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BMFB 4283
Lectures for Week 1
Prof. Qumrul Ahsan, PhD
Department of Engineering Materials
Faculty of Manufacturing Engineering
Issues to address
1.0 Introduction to NDE
1.1 Definitions and Understanding of NDE
1.2 Concept of Defects and Discontinuity
1.3 Visual Inspection
Non Destructive Evaluation (NDE)
NDE is the examination of an object
with technology that does not affect the
object’s future usefulness
Non destructive evaluation a term interchangeably
with non destructive testing (NDT)
NDT means
The use of noninvasive techniques to determine the
integrity of a material, component or structure
quantitatively measure some characteristic of an object.
i.e. refers to technology that allows a component to be
inspected for serviceability, without impairing its usefulness
Methods of NDT
Six Most Common NDT
Liquid Penetrant
Eddy Current
What are Some Uses
of NDE Methods?
• Flaw Detection and Evaluation
• Leak Detection
• Location Determination
• Dimensional Measurements
Fluorescent penetrant indication
• Structure and Microstructure Characterization
• Estimation of Mechanical and Physical Properties
• Stress (Strain) and Dynamic Response
• Material Sorting and Chemical Composition
NDE - A Full Spectrum Technology
There are NDE application at almost any stage
in the production or life cycle of a component
Materials Development
To assist in product development
To screen or sort incoming materials
To verify proper assembly
In-Service Monitoring
To inspect for in-service damage
Common Application of NDT
• Inspection of Raw Products
• Inspection Following Secondary
• In-Services Damage Inspection
Inspection of Raw Products
• Forgings,
• Castings,
• Extrusions,
• etc.
Inspection Following
Secondary Processing
• Machining
• Welding
• Grinding
• Heat treating
• Plating
• etc.
Inspection For
In-Service Damage
• Cracking
• Corrosion
• Erosion/Wear
• Heat Damage
• etc.
How is NDE Applied ?
• Process or quality control into feedback control
– Monitors the process
– Feeds the sensor response back to the feedback controller
– Controller controls the process variables
• Process or quality control into accept/reject criteria
– Inspects the finished product
– “go” - > accept the product to perform service
– “no go” -> reject the product ; reprocessed, recycled or
Understanding the NDE Choices
• Physical nature of the material property or
discontinuity to be inspected
• Processes that govern NDE methods
• Interaction of the probing field (or
material) with the test material
• The potential and limitations of available
• Economic, environmental, regulatory, and
other factors
How much do we inspect ?
• Statistics
• Consequences of Part Failure
• Larger Systems or Safety-Critical
• Retirement for cause
• Risked-Informed Inspection
Definition of discontinuities
• Discontinuity : An intentional or unintentional
interruption in the configuration of the part
• Flaw : A detectable lack of continuity or a
detectable imperfection in a physical or
dimensional attribute of a part
• Defect : One or several discontinuities that do
not meet specifications
• Nonconforming : A part is deficient in one or
more specified characteristics
Other important vocabularies
• Indication : Observation of a discontinuity that requires
interpretation e.g. cracks, inclusions, gas pockets
• Interpretation : Determination whether an indication is
relevant, nonrelevant or false
• False : Indication not due to presence of defects in the test
material or due to test procedure
• Nonrelevant : An indication which has no relation to a
discontinuity that is considered a defect in the part being tested
• Evaluation : Assessment of a relevant indication to determine
wether specifications of the serviceability of the part are met
Discontinuities & Defects
– Microscopic Defects
– Macroscopic Defects
– Inherent Defects
– Processing Defects
– Service Defects
– Destructive Testing
– Non-Destructive Testing
Table 1.0 Comparison of Destructive and Non-Destructive Tests
Destructive Test
Nondestructive Test
• Measurements are direct and
• Quantitative measurements
• Direct correlation between test
measurements and material
• Tests are done directly on the
• 100% testing on actual components
is possible
• Many NDT methods can be applied
on the same part  hence many or
all properties of interest can be
• In-service testing is possible
• Repeated checks over a period of
time are possible
• Very little preparation is sufficient
• Most test methods are rapid
Table 1.0 Comparison of Destructive and Non-Destructive Tests
Destructive Test
Nondestructive Test
•Tests are not made on the
objects directly. Hence need to
prove correlation between the
sample specimen used and
• A single test may measure only
one or few of the properties
• In-service testing is not possible
• Measurement of properties over
a cumulative period of time
cannot readily be possible
• Preparation of the test specimen
is costly
• Time requirements are generally
• Measurements are indirect
• Reliability to be verified
• Qualitative measurements
• Measurements can also be done
• Skilled judgment and experience
are required to interpret indications
• Inclusions
materials (oxides or sulphides)
• a lower melting point than the
• relative brittleness
• these defects occur near the
surface as a “skin” effect.
