pt-reading 2

Read the article. Choose True, False, or Doesn’t say.
Review of a local restaurant
The new restaurant, Bailey’s, on Park Road is a great success. It opened last month
and is now the most popular restaurant in downtown Thornton. It’s smaller than the
others, and it’s definitely more expensive, but the food is delicious. It’s easy to get to
because it’s near the bus station and the main parking lot in town.
The owner, Chef Mike Bailey, worked in a big London hotel before he started the
restaurant, and he learned to cook from some of the best chefs in the world. He thinks the
most important thing is to have fresh food – everything on his menu is fresh. He buys his
meat and vegetables from local farms, and the fish is from the Thorn River. Believe me –
it’s all delicious!
My favorite dish on the menu is the roasted chicken. It’s a traditional meal, but the
vegetables are beautifully cooked and it comes with a special sauce. I loved the desserts.
For me, the best dessert is the chocolate cake with homemade ice cream. For people on a
diet, it’s not a good idea to go to Bailey’s!
The restaurant is also well-designed and decorated. You can see directly into the
kitchen and watch the young chefs at work. They cook quickly, but everything is always
perfect. The smells from the kitchen are wonderful, and they make you very hungry! The
service is also very good and fast.
Bailey’s is always busier than the other restaurants in town. Try it soon but remember
to book in advance. And don’t eat anything before you go!
Example: A lot of people like Bailey’s restaurant.
A True ✓
B False
C Doesn’t say
1) Bailey’s is a nightclub and fast-food restaurant.
A True
2) It opened a month ago.
B False
C Doesn’t say
A True
B False
C Doesn’t say
3) It’s more popular than the other restaurants in Thornton.
A True
B False
C Doesn’t say
4) A meal at Bailey’s is cheap.
A True
B False
C Doesn’t say
5) Bailey’s is near the Thorn River in Thornton.
A True
B False
C Doesn’t say
6) The owner, Mike Bailey, is also a chef.
A True
B False
C Doesn’t say
7) The writer had chicken and mushroom soup for a starter.
A True
B False
C Doesn’t say
8) You can see the kitchen from the restaurant.
A True
B False
C Doesn’t say
9) Four chefs work in the kitchen.
A True
B False
C Doesn’t say
10) The waiters are always slow and unfriendly.
A True
B False
C Doesn’t say
2 Read the article again and answer the questions.
1) Where is Bailey’s restaurant?
2) Why is it different from the other restaurants in the area?
3) What is the most important thing about the food for the chef?
4) Where does the chef buy his vegetables?
5) What did the writer eat at Bailey’s?
The frozen extremes of the earth
The Arctic in the north and the Antarctic in the south are at opposite ends of the
planet, but they are similar in many ways. Both are lands of ice and snow, where the
temperature in the winter can be so low that your skin can freeze in seconds. It can be as
low as –80°C. Very few animals are able to survive these conditions, but there are some
that can, both in the north and in the south. The Arctic has more plants and animals than
the Antarctic, including polar bears, the largest bear in the world. In the south there are
no land animals because of the extreme cold, but there are penguins and other sea animals
that live on or near the coast – although both in the north and the south the ocean is
frozen for much of the year.
One difference between the Arctic and the Antarctic is the human population. In parts
of the Arctic, there are towns and villages. Greenland, for example, the largest island in
the world, has a population of 55,000 people.
Many of these people work in fishing. They have a difficult life. There aren’t many
roads between towns and villages, so people travel by snowmobile or with dogs. From
November to January it’s dark for 24 hours a day, but from May to July there are 24
hours of daylight. In the Antarctic, there are no normal towns and villages. Only
scientists live there all year round, in special buildings called “stations.” They study the
sea animals and learn about the history of the world’s climate by studying the weather
and the ice. It’s a hard place to live, especially in winter, but many of them love it there
and return again and again.
Example: The Antarctic is the coldest place in the world.
A True
B False
C Doesn’t say ✓
1) There aren’t any animals in the Antarctic.
A True
B False
C Doesn’t say
2) No people live in the Antarctic.
A True
B False
C Doesn’t say
3) There aren’t any buildings in the Antarctic.
A True
B False
C Doesn’t say
4) It is usually –80°C in the Antarctic.
A True
B False
C Doesn’t say
5) The ocean in the Antarctic is always frozen.
A True
B False
C Doesn’t say
6) There aren’t any sea animals in the Arctic.
A True
B False
C Doesn’t say
7) In Greenland, people don’t work in the winter.
A True
B False
C Doesn’t say
8) There aren’t any roads in Greenland.
A True
B False
C Doesn’t say
9) In Greenland it’s light all the time in June .
