11/3 Content Analysis Assignment

Tanya Powell
LIS 5733
The findings of this quantitative analysis research project were based upon data
reviewed from the academic libraries in the colleges that belong to the sports conference,
Pacific 10 or PAC 10. The data which was obtained is technology centered and limited to the
technology that is offered to students through the library at the PAC 10 universities and
categorized by hardware, software and equipment. The research question for this content
analysis is to discover trends and patterns in technology offerings to university students within
the PAC 10.
The creation of a coding sheet allowed for easy retrieval of the data in an unobtrusive
manner for the analysis. To begin the coding sheet I thought of several items that I believed I
would find at each of the colleges, desktop computers, printers and copiers. This was
determined based upon the knowledge of the contents at the Schusterman Library of the
University of Oklahoma I assumed that I would also find I-pads, laptops and digital cameras so I
added these to the coding sheet. I randomly began to review the other universities library
websites and realized that there were several items that I did not consider as being offered.
Two of those options were an LCD projector and the choices in operating system software
(windows or Mac). Several of the websites noted technology that was available for their
students but not all of the universities had that particular item so I added an “other” option to the
coding sheet to address this issue. I added each of the additional items if more than 2
universities had the same items to start the coding sheet of technology to include in the coding
In summary, the findings allowed the University of Oklahoma (OU) Schusterman library
staff to have a side by side comparison of the technology offerings at the universities in the PAC
10 conference. One trend that was identified was the use of equipment designed to meet the
requirements for those individuals that may need adaptive technology such as braille readers
and voice recognition typing software. The results identified technology that should be
considered for possible addition to the existing inventory at OU such as a color printer and
photo scanner.
Data Collection Worksheet
University: ___________________________________
Hardware offerings (Check if available)
❏ Desktop Computer
❏ Windows
❏ Mac
❏ Not Offered (not listed on website)
❏ Offered But Not Specified
❏ Other ___________________________________
❏ Printer
Poster Printer
Not Offered (not listed on website)
Offered But Type Not Specified
Other ____________________________________
❏ Scanner
❏ Scanner
❏ Book Scanner
❏ Photo Scanner
❏ Not Offered (not listed on website)
❏ Offered But Type Not Specified
❏ Other ____________________________________
❏ Laptop Checkout
❏ Windows OS
❏ Mac OS
❏ OS Not Listed
❏ Other OS _________________________________
❏ Copier
❏ Black/White
❏ Color
❏ Wireless
❏ Not Offered (not listed on website)
❏ Offered But Type Not Specified
❏ Other ___________________________________
Camera (digital for photographs)
Camera (digital for movies)
Other __________________________________________
Other __________________________________________
Other __________________________________________
Technology related software offered
❏ Internet Connection for Patrons
❏ Ethernet
❏ Wifi
❏ Not Offered (not listed on website)
❏ Offered But Type Not Specified)
Other _________________________________________