Email Call for Nomination (english, Plain Language

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Subject: ZERO PROJECT 2015: The Zero Project Team is looking for
practices or policies which help people with disabilities to live
independently and participate in politics – Dead-Line: 4th July 2014
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Dear xxx,
The ‘Zero Project Report 2015’ deals with the topic
living independently and political participation.
Do you know a practice or policy which helps people with disabilities to live
independently or participate in politics?
If yes, you can suggest this practice or policy for the ‘Zero Project Report’.
The ‘Zero Project Report’ lists practices and policies which improve the
rights of people with disabilities.
Every year, there is a new report.
How to nominate:
You find a document with the name ‘Explanations’ in the attachment.
First read the explanations.
In this document you will also find a link.
Click on the link. It leads you to the nomination form.
Fill in the nomination form.
Then send the nomination form to:
Doris Neuwirth,
You have time to nominate a practice or policy until the 4th July 2014.
We are looking forward to receiving your nomination!
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What happens next?
Experts from all over the world check the practices and policies.
Then the experts select the best practices and policies.
The best practices and policies are listed in the Zero Project Report 2015
and on the Zero Project website:
Die representatives of the best practices and policies are invited to the
Zero Project Conference 2015.
The Zero Project Conference will take place in Vienna in February 2015.
The Zero Project Team
These people write the Zero Project Report
and organize the Conference:
Michael FEMBEK (Essl Foundation, Wien)
Carmen ARROYO DE SANDE (European Foundation Centre, Brüssel)
Silvia BALMAS (European Foundation Centre, Brüssel)
Sandra GASSNER (Essl Foundation, Wien)
Ingrid HEINDORF (World Future Council, Genf)
Maria OREJAS (European Foundation Centre, Brüssel)
Doris NEUWIRTH (Essl Foundation, Wien)
Amelie SAUPE (Essl Foundation, New York)
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The partners of the Zero Project 2015
Disabled People´s International (DPI),
European Coalition for Community Living (ECCL),
European Network for Independent Living (ENIL),
Global Alliance on Accessible Technologies and Environments (GAATES),
Human Rights Watch (HRW),
Independent Living Institute (ILI),
International Disability Alliance (IDA),
International Foundation for Electoral Systems (IFES),
International Telecommunication Union (ITU),
Latin American Network of Non-Governmental Organizations of Persons
with Disabilities and their Families (RIADIS),
Lebenshilfe Österreich,
Licht für die Welt Österreich,
Unicredit-Bank Austria ist ein Sponsoring-Partner des Zero Project.
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