
Module Title:
Health & Safety for Built Environment
Module code:
Semester(s) in which to
be offered:
Title of module being
replaced :
Originating Subject:
Module duration
(contact hours/
directed/directed private
Built Environment
With effect from:
Module Leader:
Status: option:
Programme(s) in which to be
offered: Option BSc (Hons)
Building Studies
Estate Agency
Estate Management
Sustainable Development
Landscape Design &
Credit Value:
C 60
D 60
PS 80
Percentage taught by Subjects other than
originating Subject :
Kevin Gilliam
All Built Environment
50% (School of Health- Centre for Occupational
Safety and Health)
Pre-requisites per programme
(between levels):
Co-requisites per programme
(within a level):
Module Aims:
1-To enable the student to develop an awareness of construction and industrial safety systems and the
risks to health and safety of construction and surveying activities.
2-To provide the student with skills and professional attributes of risk assessment and management
that are consistent with effective practice.
Expected Learning Outcomes
At the end of this module, students should be able to:
Knowledge and Understanding:
1. Assess a construction project and determine what requirements of the CDM regulations are
2. Know the legal obligations placed on all project participants and determine what steps must be
taken to ensure compliance with these legal obligations.
3. Fully understand the reasons for the legislation, and be able to advise others, if requested to do
so, on all aspects of the requirements of the regulations.
Other attributes:
Critical analysis
Observational Skills and Inquiry
Awareness of professional /cultural perspectives.
Synthesis of reports / advisory documents
Assessment: Coursework 100% as 2 assignments
The first assignment will be to assess the application of the CDM regulations to a specific project or
relevant activity whilst the second task will be to write a report that advises a ‘client’ on how to put
effective procedures in place to comply with H&S legislation.
Outcomes to be
Type of assessment
(if exam)
Word count or
equivalent if
Practical Assessment
Compliance Report
Learning and Teaching Strategies:
Lectures will be used to teach the principles of the regulations and duties of function holders; derive
the purpose of all documentation required and the history of the development of the regulations such
as the Latham Report and outline the legal responsibilities of the various parties.
Group discussions will be used to evaluate strategies available for the management of projects and
routine activities.
Tutorials will be used to undertake practical exercises to develop the ability to advise on appropriate
methods of developing documentation eg Pre-Tender Health and Safety Plan, Risk Assessment,
Method Statement, Health and Safety Plan, and Health and Safety File all within the guidelines of the
Approved Codes of Practice.
1-Function Holders.
Study the regulations with regard to the legal obligations and individual responsibilities imposed on
nominated ‘function holders’. Develop an understanding of the processes employed in the
management of the construction industry with particular reference to the relationships between
Cost, Time, and Quality and their effect on Health and Safety. Define the roles of Risk Assessments
and Method Statements in the management of Health and Safety in complex construction projects
where the application of the CDM regulations is a legal requirement.
2-The Pre-tender Health and Safety Plan.
Provide an understanding of the development of the Pre-tender Health and Safety Plan with the
correct understanding of its purpose. Be aware of the required content of the plan and of who must
contribute to this document. Outline the legal obligation for the production of the plan prior to
commencement of the project, and purpose, and content, of any previous Health and Safety File.
3-The Health and Safety Plan during construction
Provide a critical understanding of the development and purpose of the Health and Safety Plan,
including its required content and maintenance throughout the duration of the project. Develop an
awareness of the dynamic nature of this document and of the availability requirements to all parties
involved on the project.
4-The Health and Safety File
Provide a critical understanding of the requirement and purpose of the Health and Safety File
defining the function and content. Discuss the derivation of this document and the legal requirement
to have safe storage of it until further development of the site is proposed or it is required for
reference. Consider the contents of this file with regard to its purpose, usability and legal status.
5-Surveying Safely
The risks in lone working and those peculiar to surveying. Inspecting buildings, fieldwork, meeting
previously unknown clients, conducting viewings, occupied and vacant buildings and those in
disrepair. Professional guidelines.
Essential reading:
1. Statutory Instrument. (2007) The Construction (Design and Management) Regulations. London
2. HSC (2007). Managing health and safety in construction. ACoP. Sheffield.
3. Sir Michael Latham. (1994). Constructing The Team. London (The Stationery Office)
4. Report by The Construction Task Force. (1998). Rethinking Construction. London. (Dept of
Environment, Transport and the Regions.)
5. J Stranks (1996) Health and Safety Law, Financial Times Management
6. Report 166. CDM Regulations-Work sector guidance for designers. CIRIA London.
7. St John Holt, A. (2005) Principles of Construction Safety, Blackwell
8. Joyce, Raymond (2007) CDM Regulations 2007 Explained Sweet & Maxwell
Other indicative reading:
Professional Journals,
ISurv website
NAEA website & Suzy Lamplugh Trust
RICS Surveying Safely
Other reading as directed in module Guide and from time to time by module tutor.