economic policy - Aerospace Industries Association

Updated – March 19, 2013
2013 Council, Committee & Working Group Directory
Full Member companies in good standing are eligible to appoint one individual to each of
AIA’s councils and committees. Council and committee appointments must be made through
your company’s designated Committee Coordinator.
To add or change your representative on any of our councils and committees listed below,
please ask your Committee Coordinator to contact: Brenda McGruder, Membership Services
Assistant, at (703) 358-1051 or
To add or change your representative on any of our working groups or subcommittees, please
contact the listed AIA contact directly.
Acquisition Policy
Procurement & Finance Council
Responsible for issues involving government procurement, contract administration, property
management, cost principles and cost accounting, and legal matters relating to federal
procurement, federal and state taxation, and intellectual property. AIA contact: Bill Greenwalt,
Vice President, Acquisition Policy, or 703-358-1045.
*In order to eliminate the possibility of conflicts of interest, representatives of
member companies that provide advisory, business, accounting or tax consulting
services to other AIA member companies, may be limited in their eligibility to
participate in these committees “*”.
*Cost Principles Committee
Responsible for issues involving the development and application of contract cost
principles and cost accounting standards. AIA contact: AIA contact: Terry Marcinko,
Director, Finance and Accounting, or 703-358-1042.
*Cash Flow Committee
Responsible for issues affecting aerospace industry investment, profitability, and
contract finance. AIA contact: Terry Marcinko, Director, Finance and Accounting, or 703-358-1042.
Intellectual Property Committee
Responsible for issues involving inventions, patents, trademarks, copyrights, and
proprietary data. Advises member companies of developments in federal, administrative,
and legislative policies and procedures in this area. AIA contact: Kirsten Koepsel,
Director, Legal Affairs & Tax, or 703-358-1044.
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Legal Committee
Responsible for addressing legal issues that impact the aerospace industry. AIA contact:
Kirsten Koepsel, Director, Legal Affairs & Tax, or
Conflict Mineral Working Group
Responsible for all policies and regulations related to Conflict Minerals. AIA
contact: Kirsten Koepsel, Director, Legal Affairs & Tax, or 703-358-1044.
Procurement Techniques Committee
Responsible for policies and regulations impacting the negotiation and administration of
government contracts. AIA contact: Bill Greenwalt, Vice President, Acquisition Policy, or 703-358-1045.
*Government Property Systems Committee
Responsible for activities, laws, and regulations affecting facilities and property (both
contractor and government) of member companies. AIA contact: Bill Greenwalt, Vice
President, Acquisition Policy, or 703-358-1045.
Chief Financial Officer’s Council
Responsible for issues involving the entire spectrum of finance and accounting, but in
particular generally accepted accounting standards and principles, internal financial reporting
standards and principles, and administration of the above. AIA contact: Bill Greenwalt, Vice
President, Acquisition Policy, or 703-358-1045.
*In order to eliminate the possibility of conflicts of interest, representatives of
member companies that provide advisory, business, accounting or tax consulting
services to other AIA member companies, may be limited in their eligibility to
participate in these committees “*” .
*Aerospace & Defense Controllers Committee
Responsible for addressing issues related to international financial standards and their
convergence with Generally Accepted Accounting Principles. AIA contact: Bill
Greenwalt, Vice President, Acquisition Policy, or
703-358-1045 or 703-358-1042.
Environment, Safety and Health Committee
Responsible for addressing EHS issues that impact the aerospace industry. Informs members on
emerging issues in environmental, safety and health policy, laws, regulations and initiatives;
analyzes impacts to the industry and communicates AIA positions on environment, safety and
health to federal and global governments; sponsors the annual AIA Worker Health and Safety
Benchmarking and Award program; meets with EHS leaders in government, industry and the
NGO community; and meets twice annually to share best industry practices for environmental
and safety issues. AIA contact: Lisa Goldberg, Director, Environment , Health and Safety or 703-358-1050.
Updated – March 12, 2013
REACh Working Group
Responsible for coordinating activities related to European Union registration,
evaluation, authorization, and restriction of chemical regulations. There are other
working groups that report through the RWG addressing legal, defense, IT, engineering
and supply chain aspects of REACH. AIA contact: Lisa Goldberg, Director,
Environment, Health and Safety, or 703-358-1050.
