Moodle at Southeastern - Southeastern Louisiana University

School of Nursing
DATE: 4/30/15
TIME: 3:00 PM
MEMBERS PRESENT: Jeannie Harper, Sharon Landry, Michelle Ellis, Lucie Agosta, Mary Burke, Joanie Hebert, Bonnie Meeker, Wendy
Lafreniere, Pamela Tusa, Dell Mars, Robreka King, Laurie Kinchen, Erin Hoffman, Staci Anderson, Eileen Creel, Denise Hart, Kristin Whitty,
Theresa St Romain, Kristin Marino, Donna Coffey, Jennifer Austin, Sheila Matheny, Darlene Guillot, Christine Hadeed, Terry Compton,
Karen Hill, Luanne Billingsley, Judith Bradford, Willa Stewart, Lindsay Domiano, Ramona Kerner, Michelle Reed, Candice Bretz, Buffy
Pecoraro, Barbara Gibbs, Rebecca Willingham, Mitzie Meyers, Sherre Miller, Brittany Carey, Penny Thomas, Danny Lee, Emily Weatherford,
Atnena Tuker
MEMBERS ABSENT: Robin Hatheway (sick), Janet Jones & Lorinda Sealey (UCC)
Call to order
Approval of Old Minutes
3.1 Rho Zeta Induction – tonight – BRC
3.2 Pinning on Thursday May14, 6
pm New Student Union Ballroom.
3.3 Faculty Evaluations – Turn in before
you leave for summer!!
3.4 Polycom usage – feedback?
3.5 Request for Volunteer to assume the
SoN Fund activities
3.6 Books for Africa collection
3.7 Other
Old Business:
4.1 Curriculum - MEllis
4.11 Curriculum – content mapping
4.12 QM Review and Faculty
4.13 NURS 339 Math of Nurses
4.14 Community/Population Based
Care Ad Hoc – Stewart Chair (attached)
Meeting was called to order by Eileen Creel with
Laura Culbreath as recorder.
Add faculty to “members present”
3.4 E Creel questions if weather affects signal, audio
wasn’t working on Dell laptops, Joe talked to
polycom and fixed the problem
3.6 MEllis reported: Books for Africa will accept
books from the year 2000 or newer, donate by the
end of semester
3.7 1) KWhitty & DHart presented recognition
plaque to honor SMatheney as Rho Zeta counselor
2) Clarification from provost: Finals are posted on
the web for 2 hours which constitutes “policy”,
regardless of how many questions on final you must
give students 2 hours
4.11- MEllis reported they have received 1/3 of
these already, please finish this up, will help us
when we have to certify again with CCNE
4.12 All Faculty teaching on-line are certified.
4.13 MEllis reported: Dosage course- survey results
31 yes, 2 against, supported moving course to 2
hours and using regular SON grade scale
Was using survey monkey a good idea?
4.14 WStewart reported: SON committee has met 3
times, recent community ATI results were low (2nd
semester in a row), 79% passed 11/52, some topics
aren’t included in “community” (basic care/comfort,
St. Romain voted to accept the minutes, Dr.
Coffey 2nd
Minutes accepted
3.4 ECreel reported: trying to buy “Educart” for
each campus to improve Polycom use
3.5 If anyone is willing to assume SoN fund
activity position, email Dr. Creel
3.6 Donation locations Hammond workroom or
BRC office.
3.7 2) You can add more questions to your final
to make it last for 2 hours
4.13 New Course Requet will go to UCC in May,
up to provost if we get it by fall 2015, will
hopefully get by spring 2015
Faculty are fine with using survey monkey
4.14 Make sure we are mirroring ATI content as
close as possible, keep same book
Will continue to review ATI, work in progress
Did the benchmark of level 2 change and that’s why
students scored less?
