
Before Reading
1. English Song -- She Works Hard for the Money
Introductory Remarks
Listen and Complete
Questions and Answers
2. Sales Promotion
Four Stages in Promoting a Product
3. Role Play
4. Warm-up Questions
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Global Reading
Detailed Reading
After Reading
Introductory Remarks
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Global Reading
Detailed Reading
After Reading
Listen and Complete
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Global Reading
Detailed Reading
After Reading
She Works Hard for the Money
She works hard for the money
so hard for it _____
she works hard for the money
treat her right
so you better ____
She works hard for the money
so hard for it _____
she works hard for the money
____ her right
so you better treat
Onetta there in the corner stand
_______ where she is and
and wonders
It’s strange to her
seem to have everything
some people _____
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After Reading
hour hand
Nine a.m. on the _____
______ for the bell
and she’s waiting
and she’s looking real pretty
just wait for her clientele
She works hard for the money
so hard for it _____
she works hard for the money
treat her right
so you better _____
She works hard for the money
so hard for it _____
she works hard for the money
treat her right
so you better _____
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After Reading
Twenty eight years have
come and gone
and she’ seen a lot of _____
of the ones who come in
need her there
they really seem to _____
_______ working day to day
It's a sacrifice
for little money just tips for pay
worth it all
But it’s _____
just to hear them say that they care
She works hard for the money
so hard for it honey
she works hard for the money
treat her right
so you better _____
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After Reading
She already knows
She’s seen her_________
bad times
she already knows
good times
these are the _____
never sell out
She’ll _____
she never will
not for a _____
dollar bill
she works hard
hard for the money
She works _____
so hard for it honey
she works hard for the money
so you better treat her _____
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After Reading
She works hard for the money
so hard for it _____
she works hard for the money
treat her right
so you better _____
She works hard for the money
so hard for it _____
she works hard for the money
so you better _____
treat her right
She works hard for the money
so hard for it _____
she works hard for the money
so you better _____
treat her right
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After Reading
Questions and Answers
1. Do you know anything about the singer?
2. Why does the singer think Onetta should be treated right?
Onetta works hard for the money. She is extremely
tired every day. If everyone shows care for her and
treats her well, her life is likely to be easier.
3. What is the message of the song?
It’s a call to show respect to those who work hard to
serve people, no matter what the job.
Click the word in red
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After Reading
Donna Summer ( Dec. 31, 1948~ )
Once upon a time, a young girl stood in front of the
parishioners (教区居民) in a Boston church. She opened her
mouth to sing, and a huge voice came out, moving the
congregation to tears. At that moment the girl heard the
voice of God tell her, “You’re gonna be famous.” From that
time on, the girl knew that she was destined for greatness.
That girl grew up to become Donna Summer.
See for details.
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After Reading
Sales promotion is the work of selling a product by all useful
methods such as:
A) powerful advertising;
B) personal persuasion of possible customers by visit, phone
or letter;
C) exhibitions;
D) displays and demonstrations;
E) competitions for prizes;
F) free samples;
G) trading stamps.
Click the word in red or brown
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After Reading
techniques and practices
used to bring products,
services, opinions, or
causes to public notice for
the purpose of persuading
the public to respond in a
certain way toward what is
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After Reading
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Detailed Reading
After Reading
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After Reading
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After Reading
Four Stages in Promoting a Product
Click the picture to enlarge
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After Reading
Four Stages in Promoting a Product
attract the attention of potential customers
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After Reading
Four Stages in Promoting a Product
arouse interest in the product
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After Reading
Four Stages in Promoting a Product
create a desire for its benefits
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After Reading
Four Stages in Promoting a Product
encourage customers to take prompt action
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Detailed Reading
After Reading
Role Play
Before Reading
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Detailed Reading
After Reading
Role Play
One student will act as a salesperson. All other students
will act as his/her potential customers. He/She will have
ten minutes to persuade others to buy his/her goods. One
of them can buy from the salesperson. All others must
come up with an excuse not to buy.
brand name, presentation, labeling, packaging,
instructions, reliability and after-sales service
Useful expressions:
This is our (model). It costs (price).
It’s suitable for (purpose). We can deliver (from stock).
It’s available in (colour) and (size).
We can offer a discount of (%).
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After Reading
Warm-up Questions
1. What are the basic qualities of a good salesperson?
Which is essential? Why?
courage, physical fitness, imagination, pleasing tone of
voice, hard work
2. Do you think it is easy for a handicapped person to be
a salesperson? Why?
Click the word in red !
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After Reading
Some salesmen may work hard and even intelligently
use their imaginations well, until they meet a succession
of refusal and turndowns. It is here that the salesman with
sand (坚毅) in his soul, stamina (耐力) in his backbone,
and courage in his heart, comes right back and whips the
salesman who hasn't these qualities.
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After Reading
Global Reading
1. Part Division of the Text
2. Scanning
3. Further Understanding
For Part 1 True or False
For Part 2 Multiple Choice
For Part 3 Blank Filling
For Part 4 Group Discussion
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Detailed Reading
After Reading
Part Division of the Text
Time of the Day
Bill’s Activities
early morning
preparation for the
day’s work
on his way to work
door-to-door selling
124~158 evening
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Global Reading
paper work
Detailed Reading
After Reading
Scan Text A and put the sentences in a logical order.
A He has his laces tied and his top shirt button buttoned
before taking another bus.
B It’s after 7 p.m. that he arrives home after a day’s hard
C It’s 5:45 a.m. Bill Porter lingers under the covers and
listens to weather broadcasting.
D He assembles his weapons before going out.
E The teenagers on the bus remind him of his past.
F Encouraged by his mother, Porter became a salesman
who sold household products door-to-door.
G He tries many times. At last , a lady buys a cake of
laundry soap from him.
1. ( ) 2. ( ) 3. ( ) 4. ( ) 5.( ) 6. ( ) 7. ( )
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After Reading
True or False
1. Bill Porter used to listen to the weather broadcasting
every morning.
2. There is something wrong in his left hand.
(F )
The fingers on his right hand are so twisted that he can’t
tie his shoes.
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After Reading
True or False
3. His dead mother never thought he could do anything.
His dead mother used to encourage him and her
challenge echoes in his soul.
4. People didn’t believe that he could live independently.
That is not the case, however.
(T )
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After Reading
True or False
5. Bill Porter has ever been a soldier fighting in the
A crippled body is one of his enemies, and he must fight
alone for his independence and dignity.
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After Reading
Multiple Choice
1. The first job for which he applied is to sell________
A) brushes
B) household products
C) newspapers
D) briefcases
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After Reading
Multiple Choice
1. The first job for which he applied is to sell________
A) brushes
B) household products
C) newspapers
D) briefcases
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After Reading
Multiple Choice
1. The first job for which he applied is to sell________
A) brushes
B) household products
C) newspapers
D) briefcases
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After Reading
Multiple Choice
1. The first job for which he applied is to sell________
A) brushes
B) household products
C) newspapers
D) briefcases
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After Reading
Multiple Choice
1. The first job for which he applied is to sell________
A) brushes
B) household products
C) newspapers
D) briefcases
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After Reading
Multiple Choice
2. A representative in Watkins offered him a job to sell
household products in a quite ______ section.
A) rich
B) poor
C) remote
D) nearby
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After Reading
Multiple Choice
2. A representative in Watkins offered him a job to sell
household products in a quite ______
A) rich
B) poor
C) remote
D) nearby
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After Reading
Multiple Choice
2. A representative in Watkins offered him a job to sell
household products in a quite ______
A) rich
B) poor
C) remote
D) nearby
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After Reading
Multiple Choice
2. A representative in Watkins offered him a job to sell
household products in a quite ______
A) rich
B) poor
C) remote
D) nearby
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After Reading
Multiple Choice
2. A representative in Watkins offered him a job to sell
household products in a quite ______
A) rich
B) poor
C) remote
D) nearby
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After Reading
Multiple Choice
3. For several years, his sales kept the ______ in Watkins.
A) last
B) highest
C) lowest
D) secondary
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After Reading
Multiple Choice
3. For several years, his sales kept the ______
in Watkins.
