When is a Building & Plumbing Permit required?

Development Services
85Main Street Kempton Tas 7030
03 6259 3011
03 6259 1327
Email: mail@southernmidlands.tas.gov.au
Residential Development Information Package
Permits are required for the following residential development:
Dwellings, units, garages/ sheds / carports/ or the like
Additions and alterations to dwellings and buildings
Demolition, reconstruction and relocation of buildings
Farm buildings, shipping containers or outbuildings
Swimming pools, decks and verandahs
Masonary walls, retaining walls and earthworks
Dependent on the type of work that is proposed, up to four permits may be required from
A Planning Permit is required before all other permits. An Application must include the
relevant application form and plans and documentation prepared in accordance with the
Southern Midlands Interim Planning Scheme 2015.
Plumbing & Building Permits are normally the second step. An Application is comprised
of the relevant application form and plans prepared by accredited persons. Building plans
must be drawn by an accredited designer (architect or draftsman) and then certified by a
Building Surveyor. Plumbing design layout plans must also be drawn by an accredited
A Special Plumbing Permit is required if your property is not connected to a township
sewerage system and you need your own on-site waste water management system (such as
a septic tank), or you need to upgrade an existing system.
We recommend that you discuss your proposal prior to lodgement with an officer from
Development Services at 85 Main Street, Kempton, or by calling (03) 6259 3011.
Council provides Building Surveying services for Class 10a structures (garages / sheds /
carports or like) and Class 7b structures (farm buildings), or you can engage a Private Building
For all other building work you will be required to engage a
Private Building Surveyor.
Building Surveyor details: Department of Justice:
Or Building Surveyors, Yellow Pages, Tasmania Telephone Directory.
K-drive Admin- Application Forms PlanPlumb&Build-ResDevInfoPack
Information for a Planning Permit
Applications for Planning Permits must demonstrate that the proposed use
development complies with the relevant requirements of the Southern Midlands
Interim Planning Scheme 2015.
Some of the assessment criteria include:
Access and Parking:
What is the current use of the property? Is the application for a change of use, as
well as the development? A 'house' is an allowable use in most zones. Many
commercial uses, however, are not permitted in residential zones.
Depending on your zone there are different standard building height limits. It is
possible to seek a relaxation of the standard height limit subject to proving no
adverse impacts on neighbours.
Depending on your zone there are different standard boundary setback
requirements. It is possible to seek a relaxation of the standard setbacks subject to
proving no adverse impacts on neighbours.
Many proposals will have a requirement for parking and access, which relates to the
proposed use of the property.
If your property is heritage listed or is in a heritage area, your proposal will be
considered in relation to the impact on the heritage values of the listed property or
In areas prone to bushfire your application will need to address bushfire protection
zones, emergency water supply and access road standards.
Application Requirements -
Southern Midlands Interim Planning Scheme 2015
Sufficient information must be provided with your application to demonstrate compliance
with all applicable standards
A copy of the current certificate of title for the land, including the title plan and
schedule of easements (available from Service Tasmania).
A written statement describing the proposed use or development.
A written notification to the landowner if acting as the “Applicant” on behalf of an
 The “Applicant” means the name of the person making the application.
Unless Council is specifically advised in writing, the applicant will be the
person whom Council liaises with regarding the application, including any
requests for additional information and notification of the final decision.
 The “Owner” generally is as described on the current certificate of title,
(exceptions apply).
A Bushfire Hazard Management Plan if you are in a Bushfire Prone Area
Plans, including a site plan and elevation plans, prepared in accordance with Clause
8.1 of the Southern Midlands Interim Planning Scheme 2015.
Heritage - If your property is heritage listed and you don’t have an exemption, your
application will be forwarded to the Tasmanian Heritage Council for formal
assessment. You are encouraged to liaise with Heritage Tasmania regarding your
plans prior to lodging the application with Council.
Some applications, depending on their location may require specific information or
reports e.g.: a Traffic Impact Assessment, Heritage Impact Statement,
overshadowing diagrams, wastewater report.
Pay the Prescribed fees payable to Council.