• occur at the centre of the
• they tend to be irregular in
shape, not spherical or oval.
• gas trapped in the molten
• formed by
– release from the molten metal
– release from the green sand
turbulence caused when pouring
the metal
• form of small pockets or voids appears as
round irregular or elongated shapes
• Metal contracts or shrinks when changing from the liquid
to the solid state and defects will occur in a casting unless
sufficient molten metal is available to “feed” it.
• Defects may take the form of cavities, branch-like tears
• Shrinkage cavities occur usually at hot spots in the casting
• Piping : Central Cavity
• As the casting solidifies,
the metal contracts if
there is not an adequate
supply of molten metal
to the centre of the
• usually occurs in pure
metals and alloys having
narrow ranges of
• causes lamination
• Hot Tears
If a section begins to shrink
while still hot and there is
not a sufficient supply of
liquid metal, the resulting
internal stress will tear the
metal. This is because
while hot the metal has
relatively low strength
Open Die Forging Defects
Fracture – exhausted
– Intergranular fracture
in hot working
• Barreling - Friction
• Solution – limited
deformation per
– Process anneal
between steps
Closed Die Forging Defects
• Laps
Rolling Defects : Stringers
• Nonmetallic inclusions in slabs or billets, that are
thinned and lengthened in the direction of rolling,
by the rolling process, are called stringers.
Other Processing Defects
• Heat-Treated
•Grinding Cracks
Weld Defects
• Groove in the base material
• Result of improper welding
technique (high travel speed,
heat is too high)
• Groove in the weld material
• Result of improper welding
technique (inadequate filler
material and high travel speed)
• Excessive weld material (may not fuse to base)
• Result of improper welding technique (welding
travel speed is too slow)
Weld Defects
Incomplete root fusion or penetration
Excessively thick root face
in a butt weld
Large diameter electrode
Too small a root gap
Arc (heat) input too low
Small diameter electrode
In MMA welding, the risk of incomplete root fusion can
be increased by using the incorrect welding parameters
and electrode size to give inadequate arc energy input
and shallow penetration.
Lack of side wall and inter-run fusion
• too narrow a joint preparation
• incorrect welding parameter settings
• poor welder technique
• magnetic arc blow
Lack of side wall fusion
• Insufficient cleaning of oily or scaled surfaces
“These types of imperfection are
more likely to happen when welding
in the vertical position”
Lack of inter-run fusion
Weld Defects
• Porosity : Causes
• absorption of N, O, and H in the molten
weld pool which is then released on
solidification to become trapped in the
weld metal.
• N and O absorption in the weld pool
usually originates from poor gas
Distributed porosity
• H can originate from from inadequately
dried electrodes, fluxes or the workpiece
surface. Grease and oil on the surface of
the workpiece or filler wire are also
common sources of hydrogen.
Surface breaking pores
Weld Defects
Slag inclusions
•Type of flux
• Welder technique
Best practice
• Use welding techniques to produce smooth weld
beads and adequate inter-run fusion
• Use the correct current and travel speed to avoid
under-cutting the sidewall which will make the slag
difficult to remove
Poor (convex) weld bead profile
resulted in pockets of slag being
trapped between the weld runs
• Remove slag between runs paying particular attention
to removing any slag trapped in crevices
• Use grinding when welding difficult butt joints
otherwise wire brushing or light chipping may be
sufficient to remove the slag.
