
Instructional Plan
Elizabeth Andrews
Instructional Plan Template | Slide 1
Instructional Plan Template Instructions
This is the template for creating your instructional plan throughout this
course, which follows ADDIE instructional design practices. (Note: Review all
slides in this template before you begin.)
Follow the instructions provided on each slide for the three parts of this
assignment. You will need to add your content to this template as defined
below for each week. In addition, you will need to submit the entire
template for each due date so that the instructor is able to view your
work from previous weeks. Remember to remove the instructions within
this template when you submit the various pieces of your our
instructional plan.
For your Week Three assignment, complete slides: 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, & 9
For your Week Five assignment, complete slides: 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, & 15
For your Week Six assignment, complete slides: 16, 17, 18, 19, & 20
Instructional Plan Template | Slide 2
Template Instructions
Part I – Analysis and Design of Instruction
• Complete the following sections:
Needs Assessment – slide 4
Instructional Goal – slide 5
Performance-Based Objectives – slide 6
Summative Assessment and Learning Outcomes – slide 7
Learner Characteristics – slide 8
Learning Context – slide 9
Note: You may add additional slides if necessary.
Instructional Plan Template | Slide 3
Needs Assessment
Learning problem or opportunity: The courses at Boardman Corporate
University does not provide training on the specific information or
training needed to give a private guided tour of the botanical gardens
at the resort.
What is currently available? The course offered related to this area is
“Customer Service in Hospitality”. This gives the employees basic
training in catering to customers at the resort.
What should be available? Employees need area specific training of the
botanical gardens of Baderman Island Resort due to the unique
atmosphere and expectations of the customers.
Instructional Plan Template | Slide 4
Needs Assessment Continued
Gap analysis. Employees have ample training in basic customer
service situations such as dealing with difficult customers and
developing listening skills. However these employees do not have
training that would assist them in guiding customers through the
offered tours of the Island’s botanical gardens.
Recommended solution for filling the gap. Employees need a
course that builds on their customer service knowledge and
applies it to the specific skills needed to safely guide visitors
through the Island’s botanical sites such as plant identification,
history of the gardens, island flora and fauna, and basic first aid.
Instructional Plan Template | Slide 5
Instructional Goal
• Students will develop specific service skills and
knowledge to facilitate educational, safe and
engaging guided tours through Baderman Island
Resort’s botanical gardens.
Instructional Plan Template | Slide 6
Performance-Based Objectives
• Learners will be able to pass a multiple choice
basic first aid test with a minimum score of 90%.
• Learners will be able to accurately identify
minimum of 50 specimen plants located at the
Baderman Island Resort botanical gardens.
Instructional Plan Template | Slide 7
Summative Assessment and Learning
• First aid training test (multiple choice format)
covering blood born pathogens, minor injuries,
and emergency situation action.
• Botanical map test (written format). Students
must identify at least 50 specimen plants and
flora and fauna found in specific areas of the
botanical gardens.
Instructional Plan Template | Slide 8
Learner Characteristics
• A service industry set of 20 employees with 9 women and 11
men ranging in age 19 to 50. All employees have at least 1
full year of service experience and have passed the
prerequisite course “Customer Service in Hospitality. Majority
of the students are motivated by an increase in pay, and the
opportunity to work within the botanical garden setting.
Most of the employees are Kinesthetic or visual learners.
• Based on the learner characteristics, the instructional plan
will include onsite activities, diagrams, and handouts to
better facilitate the needed information.
Instructional Plan Template | Slide 9
Learning Context
• The instructional portion of the course will meet of in a
classroom where they will have access to printed materials,
computers and visual aids.
• The application setting of the course will be in the workplace/
field experience of the botanical gardens were the learners will
be exposed to weather and live flora and fauna.
• The classroom environment will allow for various media such as
videos, documents and demonstrations.
• The application site will allow for role playing and the application
of learned material.
Instructional Plan Template | Slide 10
Template Instructions
Please read before
proceeding with this
For your Week Five assignment, you will complete the development
and implementation phase of ADDIE.
