Gallia County Minutes 2010 Date: February 11, 2010 Place: Golden Corral Attendees: Gail Belville, Lois Carter, Will & Marie Church, Irene & Jim Clark, Karen Cornell, Henry & Pat Dillon, Nancy Hood, Barb & Lewis Shelton, Sara & Gene Spurlock, Janet & Doug Wetherholt (16). Opened with the Pledge of Allegiance, prayer was offered by Henry Dillon. Program: Doug Wetherholt - Riverboats on the Ohio River. Doug shared many memories of his days along the Ohio River and many interesting facts concerning the locks, the depth and width of the river, as well as his love for the river. He said, "Respect the river and it will respect you - it gives you no chances. But....learn to swim first!" Reports: Volunteer Hours - Hours were down this year. 2007 - 2184 hours 2008 - 2800 hours 2009 - 1836 hours Volunteer winner this year - Marlene Hoffman with 932 hours (Congratulations!) Annual Report After reviewing the reports, Barb shared that we need to do more Community Service Projects. Some ideas are: helping out at the Blood Mobile; donating blood; helping with the Health Fair (a group project); bring books for children to our meetings that will be donated to Serenity House, Holzer, or the WIC Program. Or money may be donated for the purchase of these books and this could be put in the newsletter to get the word out to those who would like to participate in this project. Treasurer's Report Checking Account L.L.M.S. Scholarship Scholarship CD Raffle $2841.68 $7690.90 $86.62 $21,338.06 $47.00 Other: Maxine Whitehead, from MCRTA, would like to plan a joint retirement planning seminar. Roy Sprague will be contacted about this. Maxine invited our group to their next meeting which will be March 25 - 12:00 noon at the Wild Horse Cafe in Pomeroy, OH. Their group is dwindling and she hopes we could encourage them. Jim Clark shared thoughts about retirement. He mentioned that people cannot retire on 60% of what your income was. He suggested that we encourage our working friends to save more (put more in 403B or IRA) and not retire until they can afford it. We had one active teacher present at this meeting - Gail Belville. Thanks to Irene Clark for putting the meeting announcement in the newspaper, it was very helpful and several people said they saw it and appreciated the reminder. Will Church commented that we have a good organization because we have good officers and well planned programs. Raffle Three afghans were donated by Nancy Hood and a heart shaped cake by Barb Shelton: Winners: Karen Cornell - afghan Marie Church - afghan Barb Shelton - afghan Irene Clark - cake Next meeting: April 8th - Nazarene Church Family Life Center - catered by Park Front Dinner. Adjourn Gail Belville made the motion to adjourn and Will Church seconded. Meeting was adjouned. Submitted by Pat Dillon, secretary Pro-tem Minutes - April 8, 2010 The Gallia County chapter of the Ohio Retired Teachers Association met April 8, 2010 at the Nazarene Family Life Center. The main course, catered by Becky Naskey consisted of lasagne and chicken pasta alfredo. Wanda Willis made homemade green beans and the officers provided salad and scrumptious homemade desserts. President Barb Shelton called the meeting to order and welcomed 36 members and guests. We recited the Pledge of Allegiance and Henry Dillon said the blessing. Marlene Hoffman introduced the speaker for the day, Herman Stewart from Oakhill. He is retired from the Wesleyan Church where he pastored for 20 years. He is an artist who has been painting for 37 years. He prefers to paint portraits and had three beautiful portraits on display. His wife Katie who is a retired teacher makes music CD's one of which he played while he painted a picture. He reminded us that what God has placed in our hands we should use; it does not have to be big, small things are just as important. The point is to use the talents we have. Every season has its beauty: Summer, Autumn, Winter and Spring. His painting represented the Winter, he donated it as one of the raffle prizes. Jeannine Cunningham was the lucky winner of this painting. Katie gave away several of her CD's. Karen Cornell volunteer chairperson presented Marlene Hoffman with the plaque for the most volunteer hours, 932 hours. Marlene thanked Karen for the plaque and