Radiograph of slag
Weld Defects
Solidification cracking
Solidification cracks are normally
readily distinguished from other
types of cracks due to the
following characteristic factors:
• they occur only in the weld
• they
centreline of the weld bead
• as the cracks are 'open', they
are easily visible with the naked
weld bead during solidification has
insufficient strength to withstand the
contraction stresses generated as the
weld pool solidifies. Factors which
increase the risk include:
• insufficient weld bead size or shape
• welding under high restraint
• material properties such as a high
impurity content or a relatively large
amount of shrinkage on solidification
Weld Defects
Hydrogen cracks in steels
Crack along the coarse grain
structure in the HAZ
There are three factors which combine to cause cracking:
• hydrogen generated by the welding process
• a hard brittle structure which is susceptible to cracking
• residual tensile stresses acting on the welded joint
The effects of specific factors on the risk of cracking are:
•weld metal hydrogen
•parent material composition
•parent material thickness
•stresses acting on the weld
•heat input
Visual Inspection
• Introduction
• Basic principles
• Manual Vision Inspection
– Human Vision
– Common Inspection applications
– Equipment
• Automated or Machine Vision Inspection
– Machine Vision
– Common Inspection Applications
– Equipment
• Advantages and Limitations
• Visual inspection is commonly defined as “the examination
of a material, component, or product for conditions of
nonconformance using light and the eyes, alone or in
conjunction with various aids”.
• Visual inspection often also involves, shaking, listening,
feeling, and sometimes even smelling the component being
• Visual inspection consists of at least two major processes.
– The first is a search process.
– The second is a process of combining relevant knowledge,
sensory input, and pertinent logical processes to provide
an identification that some anomaly or pattern represents
a flaw that poses a risk to the performance of the part.
• Visual inspection is commonly employed to support other
NDT methods.
• Digital detectors and computer technology have made it
possible to automate some visual inspections. This is known
as “machine vision inspection.”
• The quality of an inspection are affected primarily
by four factors.
– The quality of the detector (eye or camera).
– The lighting conditions.
– The capability to process the visual data.
– The level of training and attention to detail.
Introduction –
Manual Versus Automated Inspection
• The majority of visual
inspections are completed
by an inspector, but
machine vision is becoming
more common.
• The primary advantage of an
inspector is their ability to quickly adapt to a variety of lighting
and other non-typical conditions, and their ability to use other
• The primary advantage of a machine vision inspection system is
their ability to make very consistent and rapid inspections of
specific details of a component.
• Machine vision is primarily used in production applications
where a large number of components require inspection and the
inspection conditions can be closely controlled.
Basic Principles – Contrast Sensitivity
• Contrast sensitivity is a measure of how faded
or washed out an object can be before it
becomes indistinguishable from a uniform field
• It has been experimentally determined that the
minimum discernible difference in gray scale
level that the eye can detect is about 2% of full
• Contrast sensitivity varies with
– the size or spatial frequency
of a feature
– The lighting conditions
– Whether the object is lighter
or darker than the background
The graph to the right plots the
visibility of a spot as a function of the
above variables
Basic Principles –Light Intensity Measurement
• Effective visual inspection requires adequate
• The type of inspection will dictate the lighting
requirements. Inspection of components with fine
detail and low contrast will require greater
illumination than components with large details
and high contrast.
• Light intensity may be measured with a suitable
light meter. The unit of measure for white light is
foot-candles (fc).
– A foot-candle is equal to the amount of direct
light thrown by one standard candle at a
distance of 1 foot.
• Inspection of components with fine detail and low
contrast may require 100 foot-candles or more.
• Specification requirements for lighting should be
reviewed prior to performing an inspection.
Basic Principles –Light Directionality
• The directionality of the
light is a very important
• For some applications,
flat, even lighting works
• For other applications,
directional lighting is
better because it
produces shadows that
are larger than the
actual flaw and easier
to detect.
Basic Principles –Optical Illusions
Sometime the eye/mind has trouble correctly processing
visual information.
Are the horizontal lines parallel or
do they slope?
How many black dots do you see?
Basic Principles
• For best results the inspector or machine
vision operator must have:
– A basic knowledge of material processing, forming,
machining and joining processes.
– A general understanding of design features,
application and service requirements.
– Specific instructions on what to look for and
specific accept/reject criteria.
Inspection Applications
Applications for visual inspection and many and range
from looking a product over for obvious defect to
performing detailed inspections. Some of the common
applications include:
• Detection of surface anomalies such as scratches, excess
surface roughness, and areas void of paint or plating.
• Crack, porosity, corrosion or other flaw detection.
• Dimensional conformance.
• Precision measurements.
• Foreign object detection.
• Component location.