A True
B False
C Doesn’t say
2 Write the Arctic or the Antarctic.
Example: It’s at the South Pole. the Antarctic
1) More people live here. ___________
2) Some land animals live here. ___________
3) Very few people live here all the time. ___________
4) People use dogs to help them travel. ___________
5) Greenland is here. ___________
6) There are some towns and villages here. ___________
1. Read the article. Choose True, False, or Doesn’t say.
Studying in Canada
A student at King’s School tells us what she likes about her English course.
My name’s Carmen García and I’m a student at King’s School. It’s a language
school in Vancouver. I’m Spanish, from Madrid, but my mother is French. She’s a
teacher in Madrid. The students at King’s School are from many different countries.
Students are from Japan, Mexico, Germany, and Italy. It’s really interesting to meet
so many different people. The principal is Canadian, but my teacher is American.
She’s from New York and her name’s Helen. She’s very nice and she’s an excellent
teacher. Her classes are always really fun. José and Karl are probably my best
friends in the class. José is Mexican,
Example: Carmen is French.
A True
B False ✓
C Doesn’t say
1) King’s School is a language school.
A True
B False
C Doesn’t say
2) Carmen’s mother is Spanish.
A True
B False
C Doesn’t say
3) Carmen’s father is a teacher.
A True
B False
C Doesn’t say
4) The students at the school are from the same country.
A True
B False
C Doesn’t say
5) The principal is from Toronto.
A True
B False
C Doesn’t say
6) Carmen’s teacher is American.
A True
B False
C Doesn’t say
7) José and Karl are in different classes.
A True
B False
C Doesn’t say
8) Karl is German.
A True
B False
C Doesn’t say
2. Read the text again and answer the question.
Example: What is Carmen’s last name? García
1 What’s the name of her school? _____
2 Where is her school?
3 Where is she from?
4 Who is her teacher?
5 Where’s her teacher from?
6 What nationality is José?
7 Which country is Karl from?
File Test 2
1. Read the e-mail. Choose True, False, or Doesn’t say
Hi Maria,
Do you remember me? My name’s Gabriel Costa. I’m twenty-nine, and I’m Brazilian. I
live in a small apartment in Rio, and I work as an administrative assistant for a big
computer company downtown. I usually go to work on the subway, but sometimes I take
the bus. I don’t smoke, but I drink a lot of coffee!
What else can I tell you about myself? My family lives in Salvador, on the north east
coast of Brazil. I have one brother and one sister. My brother works as a waiter and my
sister’s a nurse. Their names are Fernando and Larissa. My parents are both teachers. I
love sports. I play soccer and basketball a few times a month, and I watch the games on
TV. My favorite food is Mexican. I’m very lucky because my brother works in a
Mexican restaurant, so I eat there when I visit my family. I study Italian in my free time
because one day I want to live in Italy.
Please write and tell me about yourself. Gabriel
Example: Gabriel lives with a friend.
A True
C Doesn’t say ✓
B False
1) Gabriel works in Rio.
A True
B False
C Doesn’t say
2) Gabriel likes his job.
A True
B False
C Doesn’t say
3) Gabriel’s family doesn’t live in Brazil.
A True
B False
C Doesn’t say
4) Larissa has two brothers.
A True
B False
C Doesn’t say
5) Fernando lives with his parents.
A True
C Doesn’t say
B False
6) Gabriel watches sports on TV.
A True
C Doesn’t say
B False
7) Fernando lives and works in Rio.
A True
C Doesn’t say
B False
8) Gabriel is Italian.
A True
C Doesn’t say
B False
2. Read the e-mail again and complete the form.
Gabriel Costa
Favorite food:
File Test 3
1. Read the text. Choose the correct answer
As part of our weekly series, we asked Lila Rivera and Tim Greenwood to tell us about
their lives.
Lila is a hardworking teacher in Miami. She gets up at six thirty every morning and has
breakfast. Then she makes sandwiches to take for lunch and gets ready for work. Lila
usually walks to work because she thinks it’s important to exercise every day. She
sometimes walks home in the evening, but she usually takes the bus. Lila has dinner at
seven o’clock and goes to bed early. She doesn’t go out during the week, but she often
goes out with friends on the weekend. Lila eats five portions of fruit and vegetables every
day and fish twice a week. She eats meat sometimes, but she doesn’t smoke. For more
exercise, Lila goes to the gym three times a week. She’s very healthy and is hardly ever
Tim lives by the ocean in Palm Beach. He’s a journalist for a local newspaper. He usually
gets up at eight o’clock, takes a quick shower, and then he drives to work. Tim doesn’t
have time for breakfast, but he sometimes has a sandwich in the middle of the morning.
