2011 Development of Constitutional Monarchy in Great Britain Lesson

2011 Development of
Constitutional Monarchy in Great
Britain Lesson
Date your papers:
Friday, October 7, 2011
Monday, October, 10, 2011
Tuesday, October 11, 2011
Wednesday, October 12, 2011----Afternoon, Periods 1, 6,
and 2
Block Days: Thursday, October 13 and Friday, October
14, 2011
Test Days: Monday, October 17 and Tuesday, October
18, 2011
Notebook Due: Tuesday, October 18, 2011
Essential and Guiding Questions:
What are Enlightened Despots?
How did a Constitutional Monarchy develop in Great Britain?
What is the significance of absolute rule becoming shared
Parliamentary rule in England? How will this affect the rest of
the world?
What are the characteristics of Absolute rule? Enlightened
Despot rule?
What effect would the exercise of Absolute rule have on a
How did Absolutism differ in the various nations in which it
What causes people to rebel?
How did religion influence the course of the English Civil War?
How did the political structures in France and England differ?
How did these differences affect the course of revolution in each
Friday, October 7, 2011
• Quiet Question: Type Two Prompt---Read the
following primary source written by King Frederick II,
of the Hohenzollern Ruling Family of the German
Kingdom of Prussia, who was also an Enlightened
Despot like Empress Catherine II of Russia. Frederick
believed, “My chief occupation is to fight ignorance
and prejudices in this country. . . I must enlighten my
people, cultivate their manners and morals, and make
them as happy as human beings can be, or as happy
as the means at my disposal permit.”
a) Read and Talk to the Text to the rest of the primary
b) Then turn to your partner and complete “The 6 C’s of
Primary Source Analysis”
Friday, October 7, 2011
• Now referring back to the previous lesson and
your notes on Catherine II, you and your partner
should complete the following T-Chart writing
down examples for both columns.
Catherine Met Frederick’s Expectations
Catherine Didn’t Meet Frederick’s Expectations
Catherine Did Live Up To Frederick’s
Enlightened Despot Expectations
• Created free and public national schools for all social classes and genders
• Population, economic, physical, and political surveys of Russia to see what they
• Focused on economic growth and cultural reforms
• Her new constitution was based on the idea that all people equal in the eyes of the
• Researched to find out how to improve the lives of the serfs and peasants
• Tried not to rule selfishly…worked 18 hours days to serve the people---hardworking
• Taxed everyone, not just the poor, to raise money for the reforms---benefitted
• Set an example for her country---smallpox vaccination, wrote plays, operas, short
stories, valued arts and education
• Building of 100 new towns and renovation of older towns to be safer
• Established orphanages that took in over 40000 children
• Smolny Institute for Women
• Enforced religious tolerance…Jews, Muslims, Protestants, Catholics, and the
Russian Orthodox Church
• Political reforms: innocent until proven guilty, trial by jury, new constitution
Lived Up
• Did not waste money and repaid ¾ of Russia’s debt within
five years and built up a budget surplus
• Saw herself as the first servant of the people…”Little
Mother” of Russia
• Creation of hospitals and medical school to treat majority
of Russia
• Created new job opportunities for peasants…working and
owning factories
• Created a uniform and strong legal system
• Created a more efficient economy with paper money,
improved roads and bridges, etc….
• Created the College of Foreign Affairs---Russian National
Archives to chronicle Russian history
Catherine Did Not Live Up To Frederick’s
Enlightened Despot Expectations
• Not to use the people’s tax money for luxuries…but she added
on to the Winter Palace and built the Hermitage
• Had several lovers and questionable coup of her husband…a
life of debauchery
– One of her lovers took advantage of their relationship to gain land
and money for his family
• She knew serfdom was wrong, but did not abolish to maintain
the nobles’ support---expanded in the Ukraine
• Began crack down on criticisms of her reign and limit freedom
of the press towards the end of her reign
• Favored the nobles in some areas to keep their political
support…political survival
• Let the nobles tax the peasants who were already paying
taxes to the government and could not afford more taxes
Friday, October 7, 2011
• Class: Pairs will share their overall analysis of the primary document and then
review all the major actions of Catherine’s reign. We will discuss how she
behaved like an Enlightened Despot and how she did not in some circumstances.
• Class: Share reasons. Use to introduce the British Stuarts. Turn to the House of
Stuart Family Tree and highlight and number the following Kings and Queens in
the order they ruled
a) James I---first Stuart King of England
b) Charles I---son of James I
c) Under Charles I, WRITE IN OLIVER CROMWELL---Lord Protector
d) Charles II---son of Charles I---The Restoration King or the Merry Monarch
e) James II---son of Charles I and brother of Charles II
f) William and Mary of Orange---Dutch son-in-law of James II and daughter of
James II
g) Ann---daughter of James II and sister of Mary, last of the Stuart line---official
Protestant line
h) George I---German cousin of the Stuart Family with the royal last name of
Friday, October 7, 2011
• Class: Turn to the back of the Stuart Family Tree. Ms. Barben is going to
read aloud, “Setting the Stage”. Let’s make predictions about what you
think is going to happen in Britain based upon what you know thus far?
• Groups: Using the Jigsaw Method, you will be assigned one of the above
rulers to:
• Research and Take Notes on. Assign each of the FIVE sources to a
different group member to read and take notes from.