A) last
B) highest
C) lowest
D) secondary
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After Reading
Multiple Choice
3. For several years, his sales kept the ______
in Watkins.
A) last
B) highest
C) lowest
D) secondary
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After Reading
Multiple Choice
3. For several years, his sales kept the ______
in Watkins.
A) last
B) highest
C) lowest
D) secondary
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After Reading
Multiple Choice
3. For several years, his sales kept the ______
in Watkins.
A) last
B) highest
C) lowest
D) secondary
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After Reading
Multiple Choice
4. His first stop on his way to work that day is ____.
A) a bus stop
B) a shoeshine stand
C) a nearby hotel
D) a house
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After Reading
Multiple Choice
4. His first stop on his way to work that day is ____.
A) a bus stop
B) a shoeshine stand
C) a nearby hotel
D) a house
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After Reading
Multiple Choice
4. His first stop on his way to work that day is ____.
A) a bus stop
B) a shoeshine stand
C) a nearby hotel
D) a house
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After Reading
Multiple Choice
4. His first stop on his way to work that day is ____.
A) a bus stop
B) a shoeshine stand
C) a nearby hotel
D) a house
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After Reading
Multiple Choice
4. His first stop on his way to work that day is ____.
A) a bus stop
B) a shoeshine stand
C) a nearby hotel
D) a house
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After Reading
Blank Filling
Supply the missing information according to the story.
It is a _____________
windy and rainy day. Bill Porter stopped at the
first house. He ____
rings the bell. A woman comes to the door
and refuses him by an excuse
______ . The person in the second
house even doesn’t give him a chance to speak. For
____ , but he
ninety minutes, Porter hasn’t made a sale
doesn’t ______
give up . At last a woman is _________
persuaded to buy a
cake of soap from him.
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After Reading
Group Discussion
1. Why did he have to sell his house?
2. What is Bill’s home like? What kind of life does he lead?
3. Does Bill feel sorry for himself? Why or why not?
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After Reading
After Reading
1. Useful Expressions
2. Word Completion
3. Spot Dictation
4. Imitation of Sentences
5. Role Play
6. Synopsis Writing
An Example
7. Talk about the Pictures
8. Proverbs and Quotations
Before Reading
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Detailed Reading
After Reading
Useful Expressions
tie one’s shoes
feel like doing sth.
a pack of
rise above one’s limitations
help wanted ads
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After Reading
Useful Expressions
household products
a retail salesman
off balance
a shoeshine stand
Before Reading
drop sb. off
Global Reading
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After Reading
Useful Expressions
on the phone
be out of soap
off one’s feet
lead a solitary life
work on commission
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After Reading
Useful Expressions
paid holidays
relieve pain
be laid up with
feel sorry for oneself
scrawled signature
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After Reading
Useful Expressions
an easy chair
go off
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After Reading
Word Completion
Directions: complete the words with the help of the definitions
a doctor who performs medical operations
printed material used to advertise a product
passage through or across
be recognized or noted mentally
a person’s name written by herself or himself
money paid to sb. for selling goods which
increase with the quantity of goods sold
done or existing alone
7 s_____
epresentative a person who represents others
8 r ___________
the quality of being worthy of honor or respect
9 d_____
1 s urgeon
2 l_______
3 t_____
4 r______
5 s_______
6 c_________
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After Reading
Spot Dictation
Listen to the following passage and fill in the missing words.
One beautiful spring morning I was alone in my room,
wonderful smell in the air made me
reading. Suddenly a _________
spirit of spring
get up and put out my hands. The _____
passing in my room. “ What is it?” I asked.
seemed to be_______
The next minute I knew it was coming from a mimosa tree
edge of the garden,
outside. I walked outside to the _____
shaking in the warm
toward the tree. There it was, _______
sunshine. Its long branches, so heavy with flowers, almost
touched the ground. I walked through the flowers to the
tree itself and then just stood _____
silent . Then I put my foot
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After Reading
Spot Dictation
pulled myself up into it. I climbed higher
on the tree and ______
and higher until I reached a little seat
____ . Long ago
someone had put it there. I sat for a long time... Nothing in
all the world was like this.
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Detailed Reading
After Reading
Imitation of Sentences
Rewrite the following sentences after the model, making
them as brief as possible.
Model: -- Do you want to buy any jams?
-- No. Maybe I’ll buy nothing today.
-- Jams?
-- No. Maybe nothing today.
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Detailed Reading
After Reading
Imitation of Sentences
1. Is there anything you want?
Anything you want?
2. Look out for cars when you are crossing the street.
Look out for cars when crossing the street.
3. If it is possible, I should like to have two copies of it.
If possible, I should like to have two copies of it.
4. The sooner we perform the operation, the greater is the
hope of saving the hand.
The sooner the operation, the greater the hope of
saving the hand.
5. It is too bad you can’t get here for the meeting this afternoon.
Too bad you can’t get here for the meeting this afternoon.
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After Reading
Role Play
Form a pair with your desk-mate. Suppose one of you is
the author of Text A, Tom Hallman Jr., and the other, Bill
Porter. Before Mr. Hallman wrote this report, he had a
detailed interview with him. You can just choose a certain
period of Bill Porter’s life to talk about. For example,
You can refer to the following expressions in your interview.
Group One may talk about Bill’s childhood, Group Two
lean limb limitation
on his workingdignity
linger pledge profitable retail strain surgery
scar transfer useless tremble delivery disorder
laundry territory transit apply for off balance
off one’s feet be laid up with drop … off gain on
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After Reading
What should be taken into account in synopsis writing?
1. Include enough support and detail so that the
presentation is clear;
2. Do not try to paraphrase specialized vocabulary;
3. Include nothing more than what is contained in the
4. Make sure the synopsis reads smoothly. Use linking
devices and supporting details when necessary;
5. Put the direct speech into indirect speech.
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After Reading
An Example
Original passage
On arriving at the station, Paul went to the information
office. A new timetable had recently been introduced and
he didn’t want to catch the wrong train. He wondered why
his mother had telephoned him to come so urgently, even
insisting on his breaking an important dinner engagement
with a client that evening. She had been very evasive (含糊
其词) and sounded as if she might be in some kind of
trouble -- though what had happened he just couldn’t
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After Reading
imagine. His late father had been a solid respectable
citizen -- a magistrate ( 地方行政长官 ) in fact -- and his
mother’s conduct had always reflected this. When he
arrived he found her busy with roses. “Come in and sit
down. I’ve got something to tell you.” He entered the neat
kitchen and sat down. “I’ve won $500,000 on the football
pools,” she blurted out. Paul was staggered -- his mother
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After Reading
Paul rushed home by train. He was puzzled about his
mother’s urgent call. He thought she might be in
trouble. When he got home, he was surprised to
learn that his mother had gambled and won $500,000.
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Detailed Reading
After Reading
Read the following passage and write a synopsis.
Coffee Saves Lives
Women who drink coffee are less likely to commit
suicide than those who don’t, according to a study of five
researchers. Caffeine, which improves the mood of those
who consume it regularly, may be the cause. The study,
reported in the Archives of Internal Medicine, draws on
data of 86,626 nurses from 1976, with information on
health and lifestyle gathered every two years. Between
1980 and 1990, 56 of the nurses committed suicide. The
researchers found that nurses who drank two cups drank
two cups of coffee every day were 66 per less likely to
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After Reading
have killed themselves than nurses who did not drink
coffee, even after accounting for other factors such as
smoking and stress. Those who drank more than two cups
a day were even less likely to have killed themselves. But
tea seems to offer no protection against suicidal urges.