At lunchtime, he usually has a burger. He buys it from the fast-food restaurant across the
street and eats at his desk. Tim works long hours and often stays late in the evening. On
those days, he goes to a restaurant with people from work. They usually have a big dinner.
Tim doesn’t eat fruit, and he doesn’t like vegetables. He plays football once a month, but
he isn’t very healthy
Example: Lila gets up at
A 7:00
B 6:30 ✓
C 6:00
1) Lila has breakfast __
A on the bus
B at school
C at home
B walks
C rides a bike
B never
C usually
B eats meat
C smokes
2) Lila ________ to work.
A runs
3) Lila
goes home by bus.
A always
4) Lila sometimes
A goes out during the week
5) Tim goes to work ___.
A by car
6) Tim often has lunch
B by bus
C by train
B at home
C in a fast-food restaurant
B journalists
C students
B hardly ever
C never
A in his office
7) Tim often eats with __ .
A his parents
8) Tim
A often
2. Read the text again and write Lila or Tim.
Example: Lila is a teacher.
often eats vegetables.
often exercises.
usually eats a burger for lunch.
doesn’t go to bed late.
goes out on the weekend.
always has breakfast.
has an unhealthy lifestyle.
File Test 4
1. Read the article. Choose True, False, or Doesn’t say.
American artists living abroad
Article by Jim Knowles
Maegan Campbell is a 32-year-old actress from Los Angeles, but right now, she’s living
in Paris. She lives in an apartment that overlooks the Seine River. Maegan’s mother is
French, which means Maegan can speak the language perfectly. Maegan is very talented.
She likes acting in movies, but she can also sing and dance well, and she has a leading
par t in a French musical right now. She can also play the piano very well. In her spare
time, Maegan likes to relax at home by watching romantic movies. She doesn’t have
plans to return to the US.
Tom Hammond is from Dallas, but he lives in Tokyo. He’s18, and he’s a music student.
Tom can play the piano and the guitar very well. He also writes songs with his friend
Toshi. Tom writes the music and Toshi writes the lyrics. When they’re happy with a new
song, they usually perform it to students at their college. They love to have an audience
and would really like to be in a band. When he isn’t composing, Tom downloads his
favorite music from the Internet.
Hannah Brown is a writer. She’s from New York, but she lives in Mexico. Hannah is 25
and likes writing romantic novels. Her goal, of course, is to be a published writer, so she
writes every day for at least four hours. Her favorite time to write is early in the morning,
but she sometimes writes late at night, too. In the afternoons, Hannah works as a waitress
in a cafe. She doesn’t really enjoy this par t of her life, but it helps her learn Spanish.
Example: Maegan is French.
A True
B False✓
C Doesn’t say
1) Maegan lives in Los Angeles.
A True
B False
C Doesn’t say
2) Maegan doesn’t act in movies.
A True
B False
C Doesn’t say
3) Maegan can sing and dance well.
A True
B False
C Doesn’t say
4) Tom studies in Tokyo.
A True
B False
C Doesn’t say
5) Tom writes songs with his friend.
A True
B False
C Doesn’t say
6) Tom can sing very well.
A True
B False
C Doesn’t say
7) Hannah works in a cafe.
A True
B False
C Doesn’t say
8) Hannah likes writing in the afternoon.
A True
B False
C Doesn’t say
9) Hannah never writes at night.
A True
B False
C Doesn’t say
10) Hannah is always busy at work.
A True
B False
C Doesn’t say
2. Read the article again and write Maegan, Tom, or Hannah.
Example: Tom lives in Tokyo.
1 _______ watches movies at home.
2 _______ works in the afternoon.
3 _______ sometimes works in the theater.
4 _______ doesn’t play the piano.
5 _______ is a student.
File Test 5
1. Read Maria’s diary. Choose the correct answer
Saturday, July 18
Anna and I left home early in the morning, but our flight was delayed, and we didn’t
arrive at LAX until late in the afternoon. We were really tired, but we took a bus to our
hotel because taxis in Los Angeles are very expensive. When we got to the hotel we
rested, and then went out to explore the city. We had a quick sandwich in a small cafe,
and then we headed for Rodeo Drive to buy clothes.
I bought a jacket and some T-shirts there. I wanted to buy a bag too, but I couldn’t find
one that I liked. In the evening, we ate in an Italian restaurant and went to a club to dance.
We met some really nice people and had so much fun that we didn’t get back to the hotel
until very late!