Part II – Development and Implementation of Instruction
• Complete the following sections:
– Delivery Modality – slide 11
– Instructional Strategies – slide 12
– Plan for Implementation – slide 13
– Instructional Resources – slide 14
– Formative Assessment – slide 15
Note: You may add additional slides if necessary.
Instructional Plan Template | Slide 11
Delivery Modality
(After reading the information below, delete and insert your information.)
Based on the learning context and learner characteristics,
list and describe the most effective method of delivery such
as an instructor-led course, a Web-based tutorial, an
asynchronous learning environment, a synchronous
learning environment, podcasts, a Web-based conference,
video taped instruction, etc.
Instructional Plan Template | Slide 12
Instructional Strategies
(After reading the information below, delete and insert your information.)
• The overall plan governing the instructional content (the
information to be taught) and process (how will it be
• Select instructional strategies that will be used to facilitate
instruction, and explain the main concepts that the learner
will need to understand in order to master this topic.
Instructional Plan Template | Slide 13
Plan for Implementation
(After reading the information below, delete and insert your information.)
• This section defines the timelines for the actual implementation of
instruction and actual delivery of the instruction. This includes the
delivery dates for either a classroom, online, or Web-based
instruction and the amount of time it will take learners to complete
the course (e.g.,1 hour, 1 day, 1 week, etc.).
• Individuals and materials involved (e.g., facilitator, learners, copies
of materials, activities, etc.) must be prepared.
• Define how you will implement your plan, including the specifics of
who will be involved as part of the implementation, what resources
are needed to implement your plan, where will the instruction be
implemented, when the instruction will be implemented (e.g.,
weekly/monthly/quarterly/yearly), and how your plan will be
implemented (e.g., How you will communicate the plan, how you
will build interest and commitment, how will you select your
Instructional Plan Template | Slide 14
Instructional Resources
(After reading the information below, delete and insert your information.)
Within this section, describe the materials that will be
necessary to implement the instructional plan. (e.g.,
computer, whiteboard, hardware/software, manipulatives,
and supplemental materials).
Instructional Plan Template | Slide 15
Formative Assessment
(After reading the information below, delete and insert your information.)
Describe five formative assessment strategies that could be
incorporated into the implementation of your instructional
Instructional Plan Template | Slide 16
Template Instructions
Please read before
proceeding with this
For your Week Six assignment you will complete the evaluation
phase of ADDIE.
Part III– Evaluation of Instruction
•Complete the following sections:
– Evaluation Strategies – slide 17
– Outcome Review – slide 18
– Recommendations – slide 19
– References – slide 20
Note: You may add additional slides if necessary.
Instructional Plan Template | Slide 17
Evaluation Strategies
(After reading the information below, delete and insert your information.)
Describe strategies for evaluating your instructional plan.
For example, student surveys, follow-up with management
staff, improvement in performance, academic achievement,
and other qualitative and quantitative data as appropriate.
Instructional Plan Template | Slide 18
Outcome Review
(After reading the information below, delete and insert your information.)
Identify criteria for examining that design goals,
performance-based objectives, and learning outcomes were
achieved. For example, a rubric, a scoring guide, a rating
scale, or a Likert scale.
Instructional Plan Template | Slide 19
(After reading the information below, delete and insert your information.)
Based on the outcome review, analyze, and describe
possible recommendations for future use.
Instructional Plan Template | Slide 20
(After reading the information below, delete and insert your information.)
• List your resources (e.g., Web sites, articles, books, etc.)
used to complete your instructional plan. Your resources
should follow APA requirements.
• A minimum of six references is required to complete this
project plan.
Instructional Plan Template | Slide 21
Template End
• You have completed the three parts of the instructional plan
• To complete your Week Six assignment be sure to submit your
entire template reflecting sections I, II, III, and the Reference
• To finalize your instructional plan, remember to remove slides
2, 3, 10, and 16. Your final presentation should only reflect
the three sections of your instructional plan. The instructions
within this template should be removed.
• Note: Students must upload the final completed Instructional
Plan (Parts I, II, and III) to their personal Presentation
Portfolio in TaskStream. (This is required.)
Instructional Plan Template | Slide 22