RTR Working Group (Risk Technology Review)
Responsible for coordinating activities related to EPA’s Risk and Technology Review
regulation for aerospace manufacturing facilities’ air emissions. AIA contact: Lisa
Goldberg, Director, Environment, Health and Safety,
or 703-358-1050
NAS 411 Working Group
Responsible for updating NAS 411 a standard addressing hazardous material
management within the aerospace and defense industry, and coordinating with DoD’s
complementary standard Mil spec 882. AIA contact: Lisa Goldberg, Director,
Environment, Health and Safety, or 703-358-1050
Civil Aviation
Civil Aviation Council
Responsible for improving the capability for designing, developing, producing, and operating
aviation products in a safer, more secure, and efficient aviation system; obtaining federal
aeronautics R&D funding under the FAA and NASA; ensuring aviation security and safety;
modernizing the air traffic management system; and monitoring federal and international
aviation regulations and international aircraft noise and emissions standards. AIA contact: Dan
Elwell, Vice President, Civil Aviation, or 703-358-1080.
Air Transportation Systems Committee
Responsible for formulating and advancing positions addressing the efficiency and
capacity of the civil aviation air traffic management system, including both airspace and
ground facilities. AIA contact: Cortney Robinson, Director, Civil Aviation
Infrastructure, or 703-358-1007.
UAS Committee
Responsible for issues related to integration of UAS/UAV into the national airspace
system and related issues. AIA contact: Cortney Robinson, Director, Civil Aviation
Infrastructure, or 703-358-1007.
Updated – March 12, 2013
Aircraft Environmental Committee
Responsible for developing and implementing national and international regulations,
standards, and specifications related to aircraft and engine noise and emissions. Engages
with Federal Aviation Administration, Department of Transportation, Department of
State, Department of Health, Education & Welfare, Environmental Protection Agency,
International Civil Aviation Organization, and European Aviation Safety Agency. AIA
contact: Leslie Riegle, Director, Civil Aviation Environment & Security, or 703-358-1088.
Aircraft Emissions Subcommittee
Responsible for all issues relating to civil aircraft emissions. Monitors domestic
and international regulation of aircraft emissions. AIA contact: Leslie Riegle,
Director, Civil Aviation Environment & Security, or 703-358-1088.
Aircraft Noise Subcommittee
Responsible for issues relating to civil aviation engine and aircraft noise.
Monitors domestic and international regulatory policy on civil aircraft noise –
including research and development. AIA contact: Leslie Riegle, Director,
Civil Aviation Environment & Security, or 703358-1088.
Civil Aviation Regulatory & Safety Committee
Responsible for addressing issues and developing industry positions related to
regulatory framework, certification and safety for civilian aircraft, engines and related
product. The Committee’s initiatives cover the entire product life cycle - - from design
and development, production, and continued operational safety, with an emphasis on
those activities that promote regulatory efficiency and data-driven safety priorities.
Committee members must be directly involved in the certification, production and/or
maintenance of regulated, civil aviation products. AIA contact: George Novak,
Assistant Vice President, Civil Aviation, or 703-3581085.
Airworthiness Subcommittee
Responsible for identifying and addressing issues related to aircraft, engine and
component airworthiness certification process and standards. AIA contact:
George Novak, Assistant Vice President, Civil Aviation, or 703-358-1085.
CARS Manufacturing & Maintenance Subcommittee
Responsible for identifying and addressing areas of concern in the regulatory
oversight aspects of the manufacturing maintenance industry. AIA contact:
George Novak, Assistant Vice President, Civil Aviation, or 703-358-1085.
Updated – March 12, 2013
Ice Crystal Consortium
Operating under the National Institute for Aerospace Studies & Services
(administered by AIA), this group conducts research regarding engine ice crystal
formation, accretion, erosion, and shedding. Participation in the Consortium
requires additional dues to directly support research and development activities.
AIA contact: George Novak, Assistant Vice President, Civil Aviation, or 703-358-1085.
Communications Council
Responsible for addressing issues and strategies related to communications with news media,
decision makers, aerospace community, and general public. The Council also discusses best
practices in communications. AIA contact: Chip Sheller, Vice President, Communications, or 703-358-1058.
Washington PR Representatives Committee
Responsible for addressing local (Washington, DC) communications issues and
strategies. AIA contact: Chip Sheller, Vice President, Communications, or 703-358-1058.