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Office Use
(Please delete)
Electronic Mail
Australia Post
Received by:
Phone: (03) 6259 3011
Email: mail@southernmidlands.tas.gov.au
Southern Midlands Council
PO Box 21
Oatlands TAS 7120
Land Use Planning and
Approvals Act 1993
Applicant Details:
Note: Only an owner or agent of the owner may make an application
Postal Address:
Phone No:
Fax No:
Email address:
Description of proposed building work and use:
Dwelling /,Additions/ Demolition /
Garage / Shed / Farm Building / Carport
/ Swimming Pool or detail other etc.
Type of new work
and use:
Address of new
work and use :
Lot No:
Certificate of Title No:
Current uses of land and
Owners Name (s)
Other details:
External wall colour
Value of work:
Roof colours :
contract price:
(X one applicable.)
Proposed new floor area m2 :
Heritage Tasmania:
If the Property is listed on the Tasmanian Heritage Register then the Application will be
referred to Heritage Tasmania unless an Exemption Certificate has been provided with this
Application. (Phone 1300 850 332 (local call cost) or email enquires@heritage.tas.gov.au)
Depending on the works proposed Council may be required to refer the Application to
TasWater for assessment (Phone 136992)
K-drive Admin- Application Forms PlanPlumb&Build-ResDevInfoPack
Signed Declaration
I/we hereby apply for a planning approval to carry out the use or development described in this
application and in the accompanying plans and documents, accordingly I declare that:
The information given is a true and accurate representation of the proposed development. I
understand that the information and materials provided with this development application may be
made available to the public. I understand that the Council may make such copies of the
information and materials as, in its opinion, are necessary to facilitate a thorough consideration of
the Development Application. I have obtained the relevant permission of the copyright owner for
the communication and reproduction of the plans accompanying the development application, for
the purposes of assessment of that application. I indemnify the Southern Midlands Council for
any claim or action taken against it in respect of breach of copyright in respect of any of the
information or material provided.
I am the applicant for the planning permit and I have notified the owner/s of the land in writing of
the intention to make this application in accordance with Section 52(1) of the Land Use Planning
Approvals Act 1993 (or the land owner has signed this form in the box below in ”Land Owner(s)
Applicant Signature
Applicant Name (print)
Land Owner(s) Signature
Land Owners Name (please print)
Land Owner(s) Signature
Land Owners Name (please print)
Check List of accompanying plans and documents (in accordance with the Planning Scheme):
1. Copy of the current Certificate of Title, Schedule of Easements and Title Plan (Available from
Service Tasmania Offices)
2. Copy of the written notification to the land owner (if this form is not signed by the owner)
If you provide an email address in this form then the Southern Midlands Council (“the Council”) will treat the provision
of the
as consentscale.
to the Council, pursuant to Section 6 of the Electronic Transactions Act 2000, to using
A site
to a standard
that email address for the purposes of assessing the Application under the Land Use Planning and Approvals Act 1993
Act”). design drawings to a standard scale.
If you
an email
the Council
will notstatements
provide hardtocopy
unless specifically
or written
the Application
It isapplicable)
your responsibility to provide the Council with the correct email address and to check your email for
communications from the Council.
6. Prescribed fees payable to Council
If you do not wish for the Council to use your email address as the method of contact and for the giving of information,
please tick the box
 If you provide an email address in this form then the Southern Midlands Council (“the Council”) will treat the
provision of the email address as consent to the Council, pursuant to Section 6 of the Electronic Transactions
Act 2000, to using that email address for the purposes of assessing the Application under the Land Use
Planning and Approvals Act 1993 (“the Act”).
If you provide an email address, the Council will not provide hard copy documentation unless specifically
It is your responsibility to provide the Council with the correct email address and to check your email for
communications from the Council.
If you do not wish for the Council to use your email address as the method of contact and for the giving of
information, please tick the box
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K-drive Admin- Application Forms PlanPlumb&Build-ResDevInfoPack
Information for Building & Plumbing Permits
When is a Building & Plumbing Permit required?
A Building Permit is generally required for all building work such as:
 New dwellings, commercial buildings and workshops
 Alterations and /or additions to existing buildings
 Removing or altering load bearing walls
 Work that may involve a change of use of a premises, for example converting a
residence into a shop, or a garage into a bedroom / rumpus
 Residential garages, carports, sheds and the like
 Swimming pools and pool fences
 Farm buildings or shipping containers or outbuildings
 Decks (both over and under 1 metre high)
 Other structures such as retaining walls or fences over specified heights
 Demolition work such as demolishing an existing house or shed
In most circumstances building and plumbing work will require a permit from your Council. It
is your responsibility as the property owner to ensure that a building and plumbing permit is
in place prior to commencement of any new work.