Inspection Applications –Flaw Detection
• Visual inspection of
materials and
components is a cost
effective means of
identifying flaws.
• Visual inspection of a
casting reveals a crack
between a threaded
opening and a pressed
• The aluminum sand
casting has hot tears
and shrinkage at the
transition zones.
Inspection Applications –
Flaw Detection
In-service inspections of
existing components and
structures is commonly
accomplished visually.
• In this example, visual
inspection of a fire escape
reveals a failure in a handrail
• The failure is in the tube seam
and is likely the result of ice
Inspection Applications –
Flaw Detection
Normal inspection practices for
highway bridges rely almost
entirely on visual inspection to
evaluate the condition of the
Inspection Applications –
Flaw Detection
Over 80 percent of all aircraft
inspections are performed
Inspection Applications –
Flaw Detection
• Weld quality requirements are
commonly determined through
visual inspection.
• Many standards have established
acceptance criteria for welds.
Transverse weld crack
Slag rolled into toe of weld
Dimensional Conformance
• Visual inspection is commonly employed for general
dimensional conformance, assembly fit, and
alignment between components
• Common applications include determining:
– Weld size and tolerance.
– Component dimensions.
– Material alignment and allowable distortion.
Dimensional Conformance
Welds are commonly inspected for dimensional tolerance.
• There are several types of gages used to inspect welding fit up and
finished weldments.
• These gages are intended for general inspection where close tolerances
are not required.
• The gage used is determined by the application.
Palmgren gage
Fillet gage set
VWAC gage
Cambridge gage
Dimensional Conformance
Visual inspection is commonly used to determine weld size and
tolerances according to standards and engineering
Throat measurement
Leg size determination
using a Palmgren gage. with fillet gage.
Convexity measurement
with VWAC gage.
Dimensional Conformance
Undercut in a weld is readily seen visually. In many cases its depth
must be measured to determine if it exceeds code requirements.
Measurement of undercut
depth with VWAC gage.
Dimensional Conformance
• Visual inspection frequently involves checking
materials and components for fit and alignment.
• Many standards establish allowable tolerances for
fit and distortion.
• Structural fabrication requires dimensional
inspection of finished components prior to
shipment to the field site.
• Basic tools are used for the inspection. An
inspector will set up string lines at known
distances and plum them using a tape measure.
Measurements are then taken at various locations
and compared to code requirements.
In this image a
fabricated girder is
being inspected for
distortion, sweep
and web flatness.
• Visual inspection equipment includes a variety of
different tools. These may range from basic rulers,
tape measures and spring type calipers to rigid or
flexible borescopes and remote crawlers with
• Many tools have been designed for specific
applications such as the various weld gauges.
• Some of the specialized tools such as crawlers have
been designed to satisfy the inspection needs in
applications where conventional techniques are not
Equipment – Precision Measurements
• Sliding calipers are a
precision refinement of the
common rule, which results
in greater accuracy of
• They may incorporate
either a dial indicator or
digital readout.
• Sliding-type calipers are
commonly used to check
dimensional tolerances of
machined components,
wear on components, and
fit between components.
Equipment – Precision Measurements
• Micrometers are precise
measurement instruments used
to make accurate direct readings
in contact measurements.
• Micrometers are designed for
inside, outside, and depth
measurements, and are available
in a wide variety of shapes and
• Micrometers may be either
thousandth inch (.001”) or ten
thousandth inch (.0001”)
measurement capable.
Equipment – Transferring Gauges
• Transfer instruments
are used to take
measurements which
are transferred to
direct measurement
• They consist of
calipers, dividers,
telescoping gages and
small hole gages.
Equipment – Transferring Gauges
• Spring type calipers are available
for contact measurements of
inside and outside dimensions.
• They are useful for measuring
distances between and over
• They are commonly used to
transfer dimensions or sizes
between the work piece and
standard measuring devices,
such as graduated rules.
• The size of a linear or rounded
indication of a discontinuity may
be measured with dividers.
Equipment – Transferring Gauges
• Small hole gages are a type of transfer instrument used to measure small
holes or slots.
• They are generally supplied in sets with a range of 1/8” - 1/2”.
• The actual measurement is determined by transferring a properly
adjusted gage to a micrometer.
Equipment – Transferring Gauges
• Telescoping gages make
inside measurements such as
hole diameter and slot
• They are designed to be
measured by a micrometer
after being set to the hole or
slot size.