Nurses who drank four cups of tea every day had the
same suicide rate as those who did not drink it. Tea
contains much less caffeine than coffee.
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After Reading
Coffee drinking women showed a lower suicide rate
than non-coffee drinking women probably because of
caffeine. The researchers found that a higher daily
coffee intake decreased the chance of suicide.
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After Reading
Talk about the Pictures
Click the picture to enlarge
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After Reading
Proverbs and Quotations
1. Nothing is impossible to a willing mind.
2. Something attempted, something done.
3. Every tragedy makes heroes of common people.
-- Norman Stephens, American writer
— 美国作家
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N. 斯蒂芬斯
Detailed Reading
After Reading
Proverbs and Quotations
4. Work is the grand cure for all the maladies and miseries
that ever beset mankind.
-- Thomas Carlyle, British historian
— 英国历史学家 T. 卡莱尔
5. Although the world is full of suffering, it is full also of the
overcoming of it.
-- Hellen Keller, American writer
— 美国作家 H. 凯勒
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The alarm rings. It’s 5:45. He could linger under the
covers, listening to the radio and a weatherman who
predicts rain. People would understand. He knows that.
A surgeon’s scar cuts across his lower back. The
fingers on his right hand are so twisted that he can’t tie
his shoes. Some days, he feels like surrendering. But his
dead mother’s challenge echoes in his soul. So, too, do
the voices of those who believed him stupid, incapable of
living independently. All his life he’s struggled to prove
them wrong. He will not quit.
And so Bill Porter rises.
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After Reading
He takes the first unsteady steps on a journey to
Portland’s streets, the battlefield where he fights alone
for his independence and dignity. He’s a door-to-door
salesman. Sixty-three years old. And his enemies -- a
crippled body that betrays him and a changing world that
no longer needs him -- are gaining on him.
With trembling hands he assembles his weapons:
dark slacks, blue shirt and matching jacket, brown tie,
tan raincoat and hat. Image, he believes, is everything.
He stops in the entryway, picks up his briefcase and
steps outside. A fall wind has kicked up. The
weatherman was right. He pulls his raincoat tighter.
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He tilts his hat just so.
On the 7:45 bus that stops across the street, he leaves
his briefcase next to the driver and finds a seat in the
middle of a pack of bored teenagers.
He leans forward, stares toward the driver, sits back,
then repeats the process. His nervousness makes him
laugh uncontrollably. The teenagers
stare at him. They don’t realize Porter’s
afraid someone will steal his briefcase,
with the glasses, brochures, order
forms and clip-on tie that he needs to
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Porter senses the stares. He looks at the floor.
His face reveals nothing. In his heart, though, he knows
he should have been like these kids, like everyone on this
bus. He’s not angry. But he knows. His mother explained
how the delivery had been difficult,
how the doctor had used an
instrument that crushed a section of
his brain and caused cerebral palsy,
a disorder of the nervous system that
affects his speech, hands and walk.
Porter came to Portland when he was 13 after his
father, a salesman, was transferred here. He attended a
school for the disabled and then Lincoln High School,
where he was placed in a class for slow kids .
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But he wasn’t slow.
His mind was trapped in a body that didn’t work. Speaking
was difficult and took time. People were impatient and didn’t
listen. He felt different -- was different -- from the kids who
rushed about in the halls and planned dances he would
never attend.
What could his future be? Porter wanted to do something
and his mother was certain that he could
rise above his limitations. With her
encouragement, he applied for a job with
the Fuller Brush Co. only to be turned down.
He couldn’t carry a product briefcase or
walk a route, they said.
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After Reading
Porter knew he wanted to be a salesman. He began
reading help wanted ads in the newspaper. When he saw
one for Watkins, a company that sold household products
door-to-door, his mother set up a meeting with a
representative. The man said no, but Porter wouldn’t listen.
He just wanted a chance. The man gave in and offered
Porter a section of the city that no salesman wanted.
It took Porter four false starts before he found the
courage to ring the first doorbell. The man who answered
told him to go away, a pattern repeated throughout the day.
That night Porter read through company literature and
discovered the products were guaranteed. He would sell
that pledge. He just needed people to listen.
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After Reading
If a customer turned him down, Porter kept coming
back until they heard him. And he sold.
For several years he was Watkins’ top retail salesman.
Now he is the only one of the company’s 44,000
salespeople who sells door-to-door.
The bus stops in the Transit Mall, and Porter gets off.
His body is not made for walking. Each step strains his
joints. Headaches are constant visitors. His right arm is
nearly useless. He can’t fully control the limb. His body tilts
at the waist; he seems to be heading into a strong, steady
wind that keeps him off balance. At times, he looks like a
toddler taking his first steps.
He walks 10 miles a day.
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After Reading
His first stop today, like every day,
is a shoeshine stand where employees
tie his laces. Twice a week he pays for
a shine. At a nearby hotel one of the
doormen buttons Porter’s top shirt
button and slips on his clip-on tie. He
then walks to another bus that drops
him off a mile from his territory.
He left home nearly three hours ago.
The wind is cold and raindrops fall. Porter stops at the
first house. This is the moment he’s been preparing for since
5:45 a.m. He rings the bell.
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A woman comes to the door.
“No, thank you, I’m just preparing to leave.”
Porter nods.
“May I come back later?” he asks.
“No,” says the woman.
She shuts the door.
Porter’s eyes reveal nothing.
He moves to the next house.
The door opens.
Then closes.
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After Reading
He doesn’t get a chance to speak. Porter’s expression
never changes. He stops at every home in his territory.
People might not buy now. Next time. Maybe. No doesn’t
mean never. Some of his best customers are people who
repeatedly turned him down before buying.
He makes his way down the street.
“I don’t want to try it.”
“Maybe next time.”
“I’m sorry. I’m on the phone right now.”
Ninety minutes later, Porter still has not made a sale.
But there is always another home.
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After Reading
He walks on.
He knocks on a door. A woman appears from the
backyard where she’s gardening. She often buys, but not
today, she says, as she walks away.
“Are you sure?” Porter asks.
She pauses.
That’s all Porter needs. He walks as fast as he can,
tailing her as she heads to the backyard. He sets his
briefcase down and opens it. He puts on his glasses,
removes his brochures and begins his sales talk,
showing the woman pictures and describing each
Before Reading
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After Reading
“No. Maybe nothing today, Bill.”
Porter’s hearing is the one perfect thing his body does.
Except when he gets a live one. Then the word “no” does
not register.
Laundry soap?
Porter stops. He smells blood. He quickly remembers
her last order.
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After Reading
“Say, aren’t you about out of soap? That’s what you
bought last time. You ought to be out right about now.”
“You’re right, Bill. I’ll take one.”
He arrives home, in a rainstorm,
after 7 p.m. Today was not profitable.
He tells himself not to worry. Four
days left in the week.
At least he’s off his feet and home.
Inside, an era is preserved. The telephone is a heavy,
rotary model. There is no VCR, no cable.
His is the only house in the neighborhood with a
television antenna on the roof.
Before Reading
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After Reading
He leads a solitary life. Most of his human contact
comes on the job. Now, he heats the oven and slips in a
frozen dinner because it’s easy to fix.
The job usually takes him 10 hours.
He’s a weary man who knows his days -- no matter
what his intentions -- are numbered.
He works on straight commission. He gets no paid
holidays, vacations or raises. Yes, some months are lean.
In 1993, he needed back surgery to relieve pain
caused from decades of walking. He was laid up for five
months and couldn’t work. He was forced to sell his house.
The new owners, familiar with his situation, froze his rent
and agreed to let him live there until he dies.
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After Reading
He doesn’t feel sorry for himself.
The house is only a building. A place to live, nothing more.
His dinner is ready. He eats at the kitchen table and
listens to the radio. The afternoon mail brought bills that he
will deal with later this week. The checkbook is upstairs in the
His checkbook.
