THE BASIL READ GROUP Projects Mining and processing activities in Zimbabwe and some thoughts on mining the Great Dyke. Dr Michael Roberts, TWP SAIMM Zimbabwe Branch May 2010 Who are we? Basil Read Construction Mining Developments Engineering Buildings Basil Read Engineering Roads TWP Civils Who are we? What do we do? A generic description of some project work undertaken in Zimbabwe by TWP. Activity Pickstone-Peerless hydrothermal gold deposits. Location Activity Pickstone-Peerless hydrothermal gold deposits. A plant will be built on site to treat a sulphide dump. Later there might be consideration given to going underground. Activity Unki declines on the Great Dyke. Activity Activity Unki declines on the Great Dyke. Declines completed. Activity Evaluating and assisting with respect to efficient Chrome mining associated with the Great Dyke. Activity Optimise mining and process engineering on the Great dyke with respect to Platinum group elements. How done. Optimise mineralogy, mining and process engineering by recognising that the ore body is not homogeneous. The Bushveld complex The Great dyke Mining on the Bushveld and Great dyke There might be some commonality with respect to structure in the Bushveld and the Great Dyke. Easy mining on the Great Dyke Easy mining on the great dyke Easy mining on the Great Dyke Easy mining on the Bushveld Difficult mining on the great dyke Difficult mining in the Bushveld Great dyke Some commonality with respect to structure in the Bushveld and the Great Dyke. Flexural slip thrust faults. Flexural slip thrust fault What is a flexural slip thrust fault? Section Flexural slip thrust fault Flexural slip thrust fault on the Great Dyke ????? Flexural slip thrust fault - origins Flexural slip thrust fault - origins Flexural slip thrust fault - origins Flexural slip thrust fault - origin Scientific description of a flexural slip thrust fault Part of the Platmine Research Programme funded by: Anglo Platinum Impala Platinum Lonmin Peer reviewed scientific paper referenced: S. Perritt and M.K.C. Roberts “Flexural-slip structures in the Bushveld Complex, South Africa?” Journal of Structural Geology, Volume 29, Issue 9, September 2007, Pages 1422-1429. Fall of ground fatalities over a set period Breakdown as to cause of 32 fall of ground fatalities Curved joint moved as a precursor to fall of ground 9/32 Thrust fault or curved joint directly fell on deceased 15/32 Seismic causes 2/32 Other reasons for fall of ground 6/32 Pillar failure due to gouge on flexural slip thrust fault Pillar failure due to gouge on flexural slip thrust fault Gouge Pillar failure due to gouge on flexural slip thrust fault Understanding the structures •Understanding geological structures within the ore body. •Rock mass ratings. •Rock strengths •Mining method. •Appropriate mining span •Excavation support Knowledge gap Structural geology Rock engineering Mining engineering Understanding the structures •Understanding geological structures within the ore body. •Rock mass ratings. •Rock strengths •Mining method. •Appropriate mining span •Excavation support Knowledge gap Structural geology Rock engineering Mining engineering Expect surprises and production disruptions Understanding the structures •Understanding geological structures within the ore body. •Rock mass ratings. •Rock strengths •Mining method. •Appropriate mining span •Excavation support No knowledge gap Structural geology Rock engineering Mining engineering Expect smoother production profile TWP Plant Design Example Thank you