Historic Civil Engineering Landmark Nomination

Section History and Heritage Citation Nomination
This form may be printed. Please submit one copy for each committee member (currently 8) and one copy for the Committee
files of all materials relating to the nomination. If more space is required to provide full response, please include additional
documentation. Please submit your nomination in electronic format – either as an email attachment or on CDs. Nomination
deadline is September 30th.
To: History & Heritage Committee
ATTN: Jennifer Lawrence
1801 Alexander Bell Drive
Reston, VA 20191-4400
ASCE Section:________________________
In support of this nomination, please complete relevant sections:
1. Landmarks designated (national/local/international)
2. History-related publications. (Provide titles, authors, dates of publication, etc. plus short description. If
possible, provide copies for the committee)
3. Presentations at ASCE-related events.
4. Presentations at non-ASCE-related events.
5. Other history-related activities.
Chairman, Section History & Heritage Committee____________________________________________
Section President_____________________________________________________________________