
Writing, advised and edited reports and assessments, and vocal development and human
Core assets:
 Excellent written and oral communicator
 Demonstrated interpreter of clinical and general scientific research
 Reputation of effective and engaging presenter
 Experience in mental and vocal health, and brain anatomy
 Strategic content creator
Materials: Peer-reviewed article, multimedia, disease prevalence review, risk assessment,
scientific monograph, research columns, and risk management reports.
Geoff Reynolds
Technical Writer –cont—
Professional Experience
Ultius, remote contract, Las Vegas, Nevada, 2013 to present
 Academic Writer and Editor
 Duties: Wrote and edited over 40 scientific research articles, 5 meta analyses,
wrote 30 reviews of literature, wrote over 200 white paper reports, created 25
multimedia projects, and weekly reports, blogs, calendars, and company manuals.
Spearheaded the direction, preparation, and composition of many original
scientific research investigations. Fashioned Human Subjects review materials,
research design, research methodology, research data analysis and interpretation,
and research articles and reports for peer-review journals publishing for the
Internet and print.
Notable Achievements
 Highest earnings received during one pay cycle is $2,175.00
 Highest up-sale to date is approximately $1,000.00
 Co-authored original analysis of the treatment of negation in Modern Standard
Arabic and across its dialects
Produced reports on Marfan Syndrome, Tuberculosis in India, the
restructuring healthcare departments in US colleges and universities
 Generated over 15 reports linking healthcare concerns with Hispanics in the US
 Prepared documents used to open a non-profit organization
 Designed a research investigation of the effects of the dissolution of Don’t Ask,
Don’t Tell on the physical, emotional, and mental health among the US military.
 Researched and created a report comparing the German and US National
Healthcare systems.
Freelance Writer/Ghostwriter, 2012 to present
Designed and created an original survey instrument for Lens Crafters’ (South
Africa) optometrist constituency using SurveyMonkey. Prepared original
manuscripts of six potential mental pathologies introduced in the DSM-5. Drafted
original SEO web content (blogs, product comparisons, How-to guides, and
educational content for English Language Learners).
Principle Achievement
 Chronicled Frank Hickson’s (notable African-American college football coach)
struggles with Multiple Sclerosis, growing up, professional coaching career, and
family. Project generated more than 15 phone interviews, 20 video interviews,
over 150 text messages, and more than 300 written pages of notes and the
manuscript (in progress).
University of Hartford, West Hartford, Connecticut, 2005 -2011
Associate Professor, Contributed a bifurcated appointment (College of Music and
Dance, and the College of Education with substantial service to university-wide
instructional technology activity, research, growth, and future direction)
Engaged by the Department Chair
Geoff Reynolds
Technical Writer –cont—
Taught Research and writing, offered ongoing lectures in research methodology and
design, and introduction to technology (video and audio editing, HTML, Photoshop,
Director, and Dreamweaver). Pioneered original scientific research from inception
through publication. Supervised all aspects of the student teaching internship including:
established 30 mentor teachers annually, placed 30 student teachers annually, hired and
supervised five supplemental staff members, maintained financial books, delivered and
presented approximately 20 assessment and evaluation reports, published five handbooks
annually, 300 conference brochures, how-to guides, and reports annually advised and
evaluated student teachers, collaborated with district, state, and federal agencies.
Highlighted accomplishments
 Awarded tenure and promotion in half the time of the national average.
 Delivered 16 two research columnist for two professional music education
journals, the Kodàly Envoy and General Music Today
 Served on National Board of the Society for General Music Education for four
 Produced and published a total of 15 articles, multimedia, blogs, brochures,
guides, and translations of seven Arabic vocal and instrumental musical analysis
and cultural comparisons
 $25,000 in professional writing and research grants
University of Vermont, Burlington, Vermont, 2000-2005.
Assistant Professor
Engaged by Division Chair.
Conducted, lectured, and published 36 original scientific research from inception through
publication. Wrote and edited over 15 scientific research articles, write five meta
analyses, wrote 14 reviews of literature, wrote 23 white paper reports, created 17
multimedia projects, and weekly reports, blogs, calendars, and company manuals. and
reports annually, advised and evaluated student teachers, collaborated with district, state,
and federal Departments of Education.
Highlighted accomplishments
 Instrumental contribution to the National Education Testing Service Praxis II and
the McMillian publishing future direction research and analysis reports
 Facilitated change management process to facilitate modifications to the music
education degree program
 Co-directed the accreditation assessment and reports for the National Association
for the Education or Young Children (NCATE) and the University of Vermont.
Spearheaded the committee charged to explore all related components associated
with joining the National Association of Schools of Music.
 Awarded $36,600.00 in writing and research grants
Doctor of Philosophy
Geoff Reynolds
Technical Writer –cont—
Major in Music Education; Minor in Instructional Technology. 1997-2000, Graduated in
University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona
Master of Music
Major in Music Education; Minor in Developmental Psychology (Coursework in
Learning Theories), 1995-1997, Graduated in 1997.
University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona
Bachelor of Music
Major in Music Education (Coursework in vocal anatomy, psychology, and human
development), 1988-1992, Graduated in 1992.
Westminster Choir College of Rider University, Princeton, New Jersey
Social Media