CSCE 212 Computer Architecture


CSCE 742 Software Architectures

Lecture 17

Architecture Tradeoff Analysis Method



 Evaluating Software Architectures

What an evaluation should tell

What can be examined, What Can’t


Next Time: Case Study: the Nightingale System

Ref: The “Evaluating Architectures” book and Chap 11

October 22, 2003


Last Time

 Analysis of Architectures

 Why, When, Cost/Benefits

 Techniques

 Properties of Successful Evaluations

New: Analysis of Architectures

 Why, When, Cost/Benefits

 Techniques

 Properties of Successful Evaluations

Next time:


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Last Time

Why evaluate architectures?

When do we Evaluate?

Cost / Benefits of Evaluation of SA

Non-Financial Benefits


 Active Design Review,” SAAM (SA Analysis Method), ATAM

(Architecture Tradeoff Analysis Method), CBAM (2001/SEI) –

Cost Benefit Analysis Method

Planned or Unplanned Evaluations

Properties of Successful Evaluations

Results of an Evaluation

Principles behind the Agile Manifesto

Architecture Tradeoff Analysis Method (ATAM)

Conceptual Flow ATAM

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ATAM Overview

ATAM is based upon a set of attribute-specific measures of the system

 Analytic measures, based upon formal models

 Performance

 Availability

 Qualitative measures, based upon formal inspections

 Modifiability

 Safety

 security

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ATAM Benefits

 clarified quality attribute requirements

 improved architecture documentation

 documented basis for architectural decisions

 identified risks early in the life-cycle

 increased communication among stakeholders

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Conceptual Flow ATAM

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For What Qualities can we Evaluate?

From the architecture we can’t tell if the resulting system will meet all of its quality goals


Usability  largely determined by user interface

User interface is typically at lower level than SA

 UMLi

ATAM concentrates on evaluating a SA based on certain quality attributes

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ATAM Quality Attributes








Variability – how well the architecture can be expanded to produce new SAs in preplanned ways ( important for product lines)


Conceptual integrity

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Non-suitable Quality Attributes (for ATAM)

There are some quality attributes that are just to vague to be used as the basis for an evaluation.


 “The system must be robust.”

 “The system shall be highly modifiable.”

Quality attributes are evaluated in some context

 A system is modifiable wrt a specific kind of change.

 A system is secure wrt a specific kind of threat.

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Outputs of an Architecture Evaluation


Prioritized statement of quality attribute requirements

“You've got to be very careful if you don't know where you're going, because you might not get there.” Yogi Berra

 Yogi also said "I didn't really say everything I said."


Mapping of approaches to quality attributes

How the architectural approaches will achieve or fail to achieve quality attributes

Provides some “rationale” for the architecture


Risks and non-risks

 Risks are potentially problematic architectural decisions

There are more for each specific analysis technique. We will consider ATAM soon.

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Documenting Risks and Non-Risks

Documenting risks and non-risks consists of:

 An architectural decision (that has not been made)

 A specific quality attribute response being addressed by that decision

 A rationale for the positive or negative effect that the decision has on satisfying the quality attribute

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Example of a Risk*

The rules for writing business logic modules in the second tier of your three tier client-server system are not clearly articulated. (decision to be made)

This could result in replication of functionality thereby compromising modifiability of the third tier (a quality attribute response and its consequences)

Unarticulated rules for writing business logic can result in unintended and undesired coupling of components (rationale for the negative effect)

*Example from: Evaluating Software Architectures: Methods and Case

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Studies by Clements, Kazman and Klein

CSCE 742 Fall 03

Example of a Non-Risk*

Assuming message arrival rates of once per second, a processing time of less than 30 milliseconds and the existence of one higher priority process (the architectural decisions)

A one-second soft deadline seems appropriate (the quality attribute response and its consequence)

Since the arrival rate is bounded and the preemptive effects of higher priority processes and known and can be accommodated (the rationale)

*Example from: Evaluating Software Architectures: Methods and Case

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Studies by Clements, Kazman and Klein

CSCE 742 Fall 03

Participants in ATAM

 The evaluation team

 Team leader –

 Evaluation leader

 Scenario scribe

 Proceedings scribe

 Timekeeper

 Process observer

 Process enforcer

 Questioner

 Project Decision makers – people empowered to speak for the development project

 Architecture stakeholders –

 including developers, testers, …,

 users,

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 builders of systems interacting with this one CSCE 742 Fall 03

Evaluation Team Roles and Responsibilities

Team leader

 Sets up evaluation (set evaluation contract)

 forms team

 interfaces with client

 Oversees the writing of the evaluation report

Evaluation leader

 Runs the evaluation

 Facilitates elicitation of scenarios

 Administers selection and prioritization of scenarios process

 Facilitates evaluation of scenarios against architecture

Scenario scribe

 Records scenarios on a flip chart

 Captures (and insists on) agreed wording

Proceedings scribe

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Evaluation Team Roles and Responsibilities

Proceedings scribe

 Captures proceedings in electronic form

 Raw scenarios with motivating issues

 Resolution of each scenario when applied to the architecture

 Generates a list of adopted scenaios


 Helps evaluation leader stay on schedule

 Controls the time devoted to each scenario

Process observer

 Keeps notes on how the evaluation process could be improved

Process enforcer – helps the evaluation leader stay “on process”

Questioner raises issues of architectural interest stakeholders may not have thought of

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Outputs of the ATAM

A Concise presentation of the architecture

Frequently there is “too much”

