Communication Plan

Getting Baderman Island Resort through
the Organizational Change Process
O The Scenario
O The Challenge of Change
O Launching the Communication Plan
O The Pre-change Approval
O Creating the Need for Change
O Midstream Change & Communication
O Confirming the Change
O The Impact of Management’s Response
O Addressing the Negative
O The Importance of a Communication
The Scenario
The Organization - Baderman Island Resort
The Change – Better quality control policies
The Challenge of Change
“When implementing a change program,
change leaders often find that misinformation
and rumors are rampant in their
organization…….....the challenge is to
persuade employees to move in a common
direction” (Spector, 2013 pg. 319).
Launching the
Communication Plan
The Four Stages –
O The Pre-change Approval
O Creating the Need for Change
O Midstream Change & Communication
O Confirming the Change
Laying out the Plan
Planning for Each Stage
O The Purpose
O Necessary Technology
O Testing Effectiveness
O Generating Feedback
The Pre-Change Approval
The Purpose O To convince top management of the need
for change
Necessary Technology O Email and presentations
Testing Effectiveness O Gauge the responses and questions
Generating Feedback O Encourage open communication
Creating the Need for Change
The Purpose O Create dissatisfaction with current policies
Necessary Technology O Presentations
Testing Effectiveness O Review the results of the pre-change
approval meeting
Generating Feedback O Ask for questions, thoughts, suggestions,
and concerns
Midstream Change &
The Purpose O To positively create the change
Necessary Technology O Email updates, event timelines, company’s
computer system, and progress reports
Testing Effectiveness O Have weekly meetings to assess how the
change is proceeding
Generating Feedback O Weekly meetings to assess reactions
Confirming the Change
The Purpose O To confirm and celebrate the change
Necessary Technology O Email, company’s computer system, and
social media
Testing Effectiveness O Organization-wide celebration
Generating Feedback O End of change survey
The Impact of
Management’s Response
On average only 27% of employees feel that
management is in touch with their concerns
(Spector, 2013).
Addressing the Negative
O Treat people with respect
O Provide specific information
O Have no surprises
O Provide participation
O Respond positively
O Weave the change into existing policies
O Have honest and open communication
The Importance of a
Communication Plan
“The single biggest problem in communication is
the illusion that it has taken place.”
George Bernard Shaw
O Fojt, M. (1995). Quality planning and the communication plan.
The Journal of Services Marketing, 9(3), 27. Retrieved April 30,
2014 from:
O Shaw, George Bernard (n.d.). Retrieved May 5, 2013 from
O Spector, B. (2013). Implementing organizational change:
Theory into practice (3rd ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice
O Tupper, C., Deszca, G., & Cynthia, I. (2012). Organizational
change: An action-oriented toolkit (2nd ed.). Thousand Oaks,
CA: Sage.