Letter Templates

Thank you for taking the time to write a letter and show Oil Respect! The templates below are
designed to get you started.
You may find you have to adjust some of the wording for your particular province/Premier, and
we encourage you to add your personal stories to make the letter meaningful. Our personal
stories are why this is such an important initiative for Canadians.
The Oil Respect Team
Letter 1
Dear Premier Notley/Prime Minister Trudeau,
I am writing out of concern for the future of the oil and gas industry in Alberta and Canada.
As you know oil and gas development have made Alberta and Canada prosperous. We have jobs,
nice homes and a good future as long as the industry is allowed to grow.
What worries me is the non-stop attacks on oil and gas production by politicians, environmental
groups and celebrities who don’t seem to care that working people rely on this industry. They
even twist the facts on the industry's environmental record.
I urge you to fight for our oil and gas industry and for the development of new markets and to
declare February 13th 2017 as Oil and Gas Awareness Day in Alberta/Canada.
Letter 2
Dear Premier Notley/Prime Minister Trudeau,
Alberta’s/Canada's oil and gas industry is under attack, and we need you as our Premier/Prime
Minister to fight back.
Hardly a day goes by when the media or a politician isn’t criticizing us. But as you know oil and
gas means billions of dollars in revenues for healthcare and education, hundreds of thousands of
jobs and a great life for many Albertans and Canadians.
Please explain to the your provincial and federal colleagues that unless we develop our resources
everyone in Canada loses out.
We also need pipelines to the United States and elsewhere and we expect you to be on our side
by arguing for them.
Thank you for considering what I have to say.
Yours truly,
Letter 3
Dear Premier Notley/Prime Minister Trudeau,
Big parts of Canada are hurting right now because of low oil prices, but Canada is also getting
criticized for producing oil. As you know the International Energy Agency projects that the
demand for oil and gas in the world will only continue to grow, despite the increased use of
renewables. The only question is who will fill that demand. Will it be countries with lax
environmental standards, or will it be Canada with our world-leading carbon and environmental
Please fight to keep Canadian oil and gas jobs by getting new pipelines and markets for our oil. I
hope you will make February 13th 2017 Oil and Gas Awareness Day.
Letter 4
Dear Premier Notley/Prime Minister Trudeau,
I’m a proud member of Alberta’s oil and gas industry. I work hard to provide others with a safe
and reliable source of energy. But our industry is being attacked for producing the “dirtiest oil”
in the world. I know that’s not true, and I know you know it’s not true.
These attacks are unfair and do a disservice to the thousands who rely on this industry to put
food on their families’ tables.
(Personal story)
Will you continue to protect Canada's oil and gas jobs by getting new pipelines and markets for
our oil? I hope you will make February 13th, 2017 Oil and Gas Awareness Day.
Letter 5
Dear Premier Notley/Prime Minister Trudeau,
Albertans/Canadians have done a good job of balancing the growth of our oil and gas industry
with legitimate concerns about the environment. Every Canadian wants to live in a country with
the clean water and and air we’ve always enjoyed. We both know that Alberta was the first
jurisdiction in North America to implement a carbon levy, and now we have some of the most
stringent carbon targets in the world. But a lot of the good work done by governments and the
energy industry is being ignored and overlooked, and the oil and gas industry is being unfairly
portrayed as an environmental deadbeat.
That’s not fair at all.
(Personal story)
I hope you will fight to keep oil and gas jobs by getting new pipelines and markets for our oil. I
hope you will make February 13th, 2017 Oil and Gas Awareness Day.