The Sin Of Neglect - Simple Bible Studies

The Sin Of
We all have to admit that this is one
sin we continue doing.
So what will we do about it?
• In Webster's definition we find this: "To
• To omit to notice; slight."
• "To be remiss in attending to; fail to do, care
for, etc."
• Some of the synonyms of neglect are: omit,
disregard, ignore, overlook, slight, forget.
What is it that is sending most people to hell?
Is it ignorance?
Is it prejudice?
Is it rebellion?
Is it greed?
Is it selfishness?
Certainly we have Biblical prohibitive passages
that address each of these.
• Certainly, all of the above are deplorable things in
a sense.
• But the thing that is going to cause most of us to
come to everlasting grief in the day of judgment
• Neglect is a canker; it destroys homes and
bridges; ruins farms and health; breaks up
families and eats away love;
• Neglect brings on bankruptcy, and damns man's
• Proverbs 18:9 “He also who is slack in his work is
brother to him who destroys”.
• Proverbs 24:30-34 “I passed by the field of the
sluggard, and by the vineyard of the man lacking
sense; and behold, it was completely overgrown
with thistles, its surface was covered with nettles,
and its stone wall was broken down. When I saw, I
reflected upon it; I looked, and received instruction.
A little sleep, a little slumber, a little folding of the
hands to rest, then your poverty will come as a
robber, and your want like an armed man”.
• It appears in the forms of forgetfulness,
slothfulness, and procrastination.
• Neglect wrecks trains,
• brings cities down in ashes,
• leaves widows and orphans without provision.
• "Nero fiddled while Rome burned.“
• Too much neglect in our world today.
• So how does this apply to Christians?
• Neglect to act at all.
• "Be ye doers of the word and not hearers only."
James 1:22.
• "Being not a forgetful hearer of the word, but a
doer." James 1:25.
• Neglect doing our best--careless.
• God requires us to be all we can be and to do all
we can do with diligence and effort.
• Jeremiah 48:10“cursed be the one who does
the LORD’S work negligently, and cursed be
the one who restrains his sword from blood”
• Our sword is the Word of God. Ephesians 6:17.
• 2 Chronicles 29:11 "My sons, be not negligent;
for Jehovah hath chosen you to stand before
Him, to minister unto Him, and that ye should
be His ministers, and burn incense."
• Neglect of worship on Lord's day.
• Hebrews 10:24-27. “not forsaking the
assembling of yourselves together”
• Neglect of talents.
• 1 Timothy 4:11-16; do not neglect the gift
within you
• Matthew 25:14-30. The one talent servant had
at least one talent the master saw in him, yet
he neglected that one talent he did have.
Brings about ruin.
A house that sits for years without habitation.
A field that is not plowed or tended to.
A road that is not travelled upon.
So sometimes doing nothing causes great
• This is what sinners do.
• You would think that no sane person would
purposely want to go to hell,
• But they do not do anything to avoid it.
• Some want to go to heaven but are
unprepared because they were negligent.
• Matthew 25:1-13 the five foolish virgins.
• Luke 16:19-31 the rich man who wanted to
build bigger barns.
• Acts 26:27-29 Agrippa was “almost
• Acts 24:24-25 Felix was waiting for a more
convenient season”
• People of today are too busy to mess with
religion of any.
• What are the results of neglect?
• When the ant fails to store up sufficient food
for winter?
• When the owner fails to insure his house
before it burns?
• When the sailor finds all too late that he has
no lifeboat?
• When we neglect so great salvation?
Hebrews 2:1-4.
• James 4:17 ought to be memorized and
heeded every day by every Christian.
• There is just too much that needs to be done
that is not getting done.
• We all are guilty to some degree.
• Perhaps we can work together to help each
other learn not to neglect our duty.
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