He types in the recipient’s name and signs his name.
The signature is small and
But he knows.
Bill Porter.
Bill Porter, salesman.
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After Reading
From his easy chair he hears the wind lash his house
and the rain pound the street outside his home. He must
dress warmly tomorrow. He’s sleepy. With great care he
climbs the stairs to his bedroom.
In time, the lights go off.
Morning will be here soon.
Before Reading
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Detailed Reading
After Reading
The alarm rings. It’s 5:45. He could linger under the
covers, listening to the radio and a weatherman who
predicts rain. People would understand. He knows that.
A surgeon’s scar cuts across his lower back. The
fingers on his right hand are so twisted that he can’t tie
his shoes. Some days, he feels like surrendering. But his
dead mother’s challenge echoes in his soul. So, too, do
the voices of those who believed him stupid, incapable of
living independently. All his life he’s struggled to prove
them wrong. He will not quit.
And so Bill Porter rises.
Before Reading
Global Reading
Detailed Reading
After Reading
1. Translate the sentence into Chinese.
The alarm rings. It’s 5:45. He could linger under the
covers, listening to the radio and a weatherman who
predicts rain. People would understand. He knows that.
2. What kind of rhetorical device
is used here?scar cuts across his lower back. The
A surgeon’s
fingers on his right hand are so twisted that he can’t tie
The rhetorical device used here is called inversion or
his normal
he isfeels like surrendering. But his
hyperbaton (倒装). The
of thedays,
like this: The voicesdead
of those
who believed
him stupid,
echoes in his soul. So, too, do
incapable of living independently also echo in his soul.
the voices of those who believed him stupid, incapable of
living independently. All his life he’s struggled to prove
them wrong. He will not quit.
And so Bill Porter rises.
Before Reading
Global Reading
Detailed Reading
After Reading
linger: vi.
alarm rings. It’s 5:45. He could linger under the
My daughter used tocovers,
linger longlistening
over her meal.
to the radio and a weatherman who
There will be no
time to linger
the presswould understand. He knows that.
conference will begin in a few minutes.
A surgeon’s scar cuts across his lower back. The
2) stay for a long time, esp. because one does not want
fingers on his right hand are so twisted that he can’t tie
to leave
his shoes. Some days, he feels like surrendering. But his
He was still lingeringdead
the stadiumchallenge
long after theechoes in his soul. So, too, do
game was over.
the voices of those who believed him stupid, incapable of
living independently. All his life he’s struggled to prove
them wrong. He will not quit.
And so Bill Porter rises.
1) spend a long time doing sth.
Before Reading
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After Reading
CF: stay, linger & remain
The alarm rings. It’s 5:45. He could linger under the
covers, listening to the radio and a weatherman who
My car stays in the garage most of the week.
predicts rain. People would understand. He knows that.
A surgeon’s scar cuts across his lower back. The
fingers on his right hand are so twisted that he can’t tie
linger 意思是“逗留、徘徊”,尤指迟迟不愿离开的样子。
his shoes. Some days, he feels like surrendering. But his
She lingered around the door telling the story of what
dead mother’s challenge echoes in his soul. So, too, do
had happened.
the voices of those who believed him stupid, incapable of
living independently. All his life he’s struggled to prove
them wrong. He will not quit.
And so Bill Porter rises.
stay 是最普通的用语,指长期或短期的停留。
Before Reading
Global Reading
Detailed Reading
After Reading
CF: stay, linger & remain
The alarm rings. It’s 5:45. He could linger under the
covers, listening to the radio and a weatherman who
How many days will you remain here?
predicts rain. People would understand. He knows that.
A surgeon’s scar cuts across his lower back. The
fingers on his right hand are so twisted that he can’t tie
his shoes. Some days, he feels like surrendering. But his
dead mother’s challenge echoes in his soul. So, too, do
the voices of those who believed him stupid, incapable of
living independently. All his life he’s struggled to prove
them wrong. He will not quit.
And so Bill Porter rises.
remain 强调维持原来的状态,表示“逗留”时比stay更正式些。
Before Reading
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Detailed Reading
After Reading
He takes the first unsteady steps on a journey to
Portland’s streets, the battlefield where he fights alone
for his independence and dignity. He’s a door-to-door
salesman. Sixty-three years old. And his enemies -- a
crippled body that betrays him and a changing world that
no longer needs him -- are gaining on him.
With trembling hands he assembles his weapons:
dark slacks, blue shirt and matching jacket, brown tie,
tan raincoat and hat. Image, he believes, is everything.
He stops in the entryway, picks up his briefcase and
steps outside. A fall wind has kicked up. The
weatherman was right. He pulls his raincoat tighter.
Before Reading
Global Reading
Detailed Reading
After Reading
He takes the first unsteady steps on a journey to
Portland’s streets, the battlefield where he fights alone
She always acted with great dignity.
for his independence and dignity. He’s a door-to-door
salesman. Sixty-three years old. And his enemies -- a
If you are wrong, admit
it. You won’t
but will
him and a changing world that
gain respect.
no longer needs him -- are gaining on him.
With trembling hands he assembles his weapons:
possess dignity
dark slacks, blue shirt and matching jacket, brown tie,
maintain one’s dignity
tan raincoat
and hat. Image, he believes, is everything.
stand upon one’s dignity He stops
in the entryway, picks up his briefcase and
beneath one’s dignitysteps outside.
A fall wind has kicked up. The
weatherman was right. HeClose
pulls his raincoat tighter.
dignity: n. the quality of being worthy of honor or respect
Before Reading
Global Reading
Detailed Reading
After Reading
He takes the first unsteady steps on a journey to
battlefield where he fights alone
for his independence and dignity. He’s a door-to-door
At the beginning of the year 2000 crippled children were
Sixty-three years old. And his enemies -- a
on state lists to receive
crippled body that betrays him and a changing world that
no longer
needs him -- are gaining on him.
Peter’s father was crippled
by a stroke.
trembling hands he assembles his weapons:
2) damage or harm (sb./ sth.)
dark slacks, blue shirt and matching jacket, brown tie,
His business was crippled by the fire.
tan raincoat and hat. Image, he believes, is everything.
He stops in the entryway, picks up his briefcase and
steps outside. A fall wind has kicked up. The
weatherman was right. HeClose
pulls his raincoat tighter.
cripple: vt.
Portland’s streets, the
1) cause to become unable to move or walk properly
Before Reading
Global Reading
Detailed Reading
After Reading
He takes the first unsteady steps on a journey to
streets, the battlefield where he fights alone
for his independence and dignity. He’s a door-to-door
According to the Gospels of
Matthew and Mark, greed
made Sixty-three years old. And his enemies -- a
Judas betray Jesus to
the chief body that betrays him and a changing world that
priest for 30 pieces of silver.
no longer needs him -- are gaining on him.
2) give away or make known (esp. a secret)
With trembling hands he assembles his weapons:
He betrayed the secret to his friends.
dark slacks, blue shirt and matching jacket, brown tie,
tan raincoat and hat. Image, he believes, is everything.
Her face betrayed her nervousness.
He stops in the entryway, picks up his briefcase and
NB: 叛徒可用betrayer表示。betray的名词是betrayal。
steps outside. A fall wind has kicked up. The
weatherman was right. HeClose
pulls his raincoat tighter.
betray: vt.
1) be disloyal or unfaithful
Before Reading
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Detailed Reading
After Reading
He takes the first unsteady steps on a journey to
gain on: come closer to Portland’s
(esp. a rival orstreets,
sth. pursued)
the battlefield where he fights alone
She was gaining on for
her opponents
throughout the and
race, dignity. He’s a door-to-door
his independence
but only overtook them at the end.
salesman. Sixty-three years old. And his enemies -- a
Hurry up! Theycrippled
are gaining
on us.
that betrays him and a changing world that
no longer needs him -- are gaining on him.