• To make accurate
measurements it is
important to make sure the
telescoping gage is aligned
properly in the measuring
faces of the micrometer.
Direct and Remote
Visual Inspection
• Many codes refer to direct visual examination as a visual
inspection which requires that access to the area is sufficient
to place the eye within 24 inches of the surface to be
examined and at an angle of not less than 30o to that surface
• If these requirements cannot be met, then remote visual
inspection may be used.
• Remote visual inspection may be accomplished with the use
of a number of optical aids such as, mirrors, magnifiers, and
rigid or flexible borescopes.
Optical Aids
• Mirrors are valuable aids in visual
inspection, they allow the inspection of
threaded and bored holes, inside
surfaces of pipes and fittings, as well as
many others.
• Magnifiers assist the visual inspector
by enlarging the size of the object
being examined.
• Comparators are a magnifier with a
measuring capability. The comparator
has interchangeable reticles which
provide measurements for threads,
angles, linear measurement, diameters
and radii.
Optical Aids
• Borescopes are visual aids used for the inspection of
internal surface areas.
• They are designed for remote viewing in difficult to reach
areas such as jet engines, cylinders, tanks, and various
enclosed chambers.
• Borescopes are available in many different diameters and
lengths, and are classified as rigid or flexible.
Visual Inspection With A Borescope
Clean Surface
Corrosion Damage
Optical Aids
• Advances in technology has allowed video equipment
to be adapted to portable and robotic devices.
• Portable video probes allow inspectors to remotely
perform examinations in closed chambers which are
inaccessible by convention inspection means.
• Robotics have been developed whereby cameras can
be affixed to crawlers and submersibles.
– Retrieval tools can be affixed to robotics to remove
foreign objects.
• Conventional recording techniques may
be employed for image capture and
storage with many of the remote video
inspection methods.
Machine Vision – Basic Principles
• Machine vision technology uses an imaging system and a
computer to analyze an image and to make decisions based on
that analysis.
• In inspection applications, the machine vision optics and
imaging system enable the processor to "see" objects precisely
and thus make decisions about which component meet a
specific inspection criteria.
• Machine vision can eliminate human factor error that might
result from doing difficult, tedious, or boring tasks. It also
allows process equipment to be utilized 24 hours a day.
Machine Vision – Basic Principles
The following process steps are common to all
machine vision applications:
• Image acquisition: An optical system gathers an image, which is then
converted to a digital format and stored into computer memory.
• Image processing: A computer processor uses various algorithms to
enhance elements of the image that are of specific importance to the
• Feature extraction: The processor identifies and quantifies critical
features in the image (e.g., the position of holes on a printed circuit
board, the number of pins in a connector, the orientation of a
component on a conveyor) and sends the data to a control program.
• Decision and control: The processor's control program makes
decisions based upon the data. Are the holes within specification? Is
a pin missing?
Machine Vision - Equipment
Key System Elements
• A variety of components are
included in a machine vision
system, which depend on the
environment, the application,
and the budget. However, the
following components are
common to all vision systems :
– Front-end optics: this includes the lighting, the lens, and the camera.
– Frame grabber: this is a computer processor board that accepts the
video input from the camera, digitizes it, and stores it for analysis.
– Processor: A computer processor is required to control the vision
– Control Software: Computer software is used for controlling and
executing vision tasks.
Advantages of Visual Inspection
• Readily used on almost all materials.
• Simple to perform.
• Low in cost, (application dependent).
• Relatively quick.
• Results may be permanently recorded.
• Can be automated.
Limitations of Visual Inspection
• Direct inspections are limited to surfaces only.
• Indirect inspections require greater inspector
knowledge and training.
• Inspector dependent, knowledge of materials and
processing, eye sight.
• Standards (workmanship) may be difficult to obtain.
Elements in Visual Inspection
Test Object
Optical Instrument
Evaluation in Visual Inspection
• All visual tests are to be evaluated in terms of the
acceptance criteria specified in the appropriate
product standard
• The results of this test then need to be recorded for
future reference
Conclusions on Visual Inspection
• Visual Inspections are simple quick and widely used
NDT techniques to examine the surface (exterior or
interior) for both qualitative and quantitative
• Automated visual inspection for faster mode and
required more skill.