Mid Term Multiple Choice Practice

Name: ____________________________
Date: _______________
Sec.: _______
p. 3
Mid Term Multiple Choice Practice
For multiple choice prompts, choose the BEST option that answers questions or completes statements.
1) An appropriate definition of scale is…
a. The directionality of a map
b. The orientation of a map
c. The relationship between the size of the
world and how it is drawn on a map
d. None of the above
2) The directionality of a map is…
a. Scale
b. Orientation
c. Projection
d. Grid
3) When cartographers create maps, the changes
in the size, shape or position of the world onto a
flat map are called…
a. Grids
b. Coordinates
c. Projections
d. Distortions
4) Which of the following is not an example of a
thematic map?
a. Transportation map
b. Sinusoidal map
c. Physical features map
d. Political map
5) If a cartographer is trying to tell you the precise
location of a place on Earth, he is describing the…
a. The precise location
b. The relative location
c. The absolute location
d. None of the above
6) True or False: All maps have some distortion.
a. True
b. False
7) True or False: lines of latitude are connected to
climate and therefore are a “truth” about maps.
a. True
b. False
8) The Prime Meridian divides the world into the…
a. Northern and Southern Hemispheres
b. Equal Area and Conformal
c. Humid Continental and Humid Subtropical
d. Eastern and Western Hemispheres
9) Which is not a type of projection that we have
studied in this unit so far?
a. Lambert Projection
b. Goode Projection
c. Equirectangular Projection
d. Mercator Projection
10) Because they were each under the authority of
a supreme leader, the Aztec and Incan civilizations
are both examples of…
e. confederacies
f. democracy
g. empire
h. None of the above
11) The Portuguese sailors that successfully sailed
around the world in the 1522, made history’s first…
e. colony
f. circumnavigation
g. flight
h. voyage
12) Hernán Cortes and Francisco Pizarro, who
conquered the Aztec and Incan empires, are both
examples of…
e. diplomats
f. conquistadores
g. Columbians
h. priests
13) To increase their _____ in the 15th century,
King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella financed
Columbus’ voyage.
e. charity
f. immorality
g. authority
h. inferiority
14) The overland route that connected trade for
centuries between Asia, Africa and Europe was
known as…
e. The Silk Road
f. The Trunk Road
g. The Oregon Trail
h. None of the above
15) True or False: the modern day name for the
Spice Islands is “Indonesia.”
c. True
d. False
16) True or False: A primary source is any source
written or created about a historical period after
that period has passed.
c. True
d. False
17) Needing to settle the dispute between Portugal
and Spain about claims over the Americas, the
Pope helped them to sign a document that split the
New World in half. That document was known as
a. Pope’s Decree
b. Treaty of Taínos
c. Treaty of Versailles
d. Treaty of Tordesillas
18) What is the most accurate definition of human
migration below?
a. When people stay in one place
b. The movement of people from one place
to another
c. Moving from one country to another to
live there permanently
d. None of the above
19) Which of the following is NOT an appropriate
example of immigration?
a. A family that moves from Florida to
b. A family that moves from Egypt to
c. A family that moves from Honduras to
the United States
d. A family that moves from Brazil to
20) True or False. Migration is the same as
a. True
b. False
21) True or False, a push factor is a force that
attracts people to a place.
a. True
b. False
22) Hector witnesses a student that is being
harassed by a group of students in front of the bus
stop. He decides to tell an adult. Hector’s action
makes him…
a. an Upstander
b. a Victim
c. a Perpetrator
d. a Bystander
23) The government agency that is tasked with
enforcing the laws that control the borders of the
United States and immigration and trade is known
a. Border Patrol
b. The FBI
c. The CIA
d. None of the above
24) Pamela gets pushed into a locker by a student
demanding her lunch money. In this scenario,
Pamela is
a. the Upstander
b. the Victim
c. the Perpetrator
d. the Bystander
25) When voters in California passed Proposition
187, they were targeting which group of people?
a. Illegal immigrants
b. Immigrants with a green card
c. Naturalized citizens
d. All of the above
26) If Patrick witnesses an act of bullying at school,
but chooses not to stop it or call for help, he is…
a. an Upstander
b. a Victim
c. a Perpetrator
d. a Bystander
27) Another way of saying “illegal” immigrants is
to call them:
a. Unaccompanied
b. Undocumented
c. Unwanted
d. None of the above
28) Rosie gets into an argument with her friend
Lucy and pushes her down the stairs. In this
scenario, Rosie is…
a. the Upstander
b. the Victim
c. the Perpetrator
d. the Bystander
29) Chattel slavery was distinct from other forms
of slavery in history because…
a. Slavery didn’t exist before the 15th
b. A slave’s status was for life and their
children automatically have the same
c. Once you reached a certain age, a slave
could get their freedom
d. None of the above
30) The most appropriate translation for Maafa,
which is a Kiswahili word, is…
a. “Organized crime”
b. “Natural disaster”
c. “Terrible occurrence”
d. “Praised memory”
31) True or False, Maafa partly refers to the loss of
African cultures, languages, and religions during
the enslavement of Africans by Europeans.
a. True
b. False
32) True or False, the Royal African Trading
Company was based in Brussels, Belgium.
a. True
b. False
33) When Christopher Columbus captured 500
Taínos as slaves to bring back to Spain on his return
voyage, he might have been accused of
participating in trading humans for economic gain
through deception, which is also known as…
a. discovery
b. diplomacy
c. trafficking
d. coyote
34) An example of a memorial might be the
September 11th Memorial in New York City because
it is…
a. Something that causes people stress
when they remember it
b. Something that everyone from the
public can attend free of charge
c. Something that reminds us where we
were when the event happened
d. Something that keeps alive the
memory of a person or event
35) The area of West Africa that is today known as
Ghana, used to be called what by the Europeans?
a. The Gold Coast
b. The Silver Coast
c. The Diamond Coast
d. None of the above
36) The second stage in the Triangular Trade was
called the Middle Passage because it carried…
a. Guns and manufactured goods from
Europe to Africa
b. Sugar from the Americas to Europe
c. Enslaved Africans from Africa to the
Caribbean and Americas
d. None of the above
37) True or False, the image at the bottom
correctly shows the Triangular Trade.
a. True
b. False
38) Another way of saying Triangular Trade is…
a. Globalization
b. North Atlantic Trade Organization
c. Transatlantic Slave Trade
d. Trading Forts Network