stated that she was shocked when she added up the hours and checked her math to make sure it was correct. She said that while she was teaching she looked forward to volunteering as a retiree and feels blessed that she is able to be doing exactly as she envisioned; she stated she receives much more from her volunteer work than she gives. Under committee reports Marlene Hoffman, webmaster, reported that she has been asked to serve on a newly formed committee of the state organization, the Website Guidelines Committee. She attended a meeting at the ORTA offices in Columbus on March 11, 2010. At this meeting the committee formulated website guidelines, which are now being presented to area meetings around the state. After the area meetings the committee will put together a final draft to be approved at the Spring board meeting of ORTA. The raffle netted $113. Jeannie Cunningham had the first number drawn and selected the painting by Herman Stewart. Janet Wetherholt donated framed photographs of the city park and the Delta Queen, which were won by Karen Cornell, Marlene Hoffman and Nancy Hood. A beautiful afghan handcrafted by Nancy Hood was won by Wil Church and a wooden hanging-rack made by Norm Snyder was won by Kristy Woodall. The meeting was adjourned. Respectfully submitted, Marlene Hoffman, Secretary NEXT MEETING: June 10 at the Presbyterian Church; 12 noon Program: scholarship winners, state president Treasurer's Report (as of 3-31-10) Checking: $2675.13 Local Life Membership CD 7700.39 Scholarship Savings 86.73 Scholarship CD's 21,338.06 Submitted by: Henry Dillon, Treasurer June 10, 2010 Minutes The Gallia County chapter of the Ohio Retired Teachers Association met June 10, 2010 at the First Presbyterian Church at 12 p.m. The ladies of the church served a delicious meal of chicken salad, veggies and cake. Grace was said by Bob Powell and we recited the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag. We gave the ladies of the church a round of applause. The meeting was called to order by Henry Dillon in the absence of President Barb Shelton who was on vacation with her family. Henry welcomed “first timers” Robin Lane and Darla Saunders. Robin and Darla are both recent retirees as is Julie Dragoo who was in attendance but not a “first timer”. Also recognized were the anniversary of Ellen Schopis and the birthday of Irene Clark. Henry also welcomed ORTA State president Bob Dengler as well as 6th grade presenters from Hannan Trace, Kirsten Burnette and Jayla Wolford and their parents. Henry read a letter from Barb Shelton regarding the late Doug Wetherholt extolling some of his virtues and what an asset to the community and to our organization he was. He will be sorely missed. Henry read a thank you note from Janet Wetherholt. Marlene Hoffman, memorial chair, reported another of our members, Mildred Duncan died recently. Karen Cornell introduced Kirsten Burnette and Jayla Wolford who presented their History Day Project“The Innovation of the Underground Railroad, a Road to Freedom, not a game – The Price is Right; Hide and Seek; Let’s Make a Deal.” The girls visited many historical venues regarding the Underground Railroad and did voluminous research to prepare their project. Their presentation was interesting, very well done and enjoyed by all. There was a Q&A period afterwards. Karen presented gifts to the girls. John Milhoan introduced state ORTA president Bob Dengler, a WWII veteran, who as an active retiree has been involved on many levels of ORTA. He served as a delegate to many NEA conventions when he was an active member of the Akron Education Association. He made remarks regarding pension matters and some of the cuts which have been made. He stated that STRS did not want to cut benefits but were required to by law to maintain the long-term solvency of our retirement system. He handed out a booklet prepared by AARP regarding the new health care legislation. He stressed that we should contact our legislators about education funding. It is of primary importance to preserve the defined benefit plan we currently have, ORTA may need to lobby regarding a bill on this matter. There was a Q&A afterwards. Under committee reports Jane Ann Slagle reported her committee is contacting newly retired