Project workplan for the southern provinces

The Third National Workshop on
The Project “Capacity Development for
The Clean Development Mechanism in Viet Nam“
Ho Chi Minh City, 26 August 2004
The workplan of the CD4CDM project for the
southern provinces/Cities in viet nam
From August 2004 to December 2005
Hoang Manh Hoa
International Cooperation Department
Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment
Task 1 Leader, Project Secretary
A. Main implemented activities of the
CD4CDM Project in the southern
B. Planned activities of the CD4CDM Project
in the southern provinces/cities, from
August 2004 to December 2005
C. Conclusions
A. Main implemented activities of the CD4CDM
Project in the southern provinces/cities
1. Conducting
understanding for relevant stakeholders
(managers, policy makers, scientists, stateowned and private enterprises, officers,
organizations, reporters, journalists, public,
etc.) in Ho Chi Minh City, August 2003
 Survey questionnaires are related to United
Nations Framework Convention on Climate
Change (UNFCCC), Kyoto Protocol, CDM
and GHGs reduction.
 Objectives: survey, analyze, study GHG
emission sources and prepare materials for
raising public awareness for relevant
A. Main implemented activities of the CD4CDM
Project in the southern provinces/cities (cont.)
 Results:
- 160 questionnaires delivered, 131 questionnaires
collected (achieved 81,9%).
- Right answers: medium level
- Reasons for the most mistaken answers were
related to confusion between UNFCCC and Vienna
Convention for the Protection of the Ozone Layer,
Kyoto Protocol and Montreal Protocol on
substances that deplete the Ozone Layer, CDM and
Clean Production…
2. Organizing a workshop on capacity development for
CDM research and education in Ho Chi Minh City, 24
September 2003 in cooperation with Ho Chi Minh
Polytechnic University. The workshop was attended
by about 80 researchers, educators, teachers,
experts from universities, colleges, research centers
for science and technology, departments, branches
A. Main implemented activities of the CD4CDM
Project in the southern provinces/cities (cont.)
Contents and objectives:
Introduction to UNFCCC, Kyoto Protocl, CDM
Rasing awareness for researchers and educators
on opportunities, benefits of CDM and encouraging
them to participate in the CDM activities
Compiling CDM textbook, intergrating CDM into
teaching programme in selected faculties of the
Presenting UNFCCC, Kyoto Protocol, CDM and
Project Idea Note on generation from rice husk at
the Seminar on Generation from Rice Husk, Can
Tho City, October 2003.
Contents and objectives: encourage formulation of
CDM potential projects contributing to sustainable
A. Main implemented activities of the CD4CDM
Project in the southern provinces/cities (cont.)
4. Conducting the seminar on capacity development for
CDM in forestry, Ho Chi Minh City, 30 June 2004 in
cooperation with University of Agriculture and Forestry
 Contents and objectives:
 Introduction to UNFCCC, KP, CDM.
 Introduction to potential of CDM projects in land use,
land use change and forestry (LULUCF); rules and basic
conditions to formulate a CDM project in forestry;
baseline in forestry
 Introduction to steps of CDM project cycle in LULUCF
 Preparation for CDM textbook compilation in LULUCF
and intergration of this texbook into specific teaching
programme at selected falcutites in the University
 Capacity development for education on CDM in selected
universities in Viet Nam
 Encouragement of potential CDM project formulation in
A. Main implemented activities of the CD4CDM
Project in the southern provinces/cities (cont.)
5. Working with international expers, domestic
and foreign partners to provide guideline for
formulation of some potential CDM projects in
the southern provinces/cities
a. Rang Dong Oil Field Associated Gas Recovery
and Utilization Project in Ba Ria - Vung Tau
Province (located about 140km off the southeastern coast of Viet Nam)
 Project participants:
 Vietnam Oil and Gas Corporation
PETROVIETNAM: the Vietnamese State Oil and
Gas Company
A. Main implemented activities of the CD4CDM
Project in the southern provinces/cities (cont.)
 PETROVIETNAM Exploration and Production Company:
a wholly owned subsidiary of PETROVIETNAM.
 CONOCOPHILLIPS GAMA Ltd.: a company incorporated
under the laws of England
 Purpose: the recovery and utilization of gases produced
as a by-product of oil production activities. This byproduct gas was disposed at the platform via a
combustion process emitting largely CO2
 Activities: construction of a gas pipeline and
compressor facilities to recover and transport the byproduct gas which is processed into dry gas (mostly
methane), LPG (butane and propane) and Condensate.
Such dry gas will be supplied to the nearby power plants
(Phu My and Ba Ria), LPG will be consumed
domestically as home cooking fuel and condensate will
A. Main implemented activities of the CD4CDM
Project in the southern provinces/cities (cont.)
 Expected results:
 Provide an additional source of clean-burning natural
gas and contribute to reduction of import dependency
of petroleum products.
 Reduce price of gas provided to the power plant about
half the rate obtained through other gas fields.
 Eliminate significantly GHGs emission. 6.74 million
tonnes CO2 will be reduced over the crediting period
that creates “Certified Emission Reductions (CERs) to
the project participants.
 Current status: PDD of the project was approved by
Viet Nam in May 2004. The project has been validated
and considered to registration as a CDM project by
international authority entities.