International Affairs
International Council
Responsible for promoting international trade opportunities for the U.S. aerospace industry,
ensuring access to foreign markets on an equitable basis, and working with
foreign partners to spread risk, raise capital, improve market access, and develop new
technology. AIA contact: Remy Nathan, Vice President, International Affairs, or 703-358-1072.
Commercial Trade Committee
Responsible for issues related to trade negotiations within the WTO, international trade
disputes, U.S. government support in international trade, and fair and open market
access for trade and investment in civil aviation. AIA contact: Vice President,
International Affairs, or 703-358-1072.
Export Controls Committee
Responsible for supporting government efforts to develop and implement a modernized
export control system that ensures appropriate restrictions on the transfer of goods and
technology. In addition, the Committee addresses and supports policies, processes, and
legislation that make the export control system more rigorous, predictable, efficient, and
transparent. AIA contact: Vice President, International Affairs, or 703-358-1072.
Updated – March 12, 2013
Defense Trade Committee
Responsible for issues related to the ability of our industry to export defense products
and work cooperatively with overseas partners, including the removal of government
impediments to international activity, obtaining the active support of our government in
helping to promote the sale of U.S. defense products, and ensuring fair and open market
access for defense technology trade and investment in established and emerging
markets. AIA contact: PJ Hart, Director, International Affairs, or 703-358-1070.
Offsets Working Group
Responsible for educating legislators and policymakers in the U.S. and abroad
about the role of offsets in defense trade and the best practices that sustain U.S.
competitiveness in the global marketplace. AIA contact: PJ Hart, Director,
International Affairs, or 703-358-1070.
International Exhibitions Committee
Responsible for discussing and coordinating participation in overseas trade shows,
requesting AIA participation, and coordinating with DoD to ensure appropriate military
aircraft are supplied. Operates pursuant to the provisions of the Export Trade Certificate
of Review, which was granted to AIA by the Commerce Department. AIA contact:
Sherry Epperson, Director, International & Special Events, or 703-358-1071.
Additional International Affairs Working Groups
Supply Chain Security Working Group
Responsible for helping AIA members and their global supply chain understand
and comply with the requirements of the U.S. Customs-Trade Partnership
Against Terrorism (C-TPAT). Responsible for managing the AIA C-TPAT
database. AIA contact: PJ Hart, Director, International Affairs, or 703-358-1070.
Legislative Affairs
Washington Representatives Committee
Responsible for coordinating legislative efforts on behalf of member companies’ local
Washington, DC Government Affairs staff. AIA contact: Cord Sterling, Vice President,
Legislative Affairs, or 703-358-1060.
Civil Aviation Legislative Affairs Committee
Responsible for monitoring legislative activity impacting commercial and
general aviation industries and coordinating lobbying and advocacy efforts with
members and oversight committees responsible for the civil aviation sector.
AIA contact (temporary): Rich Efford, Assistant Vice President Legislative
Affairs, or 703-358-1096.
Updated – March 12, 2013
International Legislative Affairs Committee
Responsible for managing and coordinating advocacy efforts on trade issues in
the international marketplace (among others, export controls, defense trade,
export financing). The goal of this group is to advocate on Capitol Hill for a
level playing field in the international marketplace for the aerospace industry.
AIA contact: Michael Berger, Director, Legislative Affairs, or 703-358-1062.
Security Space Legislative Action Team
Responsible for tracking national security space Congressional issues and
coordinating AIA member lobbying efforts. This team also coordinates
educational briefings on Capitol Hill. AIA contact: Kristen Moore, Director,
Legislative Affairs, or 703-358-1082.
Washington Procurement Committee
Responsible for monitoring and addressing procurement, tax and defense related
legislative issues, advising the Procurement and Finance Council and others on
developments in defense budget, and procurement-related legislation, and
coordinating procurement related legislative policy positions among member
companies. AIA contact: Cord Sterling, Vice President, Legislative Affairs, or 703-358-1060.
National Security
National Security Council
Responsible for addressing defense and national security issues that affect the aerospace
industry and its interests, including developing, coordinating, communicating, and
implementing positions and initiatives designed to strengthen the nation's defense industrial
base, technological competitiveness, economic health, and national security. AIA contact: Fred
Downey, Vice President, National Security, or 703-358-1073.
