to file

Design and Development of
Dr. Scott Fredrickson
Suzan Priolo
Instructional Goals
-to creating a
product, focusing
on New Jersey, that
enhances the
social studies
Needs Assessment
• The New Jersey Core Curriculum Technology
Standard 8.1 states that all students will use
computer applications to gather and organize
information and to solve problems.
• The New Jersey Core Curriculum Social Study
Standard 6.4 and 6.6 states by the end of grade 4
the students will identify major documents and
symbols in New Jersey. The students by the end of
grade 4 will also describe the geography of New
Learner Analysis
The Target Population are 23 4th grade students in a regular classroom. The
students ages range from 9 to 10 years of age. The school district participates in
the inclusion of special education students into most classrooms. In this class
there are 6 students that are classified special ed. and have a assistant teacher
with them during each day. This teacher will assist in areas of difficulty during
the instruction.
Entry Behaviors towards computers are favorable. These students have had
basic instruction using the Microsoft Word Software and the proper use of the
Their Prior Knowledge of the Topics ( New Jersey , Word or the Internet) have
been introduced on a prior day . Their typing skills vary and the ease with the
use of the computer depends on weather they have a computer at home. Most of
the students can open a document , type a paragraph and save to a given area.
The student’s Attitudes toward Content and Potential Delivery System are good.
The students enjoy the explorations surfing the internet and creating a product.
Academic Motivation is positive due to the fact the students enjoy working on the
computer and they look forward to printing out the finished product.
Education and Abilities Levels has been addressed above.
The student’s General Learning Preferences are directed towards this project
because it involves hands on activities.
The Group Characteristics are encouraging interest in the project is due to the
fact that the students like working with computers.
Goal Analysis
To make a
New Jersey
State Brochure
1.0- Search the
Internet for
information on
New Jersey
1.3 Right click
copy –paste
pictures and text
to the desktop
1.2 Read and
select required
1.1 Complete a
Google search
for information
about New
2.0 -Microsoft
Word Basic
2.3 Open a saved
Brochure Template
3.0 Adding
3.3 Right click
paste the selected
Graphics into
2.2 review basic
word procedures
3.2 Right click
copy the selected
2.1 Open
Microsoft Word
3.1 To open
Graphics offerings
or saved pictures
on desktop
4.0- Adding
4.2 Type
information into
designated areas
4.1 read and select
important information
5.0 Printing
5.2 Select the
printer and print
5.1 Open the
Objective 1.0
Search the Internet for information on
New Jersey
1.1 Complete a Google search for
information about New Jersey
1.2 Read and select required information
1.3 Right click -copy then paste pictures
and text to the desktop
Procedures & Assessments
DAY 1 – (35 minutes)
Introduction Your have just been hired as the Director of Tourism for the State of New Jersey. It is
your job to create a brochure that informs the reader about the many great things about New
Jersey. (Teacher will show examples of brochures and review Handout #1)
Materials –Network Computers , internet access, over head projector and printer
1) Log onto the internet and type in the following URL –
2) Type in New Jersey in the search bar
3) Click on Google Search
4) Select one of the selections
5) Read to see if the site has information you think should be put into the brochure
6) Once you have found a picture or information you want save it to the Student Public (studpub)
drive under the teachers folder . ( Remember to rename it to something you will recognize.)
7) Continue surfing for additional information and pictures. Remember to review handout # 1 for
your selections.
8) Print found information so that you can make selections for your brochure. Keep all found
information in a folder.
Teacher observation and reviewing the saved document will serve as the assessment on this part
of the project.
Instructional Material
Handout #1
•Checklist for a Brochure about New Jersey
These are a few things to look for specifically related to brochures
about a place. Not all will apply to your brochure.
•Does the brochure give enough information that the reader knows
where to find this place? (Map, directions)
•Does the brochure tell what is significant about this place (historical
importance, tourist attractions, famous residents, significant industries,
•Are there interesting pictures? (Pictures with people are usually more
effective but pictures of well-known landmarks or beautiful scenery
can work with or without people in the photos)
•Are the pictures or clip art useful? Do they help to tell the story or do
they just seem to be filling up space?
•Does the brochure make the reader want to visit this place ?
