Understanding TCP Behavior for Real-time CBR Workloads Salman A. Baset, Eli Brosh, Vishal Misra, Dan Rubenstein, and Henning Schulzrinne Computer Science Department, Columbia University Problem Statement TCP delay prediction tool How does TCP perform for delay-sensitive applications with CBR workloads such as Voice or Video? Novel stochastic model for TCP delay A function of Network loss rate Round-trip time Workload rate and size In theabsence of losses, w.p (1 p ) Novel Characterizes delay rather than throughput Does not assume saturated sender wi 1 wi 1 min(r , wi 1) TCP is used by lots of applications TCP bypasses NAT and Firewall connectivity restrictions bi 1 max(0, bi Voice over TCP Firewall VoIP client E.g., Skype Network Emulator ` Fixed RTT 100ms Delay-sensitive CBR over TCP (e.g., VoIP) Elastic Data over TCP (e.g., FTP) Linux Windows XP ACK-vs-byte counting ACK-counting Any supports both with ‘reno’ ACK-counting (Vista supports Byte-counting during slow-start) TCP_NODELAY Enabled May be Supported Supported Delayed ACK Disabled during ACK-counting May be disabled Supported Not supported Non-blocking send Recommended May be Supported Supported Rate-halving Beneficial Beneficial Supported No information mechanisms Periodic and random losses CBR Sender Linux based 100 packets/s, MSS=1448 TCP Delay (s) TCP Delay: sender + network + receiver TCP Overhead: sender + receiver Delay due to inorder reliable delivery requirement 0.1 Receiver 18 0.15 12 0.05 Sender 6 Backlog Segments in flight TCP Rcv Buffer Network delay rs wi MSS 0 ) if bi 0 if bi 0 w if bi 0 if bi 0 if bi 0 if bi 0 95% percentile TCP overhead 24 Delay due to backlog at sender (congestion window limitation) 0.1 18 12 0.05 6 0.1 0.08 0.06 0.04 0.02 0 0.1 0 0 120 160 200 240 0 Packet Number TCP Send Buffer 0.2 Delay CWND 0.15 Obtained via delay prediction tool Verified experimentally Reaction to a triple-dup loss event 24 departingsegs Delay overhead results TCP Delay and CWND evolution Who got it right for delay-sensitive applications? Performance Metrics CBR Receiver Experimental results 0.2 arrivingpckts Notation: wi window size at round i bi backlog size at round i r packet arrival rate in RTT s the packet size in bytes max(0, bi rs wi / 2 MSS bi 1 max(0, bi rs min(r , wi ) / 2 MSS ` Congestion Window App type if bi 0 if bi 0 wi / 2 wi 1 min(r , wi ) / 2 VoIP Client Lots of TCP variants out there w If a loss indicationis received,w.p 1 - (1 p ) Experimental Setup 0.95 Delay Percentile (s) Why is it important? Window and backlog evolution in congestion avoidance phase (a) ‘Small’ packet size of 200 bytes 0 0 100 140 180 220 260 Packet Number (b) Full packet size of 1448 bytes 10 0.05 Round Trip Time (s) 10 0 10-10 -5 Loss Rate Rate 50 p/s, packet size 100 bytes, MSS 1000 bytes A Flow with ‘small’ packet size is less effected by TCP's window variations than a flow with ‘large’ packet size. The delay overhead of 'small' packet sized flows (MSS/10) is lower then 200ms with probability 0.97 for RTTs< 100ms and loss rates<1% Conclusions and Observations Ongoing work TCP can satisfy the delay constraints of Delay reduction Heuristics Idea: reduce sender-side backlog Reduce packet size and increase packet rate Proactive sender-side packet drop Our Contributions Novel delay prediction tool Heuristics for reducing delays a delay-sensitive application over a wide-range network settings The use of smaller than MSS-sized packets exploits TCP's ACK counting mechanism and thereby limits the sender-side buffering due to congestion window variations Compare CBR over TCP delays to those of UDP in the Internet using Planet-Lab