The Building Blocks of Matter

The Building Blocks of Matter
A Christian perspective…..
●Have you ever watched a child building Lego? Their
fine-motor skills are limited; their creativity is limited;
but they use what they have to make something
pleasing to them....
●Do you know any adults who still like to build Lego?
Their motor skills and creativity are far greater than
those of a young child and this is reflected in what they
●The elements are often described as
the 92 building blocks of matter.
●If you like, they are God’s Lego.
●He uses the elements to make a vast
array of molecules and then fashions
them together into his own creations.
●He does amazing things with carbon.
●What do they say about His
Building molecules…
C60 fullerene
Building Cells….
The average cell has about 1,000,000,000,000,000 atoms in it.
red blood cells
Building Organs...
There are about 1 trillion cells in the human brain
Building living things
God tries his hand at sculpture...
He uses small canvases…
and big ones…
Jonathan Edwards
Personal Narrative, 1758
“God’s excellence, his wisdom, his purity
and love, seemed to appear in everything;
in the sun, moon and stars; in the clouds
and blue sky; in the grass, flowers, trees;
in the water, and all nature; which used
greatly to fix my mind.”
Rosette Nebula
What creation is God most proud of?
So God created man in his own
image, in the image of God he
created him; male and female he
created them.
Genesis 1:27
What is man that you are mindful of
him, the son of man that you care for
him? You made him a little lower
than the heavenly beings and
crowned him with glory and honor.
Psalm 8:4-5
Chemistry Careers
●Chemistry is the study of how molecules are formed from
atoms and of the function of these molecules.
●Chemistry has been practiced all over the world for over
200 years.
●Thousands of men and women, devoting their whole
working lives to the study of Chemistry are still
scratching at the surface of the wonders of the chemical
●What does that tell you about the glory of God?
So what do atheists say?
●Many textbooks – which are published by secular
publishers – describe the elements as the ‘building
blocks’ that the universe is made from.
●Atheists don’t recognize the work of the builder, but
think the universe assembled itself.