A building and plumbing permit may not be required if the work is categorised as exempt
work please refer to the following links
If you believe a building and plumbing permit is not required you should seek confirmation
from the Council prior to commencing any works.
What legislation controls building & plumbing work?
The relevant legislation relating to building work is as follows:
Building Act 2000
Building Regulations 2014 (Exemption Regulation4)
Building Code of Australia
Plumbing Regulations 2014 (Exemption Regulation 4)
AS/NZ 3500 Series (Standards)
INFORMATION: A Special Plumbing Permit Section 80 (1)(b) Form 3A (Waste Water Treatment
Systems) has not been included in this package, however the form is available from Council’s web
site www.southernmidlands.tas.gov.au or phone 6259 3011 Development Services to request a
Form 3A Special Plumbing Permit Application.
These Acts and Regulations contain the legislative requirements for building control. However; technical aspects
concerning design and construction also need to be fulfilled. This is governed by the Building Code of Australia
(BCA) which is a uniform set of technical provisions that applies throughout Australia with appendices that are
varied according to climate and geological or geographic conditions for each state and territory.
The BCA is produced and maintained by the Australian Building Codes Board with an annual update edition
being produced in May of each year. In Tasmania, the BCA is given ‘legal status’ by the Building Act 2000.
K-drive Admin- Application Forms PlanPlumb&Build-ResDevInfoPack
Frequently asked Questions:
What does the Building Permit process involve?
The Building Permit process begins with the assessment of the proposed building works for
compliance with the Building Code of Australia. This must be undertaken by an accredited Building
Council provides Building Surveying
services for Class 10a structures
(garages/sheds/carports or like) and
Class 7b structures (farm buildings),
or you can engage a Private Building
For all other building work you will be
required to engage a Private Building
The Building Surveyor assesses the plans and then
issues a 'Certificate of Likely Compliance'.
The ‘Certificate of Likely Compliance’ will indicate that
the proposed work is likely to comply with the
appropriate legislation and the Building Code of
Australia (BCA).
The 'Certificate of Likely Compliance' from the
Building Surveyor will stipulate any relevant
conditions that may apply to the building work, as well
as nominate the required inspections to be
Prior to commencing any building work, an application must be made on the
approved form for a Building Permit.
The Certificate of Likely Compliance is submitted to Council for a building permit. Once approval has
been granted a Building Permit will be issued. You are then required to lodge a Building Start Work
Notification with the Building Surveyor and attain approval from the Building Surveyor before any work
can commence.
Building Surveyor details: Department of Justice:
Or Building Surveyors, Yellow Pages, Tasmania Telephone Directory.
How long does it take to obtain a Building Permit?
A Building Surveyor must process a request for a ‘Certificate of Likely Compliance’ within 21
days or a period agreed between the applicant and the Building Surveyor.
A Permit Authority (Plumbing) must process a request for a ‘Plumbing Permit’ within 14 days or
a period agreed between the applicant and the Permit Authority (Plumbing).
The Permit Authority (Building) must issue a Building Permit within 7 days of receiving the
required documentation from the relevant authorities.
Minor Alterations Or Repairs
Minor alterations or repairs to existing buildings may not require a full building permit.
A Building Surveyor may issue a ‘Minor Works Notification’ if it is deemed that work is of a minor
nature as defined in Sec. 60 Building Act 2000.
Are you Engaging Councils Building Surveyor to issue a Certificate of Likely
Compliance for the building works?
If Yes, The attached Building Surveyors form needs to be completed and signed by the
Have you been issued a Planning Permit & Plumbing Permit for the building works?
If No, It is also necessary to complete the simultaneous lodgement consent letter attached.