teachers about joining ORTA. Marlene Hoffman reported the Website Guidelines developed by the committee on which she serves has been approved by the state board. Henry reported our chapter received a $50 award for getting our reports in on time. Wanda Willis reported on the scholarship committee work. The following students have been selected to receive scholarships in the amount of $350 each: Allie Saunders - Gallia Academy Samantha Hammond – South Gallia Sean Seeger – River Valley More information on the scholarship recipients will be included in the August newsletter. The scholarships will be awarded at the August 12 meeting, which is a potluck picnic at the First Baptist Church shelter house. Awarding the scholarships at this meeting will allow us to invite the winners and their extended families without a huge cost as this is a potluck meal. (* Don’t forget to bring a covered dish to the Aug. meeting!!) The raffle netted $124. Winners are: Eileen Stitt, handmade patriotic afghan made by Nancy Hood; “Lucky Lois” Carter, a Pampered Chef Cookbook donated by Roberta Wilson. Treasurers Report: (as of 5-31-10) Local Life Membership Savings: $7700.39 Scholarship Savings: 511.68 Scholarship CDs 21338.06 Checking: 2769.98 Louise Greenlee made the motion to adjourn and the second was by Wil Church. Meeting adjourned at 1:30 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Marlene Hoffman, Secretary NEXT MEETING: AUGUST 12, 2010 - NOON PICNIC POTLUCK – * BRING A COVERED DISH TO SHARE FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH SHELTER HOUSE Program: Awarding of scholarships Surprise presentation (??) Doug Wetherholt 2-11-10 August 2010 The Gallia County Chapter of the Ohio Retired Teachers Association met at the First Baptist Church Fellowship room for the August 12, 2010 meeting. Originally scheduled to be held in the shelter house the meeting was moved inside because of excessive heat. It was a potluck picnic style meal with Wanda Willis supplying the meat and drinks with members bringing side dishes to share. This was a first time event, it was agreed we should do it again next year as everybody enjoyed the meal. Grace was said by Cliff Wilson and we recited the Pledge of Allegiance. The meeting was called to order by President Barb Shelton. She welcomed “first timer” Diana Drummond as well as Karen Butt, State ORTA President-elect and District VII Director Jerry Webb. We sang “Happy Birthday” to Hazel Carico who will be 88 years young on Aug. 14. The first order of business was to present checks to the scholarship winners Alli Saunders, Sean Siegert and Samantha Hammond. Alli was on vacation with her family but sent a very nice letter, which Wanda Willis read to the group. Sean who is the grandson of Wanda and the late John Holle (Gallia RTA members) was attending OU orientation but got here in time to accept his check. Samantha and her parents were in attendance, she received her check also. It was very nice to hear these young people talk about their aspirations and dreams to become teachers. Each was inspired by a teacher somewhere along the way. Marlene Hoffman introduced Jerry Webb who spoke on legislative matters. He stressed the need to contact legislators and tell them we need to keep the DEFINED BENEFIT. Marlene then introduced Karen Butt who opened her remarks by saying, “Unless there is a coup, I will be your president next year”. She then told a bit about herself and reiterated that we need to stress keeping the DEFINED BENEFIT retirement plan. She noted that Ann Hanning ORTA Executive Director works tirelessly on our behalf. She spoke about health care, COLA and Medicare. Under committee reports Karen Cornell reminded folks she has volunteer forms if anyone needs one and to be keeping them up to date for the end of year report. Under membership Jimmy Steele reported he has been to Columbus to get membership materials for distribution. He has obtained permission for RTA to attend each of the three school systems on the first day for teachers. Volunteers for distribution are: Gallipolis City: Barb Shelton, Darla Saunders and Marlene Hoffman; Gallia County: Jimmy Steele; BHCC: Roy Sprague and Steve Saunders. Dues are going up Sept. 1. We are trying to give active teachers a heads up to