A. Main implemented activities of the CD4CDM
Project in the southern provinces/cities (cont.)
b. Fuel Switching Model Project at the Thu Duc power
Plant #3
 Project participants:
 New Energy and Industrial Technology Development
Organization of Japan (NEDO).
 Tohoku Electric Power Company (Japan)
 Electricity of Viet Nam (EVN).
 Purpose: switching fuel from FO to natural gas at
the Thu Duc Power Plant under CDM.
 Activity: renovate the FO Unit 3 boiler to a naturalgas-fired one, use the pipeline from Nam Con Son
gas field developed by PETROVIETNAM
A. Main implemented activities of the CD4CDM
Project in the southern provinces/cities (cont.)
Expected results:
 Reduction of GHG emissions: 68,300 tonnes
CO2 eq./year and total: 825,000 tonnes over 10
 Reduction of other GHG emissions:
• S0x: from 1600 ppm to 2 ppm
• N0x: from 240 ppm to 200 ppm
• Dust: from 150mg/m3N to 0 mg/m3 N.
Current status: PDD is being formulated by
project participants.
A. Main implemented activities of the CD4CDM
Project in southern provinces/cities (cont.)
Hochiminh Landfill gas project :
Project participants:
Ho Chi Minh People’s Committee
Environment of Ho Chi Minh City (Municipality of
Hochiminh City - Citenco).
Grontmij Climate & Energy (Hµ Lan).
Prototype Carbon Fund (PCF) of WB
Purpose and activity: landfill gas recovery
systems will be installed on three landfills: Dong
Thanh, Cu Chi, Go Vap
Current status: PDD is being formulated by
project participants
B. Planned activities of the CD4CDM Project in
the southern provinces/cities from August 2004
to December 2005
1. Organizing the Third National Workshop of
the CD4CDM Project in Ho Chi Minh City, 26
August 2004.
 Contents and objectives:
• Reporting progress and results of CD4CDM
Project implementation in the past time
• Discussing plan of cooperation between
MONRE and related organizations to carry out
project activities in southern provinces/cities
in the coming period.
2. Organizing the training workshop on
identification and formulation of CDM
projects in energy sector, Ho Chi Minh City,
B. Planned activities of the CD4CDM Project in
the southern provinces/cities from August 2004 to
December 2005 (cont.)
3. Cooperating with Ho Chi Minh University
of Agriculture and Forestry to compile a
CDM textbook in LULUCF
4. Cooperating with Ho Chi Minh Polytechnic
University to compile a CDM textbook,
focusing on energy sector
B. Planned activities of the CD4CDM Project in
the southern provinces/cities from August 2004 to
December 2005 (cont.)
5. Conducting
understanding for related stakeholders
(managers, policy makers, teachers,
scientists, officers, organizations, stateowned and private enterprises, public,
6. Organizing a training workshop for policy
makers on legal requirements for CDM
B. Planned activities of the CD4CDM Project in
the southern provinces/cities from August 2004 to
December 2005 (cont.)
7. Organizing a training workshop on CDM for
relevant stakeholders.
8. Organizing a seminar to introduce and disscuss
on technical issues related to CDM project
formulation (baseline, monitoring measures, etc.).
9. Organizing consultative workshops at national
and local level for policy makers, partners,
10. Cooperating
administrations to investigate main GHG sources
caused by energy activities in the southern
B. Planned activities of the CD4CDM Project in
the southern provinces/cities from August 2004
to December 2005 (cont.)
11. Cooperating with media, TV in Ho
Chi Minh City to build programmes
disseminating activities related to
12. Organizing
information to formulate baseline
and CDM project portfolio in the
southern provinces/cities
B. Planned activities of the CD4CDM Project in
the southern provinces/cities from August 2004 to
December 2005 (cont.)
13. Working with relevant partners to promote,
manage, monitor activities of Rang Dong Oil
Field Associated Gas Recovery and Utilization
Project in Ba Ria - Vung Tau Province
14. Working with relevant partners to promote
formulation of Project Design Documents for
Hochiminh City Landfill Gas Project and Fuel
Switching Model Project at the Thuduc Power
Plant #3 and other CDM potential projects in
the southern area.
C. Conclusions
 The southern provinces/cities, especially Ho Chi
Minh City, have many industrial zones, factories,
large urban area with big population. It is possible
to formulate CDM projects which attract domestic
and foreign investors.
 Activities in the Workplan of the CD4CDM project
in southern provinces/cities for next period
(August 2004 - December 2005) concern many
activities of agencies, organizations, local
 Enhancing cooperation between MONRE, the
Steering Board of the Project, ministries, branches
at central level and agencies, organizations in the
southern provinces/cities is a necessary factor to
ensure the general Workplan of the Project to
achieve objectives, contents, planned progress
C. Conclusions (Cont.)
 Success of the workplan of the CD4CDM in the
southern provinces/cities will take part in
promoting CDM activities in Viet Nam;
encourage stakeholders to participate in CDM
activities actively; attract foreign investments,
new technologies through implementation of
CDM projects in Viet Nam; contribute to
protect environment, climate and implement
sustainable eco-socio development objectives
at national level as well as province/city level
 MONRE, the Steering Board of the Project look
cooperation from the southern provinces/cities
to carry out successfully the General Workplan
of the CD4CDM Project
Thank you for your attention