NB: 此处的on可用upon代替。
With trembling hands he assembles his weapons:
dark slacks, blue shirt and matching jacket, brown tie,
tan raincoat and hat. Image, he believes, is everything.
He stops in the entryway, picks up his briefcase and
steps outside. A fall Close
wind has kicked up. The
weatherman was right. He pulls his raincoat tighter.
Before Reading
Global Reading
Detailed Reading
After Reading
He takes the first unsteady steps on a journey to
Portland’s streets, the battlefield where he fights alone
The horse kicked up a cloud of dust.
for his independence and dignity. He’s a door-to-door
Dawn came up and the sea began to
salesman. Sixty-three years old. And his enemies -- a
kick up.
crippled body that betrays him and a changing world that
no longer needs him -- are gaining on him.
I know he didn’t want to With
go but he
shouldn’t have
kickedhe assembles his weapons:
up a fuss about it.
dark slacks, blue shirt and matching jacket, brown tie,
tan raincoat and hat. Image, he believes, is everything.
He stops in the entryway, picks up his briefcase and
steps outside. A fall Close
wind has kicked up. The
weatherman was right. He pulls his raincoat tighter.
kick up: (cause to) rise
Before Reading
Global Reading
Detailed Reading
After Reading
He takes the first unsteady steps on a journey to
Portland’s streets, the battlefield where he fights alone
Her hands grew very cold and trembled so that she could
hardly hold the flag. for his independence and dignity. He’s a door-to-door
The whole house trembled
as the train
went by. years old. And his enemies -- a
crippled body that betrays him and a changing world that
CF: shake, tremble & shiver
no longer needs him -- are gaining on him.
shake 是最普通的用语。既可用于人,也可用于物。用于人时,一
With trembling hands he assembles his weapons:
dark slacks, blue shirt and matching jacket, brown tie,
His hands shook a little
he wrote. and hat. Image, he believes, is everything.
He stops in the entryway, picks up his briefcase and
steps outside. A fall wind has kicked up. The
weatherman was right.
pulls his raincoat tighter.
tremble: vi. shake from cold, fear, weakness, etc.
Before Reading
Global Reading
Detailed Reading
After Reading
He takes the first unsteady steps on a journey to
Portland’s streets, the battlefield where he fights alone
for anger.
his independence and dignity. He’s a door-to-door
Her voice trembled with
salesman. Sixty-three years old. And his enemies -- a
crippled body that betrays him and a changing world that
shiver 主要指由于寒冷、恐惧而引起的肌肉的短暂、迅速的颤抖。
no longer needs him -- are gaining on him.
She came into the houseWith
and shivering.
hands he assembles his weapons:
dark slacks, blue shirt and matching jacket, brown tie,
tan raincoat and hat. Image, he believes, is everything.
He stops in the entryway, picks up his briefcase and
steps outside. A fall wind has kicked up. The
weatherman was right. HeClose
pulls his raincoat tighter.
tremble 指人体由于盛怒、恐惧、寒冷或疲劳而引起的无法克制的轻微
Before Reading
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Detailed Reading
After Reading
He tilts his hat just so.
On the 7:45 bus that stops across the street, he leaves
his briefcase next to the driver and finds a seat in the
middle of a pack of bored teenagers.
He leans forward, stares toward the driver, sits back,
then repeats the process. His nervousness makes him
laugh uncontrollably. The teenagers
stare at him. They don’t realize Porter’s
afraid someone will steal his briefcase,
with the glasses, brochures, order
forms and clip-on tie that he needs to
Before Reading
Global Reading
Detailed Reading
After Reading
He tilts his hat just
1. v. (cause to) move into a sloping position
The pilot can tilt the helicopter
On the
backward, or to either side.
bus that stops across the street, he leaves
his briefcase next to the driver and finds a seat in the
The boat instantly tilted, filled and sank.
middle of a pack of bored teenagers.
of sth.forward,
is higher than
2. n. a position in which one
stares toward the driver, sits back,
the other
then repeats the process. His nervousness makes him
The Leaning Tower of Pisa is renowned for its marked tilt.
laugh uncontrollably. The teenagers
stare at him. They don’t realize Porter’s
She wore her hat at a tilt.
afraid someone will steal his briefcase,
a tilt to/towards…
with the glasses, brochures, order
at a tilt
forms and
Close clip-on tie that he needs to
Before Reading
Global Reading
Detailed Reading
After Reading
He tilts
his hat
1. v. (cause to) be in a sloping
She leaned the desk against
the door.
On the
bus that stops across the street, he leaves
She leaned over
bridge to look
at the
his the
the driver and finds a seat in the
of value; of
no fat teenagers.
2. adj. producing little middle
a packlittle
of or
He leans forward, stares toward the driver, sits back,
This has been a lean
year repeats
for business.
the process. His nervousness makes him
laugh uncontrollably. The teenagers
lean on/upon sb.
stare at him. They don’t realize Porter’s
lean toward/towards/to
afraid someone will steal his briefcase,
They are now leaning to our position.
with the glasses, brochures, order
forms and
Close clip-on tie that he needs to
Before Reading
Global Reading
Detailed Reading
After Reading
Porter senses the stares. He looks at the floor.
His face reveals nothing. In his heart, though, he knows
he should have been like these kids, like everyone on this
bus. He’s not angry. But he knows. His mother explained
how the delivery had been difficult,
how the doctor had used an
instrument that crushed a section of
his brain and caused cerebral palsy,
a disorder of the nervous system that
affects his speech, hands and walk.
Porter came to Portland when he was 13 after his
father, a salesman, was transferred here. He attended a
school for the disabled and then Lincoln High School,
where he was placed in a class for slow kids .
Before Reading
Global Reading
Detailed Reading
After Reading
Porter senses the stares. He looks at the floor.
1. What is the grammaticalHis
of reveals
the last part
of the In his heart, though, he knows
he should
sentence, from “a disorder…”
to the
end?been like these kids, like everyone on this
bus. He’s not angry. But he knows. His mother explained
It functions as an appositive (同位语).
how the delivery had been difficult,
2. Translate the sentence
h ointo
w Chinese.
the doctor had used an
instrument that crushed a section of
his brain and caused cerebral palsy,
a disorder of the nervous system that
affects his speech, hands and walk.
Porter came to Portland when he was 13 after his
father, a salesman, wasClose
transferred here. He attended a
school for the disabled and then Lincoln High School,
where he was placed in a class for slow kids .
Before Reading
Global Reading
Detailed Reading
After Reading
delivery: n.
1) the process of birth
He tilts his hat just so.
Porter senses the stares. He looks at the floor.
Women who do manual work have easy deliveries.
His face reveals nothing. In his heart, though, he knows
2) the delivering of letters, goods, etc.
he should have been like these kids, like everyone on this
Federal Express Corporation
bus. He’s not angry. But he knows. His mother explained
provide rapid delivery of packages,
how the
delivery had been difficult,
letters, and other shipments
the United States and
h oworldwide.
w the doctor had used an
instrument that crushed a section of
his brain 正常分娩
and caused cerebral palsy,
a normal delivery
a disorder顺产
of the nervous system that
an easy delivery
affects his
speech, hands and walk.
make a delivery
came to Portland when he was 13 after his
accept/take a delivery
father, a 邮递
salesman, was transferred here. He attended a
postal delivery
school for
快递the disabled and then Lincoln High School,
express delivery
where he was placed
in a class for slow kids .
Before Reading
Global Reading
Detailed Reading
After Reading
disorder: n.
He tilts
1) disturbance of the normal
or mind
Porter senses the stares. He looks at the floor.