join now and avoid the dues increase. A big THANK YOU to Jimmy for taking the initiative. The secretary mentioned we will need to take a look at the By-Laws at the next meeting, concerning dues structure, also she wants to put the By-Laws on the website to be in compliance with the recently instituted web guidelines. We signed a sympathy card for the family of Jim Bostick, long time teacher at Rio Grande Elementary who died in June. He passed away in his sleep of a heart attack. It was said Jim had 6 computers and 3 laptops in his office, which brought a smile to those who knew him. We signed getwell cards for Sally Moshier and Eileen Stitt. Barb Shelton announced the Meigs Chapter of RTA has expressed an interest in doing retirement planning activities with our chapter. Today’s raffle netted $70. A hand-knitted afghan donated by Nancy Hood was won by Cliff Wilson; two Longaberger frames donated by Darla Saunders were won by Samantha Hammond and Cliff Wilson; a corn hole score keeper donated by Karen Cornell was won by Darla Saunders. Meeting adjourned at 1:30 p.m., motion by Darla Saunders second by Jim Steele. Respectfully submitted, Marlene Hoffman, Secretary NEXT MEETING: October 14 - Rodney Methodist Church (Ham loaf!!) Program by Melvin Biars of Floral Fashions Treasurer’s Report: (as of 7-31-2010) Checking $2854.49 Local Life Membership Savings 7709.99 Scholarship Savings 512.09 Scholarship CD’s 21338.06 October 2010 Minutes Minutes The Gallia County Chapter of the Ohio Retired Teachers Association met for the October 14 meeting at the Rodney Methodist Church. The meal consisting of ham loaf, green beans, cheesy potatoes, cranberry cup and pumpkin torte was prepared by the church ladies. It was an excellent meal as usual and we gave the cooks a resounding round of applause. Cliff Wilson said the blessing. The meeting was called to order by President Barb Shelton. She welcomed first timers: Bruce Wilson, Phyllis Mulholland, Mary Lanier, Mary Lou King, Emily Robinson and Jean Fisher (Barb’s mother). Roger and Lynn Rees were visiting from Columbus where they now make their home. We recited the Pledge of Allegiance. Barb announced the speaker for today Melvin Biars is in the hospital with kidney stones…again!! This time last year Melvin was absent because of kidney stones. As retired teachers we recognize a “repeat” illness when we see it. Just kidding Melvin, we hope you get well soon. Barb stopped by Melvin’s florist shop and gathered items to give away because Melvin always brings very nice gifts for our group. Cher Bellar from Retired Senior Volunteer Program (RSVP) spoke on the “GrandPal” program that stresses literacy by pairing students with senior volunteers who write letters to 5thgraders monthly. RSVP provides envelopes and stationary. Each month has a theme, ie: charity, honesty, etc. RSVP is in need of 60 volunteers to pair with 5th graders at Addaville Elementary. At the end of the year the student and “GrandPal” meet for a pizza luncheon, which is looked forward to by both student and “GrandPal” alike. She distributed forms for possible volunteers. In Melvin’s absence Barb Shelton made a special presentation to Janet Wetherholt of a framed picture from Melvin of the Bandstand in memory of Janet’s late husband Douglas Wetherholt. Doug loved the history of Gallipolis and gave many informative talks on the Ohio River and the city park. Janet is compiling a comprehensive exhibit of chapter newsletters to be given to the Historical Society. She was president when “The Slate” was initiated. Barb Richards was a big help. Janet presented a framed picture to Barb of the WWII battleship that recently passed through Gallipolis. It seems they had to “chase” the ship down the river to get a good view. Barb did her best imitation of Melvin by telling us of the latest in floral fashions, the main one being that non-traditional colors are “in”. (note to Melvin, your job is not in jeopardy) Seriously, it is harder than it looks to make the presentations Melvin does for us. There were lots of give-away items that were used as part of the raffle today. Other donated raffle items were pampered chef items by Darla Saunders and hand appliquéd towels by Julie Dragoo. Mary Lanier won the fall wreath donated by