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Office Use
(Please delete)
Received by:
Electronic Mail
Australia Post
Phone: (03) 6259 3011
Email: mail@southernmidlands.tas.gov.au
Southern Midlands Council
PO Box 21
Oatlands TAS 7120
To: Southern Midlands Council
Permit Authority
PO Box 21
Oatlands Tas
70 & 80
Applicant / Owner details:
Note: Only an owner or agent of the owner may make an application
Phone No:
Fax No:
Owner builder:
(X if applicable)
Email address:
Phone No:
Fax No:
Note: Agents to be authorised in writing by the owner
Email address:
Details of building work:
Lot No:
Certificate of title No:
Type of work:
(new building / alteration / addition / repair
/demolition / removal / re-erection / other)
Use of building:
(main use)
Building class:
Other details:
Area: m2
Value of work: $
[inclusive of GST]
existing building floor:
new floor:
contract price:
(X one applicable.)
No. of dwelling units:
INFORMATION Contract price or an estimate signed by a building surveyor of the cost of the building
work to completion.
K-drive Admin- Application Forms PlanPlumb&Build-ResDevInfoPack
Details of plumbing work:
(Plumbers Registration Number)
Reg. No:
Phone No:
Fax No:
Email address:
Description of the proposed plumbing work
The work:
An application for special plumbing permit
the subject of this application is included
(X if applicable.)
Plumbing designer details: (plumbing design layout)
Phone No:
Fax No:
Email address:
Registration No.
Building practitioner details:
Building Surveyor:
Phone No:
Fax No:
Accreditation No:
Email address:
Phone No:
Fax No:
Accreditation No:
Email address:
Phone No:
Fax No:
Accreditation No:
Email address:
K-drive Admin- Application Forms PlanPlumb&Build-ResDevInfoPack
Documents and certificates provided:
The following specified documents and certificates are provided with this application Directors Specified List - Section 70(1)(b)
No of
Certificate of Likely Compliance and all documents referred to on the Certificate of Likely
Prepared by (accreditation
Document or certificate description:
No. if applicable)
Architectural Plans (3 sets) or Electronically (A3 maximum size)
Certificate of Likely Compliance
Current Certificate of Title, Title Plan and Schedule of Easements
All certificates and reports relied on by the designer and the building
surveyor (Form 55 & 35A) (1copy) Evidence of the contract price or an
estimate signed by a building surveyor of the cost of the building work
A TasWater Exemption Certificate or a Certificate for Certifiable Work
(Building) and/or (Plumbing) TasWater;
The documents (if required) referred to in Schedule 2
Outline Plan and procedure of demolition works if applicable
Details of proposed work for the protection of persons or property
Directors Specified List - Schedule 2
Design detailed plan Plumbing or drainage (plumbing design layout);
A TasWater Exemption Certificate or a Certificate for Certifiable Work
(Building) and/or (Plumbing) TasWater;
Certificate of the Responsible Designer Plumbing Work (Form 35B).
The building & plumbing work will be carried out in accordance with the Building Act, the
Building & Plumbing Regulations 2014, the Tasmanian Plumbing Code and the Building Code of
Name: [print]
Name: [print]
Owner / Agent:
(Delete one not applicable)
Owner / Agent:
(Delete one not applicable)
Information: If you provide an email address on this application form the Southern Midlands Council
(“the Council”) will treat the provision of the email address as consent, pursuant to section 6 of the
Electronic Transactions Act 2000, to the Council using that email address for the giving of information
under the Building Act 2000.
If you lodge you application via email address the Council will not provide hard copy documentation
unless specifically requested. If additional copies are required charges shall apply.
It is your responsibility to provide the Council with the correct email address and to check your email
for communications from the Council.
If you do not wish for the Council to use your email address as the method of contact and for the
giving of information, please tick the box below.
Please tick
 I do not consent to the Council providing information by email
INFORMATION: A Special Plumbing Permit Section 80 (1)(b) Form 3A (Waste Water Treatment
Systems) has not been included in this package, however the form is available from Council’s web
site www.southernmidlands.tas.gov.au or phone 6259 3011 Development Services to request a
Form 3A Special Plumbing Permit Application.
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K-drive Admin- Application Forms PlanPlumb&Build-ResDevInfoPack
62 & 52A
(Class 10a & Class 7b)
Building Surveyor,
Southern Midlands Council
PO Box 21
Oatlands Tas 7120
This application is specific only to building surveying services provided by the
Southern Midlands Council.
building work details:
Address of works:
(new building / garage /shed /carport /
farm building or other)
Type of work:
Area of building
Documents and certificates provided:
Refer to documents and certificates section of application for a permit associated with
this proposed works.