Workforce Steering Committee
Responsible for developing overarching industry strategy for Science,
Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (“STEM”) education initiatives to
develop the future aerospace workforce. Oversees the work of the Industrial
Base & Workforce Committee and the Communications Council Working
Group on the Aerospace Workforce. AIA contact: Susan Lavrakas, Director,
Workforce, or 703-358-1031.
Workforce Committee
Responsible for seeking best practices, collaborating with like-minded stakeholders, and
developing policy related to STEM education in order to grow and maintain the
industry workforce pipeline. AIA contact AIA contact: Susan Lavrakas, Director,
Workforce, or 703-358-1031.
Updated – March 12, 2013
Electronic Business Steering Group
The AIA Electronic Business Steering Group is an executive level council charged with
responsibility to coordinate the various business information technology activities underway at
AIA and to establish clear policy defining what common business information technology
practices are and how they are to be implemented. Their objective is to develop effective
frameworks which enables all participants in the aerospace value chain to exchange
information electronically relative to product needs, business relationships, transactions, and
product support across an information backbone which is open and accessible to all. The EBusiness Steering group has oversight of the Electronic Enterprise Integration Committee. AIA
contact: Rusty Rentsch, Assistant Vice President, Technical Operations, or 703-358-1054.
Electronic Enterprise Integration Committee
Responsible for issues involving the development, maintenance, promotion, and use of
electronic enterprise integration standards. The goal of the Committee is to enable
businesses to protect information from those who should not have access to it, while
facilitating open exchange with their customers and suppliers who need it. The
Committee receives direction jointly from the E-Business Steering Group and the
Supplier Management Council. AIA contact: Rusty Rentsch, Assistant Vice President,
Technical Operations, or 703-358-1054.
Cyber Security Working Group
Responsible for establishing an industry-wide cyber security strategy to meet
information protection requirements. AIA contact: Rusty Rentsch, Assistant
Vice President, Technical Operations, or 703358-1054.
UID/RFID Guide Working Group
Responsible for publishing and maintaining an “Aerospace Industry Guideline
for IUID/RFID Data Exchange Between Partner and Prime” and assisting
trading partners in implementing partner to prime IUID/RFID data exchanges.
AIA contact: Rusty Rentsch, Assistant Vice President, Technical Operations, or 703-358-1054.
REACh – IT Working Group
Responsible for the creation of aerospace industry guidelines for Registration,
Evaluation and Authorization and Restriction of Chemicals (“REACH”) data
exchange between partners, including the definition of data exchange formats
and methods suitable for AIA member companies to follow. AIA contact: Rusty
Rentsch, Assistant Vice President, Technical Operations, or 703-358-1054.
Updated – March 12, 2013
Technical Operations Council
Responsible for issues related to technical program management, industrial base, operations,
and engineering that affect the industry generally as well as those involved in the research,
engineering, development, test, manufacturing, quality, material management, product support,
information transfer and safety aspects of producing aircraft, missiles, and space vehicles. AIA
contact: Rusty Rentsch, Assistant Vice President, Technical Operations, or 703-358-1054.
Engineering Management Committee
Responsible for engineering and program management issues including configuration
management, design verification, systems engineering, standardization practices,
reliability, maintainability, systems safety, technical data requirements and exchange,
product definition requirements, software management, and drafting practices
throughout all areas of the supply chain and the product life-cycle of military and other
federal government aircraft, missiles, and space vehicles. AIA contact: Paul Fowler,
Director, Life Cycle Management, or 703-358-1065.
Long Term Archival & Retrieval of PDM/PLM (“LOTAR PDM data”)
Working Group
Responsible for creating guidance for industry to follow in the preservation of
digital product and technical data throughout the product lifecycle. AIA contact:
Paul Fowler, Director, Life Cycle Management,
or 703-358-1065.
Long Term Archival & Retrieval (“LOTAR”) Working Group
Responsible for the Long-Term Archiving, Management, and Retrieval of
digital product, technical, and PDM/PLM information. AIA contact: Paul
Fowler, Director, Life Cycle Management, or
Pb-Free Electronics Risk Management Consortia (“PERM”)
Responsible for representing industry with Government and academic
organizations who have a common interest in managing the risks of lead free
electronics in aerospace and high performance electronic systems. AIA contact:
Rusty Rentsch, Assistant Vice President, Technical Operations, or 703-358-1054.