Severe vitamin and mineral deficiencies can lead to
His face reveals nothing. In his heart, though, he knows
mental disorders.
he should have been like these kids, like everyone on this
2) lack of order
bus. He’s not angry. But he knows. His mother explained
The school authorities
immediate had
action been
how the
stop disorder.
how the doctor had used an
这房子里乱七八糟。 instrument that crushed a section of
and caused cerebral palsy,
The house was in a his
of disorder.
a disorder of the nervous system that
affects his speech, hands and walk.
Porter came to Portland
Close when he was 13 after his
father, a salesman, was transferred here. He attended a
school for the disabled and then Lincoln High School,
where he was placed in a class for slow kids .
Before Reading
Global Reading
Detailed Reading
After Reading
his hat
1. vt. move from one place
just so.
Porter senses the stares. He looks at the floor.
David Beckham was transferred
His face reveals nothing. In his heart, though, he knows
from Manchester United to Real
should have been like these kids, like everyone on this
Madrid for 35 millionhe
Transferring Peter from
to not angry. But he knows. His mother explained
the Boston office washow
a smart
delivery had been difficult,
how the doctor had used an
instrument that crushed a section of
2. n. the act of transferring
his brain and caused cerebral palsy,
He wants a transfer
to another
a disorder
the nervous system that
affects his speech, hands and walk.
Porter came to Portland
Close when he was 13 after his
father, a salesman, was transferred here. He attended a
school for the disabled and then Lincoln High School,
where he was placed in a class for slow kids .
Before Reading
Global Reading
Detailed Reading
After Reading
But he wasn’t slow.
His mind was trapped in a body that didn’t work. Speaking
was difficult and took time. People were impatient and didn’t
listen. He felt different -- was different -- from the kids who
rushed about in the halls and planned dances he would
never attend.
What could his future be? Porter wanted to do something
and his mother was certain that he could
rise above his limitations. With her
encouragement, he applied for a job with
the Fuller Brush Co. only to be turned down.
He couldn’t carry a product briefcase or
walk a route, they said.
Before Reading
Global Reading
Detailed Reading
After Reading
limitation: n. lack of ability
He tilts his hat just so.
Acupuncture is good for
But he wasn’t slow.
some medical conditions but
it has its limitations. His mind was trapped in a body that didn’t work. Speaking
was difficult and took time. People were impatient and didn’t
listen. He felt different -- was different -- from the kids who
rushed about in the halls and planned dances he would
put limitations on
never attend.
financial limitations
What could
his future be? Porter wanted to do something
limitations on imports and
and his mother was certain that he could
within certain limitations
rise above his limitations. With her
encouragement, he applied for a job with
the Fuller
Brush Co. only to be turned down.
He couldn’t carry a product briefcase or
walk a route, they said.
Before Reading
Global Reading
Detailed Reading
After Reading
apply for: make a formal request for
He tilts his hat just so.
he wasn’t
According to the school
will have
to apply for permissionHis
to study
was trapped in a body that didn’t work. Speaking
time. People were impatient and didn’t
I had applied was
for fivedifficult
jobs before
I was
this one.
listen. He felt different -- was different -- from the kids who
rushed about in the halls and planned dances he would
never attend.
What could his future be? Porter wanted to do something
and his Close
mother was certain that he could
rise above his limitations. With her
encouragement, he applied for a job with
the Fuller Brush Co. only to be turned down.
He couldn’t carry a product briefcase or
walk a route, they said.
Before Reading
Global Reading
Detailed Reading
After Reading
Porter knew he wanted to be a salesman. He began
reading help wanted ads in the newspaper. When he saw
one for Watkins, a company that sold household products
door-to-door, his mother set up a meeting with a
representative. The man said no, but Porter wouldn’t listen.
He just wanted a chance. The man gave in and offered
Porter a section of the city that no salesman wanted.
It took Porter four false starts before he found the
courage to ring the first doorbell. The man who answered
told him to go away, a pattern repeated throughout the day.
That night Porter read through company literature and
discovered the products were guaranteed. He would sell
that pledge. He just needed people to listen.
Before Reading
Global Reading
Detailed Reading
After Reading
Porter knew he wanted to be a salesman. He began
reading help wanted ads in the newspaper. When he saw
one for Watkins, a company that sold household products
What is implied here?
door-to-door, his mother set up a meeting with a
Porter had a very representative.
hard beginning.
The man said no, but Porter wouldn’t listen.
He just wanted a chance. The man gave in and offered
Porter a section of the city that no salesman wanted.
It took Porter four false starts before he found the
courage to ring the first doorbell.
The man who answered
told him to go away, a pattern repeated throughout the day.
That night Porter read through company literature and
discovered the products were guaranteed. He would sell
that pledge. He just needed people to listen.
Before Reading
Global Reading
Detailed Reading
After Reading
Porter knew he wanted to be a salesman. He began
reading help wanted ads in the newspaper. When he saw
one forto Watkins,
a company that sold household products
They sent a representative
door-to-door, his mother set up a meeting with a
Representatives from
more than 170 The man said no, but Porter wouldn’t listen.
nations converged on Paris for the
He just wanted a chance. The man gave in and offered
Earth Summit.
a section of the city that no salesman wanted.
CF: delegate, agent &Porter
It took Porter four false starts before he found the
delegate 指某人被选派或委托为代理或代表。一般来说,delegate不
courage to ring the first doorbell. The man who answered
told him to go away, a pattern repeated throughout the day.
He is a trade union delegate.
That night Porter read through company literature and
discovered the products were guaranteed. He would sell
that pledge. He justNext
people to listen.
representative: n. a person who represents others
Before Reading
Global Reading
Detailed Reading
After Reading
Porter knew he wanted to be a salesman. He began
reading help wanted ads in the newspaper. When he saw
for Watkins,
a company
that sold household products
An estate agent acts
on behalf
of the landlord
his mother set up a meeting with a
transactions between
landlord and tenant.
representative. The man said no, but Porter wouldn’t listen.
He just wanted a chance. The man gave in and offered
representative 本义是指某人作为代表在一定场合行使职权或处理
Porter a section of the city that no salesman wanted.
It took Porter four false starts before he found the
courage to ring the first doorbell. The man who answered
They are representatives of the various departments of
science and art. told him to go away, a pattern repeated throughout the day.
That night Porter read through company literature and
discovered the products were guaranteed. He would sell
that pledge. He just needed
people to listen.
agent 意思是“代理人(商)”。指任何一个有代理权的人或团体,
Before Reading
Global Reading
Detailed Reading
After Reading
Porter knew he wanted to be a salesman. He began
the newspaper. When he saw
one for Watkins, a company that sold household products
door-to-door, his mother set up a meeting with a
Have you any literature on the new car?
representative. The man said no, but Porter wouldn’t listen.
writings that are valued
of art a chance. The man gave in and offered
He as
Porter a section of the city that no salesman wanted.
Many readers consider the novel the most flexible
It took Porter four false starts before he found the
type of literature.
courage to ring the first doorbell. The man who answered
told him to go away, a pattern repeated throughout the day.
That night Porter read through company literature and
Close guaranteed. He would sell
discovered the products were
that pledge. He just needed people to listen.
literature: n.
wanteda ads
1) printed material used
to advertise
or promote
Before Reading
Global Reading
Detailed Reading
After Reading
Porter knew he wanted to be a salesman. He began
help wanted ads in the newspaper. When he saw
one for Watkins, a company that sold household products
I was told about it under
a pledge of his mother set up a meeting with a
representative. The man said no, but Porter wouldn’t listen.
She made a pledgeHe
to contribute
just wanted
a chance. The man gave in and offered
Porter a section of the city that no salesman wanted.
2. vt. make a solemn promise
or agreement
It took
Porter four false starts before he found the
ring thewastes
first doorbell. The man who answered
They have pledgedcourage
not to dumptohazardous
into the river.
told him to go away, a pattern repeated throughout the day.
They have pledged thatThat
they will
through company literature and
discovered the products were guaranteed. He would sell
that pledge. He justNext
people to listen.