ATI changed test in 2013, that’s when students
started scoring lower
4.2 Faculty Affairs - DCoffey
4.21 Tenure Promotion Guidelines – at
the level of the Provost
4.22 Faculty to use CV Template
4.3 Graduate - LSealey
4.31 MSN curriculum revisions at UCC
4.32 DNP: BSN-DNP approved LSBN.
4.4 Resource/Simulation -MBurke
4.5 Standardized Testing – LDomiano
4.51 Non-Remediation consequences
4.52 ATI relationship with NCLEX pass
4.22 DCoffey won’t get data collection on this
year’s CV’s until fall. Requests you update CV
when you do evals,
Please participate in the faculty affairs survey
4.31 and 4.32 ECreel reported: Almost every single
course needed revisions as prerequisites changed. 29
items that need to be reviewed
4.4 If you have any book requests, there is still
money left
4.51 LDomiano Reported: sent out guidelines for
testing to course coordinators today
committee asking that course coordinators get
together and add something to their syllabus about
testing remediation, need to remediate 2 hours and if
they don’t they can’t retake test and drop a letter
example from DHart- hides results of test 1 from
those students who need to take the 2nd test, students
have no knowledge of how they do so they all take
course coordinators- let them know it isn’t proctor’s
responsibility to know who hasn’t remediated,
remediation needs to be finished 48 hours prior to
Faculty questions: is it possible to change to 24
hours before test?
4.52 LDomiano received information about every
4.22 please put CV in SON format, update when
you do evaluations
4.4 send any book requests to Mary Burke or let
her/Kristy/Candace know of any skills lab
4.51 each clinical course to create their own nonremediation consequences and deadline for
remediation before retake
test that every student ever took, GA will put in info
in to data base. Goal is for this to be available for
New Business:
Miscellaneous - ECreel
5.11 In class testing for “I” courses
5.11 E Creel indicates potential for cheating when
students do quizzes/tests online. students are giving
each other answers/taking pictures of it and sending
to others
5.11 ECreel requests 479, 485, 482 faculty
consider “in class” testing
Have students submit papers via “Turn it in”
90-100% online class professors- start thinking
about plan for the fall to prevent cheating,
use less online quizzes/tests make them do in
5.12 ECreel requests Progression/Retention
and/or Student Affairs work on a plan to identify
at-risk students is still being voted on
5.12 Pro-active identification of student’s
at risk/issue (FERPA)
5.12 Dr. Creel researched, reporting student’s
behavior/clinical misjudgments to faculty is not
against FERPA rules
FERPA is about telling people outside of the
academic realm
5.13 Committee Assignments –
5.13 Dr. Creel will look to see who is eligible to
rotate off the committee then send those faculty
5.13 ECreel to email faculty Committee requests
later in the summer.
5.21 MEllis indicates students need to be able to
evaluate facility
5.21 MEllis: if you need help contact MEllis or
DCoffey, find others surveys on survey monkey
Curriculum - MEllis
5.21 Course evaluations-clinical must
include questions for students to evaluate
5.22 Course reports (new form)-don’t
recycle your old forms!
EOS - LBillingsley
5.31 Employer Survey
5.32 AAP update
5.22 course reports on moodle, anyone in
curriculum committee can help you
5.3 LBillingsley assumed Chair; indicated
committee met through email, on hold for surveys
sent from university, looking at Fall
5.31 EOS responsible for launching and trending
5.31 Plan to send in wait fall and add graduate
employer survey, since 2009 those have decreased,
students to survey
thinking about sending to students to elicit responses
from their manager.
5.32 SMatheny asks- any coordinators who are
collecting data to report by May 15th
5.4 Faculty Affairs - DCoffey
5.41 Revisions to DH/Peer Course
Review Forms
5.5 Graduate - LSealey
5.51 MSN
5.52 DNP
5.6 Progression/Retention JBradford
5.61 –Disciplinary policy
5.62 –Admin requests: Student
Issue/Remediation plan development Fall
5.63 Drug Testing Policy review
requested Fall 2015
5.7 Resource/Simulation - MBurke
5.8 Scholarship - SAnderson
5.81 – Report
Standardized Testing – Ldomiano
Student Affairs - RKerner
5.101 Pinning
5.102 Handbook updated: Hair code
5.103 Other issues
5.41 DCoffey reports: starting to evaluate peer
review forms, make them more congruent with the
course that you are teaching
5.41 Plan to have new forms by fall
5.51 No addition report
5.52 No additional report
5.61 JBradford reported: policy progression
5.62 Will address Fall 2015
5.63 To be addressed fall 2015
5.7 No additional report
5.8 Sanderson reported: one new scholarship (Nina
Erichson) to be awarded to undergraduate in Rho
5.9 LDomiano requests send ATI data (how many
took, how many passed, how many passed 2nd time)
to Lindsey
5.101 RKerner requests faculty: please rsvp to
MWafer if you plan to attend pinning, program will
be printed after all seniors pass
5.102 Student Affairs committee recommended new
hair code policyWhat about multiple different
“natural colors” of hair?