ATAM will force a “one hour” presentation of the architecture forcing it to be concise and clear

Articulation of Business Goals

Quality requirements in terms of collections of scenarios

Mapping of architectural decisions to quality attribute requirements

A set sensitivity and tradeoff points

 Eg. A backup database positively affects reliability

(sensitivity point with respect to reliability)

 However it negatively affects performance (tradeoff)

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More Outputs of the ATAM

A set of risks and non-risks

 A risk is an architectural decision that may lead to undesirable consequences with respect to a stated quality attribute requirement

 A non-risk is an architectural decision that, after analysis, is deemed to be safe

Identified risks can form the basis of a “architectural risk mitigation” plan

A set of risk themes

 Examine the collection of risks produced looking for themes that are the result of systematic weaknesses in the architecture

Other outputs – more documentation, rationale, sense of community between stakeholders, architect, …

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Phases of the ATAM

Phase Activity

0 Preparation


Team leadership/key project decision makers


Over a few weeks

1 Evaluation

3 Follow-up

Evaluation team and project decision makers

2 Evaluation with Ditto + stakeholders


1 day + hiatus of 2 to 3 weeks

2 days

Evaluation team and client 1 week

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Steps of the Evaluation Phase(s)


Present the ATAM


Present Business drivers


Present Architecture


Identify architectural approaches


Generate quality attribute utility tree


Analyze architectural approaches

 Hiatus and start of phase 2


Brainstorm and prioritize scenarios


Analyze architectural approaches


Present results

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Phase 0: Partnership

Client – someone who can exercise control of the project whose architecture is being evaluated

Perhaps a manger

Perhaps someone in an organization considering a purchase

Issues that must be resolved in Phase 0:


The client must understand the evaluation method and process (give them a book, make them a video)


The client should describe the system and architecture. A “go/no-go” decision is made here by the evaluation team leader.


Statement of work is negotiated


Issues of proprietary information resolved

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Phase 0: Preparation

Forming the evaluation team

Holding an evaluation kickoff meeting

Assignment of roles

 Good idea to not get into ruts; try varying assignments

 Roles not necessarily one-to-one

 The minimum size evaluation team is 4

 One person can be process observer, timekeeper and questioner

Team leader’s responsibilities are mostly “outside” the evaluation. He can double up. (Often the evaluation leader.)

 Questioners should be chosen to represent the spectrum of expertise in performance, modifiability, …

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Phase 1: Activities in Addition to the steps

Organizational meeting of evaluation team and key project personnel

 Form schedule

 The right people attend the meetings

 They are prepared (know what is expected of them)

 They have the right attitude

 Besides carrying out the steps the team needs to gather as much information as possible to determine

 Whether the remainder of the evaluation is feasible

 Whether more architectural documentation is required

 Which stakeholders should be present for phase 2

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Step 1: Present the ATAM

Evaluation leader presents the ATAM to all participants

 To explain the process

 To answer questions

 To set the context and expectations for the process

 Using standard presentation discuss ATAM steps in brief and outputs of the evaluation

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A Typical ATAM Agenda for Phases 1 and 2

Figure 3.9 from “Evaluating Software Architectures:

Methods and Case Studies,” by Clements, Kazman and Klein

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Step 2: Present Business Drivers

Everyone needs to understand the primary business drivers motivating/guiding the development of the system

A project decision maker presents a system overview from the business perspective

 The system’s functionality

 Relevant constraints: technical, managerial, economic, or political

 Business goals

 Major stakeholders

 The architectural drivers – the quality attributes that shape the architecture

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Step 3: Present the Architecture

The lead architect makes the presentation at the appropriate level of detail

Architecture Presentation (~20 slides; 60 minutes)

 Architectural drivers and existing standrards/models/approaches for meeting (2-3 slides)

 Important Architectural Information (4-8 slides)

 Context diagram

 Module or layer view

 Component and connector view

 Deployment view

 Architectural approaches, patterns, or tactics employed

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Step 3: Present the Architecture (cont)

 Architectural approaches, patterns, or tactics employed

 Use of COTS (commercial off the shelf) products

 Trace of 1-3 most important use cases scenarios

 Trace of 1-3 most important change scenarios

 Architectural issues/risks with respect to meeting the driving architectural requirements

 Glossary

Should have a high signal to noise ratio, don’t get bogged down too deeply in details

Should cover technical constraints such as operating system, hardware and middleware

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Step 4: Identify Architectural Approaches

The ATAM analyzes an architecture by focusing on its architectural approaches

Captured by not analyzed (here) by the evaluation team

The evaluation team should explicitly asked the architect to name these

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Step 5: Generate Quality Attribute Utility Tree

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Types of Scenarios:

 Use case scenarios

 The user wants to examine budgetary data

 Growth scenarios

 Change the maximum number of tracks from 150 to 200 and keep the latency of disk to screen at 200ms or less

 Exploratory scenarios

 Switch the OS from Unix to Windows

 Improve availability from 98% to 99.99%

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Step 6:Analyze Architectural Approaches

The evaluation team examines the highest priority scenarios one at a time and the architect is asked how the architecture supports each one.

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Step 7: Brainstorm and Prioritize Scenarios

The Hiatus

 Evaluation team distills what has been learned and informally contacts architecture for more information where needed


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“Evaluating Software Architectures: Methods and Case


by Clements, Kazman and Klein, published by Addison-Wesley, 2002. Part of the SEI Series in

Software Engineering.

SEI Software Architecture publications


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