Sunday, July 19
We got up late and had breakfast in a cafe. I had a big breakfast, but Anna just had some
fruit. After breakfast, we went for a walk around the city. We walked downtown and went
to Little Tokyo. We had sushi there for lunch, and then we took the subway to Hollywood.
We walked down Sunset Boulevard and went to Universal Studios. We went back to our
hotel at 9:00 and went to bed early. We wanted to get up early the next day and explore
Venice Beach.
Example: Maria and her friend got to Los Angeles in the
A morning
B afternoon ✓
1) They
to their hotel.
A walked
C evening
B drove
2) Saturday afternoon they ate
C traveled by bus
A at the airport
B at the hotel
3) Maria bought
A a bag
B some clothes
C in a cafe
C a picture
4) Saturday evening they
A stayed at the hotel
B ate in a dance club
C talked to some people
5 Sunday morning Anna ate
A a big breakfast and fruit
B a big breakfast
6 On Sunday they had lunch .
2. Read the diary again. Choose True or False.
Example: Maria traveled to Los Angeles by train.
A True
B False ✓
1 Los Angeles taxis are usually cheap.
A True
B False
2 When they arrived at the hotel on Saturday, they had lunch.
A True
B False
3 Maria bought a jacket on Rodeo Drive.
A True
B False
4 They ate Japanese food on Saturday evening.
A True
B False
5 Maria and Anna liked the dance club.
A True
B False
6 Anna had a big breakfast on Sunday morning.
A True
B False
7 They took a bus to Hollywood.
A True
B False
8) They wanted to go to Venice Beach in the evening.
A True
B False
C fruit
File Test 6
1. Read the advertisements. Choose True, False, or Doesn’t say.
Summerset Place is a comfortable house just outside of Chicago. Downstairs, there’s a
large living room, a dining room, a kitchen, and an office. Upstairs, there are three
large bedrooms and a bathroom. The yard is spacious, and there’s a garage next to the
house. There are excellent schools in the area, and don’t worry about the neighbors.
There aren’t any! You can rent Summerset Place from Pullman’s Real Estate Agency.
Please call (312) 555-2106 between 9:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m., Monday to Friday, or email
Midtown Court is a traditional townhouse on a quiet street. The house has three floors.
Downstairs, there’s a modern kitchen, an impressive dining room, a living room, and a
bathroom. On the second floor, there are two bedrooms, an office, and a bathroom. On
the top floor, there are two more bedrooms and another bathroom. The current owners
have updated the entire house, and all the furniture is in excellent condition. Outside,
there’s a small yard, but parking is on the street. The rent is very good for a townhouse
of this size. Please call Hantan’s Real Estate Agency during office hours. (312) 5559934.
City View is a modern apartment building with great views of Chicago. The building is
in walking distance of downtown, but there’s plenty of opportunity to escape from the
traffic because it’s also across from a large park. The apartment for sale has one
bedroom, a small kitchen, a living room, and a bathroom. All of which are decorated
beautifully. There’s a parking lot behind the building with space for one car per
resident. You can buy this apartment for a very good price. Call Parkway Real Estate
Agency at (312) 555-2910 or go to www.parkway-info.aef for more information.
Example: Summerset Place is in downtown Chicago.
A True
B False✓ C Doesn’t say
1) Summerset Place has eight rooms.
A True
B False
C Doesn’t say
2) Summerset Place is a good home for a family.
A True
B False
C Doesn’t say
3) There isn’t any furniture in Summerset Place.
A True
B False
C Doesn’t say
4) Midtown Court is on a noisy street.
A True
B False
C Doesn’t say
5) There are four bedrooms in Midtown Court.
A True
B False
C Doesn’t say
6) Midtown Court is expensive to rent.
A True
B False
C Doesn’t say
7) City View is in a park.
A True
B False
C Doesn’t say
8) In City View, the bathroom is small.
A True
C Doesn’t say
B False
9) There are people living in the apartment right now.
A True
B False
C Doesn’t say
2. Write S for Summerset Place, M for Midtown Court, or C for City View.
Example: There aren’t any neighbors. S
1) You can park in the garage. ___
2) You can buy this place.
3) There are three bathrooms. ___
4) There isn’t a dining room.
5) It has two floors.
6) There are four rooms.
File Test 7
1 Read the article. Choose the correct answer.
Lucas García is a chef in a restaurant in Mexico City. He talks about his job.
I work at Gabriela’s, which is one of the most popular restaurants in Mexico City. The best par t of
working there is being par t of a fantastic team of friendly and talented people.
I started by washing dishes when I was only 16. I wasn’t interested in food, and I never cooked at
home, but I worked hard, and soon became a waiter. Victor, who was head chef at the time,
began to show me how to cook, and I loved it so much I went to college to learn more.