Floral Fashions, other winners are too numerous to mention. The raffle netted $164, which will be used to defray the cost of postage for the newsletter. Thanks to all who donated and all who bought raffle tickets. We recognized the 33rd anniversary of Robin and Gary Lane. Gary is in HMC at the present time, it was also noted that Bev Gettles husband is ill and in need of our support. Jimmy Steele reported we have 9 new life members from the membership drive we did on the first day of school. (mea culpa: in the Aug. newsletter I left out the name of Jane Ann Slagle who helped at River Valley.) The new members are: Steve Saunders, Darla Saunders, Letty Willis, Cathy Greenleaf, Penny Roush, Leanna Martin, Marilyn Kuhn, Eileen Stitt and Joyce Hill. Welcome to our organization! Jimmy gave apple recipe holders to new members who were present, also to a few other attendees. Adjournment at 1:30 p.m., motion by Will Church, second by Cliff Wilson. Respectfully submitted, Marlene Hoffman, Secretary NEXT MEETING: December 9 at the Nazarene Family Life Center. Christmas Sing-along and Memorial Service. In the absence of the treasurer Marlene Hoffman gave the Treasurer’s report as of 9-3010: Checking: Local Life Savings: $1876.46 7719.72 Scholarship Savings: Scholarship CD’s: 512.74 21338.06 December 9, 2010 Minutes ORTA Gallia County Chapter The Gallia County Chapter of the Ohio Retired Teachers Association met December 9, 2010 at the Nazarene Family Life Center. Anita Merry catered the delicious meal consisting of Baked Steak and all the trimmings. We gave Anita and her crew a round of applause and asked if she would consider being our “caterer on call”. She said yes. Barbara Shelton President welcomed “first timers” Sharon Vannoy, Patty Young, and Marilyn Kuhn. Celebrating birthdays this month are Wil Church, Henry Dillon, Vicki Powell, Marilyn Kuhn and Karen Cornell. Henry Dillon led the Pledge of Allegiance and gave the prayer. The program today consisted of members offerings rather than having an outside speaker. Marlene Hoffman, Memorial Chairperson presented the annual memorial service for those of our association who have died this year. A candle was lit in memory then a poem was read after which Marlene slowly read the names: Irma Willeen Rupe Edwards (9-28-10) Marian R. Smith (2009) Douglas J. Wetherholt (5-12-10) Mildred J. Duncan (6-02-10) Jim Bostick (6-‘10) Ronald E. Paxton (12-10-10) We then participated in a litany called “We Remember Them”. The candle was extinguished. The next presentation was from Mrs. Claus (aka Vicki Powell). She read a very entertaining book by Carol V. Aebersold and Chanda A. Bell called “The Elf on the Shelf”. An assistant was needed and Roy Sprague volunteered to serve in this capacity. Thank you Mrs. Claus and Roy. Under Committee Reports Karen Cornell Volunteer chairperson reminded everyone she needs volunteer hours by the first of the year. She had forms and selfaddressed envelopes available for folks to use to send their volunteer hours to her as soon as possible. The secretary distributed copies of proposed revisions of the By-Laws and Constitution. The dues structure had to be changed. We also added an article regarding speakers so as not to have any confusion when folks wish to speak to our organization. The revised version was passed with a unanimous vote. The revised documents will be available on the website ( The Executive Committee will meet January 6, 2011 at Henry and Pat Dillon’s home to make plans for 2011 meetings and programs. The next item was the installation of officers for 2011. Wilbert Church past president, installed the following officers: President: Barbara Shelton; Secretary: Marlene Hoffman; Treasurer: Henry Dillon. The raffle netted $143 and will be used for mailing the newsletter. Many of our members donated very nice raffle items. Thank You. Marlene led the group in the annual December Christmas Sing-a-Long. Everyone sang with hearty voices, a good way to end 2010 and ring in 2011. HAPPY NEW YEAR to all! NEXT MEETING: February 10, 2011 NOON - Golden Corral Respectfully submitted, Marlene Hoffman, Secretary Financial Report as of November 30, 2010 Checking $1863.81 Local Life Membership 7719.72 Scholarship Savings 512.74 Scholarship CD’s 21338.06