Read about in the Textbook on pages 461-463.
Read about in the Photocopied “Parliament Limits the English Monarchy”
Chapter Five.
Read about in the Photocopied “Slimy Stuart Timeline” and “Oliver
Cromwell and his Wars”.
And read about in the Photocopied “Teacher Notes on the Stuarts”.
e) Addition: Photocopied “Bill of Rights in Action” Article
• Using all of the above sources, you are going to complete the Conflicts
with Parliament Graphic Organizer.
• You will then do this on the poster board for a larger scale and teach to
the class.
Friday, October 7, 2011
• In the graphic organizer, identify the
a) Monarch
b)His Conflicts with Parliament/Abuses
of Power as a Absolute Ruler
c) Parliament’s Attempts to Limit his
Power/Attempts to Protect Rights
d)Results and Effects of Conflicts and
Friday, October 7, 2011
• Homework: Finish reading and taking notes
on your monarch from your assigned source.
Monday, October 10, 2011
• Groups: Continuing to work on your Conflicts with
Parliament Graphic Organizer.
a) Each member of the group should teach the other group
members what he found in his assigned source.
b) Group members should add to notes in Conflicts with
Parliament Graphic Organizer.
c) If group members disagree, discuss and make decision.
This should take about half the class period.
d) Once all five sources have been covered and everyone’s
graphic organizer is complete, now write it NICE and BIG on
the poster board to use to present to the class the next
class period.
• Homework: Finish up poster for presentations.
Tuesday, October 11, 2011
• Class: We will now cover each leader in
chronological order, and as the groups present and
explain, while the rest of the class should be taking
notes and filling in the graphic organizer.
– Each group will have about 8 minutes to teach about
their leader.
• Homework: Work on Study Guide and Notebook.
Wednesday, October 12, 2011: Periods 1, 6, and 2
Block Day: Periods 3 and 7
• Class: We will finish the group presentations and
taking notes.
• Groups of Three or Four Depending on the Class: Type
Two Prompt--- You will be assigned one of the British
leaders to write a Biopoem on as review. The leader
will be different than who you had for the earlier
• You will have the rest of the class period to work on
• It is then your homework night to work on.
• Periods 1, 6, and 2: You will have 15 minutes of the
Block to complete.
• The next class period will be presentations to act as
the final review.
Wednesday, October 12, 2011 or Block
Format for Biopoem:
A Biopoem is a biographical poem that captures the main characteristics and events of a person’s life. It
allows the writer to reflect on large amounts of materials and condense it into logical categories.
It requires the writer to put himself into the subject’s shoes.
Line One is the First Name. (First name of your leader)
Line Two consists of FOUR ADJECTIVES that describe the person’s personality and traits as a leader
Line Three examines Family Relationships…examples would be Father of…, Mother of…, Son of…, Brother of…
all of which are literal. Or it can be more metaphorical…examples would be Protector of children, Father of
Line Four consists of THREE things the person loved. “Who loves….”
Line Five consists of THREE things the person felt. “Who feels…”
Line Six consists of THREE things the person needed. “Who needs…”
Line Seven consists of THREE things the person gave to others or the world. “Who gives…”
Line Eight consists of THREE things the person feared or did not fear. “Who fears…” or “Who did not fear…”
Line Nine examines what this person wanted to happen in the world or country. “Who would like to see…”
Line Ten examines what this person shared with the world either positively or negatively. “Who shares…”
Line Eleven examines overall who the person was. “Who is…”
Line Twelve identified where the person lived and worked and when. “Resident of….from….to….”
Line Thirteen is the Last Name (Last name of leader…either Stuart or Cromwell)
Wednesday, October 12, 2011 or
Louis XIV
• Power-hungry, Educated, Short-Sighted, Controlling
• Son of Louis XIII
• Who loved science like botany and astronomy, Baroque art, architecture, and
music, and himself
• Who felt threatened by the Fronde Revolt, the glory of Divine Right, and that it
was important to modernize the French army
• Who needs to raise taxes on the middle and lower classes due to his spending, to
expand France’s borders at all cost, and to eliminate the power of the noble class
• Who gives France the magnificence of the palace of Versailles, the Academy of
Ballet, and Academy of Science
• Who did not fear going to war with the most of Europe in the War of Devolution,
the Dutch War, the War of the Grand Alliance, and the War of the Spanish
• Who would like to see France rid of the Protestant religious minority, Huguenots
• Who shares his vision of Absolute Monarchy with Cardinal Marazin and Colbert
• Who is known as the Sun King and the epitome of an Absolute Monarch
• Resident and King of France from 1653 to 1715
• Bourbon
Wednesday, October 12, 2011 or Block
• Homework:
– Finish notes and ideas for Biopoem
– Work on Notebook
– Work on Study Guide
– Unit Test Days:
• Objective Portion: Monday, October 17
• Short Answer Portion: Tuesday, October 18
– Notebook Due: Tuesday, October 18
Block Day for Periods 1, 6, and 2:
• Pairs/Groups: You will have 15 minutes to finish
your Biopoems.
• Class: Groups will present their Biopoems. Class
will add to their notes in the graphic organizer.
• Rest of Block: Work on your Study Guide and
– Test Days:
• Objective Portion: Monday, October 17, 2011
• Short Answer Portion: Tuesday, October 18, 2011
• Notebook due: Tuesday, October 18, 2011