When Victor left Gabriela’s, I became head chef. At the time all the food was Mexican. The
quality was excellent, but I wanted to do something different, so I decided to have an
international menu. Now we serve food from all around the world. There are so many fantastic
markets and grocery stores in the city, so I can usually find any ingredient I need.
I use a lot of natural ingredients such as brown rice, organic flour, and pasta. Some people think
that healthy food is boring, but they’re wrong. Well-prepared natural food has so much more
flavor than fast food. Our food is healthy and our customers love it. We use the very best meat
and the highest quality vegetables.
Gabriela’s is open Monday to Friday from 5:00 p.m. to 11:00 p.m., and from 12:30 p.m. to 11:00
p.m. on the weekends. On Fridays and Saturdays we play live music from around the world.
There’s a children’s menu on Sundays, and that’s also when we serve traditional Mexican food.
Example: _____ is the chef now.
A Lucas ✓
B Victor
1) Lucas started as a
A waiter
C Gabriela
B chef
C dish washer
2) When he was 16, Lucas
A started to work at the restaurant
B was a good cook
C was interested in food
3) Lucas likes using
A brown
B natural
4) The restaurant opens for lunch
A every day
C unhealthy
B only on Sundays
5) You can’t eat at Gabriela’s
C twice a week
A on Monday evenings
B on Saturday afternoons
C on Sunday mornings
6) Gabriela’s sometimes serves
A boring food
B fast food
C Mexican food 6
2. Read the article again. Choose True or False.
Example: Lucas likes his job.
A True ✓
B False
1) Lucas became head chef when he was 16.
A True
B False
2) Lucas didn’t cook at home.
A True
B False
3) Lucas never worked as a waiter.
A True
B False
4) It’s usually difficult for Lucas to find ingredients in Mexico City.
A True
B False
5) Lucas thinks healthy food isn’t boring.
A True
B False
6) The restaurant is open five days a week.
A True
B False
7) The restaurant isn’t open for lunch during the week.
A True
B False
8) The music is usually international.
A True
B False
9) There is a children’s menu during the week.
A True
B False
File Test 8
1. Read the magazine article. Choose True, False, or Doesn’t say.
There’s no place on earth like Brazil. It has some of the most beautiful beaches in the world,
some of the busiest, most exciting cities, as well as the biggest area of unexplored rainforest on
the planet.
The country is, of course, enormous. In fact, Brazil is the fifth largest country in the world in
terms of land area and population. It covers half of South America and has borders with every
South American country except Chile and Ecuador. It has more than 187 million people, and
most people live in cities near the coast.
Brazil is a fascinating place to visit. The people are warm and friendly, and they welcome almost
5 million tourists to their country every year. Traditionally, Brazilians give presents to their hosts
when they visit people, so it’s a good idea if you do the same! Typical gifts include flowers,
chocolate, and wine.
When some people think of Brazil, they think of soccer, music, dancing, and beaches. The most
popular pastimes may not come as a surprise: playing soccer, listening to music, dancing, walking
on the beach, or just talking.
Family life is very important and eating together is always special. Most people have lunch at
about 1:00 p.m. The evening meal usually doesn’t begin until about 7:00 or 8:00 in large cities. If
you visit Brazil and usually eat dinner at
6:00 p.m. or earlier, how will you make it until dinner time? Well, Brazil also produces some of the
best coffee in the world – so have some!
Example: Brazil is the biggest country in the world.
A True
B False ✓
C Doesn’t say
1) The population of Brazil is 187 million.
A True
B False
C Doesn’t say
2) There aren’t any cities in the middle of Brazil.
A True
B False
C Doesn’t say
3) Most people live in the rainforest.
A True
B False
C Doesn’t say
4) Brazil borders Ecuador and Chile.
A True
B False
C Doesn’t say
5) The cities are all very quiet.
A True
B False
C Doesn’t say
6) Brazil is an interesting place for tourists.
A True
B False
C Doesn’t say
7) About five million people visit Brazil a year.
A True
B False
C Doesn’t say
8) Water sports are very popular in Brazil.
A True
B False
C Doesn’t say
9) In Brazil, people usually eat dinner in the afternoon.
A True
B False
C Doesn’t say
10) People sometimes drink coffee between lunch and dinner in Brazil.
A True
B False
C Doesn’t say
2. Read the article again. Answer the question.
1) What attractions does Brazil have for tourists?
2 ) Where do most of the people in Brazil live?
3) When do Brazilians give presents?
4) When do people in big cities usually have dinner?
5) What are some popular pastime activities?