Section 62
In accordance with Section 62 of the Building Act 2000 I/We wish to engage the
services of the Building Surveyor, Southern Midlands Council, to undertake building
surveying services for the building work detailed (above).
Signature of Applicant
Name (please print)
Signature of Applicant
Name (please print)
Office Use: To be completed by Building Surveyor
Sect 52A
As the Building Surveyor for the Southern Midlands Council, Council accept the offer
of engagement as provided and undertake to proceed with the required regulatory
assessment process pursuant to the Building Act 2000.
Building Surveyor ____________________________ dated _____/ ___________/20
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K-drive Admin- Application Forms PlanPlumb&Build-ResDevInfoPack
Permit Authority
Southern Midlands Council
PO Box 21
Oatlands Tasmania 7120
Dear Sir/Madam
Building work details:
Address of
(new building / garage/shed/carport/ farm
building or other)
Type of work:
In relation to my proposed development I wish to lodge all necessary documentation for
Planning, Building and Plumbing Permits at the same time. This is to avoid the
inconvenience to me of having to lodge documentation for Building and Plumbing Permits
after Council issues the Planning Permit.
I understand that Council cannot formally consider applications for Building and Plumbing
Permits until the relevant Planning Permit has been issued.
I also understand that Council is subject to statutory timeframes in which to consider and
determine Planning, Building and Plumbing approvals or refusal.
I am aware that under Section 62 of the Building Act 2000, it is necessary for me to
apply to a Building Surveyor for the issue of a Certificate of Likely Compliance, prior to
the issue of a Building Permit.
I therefore request Council to receive my documentation for Building and Plumbing
Permits at the same time as it receives my Planning Application, but to only consider the
Building and Plumbing Applications as being formally lodged on the date that Council
approves the Planning Permit.
Signature of Applicant
Signature of Applicant
Name (please print)
Name (please print)
Submitting applications via email or CD/DVD
K-drive Admin- Application Forms PlanPlumb&Build-ResDevInfoPack
Council provide applicants with the option to lodge applications electronically.
If you are submitting your application electronically please supply all of the following in a PDF format
on a CD/DVD or via email to mail@southernmidlands.tas.gov.au (each document to be saved
separately with all pages of that document merged as one file).
When submitting your electronic application, please include the following documents:
 Application form;
 Title/s (declaration required if copy of title is more than 60 days old);
 Plans - all plans/drawings to be merged as one file in pdf format only. (Preference is that
plans are scaled at A3-A4 sized paper and that the file is no larger than 8mb);
 Any other relevant documentation such as: (refer to the process section of this information
Any amendments or any additional information requested by Council is to be submitted in the same
Label all files with the street address and what the document is:
123 Smith Road – Planning Application;
123 Smith Road – Site Plan;
123 Smith Road – Elevation Plan;
123 Smith Road – Covering letter;
123 Smith Road – Plans, etc.
Please do not include links to websites, or any other format other than .pdf.
Briefly write on the disc itself which documentation is on it.
If an application is submitted without all the necessary documents on a CD/DVD, or is in the incorrect
file format, you will be charged scanning fees.
The Southern Midlands Council abides by the Personal Information Protection Act 2004 and views the protection
of your privacy as an integral part of its commitment towards complete accountability and integrity in all its
activities and programs.
Collection of Personal Information: The personal information being collected from you for the purposes of the
Personal Information Protection Act, 2004 and will be used solely by Council in accordance with its Privacy
Policy. Council is collecting this information from you in order to process your application.
Disclosure of Personal Information: Council will take all necessary measures to prevent unauthorised access to
or disclosure of your personal information. External organisations to whom this personal information will be
disclosed as required under the Building Act 2000. This information will not be disclosed to any other external
agencies unless
required or authorised by law.
Correction of Personal Information: If you wish to alter any personal information you have supplied to Council
please telephone the Southern Midlands Council on (03) 6259 3011. Please contact the Council’s Privacy Officer
on (03) 6254 5000 if you have any other enquires concerning Council’s privacy procedures.
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