National Aerospace Standards Committee
Responsible for the development, maintenance, promotion, and use of National
Aerospace Standards and the review and comment on similar government specifications
and standards. AIA contact: Chris Carnahan, Director Standardization, or 703-358-1052.
Updated – March 12, 2013
Strategic Standardization Forum for Aerospace
Responsible for responding to aerospace standardization issues, opportunities, and
challenges; providing visibility on standards activities to help prioritize and reduce
duplication and proliferation of standards; promoting robust business models to support
aerospace standardization; advocating for globally recognized, accepted, and used
standards that support international trade and the global business of aerospace; and
providing education, awareness, and advocacy with industry, government, standards
developing organizations, and trade bodies. AIA contact: Chris Carnahan, Director
Standardization, or 703-358-1052.
Product Support Committee
Responsible for addressing issues related to product support, maintenance, technical
publications, and services throughout all areas of the supply chain and the product lifecycle of military and other federal government support, industrial, and sustainability
operations. AIA contact: Paul Fowler, Director, Life Cycle Management, or 703-358-1065.
Technical Publications Subcommittee
Responsible for representing and addressing emerging areas of digital electronic
technical data and associated Industry best Practices. AIA contact: Paul Fowler,
Director, Life Cycle Management, or 703-3581065.
Special Logistics Initiatives Subcommittee
Responsible for emerging areas of Product Support Performance Based Services,
Net-centric/Information services and industry best practices. AIA contact: Paul
Fowler, Director, Life Cycle Management, or
Quality Assurance Committee
Responsible for issues related to quality control procedures governing monitoring,
product integrity, and training throughout all areas of the supply chain and the product
life-cycle of military and other federal government aircraft, missiles, and space vehicles.
AIA contact: Paul Fowler, Director, Life Cycle Management, or 703-358-1065.
National Aerospace Nondestructive Test Subcommittee
Responsible for the development and maintenance of NAS410, NAS
Certification & Qualification of Nondestructive Test Personnel. AIA contact:
Paul Fowler, Director, Life Cycle Management,
or 703-358-1065.
Updated – March 12, 2013
Counterfeit Parts Integrated Project Team
Responsible for working with government agencies, original manufacturers,
industry associations, and independent distributors to address the problem of
counterfeit parts in today’s supply chain environment. AIA contact: Paul Fowler,
Director, Life Cycle Management, or 703-3581065.
Industrial Security Committee
Responsible for all aspects of industrial security, including cyber and information security and
their relationship to the National Industrial Security Program. AIA contact: Rusty Rentsch,
Assistant Vice President, Technical Operations, or 703-3581054.
Space Systems
Space Council
Responsible for the coordination, formulation, and revision of positions on space policy,
missions, systems, transportation, infrastructure, and related matters. The Council supports
government efforts that foster space technologies and space transportation systems. AIA
contact: Frank Slazer, Vice President, Space Systems, or 703358-1030.
Civil Space Committee
Responsible for coordinating the positions of AIA member companies on space related
civil issues, plans, funding, regulatory rules, and policies for government agencies. Also
responsible for tracking government activity of NASA’s Exploration and Space
Operations activities as well as their supporting infrastructures. Also responsible for
tracking government activity of space related science activities including space science,
earth science and remote sensing at NASA, NOAA, USGS and other agencies. AIA
contact: Dan Hendrickson, Director, Space Systems, or 703-358-1003.
Commercial Space Committee
Responsible for coordinating the positions of AIA member companies on commercial
space related issues, plans, funding, FAA regulatory rules, indemnification regimes, and
policies for commercial space ventures. AIA contact: Dan Hendrickson, Director, Space
Systems, or 703-358-1003.
Updated – March 12, 2013
National Security Space Committee
Responsible for coordinating the positions of AIA member companies on national
security related space issues, plans, funding, regulatory rules, and policies for the
Defense Department, Missile Defense Agency, the military services, and other
government agencies. Also Responsible for tracking government activity on
Operationally Responsive Space including small satellites and their launch platforms.
AIA contact: Frank Slazer, Vice President, Space Systems, or 703-358-1030.
Supplier Management
Supplier Management Council
Responsible for coordinating and presenting AIA's Associate member company views on issues
related to aerospace manufacturers and suppliers in improving the customer-supplier
relationship. AIA contact: David Mandell, Acting Vice President, Supplier Management,