5.103 RKersner states committee is concerned about
other possible issues that may need policy: Ear
gauges- one faculty suggests putting a flesh covered
plug in the hole, let students know of requirements
during Freshmen orientation
Religious hair coverings- Ask hospitals their policy
on religious hair coverings, could only be an
infectious issue
5.102 Motion from Committee, ECreel seconded,
100%yeahs, Policy passed.
5.103 The committee will investigate into what
other schools are doing about ear gauges and see
if there are any issues at local hospitals with
religious hair coverings
Foundations Issues
Integrative/Synthesis Issues
5.11 None
5.12 None
5.13 DNP is graduating their first cohort, 8 students
will be hooded at university graduation
Next Meeting: Fall 2015
Tentative 8/17 9am Followed by CNHS
8/17 @ 1pm
(In person – location TBA)
4.14 Community Ad Hoc:
 Committee has met for a total of three meetings.
 Objectives for N332 and N482 reviewed – N482 staff will re-evaluate course objectives and consider creating individual unit objectives
that are more specific.
 No changes to text books at this time. The courses can have different textbooks to meet the needs of the objectives. New edition of
Kaakinen to be reviewed for Fall 2015. N332 faculty feels that the current text books provide good coverage of content for both N332
and the lab NLAB334. To change books would result in major content area changes for both courses.
 Follow-up meeting with N482 faculty to review content, inconsistencies with assignments, and concerns about online cheating on
exams. N332 faculty shared the use of quiz settings to deter cheating and that their two exams are given face-to face. The course is not
all on-line.
 Reviewed ATI score content for Fall 14 test. Low scores noted in some areas such as: basic care and comfort, pharmacological and
parenteral therapies, & safety /infection control. Within each of these major content areas were content not typically associated with
community health and students scored low percentages, such as under basic care and comfort was cancer disorders and postpartum
physiological adaptations. Discussed if it is relevant to incorporate these content.
 Review of AACN, Quad Council, BSN Essentials, and Public Health Standards - N332 content reviewed. Most of the standards are
addressed. Discussed meeting basic standards for both courses. N482 faculty to review standards and course content.
 Healthy People Task Force Standards - faculty to review course content. The objective is to “Increase the inclusion of core clinical
prevention and population health content in undergraduate nursing.”
 Group recommended reviewing ATI results for more than one or two semesters before implementing major changes to course
objectives. Will discuss Spring 2015 results during next meeting. Group saw preliminary findings but not exam retake results. Terri
Compton reports 11 out of 19 did not make a Level 1 on the retake, so that means 11 out of 52 failed it which is a 78.8% passing for the
 Committee will meet once more before the semester ends.
New Business –
5.1 Other
5.12 FERPA requires that a student’s education records be:
1. Disclosed only to persons who meet the strict definition of a school official who has a legitimate educational interest in the records (or
others explicitly granted access under the law). Contact the Registrar’s Office for a complete listing of these individuals.
2. Made available within 45 days of the student’s written request for inspection and review.
A school official is defined as:
1. A person employed by the University in an administrative, supervisory, academic, research, or support staff position.
2. A student, alumnus, or other person who is serving on an official committee (e.g., disciplinary, grievance) or is assisting a school official
in a task.
3. A trustee or outside contractor (e.g., health or medical professional, attorney, auditor) acting as an agent for the University.
A University official has a legal right to know if a person defined as having a legitimate educational interest is:
1. Performing a task that is specified in his/her position or related to student discipline.
2. Providing a service or benefit related to a student/a student’s family, or maintaining safety and security on campus.
An example of legitimate educational interest would be an advisor who needs to review a student’s education record to determine what
courses have been or need to be completed; this task is related to student advising. The advisor would not be authorized to view education
records that are not relevant to the task at hand. Curiosity does not qualify as a legal right to know.
The link was from ULM.
This is the main link .gov with info on page 5.
5.10 Student Affairs:
5.102 Proposed hair policy "Extremes in hair styles such as cutouts, mohawks, or unnatural colors are not acceptable. Faculty reserve
the right to determine extreme."