1. n. a solemn promisereading
Before Reading
Global Reading
Detailed Reading
After Reading
Porter knew he wanted to be a salesman. He began
reading help wanted ads in the newspaper. When he saw
one for Watkins, a company
that sold household products
assure 意思是“使相信、使确信(某事一定会发生)”
set up a meeting with a
Mom assured us that
everything wouldhis
be all mother
representative. The man said no, but Porter wouldn’t listen.
He just wanted a chance. The man gave in and offered
convince 意思是“使信服”。
city that no salesman wanted.
I managed to convince
the story
It took Porter four false starts before he found the
courage to ring the first doorbell. The man who answered
guarantee 意思是“保证、担保”。
to gothe
repeated throughout the day.
The authorities could
That night Porter read through company literature and
discovered the products were guaranteed. He would sell
that pledge. He justNext
people to listen.
CF: assure, convince, guarantee & pledge
Before Reading
Global Reading
Detailed Reading
After Reading
Porter knew he wanted to be a salesman. He began
pledge 意思是“公开保证”。
reading help wanted ads in the newspaper. When he saw
The government pledged
to make
no dealsa with
terrorists.that sold household products
one for
door-to-door, his mother set up a meeting with a
representative. The man said no, but Porter wouldn’t listen.
He just wanted
a chance. The man gave in and offered
make/take a pledge
Porter a section of the city that no salesman wanted.
give sb. one’s pledge
It took Porter four false starts before he found the
honor one’s pledge courage to 恪守誓言
ring the first doorbell. The man who answered
him to go
away, a pattern repeated throughout the day.
carry out/redeem one’s
That night
Porter read through company literature and
break/violate one’s pledge
discovered the products were guaranteed. He would sell
that pledge. He just needed
people to listen.
Before Reading
Global Reading
Detailed Reading
After Reading
If a customer turned him down, Porter kept coming
back until they heard him. And he sold.
For several years he was Watkins’ top retail salesman.
Now he is the only one of the company’s 44,000
salespeople who sells door-to-door.
The bus stops in the Transit Mall, and Porter gets off.
His body is not made for walking. Each step strains his
joints. Headaches are constant visitors. His right arm is
nearly useless. He can’t fully control the limb. His body tilts
at the waist; he seems to be heading into a strong, steady
wind that keeps him off balance. At times, he looks like a
toddler taking his first steps.
He walks 10 miles a day.
Before Reading
Global Reading
Detailed Reading
After Reading
If a customer turned him down, Porter kept coming
back until they heard him. And he sold.
For several years he was Watkins’ top retail salesman.
Now he is the only one of the company’s 44,000
2. What kind of rhetorical
device is used
in the
first sentence?
The bus stops in the Transit Mall, and Porter gets off.
The rhetorical deviceHis
in the
first made
is not
foriswalking. Each step strains his
personification, a figure of speech in which a thing,
joints. Headaches
visitors. His right arm is
quality or idea is represented
as a person. Itare
can constant
the sentence morenearly
vivid. useless. He can’t fully control the limb. His body tilts
at the waist; he seems to be heading into a strong, steady
wind that keeps him off balance.
At times, he looks like a
toddler taking his first steps.
He walks 10 miles a day.
1. Translate the sentences into Chinese.
Before Reading
Global Reading
Detailed Reading
After Reading
If a customer turned him down, Porter kept coming
heard him.
1.n. the practice of selling
in small
to theAnd he sold.
general public
For several years he was Watkins’ top retail salesman.
of the company’s 44,000
salespeople who sells door-to-door.
The bus stops in the Transit Mall, and Porter gets off.
His body is not made for walking. Each step strains his
joints. Headaches are constant visitors. His right arm is
nearly useless. He can’t fully control the limb. His body tilts
at the waist; he seems to be heading into a strong, steady
2. v. sell or be sold by retail
wind that keeps him off balance. At times, he looks like a
These socks retail at $5 a pair.
toddler taking his first steps.
He walks 10 miles a day.
Wal-Mart is a company
that operates
of retail
he is athe
chain stores.
Before Reading
Global Reading
Detailed Reading
After Reading
If a customer turned him down, Porter kept coming
untilof they
him.byAnd he sold.
1. vt. injure (the body back
or the part
it) or make
it weak
too much effort
For several years he was Watkins’ top retail salesman.
he is
the only
one of the
He strained hisNow
back when
he removed
the piano
with his friends.salespeople who sells door-to-door.
company’s 44,000
stops in
the Transit Mall, and Porter gets off.
2. n. a severe demand on The
or physical
resources, abilities, etc.
body by
is on)
not made for walking. Each step strains his
joints. Headaches are constant visitors. His right arm is
The work put a greatnearly
strain onuseless.
He can’t fully control the limb. His body tilts
the strain
he her
to be heading into a strong, steady
She has been underat
was bankrupted.
wind that keeps him off balance. At times, he looks like a
toddler taking his first steps.
He walks 10 miles a day.
Before Reading
Global Reading
Detailed Reading
After Reading
If a customer turned him down, Porter kept coming
back until they heard him. And he sold.
years he was Watkins’ top retail salesman.
impose/place/put a strainFor
on several
Now he is忍受压力
the only one of the company’s 44,000
stand the strain
salespeople who sells door-to-door.
relieve the strain
The bus stops in the Transit Mall, and Porter gets off.
a mental strain
His body精神状态紧张
is not made for walking. Each step strains his
joints. Headaches
are constant visitors. His right arm is
back strain
nearly useless.
He can’t fully control the limb. His body tilts
under the strain
at the waist; he seems to be heading into a strong, steady
wind that keeps him off balance. At times, he looks like a
toddler taking his first steps.
He walks 10 miles a day.
Before Reading
Global Reading
Detailed Reading
After Reading
His first stop today, like every day,
is a shoeshine stand where employees
tie his laces. Twice a week he pays for
a shine. At a nearby hotel one of the
doormen buttons Porter’s top shirt
button and slips on his clip-on tie. He
then walks to another bus that drops
him off a mile from his territory.
He left home nearly three hours ago.
The wind is cold and raindrops fall. Porter stops at the
first house. This is the moment he’s been preparing for since
5:45 a.m. He rings the bell.
Before Reading
Global Reading
Detailed Reading
After Reading
His first stop today, like every day,
is a shoeshine stand where employees
drop…off: allow (sb.) totie
out of
a vehicle
Twice a week he pays for
a station.
shine. At a nearby hotel one of the
Just drop me off at the
doormen buttons Porter’s top shirt
button and slips on his clip-on tie. He
then walks to another bus that drops
him off a mile from his territory.
He left home nearly three hours ago.
The wind is cold and raindrops fall. Porter stops at the
first house. This is the moment he’s been preparing for since
5:45 a.m. He rings the bell.
Before Reading
Global Reading
Detailed Reading
After Reading
territory: n. land a country controls
or owns
His first
today, like every day,
A country’s embassyisin a
a foreign
countrystand where employees
is considered its own territory.
tie his laces. Twice a week he pays for
a shine. At a nearby hotel one of the
occupy territory
doormen 占领领土
buttons Porter’s top shirt
unexplored territory button and未勘探的地区
slips on his clip-on tie. He
cede territory
then walks割让领土
to another bus that drops
him off a mile from his territory.
NB: territory强调(国家的)领土的范围,或人或动物等拥有的不容
He left home nearly three hours ago.
The birds sang to warn other birds off their territory.
The wind is cold and raindrops fall. Porter stops at the
first house. This is the moment he’s been preparing for since
5:45 a.m. He rings the bell.Close
Before Reading
Global Reading
Detailed Reading
After Reading
He walks on.
He knocks on a door. A woman appears from the
What can be inferred from this description?
backyard where she’s gardening. She often buys, but not
Bill Porter is a very today,
as she
walks away.
his deformity (残疾), he did all these very fluently, which
“Are you sure?” Porter asks.
showed his eagerness to sell the products to the
She pauses.