Objective 2.0
Microsoft Word Basic Skills
2.1 Open Microsoft Word
2.2 review basic word procedures
2.3 Open a saved Brochure Template
Procedures & Assessments
DAY 2 (35 minutes)
Introduction - A brief review of the Microsoft Word Software will remind them of basic procedures.
The teacher will provide an overview of the project. The teacher will remind the students about
Handout #1.
Materials – network computers, Microsoft Word Software, and overhead projector
1) The students will open the Microsoft Word Program.
2) The teacher will model how to get to the template saved on the studpub drive.
3) The students will identify the page layout and begin to plan the look of their brochure. (Scrap
paper will be give out for clarification out layout. Students will then review their plan )
4) The students will save the template on his/her own folder on the studpub drive.
Teacher observation
Objective 3.0
Adding Graphics
3.1 To open graphics offerings or saved
pictures on desktop
3.2 Right click copy the selected
3.3 Right click paste the selected
graphics into document
Procedures & Assessments
DAY 3 ( 35 minutes)
Introduction The students will be instructed to review the paper copies of the
saved text and pictures. Handout #2 will assist them in coping and pasting pictures
into the document.
Materials – Network Computers , Microsoft Word Software, over head projector and printer
1) The students will open the Microsoft Word Program.
2) The teacher will model how to get to the template saved on the studpub
drive-student folder.
3) The students will retrieve the saved New Jersey Clip Art on the studpub drive noting
the layout.
4) The teacher will model how to cut and paste the clip art into the their individual work.
5) When clip art is placed the students will save the brochures on his/her own folder on
the studpub drive.
Teacher observation
Handout #2
Coping and Pasting
1) Select the picture you want to copy.
2) To copy the item, click Copy on the
Standard toolbar.
3) Click where you want the item to appear.
4) Click Paste on the Standard toolbar.
(You can change the size of the picture by selecting the
picture and dragging on the small
boxes at the edge of the picture. Note that the pointer
changes to a double sided arrow.)
Students do not have the ability to right click in our district
Objective 4.0 Adding Text
4.1 read and select important
information from saved file
4.2 Type information into designated
Procedures & Assessments
DAY 4 ( 35 minutes)
Introduction The students will be instructed to review the saved
brochure , identifying where text need to be type in to complete the information provided..
Materials – Network Computers , Microsoft Word Software, over head projector and printer
1) The students will open the Microsoft Word Program.
2) The teacher will model how to get to the brochure saved on the studpub drive-student
folder. The students will open the saved document.
3) They will add text to describe the pictures. The students will be instructed to add text
to go with the clip art
4) Other important text should be added to the brochure. The teacher will model how
to change the text size and color. Handout #3 will assist them
in inserting text to a selected area. The brochure will be saved again.
Teacher observation
Handout #3
Change the font
1) Select the text you want to change.
2) On the Formatting toolbar
3) Click a font name in the Font box .
Change the size of text
1) Select the text you want to change.
2) On the Formatting toolbar
3) type or click a point size in the Font
Size box
For example, type 10.5
Objective 5.0 Printing
5.1 Open the document
5.2 Select the printer and print
Procedures & Assessments
DAY 5 ( 35 minutes)
Materials – Network Computers , Microsoft Word Software, over head projector and printer
1) The students will open the saved document.
2) Each brochure will have peer to peer review. The students will use the provided rubric
to document their opinions of the brochure.
3) Revisions will be made one last time and then the students will print out the completed
brochure. These brochures will be shared with the school popular on a display board.
Assessment -
Teacher observation and Peer Review
Evaluation of Instruction
13 -15 points = A
10 -12 points = B
6 - 9 points
0 - 5 points
No brochure = F
Summative Evaluation
The focus of this unit was to create a computer-related product, focusing
on New Jersey, that enhances the social studies curriculum. The students were
given a task to locate information from the internet about the state they live in. They
were to identify the symbols and important places around their state to be
displayed in brochure. The students completed the assignment in the scheduled
time in spite of the difficulties understand in the complex layout. While completing
the brochure they learned important basic skills using the Microsoft Word Software
that they will be able to expand upon during future project.
This project was a good project to infuse the technology while enhancing the social
studies curriculum. This was especially important because the district is currently
between curriculums and this fulfilled the state requirement.