That’s all Porter needs. He walks as fast as he can,
tailing her as she heads
to the backyard. He sets his
briefcase down and opens it. He puts on his glasses,
removes his brochures and begins his sales talk,
showing the woman pictures and describing each
Before Reading
Global Reading
Detailed Reading
After Reading
“No. Maybe nothing today, Bill.”
Porter’s hearing is the one perfect thing his body does.
Except when he gets a live one. Then the word “no” does
not register.
Laundry soap?
Porter stops. He smells blood. He quickly remembers
her last order.
Before Reading
Global Reading
Detailed Reading
After Reading
Is there anything special with
the sentences here?
“No. Maybe nothing today, Bill.”
Yes. They are elliptical sentences. Ellipsis involves
is context.
the one perfect thing his body does.
leaving out words whichPorter’s
are obvious
from the
Since it is a real dialogue
his one. Then the word “no” does
when Bill
he Porter
gets a
customer, to use elliptical sentences seems very
not register.
Laundry soap?
Porter stops. He smells blood. He quickly remembers
her last order.
Before Reading
Global Reading
Detailed Reading
After Reading
1. Paraphrase the second sentence.
“No. Maybe nothing today, Bill.”
Except when he catches someone who looks as if he
Porter’s hearing is the one perfect thing his body does.
may be persuaded to buy.
Except when he gets a live one. Then the word “no” does
2. Translate the sentences into Chinese.
not register.
Laundry soap?
Porter stops. He smells blood. He quickly remembers
her last order.
Before Reading
Global Reading
Detailed Reading
After Reading
1. What impression can youJams?
get from this sentence?
“No. Maybe nothing today, Bill.”
He is a very skillful salesman, sensitive to potential
Porter’s hearing is the one perfect thing his body does.
customer’s needs.
Except when he gets a live one. Then the word “no” does
2. What kind of rhetorical device is used here?
not register.
The rhetorical device used here is called metaphor. He
is just like an animal hunting
its prey (猎物).
Laundry soap?
Porter stops. He smells blood. He quickly remembers
her last order.
Before Reading
Global Reading
Detailed Reading
After Reading
register: v.
1) be recognized or noted mentally
The professor’s name
didn’t register with the students.
“No. Maybe nothing today, Bill.”
Porter’s hearing is the one perfect thing his body does.
He was not registered
as a voter.
when he gets a live one. Then the word “no” does
How many registered
in the
Laundry soap?
Porter stops. He smells blood. He quickly remembers
her last order.
2) record a name, an event, etc. for official purposes
Before Reading
Global Reading
Detailed Reading
After Reading
“Say, aren’t you about out of soap? That’s what you
bought last time. You ought to be out right about now.”
“You’re right, Bill. I’ll take one.”
He arrives home, in a rainstorm,
after 7 p.m. Today was not profitable.
He tells himself not to worry. Four
days left in the week.
At least he’s off his feet and home.
Inside, an era is preserved. The telephone is a heavy,
rotary model. There is no VCR, no cable.
His is the only house in the neighborhood with a
television antenna on the roof.
Before Reading
Global Reading
Detailed Reading
After Reading
profitable: adj. bringing profit or advantage
“Say, aren’t you about out of soap? That’s what you
last time. You ought to be out right about now.”
Based in New York bought
Random House owns many
right, Bill. I’ll take one.”
the most prestigious and
profitable book publishingHe
companies in the United
after 7
arrives home, in a rainstorm,
p.m. Today was not profitable.
He tells himself not to worry. Four
days left in the week.
I didn’t find the talk very profitable. On the contrary, I
thought it was nonsense.At least he’s off his feet and home.
Inside, an era is preserved. The telephone is a heavy,
rotary model. There is no VCR,
no cable.
His is the only house in the neighborhood with a
television antenna on the roof.
Before Reading
Global Reading
Detailed Reading
After Reading
He leads a solitary life. Most of his human contact
comes on the job. Now, he heats the oven and slips in a
frozen dinner because it’s easy to fix.
The job usually takes him 10 hours.
He’s a weary man who knows his days -- no matter
what his intentions -- are numbered.
He works on straight commission. He gets no paid
holidays, vacations or raises. Yes, some months are lean.
In 1993, he needed back surgery to relieve pain caused
from decades of walking. He was laid up for five months
and couldn’t work. He was forced to sell his house. The
new owners, familiar with his situation, froze his rent and
agreed to let him live there until he dies.
Before Reading
Global Reading
Detailed Reading
After Reading
He leads a solitary life. Most of his human contact
What does “froze hiscomes
rent” mean?
on the job. Now, he heats the oven and slips in a
it’s easy
It means that thefrozen
new owner
not to increase
his to fix.
The job usually takes him 10 hours.
He’s a weary man who knows his days -- no matter
what his intentions -- are numbered.
He works on straight Close
commission. He gets no paid
holidays, vacations or raises. Yes, some months are lean.
In 1993, he needed back surgery to relieve pain
caused from decades of walking. He was laid up for five
months and couldn’t work. He was forced to sell his house.
The new owners, familiar with his situation, froze his rent
and agreed to let him live there until he dies.
Before Reading
Global Reading
Detailed Reading
After Reading
He leads a solitary life. Most of his human contact
comes on the job. Now, he heats the oven and slips in a
commission: n. money paid to sb. for selling goods which
frozen dinner because it’s easy to fix.
increases with the quantity of goods sold
The job usually takes him 10 hours.
If a salesperson is paid on commission, the
a weary
amount they receive
on theman
theyknows his days -- no matter
what his intentions -- are numbered.
He works on straight commission. He gets no paid
holidays, vacations or raises. Yes, some months are lean.
In 1993, he needed back
surgery to relieve pain caused
from decades of walking. He was laid up for five months
and couldn’t work. He was forced to sell his house. The
new owners, familiar with his situation, froze his rent and
agreed to let him live there until he dies.
Before Reading
Global Reading
Detailed Reading
After Reading
He leads a solitary life. Most of his human contact
comes on the job. Now, he heats the oven and slips in a
it’s easy
be laid up: have to stayfrozen
in bed because
are ill, injured,
etc. to fix.
The job usually takes him 10 hours.
I was laid up for five days with a cold.
He’s a weary man who knows his days -- no matter
The football player was laid up with a twisted knee.
what his intentions -- are numbered.
He works on straight commission. He gets no paid
holidays, vacations or raises. Yes, some months are lean.
In 1993, he needed back
surgery to relieve pain caused
from decades of walking. He was laid up for five months
and couldn’t work. He was forced to sell his house. The
new owners, familiar with his situation, froze his rent and
agreed to let him live there until he dies.
Before Reading
Global Reading
Detailed Reading
After Reading
From his easy chair he hears the wind lash his house
and the rain pound the street outside his home. He must
dress warmly tomorrow. He’s sleepy. With great care he
climbs the stairs to his bedroom.
In time, the lights go off.
Morning will be here soon.
Before Reading
Global Reading
Detailed Reading
After Reading
From his easy chair he hears the wind lash his house
and the rain pound the street outside his home. He must
1. What does “pound” mean
warmly tomorrow. He’s sleepy. With great care he
It means “to beat orclimbs
hit repeatedly
and heavily”.
the stairs
to his bedroom.
In time, the lights go off.
2. Translate this sentence into Chinese.
Morning will be here soon.
Before Reading
Global Reading
Detailed Reading
After Reading
From his easy chair he hears the wind lash his house
and the rain pound the street outside his home. He must
go off: (of electric power, a light, etc.) stop functioning or
dress warmly tomorrow. He’s sleepy. With great care he
climbs the stairs to his bedroom.
I didn’t sleep well last night
all thethe
Morning will be here soon.
Before Reading
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Detailed Reading
After Reading